Look how the press parrots the left talking points

They take a fact - black children are disciplined at a higher per capita rate than their Caucasian or Asian peers - and it is assumed evidence of bias. This is how it begins. Let's not consider that those children are misbehaving at a higher per capita rate than their Caucasian or Asian peers - let's ignore the breakdown of the black family, the absence of the black father, the permissive victimology that tells the black child - you can't be held to the same behavioral standards as the rest of the class.

Another article...re: the 'affirmative action program of equal discipline'

'Social-justice activists assumed that just as racial disparities in the criminal-justice system must be evidence that cops are (at least implicitly) racist, so too racial disparities in school suspensions must be evidence that teachers are (at least implicitly) racist. Therefore, teachers — like cops — have to be restrained.'


Never ever will it be enough. These people need to be told to shut up at every opportunity.
There is no 'Press', hasn't been since the 1980's, actually, so no need to pretend there is.
Why Trump's latest plan to reduce gun violence could instead promote racism

Just ignore the reality of what caused Cruz to not be arrested any of the times he did ILLEGAL shit. Keep reporting that violent black kids should be ignored. Violent minority should get a pass till they kill someone.

So you would support a law that said people arrested for misdemeanors are then not eligible to buy guns ?
He committed several felonies but as to your question several misdemeanors already bar firearms like domestic abuse or even just accusation of domestic abuse.

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