London Parliament shooting

I am a rational person, I fear things that are threats. I fear Muslims, because it's a reasonable reaction to a real threat. As for Islamophobia, when I see big strong MUSLIM men in the Iraqi army pushing out the Daesh in Mosul, scared to death of children or women in burkas because THEY could have bombs strapped on them, that's telling there. If even Muslims can't tell who is the bad guy here, how are the rest of us?
meanwhile on CNN (yes this was earlier today)...

"My family is currently seeking "refugee status" from "war torn" Chicago. Can they get money, a car and free housing??"

they wouldn't get it cos they ain't Muslim, right?
Have the "Muslims Fear Backlash" stories started yet?
Have the "Snowflakes Call For Restrictions On Travel For Muslims" stories started yet?

nice avatar

and not wanting folks to die for stupid reasons is not being a snowflake
Over-reacting to threats is though.
Liberals HATE backlashes. Unless it's black live matters people backlash to white cop shootings, or say, lib intellectuals like Noam Chomsky excusing 9/11 as MUSLIM backlash against American imperialism...and so it goes. Depends on who's ox is being gored, I guess.
Have the "Muslims Fear Backlash" stories started yet?
Have the "Snowflakes Call For Restrictions On Travel For Muslims" stories started yet?

nice avatar

and not wanting folks to die for stupid reasons is not being a snowflake
Over-reacting to threats is though.
Liberals HATE backlashes. Unless it's black live matters people backlash to white cop shootings, or say, lib intellectuals like Noam Chomsky excusing 9/11 as MUSLIM backlash against American imperialism...and so it goes. Depends on who's ox is being gored, I guess.
Chomsky excused the 9/11 attacks?
Have the "Muslims Fear Backlash" stories started yet?
Have the "Snowflakes Call For Restrictions On Travel For Muslims" stories started yet?

nice avatar

and not wanting folks to die for stupid reasons is not being a snowflake
Over-reacting to threats is though.
Liberals HATE backlashes. Unless it's black live matters people backlash to white cop shootings, or say, lib intellectuals like Noam Chomsky excusing 9/11 as MUSLIM backlash against American imperialism...and so it goes. Depends on who's ox is being gored, I guess.
Chomsky excused the 9/11 attacks?
It rather sounded that way. To me, Chomsky sounded like he was reaching, like he overstepped. Either way, he characterized 9/11 as a BACKLASH against western culture by hateful people that are living in the 13th century. ( My words, not his). I don't have a bloody clue why Noam would defend such a thing. Given his reputation as a free thinking agnostic, why he would lend credence to a religious hate cult like Islam, boggles my mind.
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"no society is behaving like Western society is doing now, in such a masochistic way!" - Tucker to Nigel Farage, who agrees.
Have the "Muslims Fear Backlash" stories started yet?
Have the "Snowflakes Call For Restrictions On Travel For Muslims" stories started yet?

nice avatar

and not wanting folks to die for stupid reasons is not being a snowflake
Over-reacting to threats is though.

Just because you see the attacks as perfectly normal, that does not mean others are over-reacting.

It just means you aren't reacting as any normal, decent human should react.
Have the "Snowflakes Call For Restrictions On Travel For Muslims" stories started yet?

nice avatar

and not wanting folks to die for stupid reasons is not being a snowflake
Over-reacting to threats is though.
Liberals HATE backlashes. Unless it's black live matters people backlash to white cop shootings, or say, lib intellectuals like Noam Chomsky excusing 9/11 as MUSLIM backlash against American imperialism...and so it goes. Depends on who's ox is being gored, I guess.
Chomsky excused the 9/11 attacks?
It rather sounded that way. To me, Chomsky sounded like he was reaching, like he overstepped. Either way, he characterized 9/11 as a BACKLASH against western culture by hateful people that are living in the 13th century. ( My words, not his). I don't have a bloody clue why Noam would defend such a thing. Given his reputation as a free thinking agnostic, why he would lend credence to a religious hate cult like Islam, boggles my mind.
Trying to understand the motivation and excusing the act are two completely different things.
Have the "Muslims Fear Backlash" stories started yet?
Have the "Snowflakes Call For Restrictions On Travel For Muslims" stories started yet?

nice avatar

and not wanting folks to die for stupid reasons is not being a snowflake
Over-reacting to threats is though.

