LOLOL.............Illegals flooding NYC schools

20 year old men in class with teen age girls. They can't speak English. They can't speak Spanish. They were told they had jobs waiting for them. That's money needed at home. That's okay, the gangs will help them. The gangs will give them work. Even the girls will go into prostitution.

New York better step up the pace in defunding the police.
20 year old men in class with teen age girls. They can't speak English. They can't speak Spanish. They were told they had jobs waiting for them. That's money needed at home. That's okay, the gangs will help them. The gangs will give them work. Even the girls will go into prostitution.

New York better step up the pace in defunding the police.

And those 20 year old dudes can use the girls' bathroom if they feel like it on any given day.
20 year old men in class with teen age girls. They can't speak English. They can't speak Spanish. They were told they had jobs waiting for them. That's money needed at home. That's okay, the gangs will help them. The gangs will give them work. Even the girls will go into prostitution.

New York better step up the pace in defunding the police.
Did you think that new immigrants to NYC got the gold carpet treatment or they were poor and usually always went into crime to support themselves?
Oh fucks sake. Can we just vote Biden out or do something and get a sane person in there that isn't part of his administration already?

This insanity was funny to start with, or it was amusing to see democrat cities go down the shitter but everyday more and more of its happening and we're at the point it's not going to be funny anymore because it's going to spill over to other states and cities and the rest of the country will be impacted by these assholes.

It's just going way too far now and shows no signs of slowing down.
What is Biden doing any different than what previous president have done with regard to immigrants? Trump abused the children and so did Oblama, isn't that what you people want?

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