LOL Schiff's breakdown admitting he's immoral and unpatriotic

Do we have to remind Adam Schiff that he, Hillary, and Obama have to abide by the same laws they keep squawking about?
Even the deplorables of Mayberry know this fact.

Chairman Schiff is a great American patriot.

Schiff is a hero! The mob that excuses whatever Trump screws up took a shot and got shot back. Pencil dicks!

Schiff scares them. He should. I consider him the most dangerous threat to Trump in the House. Schiff is brilliant and tenacious. Trump and his NaziCon base will be working overtime trying to discredit him.

So true. He put those little whiny bitches on his committee in their place.
HE SAID it's immoral, unpatriotic, collusion to seek dirt on opposition through Russia/ foreign entity, which is exactly what Schiff got caught doing with that Radio talk show host crank call and has been done by his party in starting the phoney investigation and colluded with Russians in order to spy on the opposition campaign. Last The Left used Russia and Mexico to get revenge on the party that took office.
The charge of abuse of his chair position is a no brainer and recorded on broadcasts he did proving his abuses.

The English skills of the Russians trolls is deteriorating.

Schiff gave an amazing speech yesterday and he was bang on.

Schiff is eventually going to be removed from this committee by his own party.
He lied, and has NO EVIDENCE, otherwise he would have given it to MUELLER.
He's embarrassing his party .

JUST IN: STRZOK and PAGE iPhones Were RESET During Mueller Investigation

Oh shut the fuck up. Schiff has done NOTHING WRONG, you stupid troll.

FREEDOM OF SPEECH you stupid Russian. Anybody can call Donald Trump a treasonous criminal and there is NOTHING he can fucking do about it.

And if Trump tries to go after Schiff, he'll be impeached by his own party.
Oh shut the fuck up. Schiff has done NOTHING WRONG, you stupid troll.

Except for the lying about having evidence he doesn't have AND the "colluding with Russians HE DID to get "dirt on Donald Trump -- you MIGHT have a case...

But since I'll wager GOOD amounts of money that you refused to LISTEN to Schiff "colluding with Russians" that I just posted and is widely available on the I-webs, you're just avoiding any truth or facts that might make uncomfortable... You're doing no good supporting bad actors like Schiff, Brennan, Clapper and your folk hero wannabee President Avenatti...

You've been played by a massive collusion of deranged Trump haters... Aint' your fault or my fault.. You have my pity for your situation and arrogance, gullibility and ignorance...
HE SAID it's immoral, unpatriotic, collusion to seek dirt on opposition through Russia/ foreign entity, which is exactly what Schiff got caught doing with that Radio talk show host crank call and has been done by his party in starting the phoney investigation and colluded with Russians in order to spy on the opposition campaign. Last The Left used Russia and Mexico to get revenge on the party that took office.
The charge of abuse of his chair position is a no brainer and recorded on broadcasts he did proving his abuses.

The English skills of the Russians trolls is deteriorating.

Schiff gave an amazing speech yesterday and he was bang on.

Schiff is eventually going to be removed from this committee by his own party.
He lied, and has NO EVIDENCE, otherwise he would have given it to MUELLER.
He's embarrassing his party .

JUST IN: STRZOK and PAGE iPhones Were RESET During Mueller Investigation

Oh shut the fuck up. Schiff has done NOTHING WRONG, you stupid troll.

FREEDOM OF SPEECH you stupid Russian. Anybody can call Donald Trump a treasonous criminal and there is NOTHING he can fucking do about it.

And if Trump tries to go after Schiff, he'll be impeached by his own party.
YOU DO REALIZE THAT Nadler, Feinstein, Shumer, Pelosi, Schiff and the MSM are all asking Barr to break the law by releasing info that is against the law to release. Ask yourself why?
MY BET is that they fear him & want to trap him to kick him out or taint him in narrative and get someone they can control liken to Rosenstein who was compromised.
Enjoy the show and please watch your language when in my threads.
HE SAID it's immoral, unpatriotic, collusion to seek dirt on opposition through Russia/ foreign entity, which is exactly what Schiff got caught doing with that Radio talk show host crank call and has been done by his party in starting the phoney investigation and colluded with Russians in order to spy on the opposition campaign. Last The Left used Russia and Mexico to get revenge on the party that took office.
The charge of abuse of his chair position is a no brainer and recorded on broadcasts he did proving his abuses.

