Longtime GOP insider Cheri Jacobus: America is "not going to recover from Donald Trump"

Longtime GOP insider Cheri Jacobus​

Never even heard of her so now we are supposed to take her word? What if someone says that we won't survive WITHOUT Trump? Why are these people never quoted?

Who wants the GOP to survive? The democrat party is now evil, anti-American and socialist, they already have one foot in the grave while still digging, and the GOP is about as useful as a bag of rocks. So why are we angsting over the GOP? Was anyone worried about the GOP when the Tea Party was around?

MAGA and America First is what the GOP ought to be, and is slowly being transformed into a constitutional party again as the dead wood is flushed out the back door.

Bye Bye, Mitch.

See the source image
1.) Impeachment is a partisan political process. What "abuse of power" was he accused of? What "abuse of power" was he found guilty of?

2.) So you lied because it benefitted your broadcast of propaganda?

3.) Loser is just a word that is subjective especially when used by dishonest shills like yourself. Define Loser since you have been on a 6 year witch hunt and character assassination of the man and he is more popular than even and is the odds on favorite to be the next president and he has beaten you at every turn even when you paid Putin to write a dirty dossier for you.
1. Dismiss it as partisan politics all you want but it still happened. He used his position as POTUS to leverage financial aid to Ukraine in exchange for dirt against a political opponent. Then he used his platform as POTUS to spread lies about the election and invited a mob to protest the election which led to a violent riot at the capitals. The fact that you don’t know these things shows how insulated you are in whichever media echo chamber you live in.
Loser is just a word that is subjective especially when used by dishonest shills like yourself. Define Loser since you have been on a 6 year witch hunt and character assassination of the man and he is more popular than even and is the odds on favorite to be the next president and he has beaten you at every turn even when you paid Putin to write a dirty dossier for you.
No Loser is quit literal. He lost the house, then the senate, then the presidency all in 4 short years. That’s losing. He is a LOSER
I already proved you are a liar. Everyone knows you are a partisan lying propagandist hack.
What is the point in you pretending you aren't, comrade?
Hahahahaha. You wouldn’t know how to prove what 2+2 equals. You don’t even try. You just lie and pretend like you’ve proven something. Grow up

Longtime GOP insider Cheri Jacobus: America is "not going to recover from Donald Trump"​

'Longtime GOP Insider' = Washington Establishment


'We're all doomed, he will turn the sun blood red, wipe out the ozone, destroy the earth....'

No Loser is quit literal. He lost the house, then the senate, then the presidency all in 4 short years. That’s losing. He is a LOSER
You can't lose a rigged race. That is why it is called a rigged race. You almost got caught too, but for the judges your CCP-Chicom-Ruskie 666 Globalist Party bought and paid for.

The evidence is out there comrade. You just like to ignore it.

Now back to your daily routine of worshipping EmperorShitzHizPantz and being his number one diaper changer.
Hahahahaha. You wouldn’t know how to prove what 2+2 equals. You don’t even try. You just lie and pretend like you’ve proven something. Grow up
I have nothing to prove. You have proven that you are a liar yourself in your own words.
I don't lie, deflect and fail to legitimately answer direct questions like you do.
That is the venue of liars. Your venue.
You can't lose a rigged race. That is why it is called a rigged race. You almost got caught too, but for the judges your CCP-Chicom-Ruskie 666 Globalist Party bought and paid for.

The evidence is out there comrade. You just like to ignore it.

Now back to your daily routine of worshipping EmperorShitzHizPantz and being his number one diaper changer.
Spoken like a true loser. Can’t admit defeat so call it rigged. Oldest trick in the book and not very clever.
I have nothing to prove. You have proven that you are a liar yourself in your own words.
I don't lie, deflect and fail to legitimately answer direct questions like you do.
That is the venue of liars. Your venue.
Correct, you have nothing to prove. You are very transparent. You’re lack of ability to prove anything you say is enough to not take anything you say seriously.
Spoken like a true loser. Can’t admit defeat so call it rigged. Oldest trick in the book and not very clever.
Oh, it's not a baseless accusation. There are thousands of affidavits signed under penalty of perjury about 1,000s of incidents observed where election fraud was being committed.

Same as when people who knew told you that Obama, Biden and Clinton financed and planned the beginnings of Operation Russian Collusion - Crossfire Hurricane as a way to overthrow our Democracy and usurp the rightful and duly elected president of The United States and unlawfully remove him from office.

You lied and lied and lied about that too until you simply exhausted yourself and no longer wanted to talk about your lies because they were blowing up in your face.
and Donald Trump won't recover from Donald Trump either...the backlash has started!

Trump is the best thing that has happened to the GOP party in a long time.

For years the leadership of the Republcian Party was composed of RINOs. They even ran for President. Both Mitt Romney and John McCaine qualified as RINOs when they campaigned for President which is the main reason they lost.

You can bet your ass we would have passed a new Assault Weapons Ban if either Romney or McCain had been elected to the Oval Office.

The old GOP elephant has passed and it is a good thing. He was old, worn out and wimpy, wimpy, wimpy. The new GOP will be full of Trump Deplorables willing to fight for those who elected them. Once again who you vote for will actually make a real difference.

Oh, it's not a baseless accusation. There are thousands of affidavits signed under penalty of perjury about 1,000s of incidents observed where election fraud was being committed.

Same as when people who knew told you that Obama, Biden and Clinton financed and planned the beginnings of Operation Russian Collusion - Crossfire Hurricane as a way to overthrow our Democracy and usurp the rightful and duly elected president of The United States and unlawfully remove him from office.

You lied and lied and lied about that too until you simply exhausted yourself and no longer wanted to talk about your lies because they were blowing up in your face.
Ok and despite not being able to use the affidavits to prove anything in dozens of courts spread across the land some presided over by judges that were appointed by Trump the next retarded excuse must be that all the judges are corrupt deep state puppets complicit in stealing a presidential election. Is that correct?
Ok and despite not being able to use the affidavits to prove anything in dozens of courts spread across the land some presided over by judges that were appointed by Trump the next retarded excuse must be that all the judges are corrupt deep state puppets complicit in stealing a presidential election. Is that correct?
Yes or No.

Did The FBI knowingly file False Affidavits in FISA court to launch an illicit investigation against President Trump based on a Russian Collusion Accusation that The FBI knew was false and knew that Obama, Clinton and Biden not only initiated said Investigation but actually paid for The Dirty Dossier created by Steele, Skirpal, and Russian Associates?

Once a country creates secret courts you are under tyranny and No Court of Law can be trusted to dispense justice.

What is your answer?

Who gave the order for Operation Russian Collusion - Crossfire Hurricane?

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