Looking BAD ABNORMALS! Majority of Americans now say they approve of Trump's handling of coronavirus

He just has to win re-election, crush China the way Reagan crushed Russia, and his name will be repeated for hundreds of years.
Once again the Dims and the fake news media tried their best to smear Trump, but they failed. Americans have observed for themselves what a bunch of frauds they are. Trump was brilliant for having daily news conferences on this topic and thereby giving all the scumbags the opportunity to expose themselves.

Americans Rejecting Hysterical Criticism of Trump

It seems amazing that the public is ignoring the unhinged criticism and hate directed at the president and are standing behind him in this time of crisis.

The latest evidence for that is a new Morning Consult poll out today that shows a surprising jump in support for Trump's handling of the crisis. Yesterday, Matt Margolis covered similar polls from ABC and Harris.

Given the overwhelmingly negative coverage by the fake news media, complete with blatantly false stories, the fact that Trump’s approval in handling the pandemic is in positive territory is remarkable. One can only imagine what Trump’s numbers would be if Democrats weren’t politicizing the pandemic and he was getting fair coverage from the media.

Today, the morning consult poll shows 53 percent of voters approve of Trump's crisis management, while only 39 percent disapprove. significantly, there was a sizable increase in support from Democrats and independents.

The uptick was largely driven by 8-point bumps in approval among Democrats (from 18 percent to 26 percent) and independents (from 43 percent to 51 percent), while positive sentiment among GOP voters rose from 83 percent to 87 percent.

Trump started to tell the truth, so people approve of his handling a bit more...what an amazing concept.

I bet the idea of being truthful never occurred to you or him, did it?
No one who defends the fake news media is in any position to attack Trump about telling the truth.
Once again the Dims and the fake news media tried their best to smear Trump, but they failed. Americans have observed for themselves what a bunch of frauds they are. Trump was brilliant for having daily news conferences on this topic and thereby giving all the scumbags the opportunity to expose themselves.

Americans Rejecting Hysterical Criticism of Trump

It seems amazing that the public is ignoring the unhinged criticism and hate directed at the president and are standing behind him in this time of crisis.

The latest evidence for that is a new Morning Consult poll out today that shows a surprising jump in support for Trump's handling of the crisis. Yesterday, Matt Margolis covered similar polls from ABC and Harris.

Given the overwhelmingly negative coverage by the fake news media, complete with blatantly false stories, the fact that Trump’s approval in handling the pandemic is in positive territory is remarkable. One can only imagine what Trump’s numbers would be if Democrats weren’t politicizing the pandemic and he was getting fair coverage from the media.

Today, the morning consult poll shows 53 percent of voters approve of Trump's crisis management, while only 39 percent disapprove. significantly, there was a sizable increase in support from Democrats and independents.

The uptick was largely driven by 8-point bumps in approval among Democrats (from 18 percent to 26 percent) and independents (from 43 percent to 51 percent), while positive sentiment among GOP voters rose from 83 percent to 87 percent.

Trump started to tell the truth, so people approve of his handling a bit more...what an amazing concept.

I bet the idea of being truthful never occurred to you or him, did it?
you are lying by saying he didn't tell the truth = you are a hypocrite and a liar
Once again the Dims and the fake news media tried their best to smear Trump, but they failed. Americans have observed for themselves what a bunch of frauds they are. Trump was brilliant for having daily news conferences on this topic and thereby giving all the scumbags the opportunity to expose themselves.

Americans Rejecting Hysterical Criticism of Trump

It seems amazing that the public is ignoring the unhinged criticism and hate directed at the president and are standing behind him in this time of crisis.

The latest evidence for that is a new Morning Consult poll out today that shows a surprising jump in support for Trump's handling of the crisis. Yesterday, Matt Margolis covered similar polls from ABC and Harris.

Given the overwhelmingly negative coverage by the fake news media, complete with blatantly false stories, the fact that Trump’s approval in handling the pandemic is in positive territory is remarkable. One can only imagine what Trump’s numbers would be if Democrats weren’t politicizing the pandemic and he was getting fair coverage from the media.

Today, the morning consult poll shows 53 percent of voters approve of Trump's crisis management, while only 39 percent disapprove. significantly, there was a sizable increase in support from Democrats and independents.

The uptick was largely driven by 8-point bumps in approval among Democrats (from 18 percent to 26 percent) and independents (from 43 percent to 51 percent), while positive sentiment among GOP voters rose from 83 percent to 87 percent.

Trump started to tell the truth, so people approve of his handling a bit more...what an amazing concept.

I bet the idea of being truthful never occurred to you or him, did it?