Let's not forget he's the ultimate in hypocrites... Anyone NOT remember him getting caught "colluding with Russians he didn't even know --- to get dirt on Trump???

If this guy is your hero and you've never heard this --- WATCH...

THIS -- is proof enough of his worthless hack status.. This ought to be played on EVERY media outlet whenever he pushes his erotic Russian fantasies...

Was this when Schiff was running for office against Trump?

Oh you've got to be kidding right?? You DISMISS that massive show of hypocrisy I just posted from Schiff only BECAUSE -- he was not running for President?? Why you making excuses for naked hypocrisy and arrogance?

Schiff COLLUDED with UNKNOWN Russians -- just to get naked pictures of Trump with Russian hookers -- and that doesn't amount to anything? -- when he's going to ALL extremes to dig himself into a hole and LYING about Trump "colluding with Russians.???

Get off my cloud son....:lmao:

No the reason why it isn't the same is pretty simple. Schiff is a member of the House of Representatives and is the ranking leader of the House Intelligence Committee. That means he is supposed to hear things out like the information they were offering. THEN if he didn't turn that info over the the FBI, THEN he would be in the wrong. Trump's campaign team was offered dirt on their election opponent and didn't let anyone know.

I know you are smart enough to see the difference if you take off your rose colored glasses.
Truly this is a classic case of Schiffing the blame....Funny how no one brings up any collusion on the part of the democrats and the leaders of their party during their years in power.......What comes to mind is if you can’t dazzle them with your brilliance then try to dazzle them with your bulls..t ...Reminds me of chicken little running around screaming the sky is falling the sky is falling... The Russians are the new/ old bogey man...Golly wasn’t there a movie called the Russians are coming The Russians are coming and what did they find out in the end The Russians weren’t so bad and all they wanted was to get some repairs and get home.. Funny movie even funnier real life scenario with all the chicken littles running around screaming their heads off....
HE SAID it's immoral, unpatriotic, collusion to seek dirt on opposition through Russia/ foreign entity, which is exactly what Schiff got caught doing with that Radio talk show host crank call and has been done by his party in starting the phoney investigation and colluded with Russians in order to spy on the opposition campaign. Last The Left used Russia and Mexico to get revenge on the party that took office.
The charge of abuse of his chair position is a no brainer and recorded on broadcasts he did proving his abuses.

The English skills of the Russians trolls is deteriorating.

Schiff gave an amazing speech yesterday and he was bang on.

Schiff is eventually going to be removed from this committee by his own party.
He lied, and has NO EVIDENCE, otherwise he would have given it to MUELLER.
He's embarrassing his party .

JUST IN: STRZOK and PAGE iPhones Were RESET During Mueller Investigation

Oh shut the fuck up. Schiff has done NOTHING WRONG, you stupid troll.

FREEDOM OF SPEECH you stupid Russian. Anybody can call Donald Trump a treasonous criminal and there is NOTHING he can fucking do about it.

And if Trump tries to go after Schiff, he'll be impeached by his own party.
YOU DO REALIZE THAT Nadler, Feinstein, Shumer, Pelosi, Schiff and the MSM are all asking Barr to break the law by releasing info that is against the law to release. Ask yourself why?
MY BET is that they fear him & want to trap him to kick him out or taint him in narrative and get someone they can control liken to Rosenstein who was compromised.
Enjoy the show and please watch your language when in my threads.

These are not "your threads". And I will call you out on your lies and bullshit and I will use whatever language I deem appropriate. If you don't like it, don't post lies and bullshit.

And you post is TOTAL BULLSHIT. It is NOT illegal to release that report and Barr had promised Congress that he would do so.

The AMERICAN PEOPLE paid for that report, and it was written for them, on their nickel. The American people are ENTITLED to receive that report
Sorry Bitch, you are only getting a summary.

You weaponized The Media, FBI DOJ
And FISA against American Citizens.
Clapper and Brennan committed treason and weaponized our intelligence apparatus against We The People.

Obama and Clinton should be hung together as traitors and Russian Moles!

