London Parliament shooting

That is one disgusting human being. How in the phuck did they rig London's Election to put that piece of shit in to office?
And why does Lefty get on his knees to offer to suck that guy's dick?
If this is in reference to Sadiq Khan how he got elected is easy. You get a bunch of muslim immigrants to move to London, when they get enough of a base they start electing themselves into office with the help of bleeding heart liberals. They essentially colonize, that's how he got into office. They have done this all over Europe and will do it to America.

Oh the irony ! Since they are there becaus of England's imperialism.

So are you saying England has no right to self preservation? Funny, cause I thought these Europeans that the left here in the US always wants to model us after were supposed to be so kind and tolerant. People in England don't even carry guns because they don't want to hurt people. Seems to me people in England have turned from their violent colonial days long ago, so this generation has it comming according to you doesn't it Timmy? I find you a hateful person, am I really wrong about that?
Have the "Muslims Fear Backlash" stories started yet?
Have the "Snowflakes Call For Restrictions On Travel For Muslims" stories started yet?

nice avatar

and not wanting folks to die for stupid reasons is not being a snowflake
Over-reacting to threats is though.

Just because you see the attacks as perfectly normal, that does not mean others are over-reacting.

It just means you aren't reacting as any normal, decent human should react.
When did I say that I see attacks as perfectly normal?
Like anything in life you assess the risk and act accordingly.
How many more people die in car crashes in the US...or anywhere else for that matter...?
Does it stop people from driving?

You have been indulging in nothing beyond mindless apologia this entire thread, and tis particular red herring of yours is indicative of a mind that simply refuses to think.

Why the hive mind keeps tossing out these ridiculous excuses to avoid the issue of Islam is anybody's guess. My theory is that you all do it simply because you are imitating other similarly mindless individuals who do the same.

This is about Islam, as people keep attempting to get through that thick head of yours. Islam is an ideology, and an all-encompassing one that seeks to micromanage people's lives down to the minutia. It is intolerant, it is illiberal, it is totalitarian and it is inimical to the enlightened values of our civilization.

How you non liberal leftists can claim to be liberal is nothing but a sign of a deeply ingrained system of denial. What you claim to stand for, and what you actually defend are such world's apart as to be far beyond the realm of rationality.
That is one disgusting human being. How in the phuck did they rig London's Election to put that piece of shit in to office?
And why does Lefty get on his knees to offer to suck that guy's dick?
If this is in reference to Sadiq Khan how he got elected is easy. You get a bunch of muslim immigrants to move to London, when they get enough of a base they start electing themselves into office with the help of bleeding heart liberals. They essentially colonize, that's how he got into office. They have done this all over Europe and will do it to America.

Oh the irony ! Since they are there becaus of England's imperialism.

So are you saying England has no right to self preservation? Funny, cause I thought these Europeans that the left here in the US always wants to model us after were supposed to be so kind and tolerant. People in England don't even carry guns because they don't want to hurt people. Seems to me people in England have turned from their violent colonial days long ago, so this generation has it comming according to you doesn't it Timmy? I find you a hateful person, am I really wrong about that?
People in England don't carry guns because their Kings and Queens have disarmed them so that they won't be a threat.

This was mostly an issue during the Protestant / Catholic wars there starting with Henry the 8th.

This has turned England into a knife culture, ever since Jack The Ripper in 1888.

Now as usual only outlaws have guns in England. The sawed off shotgun is probably the most popular criminal gun because shotguns can be readily had and/or stolen.
Attacker- Khalid Masood, 52 yrs old, numerous offenses, none terror related, other than charged with offensive weapons.
Is the twitter in red for you, my first word? If so, click on it. Here is a screen shot from the video, but watch it if you can.

They state the Queen must convert to Islam.
Search Twitter - London

Twitter video muslims in London, Queen must convert
(Wish I could embed twitter video here)
Sorry, we aren't seeing any links or vids, kid. But in my minds eye I am seeing some poor immigrant black Muslim kid on you tube from the east end of London from Moronastan angry because he feels displaced, then spouts some bullshit about disillusionment and racism and how much better it was in Moronostan, and all these white blighters don't understand worshiping the caterpillar god from Moronastan is SOO much better. That means: English people can be harmed for welcoming you? Wait a minute... is that the message here?
I think they're dreaming :biggrin:
A Muslim Queen of England is comical in 2017 ;)
I heard she was rescued. She had some injuries, and is in the hospital-
Woman who fell into Thames during London terror attack was on trip with fiancé
Anybody hear if the person who threw themselves off the bridge to avoid being an Islamic hood ornament made it?
Glad she and her fiancee are still alive,I wish her speedy recovery. All the news stations show her going into the water but not one I saw said whether or not she made it. Thanks. :)
Now this is interesting. He Had been investigated and dismissed as a peripheral figure. Sounds like so many of the attackers here...

Theresa May earlier revealed MI5 intelligence chiefs had previously investigated 52-year-old Khalid Masood but dismissed him as a “peripheral figure”.
Now this is interesting. He Had been investigated and dismissed as a peripheral figure. Sounds like so many of the attackers here...

Theresa May earlier revealed MI5 intelligence chiefs had previously investigated 52-year-old Khalid Masood but dismissed him as a “peripheral figure”.
How many times have we heard this,"he was looked at" the the powers that be yet nothing was done or he was dismissed. What good is all this intelligence gathering if it doesn't stop these morons?
The intermountain news said the pair from Utah were senior (old age) missionaries visiting as tourists on their wedding anniversary. The hubby was KIA and the wife is in the hospital recovering.

So now I am wondering whether the remaining family will change their religion from Theist to Deist ??

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