Just because you see the attacks as perfectly normal, that does not mean others are over-reacting.

It just means you aren't reacting as any normal, decent human should react.
When did I say that I see attacks as perfectly normal?
Like anything in life you assess the risk and act accordingly.
How many more people die in car crashes in the US...or anywhere else for that matter...?
Does it stop people from driving?
Mayor of London: "Terror attacks are part and parcel of living in a big city."

Tokyo: biggest city in the world.. NO ISLAMIC TERRORISM.
Because they do not let Muslims get permanent residence and they track them as anyone with common sense would.
"no society is behaving like Western society is doing now, in such a masochistic way!" - Tucker to Nigel Farage, who agrees.
Definitely a self destructive thing going on here, embracing, tolerating if not encouraging ideologies and mindsets that would destroy us. Call me fickle, but I don't want ANY of that, let's be reasonable here. Let's step back from the abyss. Intolerance and racism is one thing, but enabling people that would destroy our culture like Islam and their brand of haters and religious psychopaths, that is self deluding and suicidal. And just plain STUPID.
"no society is behaving like Western society is doing now, in such a masochistic way!" - Tucker to Nigel Farage, who agrees.
Definitely a self destructive thing going on here, embracing, tolerating if not encouraging ideologies and mindsets that would destroy us. Call me fickle, but I don't want ANY of that, let's be reasonable here. Let's step back from the abyss. Intolerance and racism is one thing, but enabling people that would destroy our culture like Islam and their brand of haters and religious psychopaths, that is self deluding and suicidal. And just plain STUPID.
Personally, I don't want to enable any haters or matter what religion or philosophy they follow.
Mayor of London: "Terror attacks are part and parcel of living in a big city."

Tokyo: biggest city in the world.. NO ISLAMIC TERRORISM.
Because they do not let Muslims get permanent residence and they track them as anyone with common sense would.
That's not true.
Muslims in Japan
Lol, Snopes?
Demography of Japan - Wikipedia
All non-Japanese without special residential status (people whose residential roots go back to before WWII) are required by law to register with the government and carry alien registration cards. From the early 1980s, a civil disobedience movement encouraged refusal of the fingerprinting that accompanied registration every five years.

Opponents of fingerprinting argued that it was discriminatory because the only Japanese who were fingerprinted were criminals. The courts upheld fingerprinting, but the law was changed so that fingerprinting was done once rather than with each renewal of the registration, which until a law reform in 1989 was usually required every six months for anybody from the age of 16. Those refusing fingerprinting were denied re-entry permits, thus depriving them of freedom of movement.

Of these foreign residents below, the new wave started 2014 comes to japan as students or trainees. These foreigners are registered under student visa or trainee visa which gives them the student residency status, Most of these new foreigners are under this visa. Almost all of these foreign students and trainees will go back to their home country after 3-4 years (This is the time normally the visa sponsored lasts), not a lot of students extends their visa. Vietnamese makes the largest increase, however Burmese, Cambodians, Filipinos and Chinese are also increasing.​

Of the top ten ethnicities in Japan, only one is a predominately Muslim country, Indonesia, and only there are only 25,500 of them in Japan.

Most estimates of the Muslim population give a range around 100,000 total.

Only 100k out of 127 million people is fairly substantial evidence that the Japanese do not allow Muslims into their country by practice, though not by the letter of the law.

As far as refugees goes, Japan's support of refugee programs is a joke.

Immigration to Japan - Wikipedia
As of December 2015 Japan had 13,831 asylum applications under review.[16] In 2016, more than 10,000 applications for refugee status in Japan were received and in the same year 28 asylum applications were approved.[17] In 2015, more than 7,500 people applied for refugee status and 27 asylum applications were approved. In 2014, more than 5000 applications were made and 11 applications were approved.[18] Recent low approval rates for asylum applications follow historic trends; in a 22 year period from 1982 to 2004, a total of 330 applications for asylum were approved, an average of 15 per year.
No Japan does not put up with the bullshit that Western Christian nations do because they are not demented with guilt.
Personally, I don't want to enable any haters or matter what religion or philosophy they follow.
Oh, horse shit, the left is the primary source of racial and religious hatred in Western society, most of it directed at white heterosexual male Christians.

IDB, I apologize for my rudeness. You generally are not rude and I should not be rude to you in return.

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