You are a traitorous whore yourself and you get NOTHING!!!

Change the law your DemNazis passed if you don’t like the law.

Elections have consequences and since when does the defeated get to set the terms of their surrender?

Eat Dirt

You don’t give a fuck about innocent people or the law. Dox you own gaping ass and shove Your Commemorative Editon Russian Collusion Putin Bobblehead right up your own dark cavernous hole with the Barr Summary if you feel so empty without the full report.

HE SAID it's immoral, unpatriotic, collusion to seek dirt on opposition through Russia/ foreign entity, which is exactly what Schiff got caught doing with that Radio talk show host crank call and has been done by his party in starting the phoney investigation and colluded with Russians in order to spy on the opposition campaign. Last The Left used Russia and Mexico to get revenge on the party that took office.
The charge of abuse of his chair position is a no brainer and recorded on broadcasts he did proving his abuses.

The English skills of the Russians trolls is deteriorating.

Schiff gave an amazing speech yesterday and he was bang on.

Schiff is eventually going to be removed from this committee by his own party.
He lied, and has NO EVIDENCE, otherwise he would have given it to MUELLER.
He's embarrassing his party .

JUST IN: STRZOK and PAGE iPhones Were RESET During Mueller Investigation

Oh shut the fuck up. Schiff has done NOTHING WRONG, you stupid troll.

FREEDOM OF SPEECH you stupid Russian. Anybody can call Donald Trump a treasonous criminal and there is NOTHING he can fucking do about it.

And if Trump tries to go after Schiff, he'll be impeached by his own party.
YOU DO REALIZE THAT Nadler, Feinstein, Shumer, Pelosi, Schiff and the MSM are all asking Barr to break the law by releasing info that is against the law to release. Ask yourself why?
MY BET is that they fear him & want to trap him to kick him out or taint him in narrative and get someone they can control liken to Rosenstein who was compromised.
Enjoy the show and please watch your language when in my threads.

These are not "your threads". And I will call you out on your lies and bullshit and I will use whatever language I deem appropriate. If you don't like it, don't post lies and bullshit.

And you post is TOTAL BULLSHIT. It is NOT illegal to release that report and Barr had promised Congress that he would do so.

The AMERICAN PEOPLE paid for that report, and it was written for them, on their nickel. The American people are ENTITLED to receive that report
Last edited:
Trump said tonight Schiff has the skinniest neck he's ever seen...called him pencil neck....

Trump said a lot of childish stuff tonight. He always does.

He’s dealt with three years of bullshit, and shit still won’t shut up. Plus he has crazy eyes [emoji102]. Maybe he should mate with AOC, and they can have a scary baby [emoji64] together. You know I am right.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
HE SAID it's immoral, unpatriotic, collusion to seek dirt on opposition through Russia/ foreign entity, which is exactly what Schiff got caught doing with that Radio talk show host crank call and has been done by his party in starting the phoney investigation and colluded with Russians in order to spy on the opposition campaign. Last The Left used Russia and Mexico to get revenge on the party that took office.
The charge of abuse of his chair position is a no brainer and recorded on broadcasts he did proving his abuses.

Let's not forget he's the ultimate in hypocrites... Anyone NOT remember him getting caught "colluding with Russians he didn't even know --- to get dirt on Trump???

If this guy is your hero and you've never heard this --- WATCH...

THIS -- is proof enough of his worthless hack status.. This ought to be played on EVERY media outlet whenever he pushes his erotic Russian fantasies...

Uncle Don should use those passwords during his next rally. That would be ridiculous. Schiff is such a putz. They should have finished their phone conversation saying bababooey.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Chairman Schiff is a great American patriot.

Schiff is a hero! The mob that excuses whatever Trump screws up took a shot and got shot back. Pencil dicks!

Schiff scares them. He should. I consider him the most dangerous threat to Trump in the House. Schiff is brilliant and tenacious. Trump and his NaziCon base will be working overtime trying to discredit him.

You love Schiff. You are his lover.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
HE SAID it's immoral, unpatriotic, collusion to seek dirt on opposition through Russia/ foreign entity, which is exactly what Schiff got caught doing with that Radio talk show host crank call and has been done by his party in starting the phoney investigation and colluded with Russians in order to spy on the opposition campaign. Last The Left used Russia and Mexico to get revenge on the party that took office.
The charge of abuse of his chair position is a no brainer and recorded on broadcasts he did proving his abuses.

The English skills of the Russians trolls is deteriorating.

Schiff gave an amazing speech yesterday and he was bang on.

Schiff is eventually going to be removed from this committee by his own party.
He lied, and has NO EVIDENCE, otherwise he would have given it to MUELLER.
He's embarrassing his party .

JUST IN: STRZOK and PAGE iPhones Were RESET During Mueller Investigation

Oh shut the fuck up. Schiff has done NOTHING WRONG, you stupid troll.

FREEDOM OF SPEECH you stupid Russian. Anybody can call Donald Trump a treasonous criminal and there is NOTHING he can fucking do about it.

And if Trump tries to go after Schiff, he'll be impeached by his own party.
YOU DO REALIZE THAT Nadler, Feinstein, Shumer, Pelosi, Schiff and the MSM are all asking Barr to break the law by releasing info that is against the law to release. Ask yourself why?
MY BET is that they fear him & want to trap him to kick him out or taint him in narrative and get someone they can control liken to Rosenstein who was compromised.
Enjoy the show and please watch your language when in my threads.

These are not "your threads". And I will call you out on your lies and bullshit and I will use whatever language I deem appropriate. If you don't like it, don't post lies and bullshit.

And you post is TOTAL BULLSHIT. It is NOT illegal to release that report and Barr had promised Congress that he would do so.

The AMERICAN PEOPLE paid for that report, and it was written for them, on their nickel. The American people are ENTITLED to receive that report
You misrepresented what I said which is typical.
Your word play is typical behavior by those who NEED to change the narrative.
THE LAW IS YOU CAN'T RELEASE SPECIFIC THINGS BECAUSE OF PRIVACY RIGHTS AND YOU CAN'T RELEASE THINGS THAT ARE CLASSIFIED OR COMPROMISE TECHNIQUES OR AGENTS OR SOURCES. I NEVER SAID it was against the law to release the report, so the fact you don't know the difference shows you've been duped by your news sources who are lawless and or you are trying to deceive others.
READ THE OP, I started the thread(thus my thread) and I asked you nicely to behave accordingly.
I don't know who you hang out with, but I command respect and proper human behavior.
There's no room for deplorable behavior in here, right?
Truly this is a classic case of Schiffing the blame....Funny how no one brings up any collusion on the part of the democrats and the leaders of their party during their years in power.......What comes to mind is if you can’t dazzle them with your brilliance then try to dazzle them with your bulls..t ...Reminds me of chicken little running around screaming the sky is falling the sky is falling... The Russians are the new/ old bogey man...Golly wasn’t there a movie called the Russians are coming The Russians are coming and what did they find out in the end The Russians weren’t so bad and all they wanted was to get some repairs and get home.. Funny movie even funnier real life scenario with all the chicken littles running around screaming their heads off....
DEMS did more then just collude with Russians, they inadvertantly did what Russia themselves couldn't do-disrupt, corrupt, foreign relations interference and take away negotiating leverage.
They also colluded with more then just Russia, they got caught colluding with Ukraine and Mexico as well.
Truly this is a classic case of Schiffing the blame....Funny how no one brings up any collusion on the part of the democrats and the leaders of their party during their years in power.......What comes to mind is if you can’t dazzle them with your brilliance then try to dazzle them with your bulls..t ...Reminds me of chicken little running around screaming the sky is falling the sky is falling... The Russians are the new/ old bogey man...Golly wasn’t there a movie called the Russians are coming The Russians are coming and what did they find out in the end The Russians weren’t so bad and all they wanted was to get some repairs and get home.. Funny movie even funnier real life scenario with all the chicken littles running around screaming their heads off....
DEMS did more then just collude with Russians, they inadvertantly did what Russia themselves couldn't do-disrupt, corrupt, foreign relations interference and take away negotiating leverage.
They also colluded with more then just Russia, they got caught colluding with Ukraine and Mexico as well.

Not true. This is a dishonest conspiracy and fake news thread.

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