Methinks a line of Ku Klux Klan paraders on a rainy December day in Wisconsin would agree with that.
Of course there is approval, he FINALLY did something.
Once again the Dims and the fake news media tried their best to smear Trump, but they failed. Americans have observed for themselves what a bunch of frauds they are. Trump was brilliant for having daily news conferences on this topic and thereby giving all the scumbags the opportunity to expose themselves.

Americans Rejecting Hysterical Criticism of Trump

It seems amazing that the public is ignoring the unhinged criticism and hate directed at the president and are standing behind him in this time of crisis.

The latest evidence for that is a new Morning Consult poll out today that shows a surprising jump in support for Trump's handling of the crisis. Yesterday, Matt Margolis covered similar polls from ABC and Harris.

Given the overwhelmingly negative coverage by the fake news media, complete with blatantly false stories, the fact that Trump’s approval in handling the pandemic is in positive territory is remarkable. One can only imagine what Trump’s numbers would be if Democrats weren’t politicizing the pandemic and he was getting fair coverage from the media.

Today, the morning consult poll shows 53 percent of voters approve of Trump's crisis management, while only 39 percent disapprove. significantly, there was a sizable increase in support from Democrats and independents.

The uptick was largely driven by 8-point bumps in approval among Democrats (from 18 percent to 26 percent) and independents (from 43 percent to 51 percent), while positive sentiment among GOP voters rose from 83 percent to 87 percent.

Trump started to tell the truth, so people approve of his handling a bit more...what an amazing concept.

I bet the idea of being truthful never occurred to you or him, did it?

Methinks a line of Ku Klux Klan paraders on a rainy December day in Wisconsin would agree with that.

Sorry to disappoint you, but we don't have a local chapter of the Klan here. The closest thing we have to that would be the DNC convention that's going to be in Milwaukee this Summer.
Lets see ,,,cruise lines, Airlines, Hotels getting bailed out All helping Tump properties
did you hear there is a bad virus going around the globe? And you think Trump is doing all that for the airlines, hotels and cruise lines? That has to be the stupidest comment on this board. You should get an award!
Any awards given out belong to you and the supporters of this dumb ass you put in the WH the dumb ass who ignored scientists and allowed this virus to spread more than it could have Congrats Wonder what loud mouths like you said when Obama was bailing out America?
Trump ignores scientists? He has them speak every day!!!
Ya..and then he opens his mouth.

Not only does Fauci have to be the brains, as he should be, he also has to babysit Don and correct him like the petulant child he is.
Nah, you're more like Stormy described Don's diminutive member.
You just said I was a major dick. Now you're saying the opposite. That's so typical for douchebag TDS morons..
Did you look at all, says "North Korea agrees." above on my computer.
Yes I did. That's where you pretended that you believe in a free press. Of course, the fake news media is not the free press. It's the propaganda arm of the Democrat party.
The words of a full blown Trump Cultist.
Of course I support Trump. Every rational freedom-loving American does.
TDS, another variant.
Once again the Dims and the fake news media tried their best to smear Trump, but they failed. Americans have observed for themselves what a bunch of frauds they are. Trump was brilliant for having daily news conferences on this topic and thereby giving all the scumbags the opportunity to expose themselves.

Americans Rejecting Hysterical Criticism of Trump

It seems amazing that the public is ignoring the unhinged criticism and hate directed at the president and are standing behind him in this time of crisis.

The latest evidence for that is a new Morning Consult poll out today that shows a surprising jump in support for Trump's handling of the crisis. Yesterday, Matt Margolis covered similar polls from ABC and Harris.

Given the overwhelmingly negative coverage by the fake news media, complete with blatantly false stories, the fact that Trump’s approval in handling the pandemic is in positive territory is remarkable. One can only imagine what Trump’s numbers would be if Democrats weren’t politicizing the pandemic and he was getting fair coverage from the media.

Today, the morning consult poll shows 53 percent of voters approve of Trump's crisis management, while only 39 percent disapprove. significantly, there was a sizable increase in support from Democrats and independents.

The uptick was largely driven by 8-point bumps in approval among Democrats (from 18 percent to 26 percent) and independents (from 43 percent to 51 percent), while positive sentiment among GOP voters rose from 83 percent to 87 percent.

Trump started to tell the truth, so people approve of his handling a bit more...what an amazing concept.

I bet the idea of being truthful never occurred to you or him, did it?

Methinks a line of Ku Klux Klan paraders on a rainy December day in Wisconsin would agree with that.

Sorry to disappoint you, but we don't have a local chapter of the Klan here. The closest thing we have to that would be the DNC convention that's going to be in Milwaukee this Summer.
I live in a suburb of Milwaukee. I plan on going so I can so discord among the delegates and spy on them.
And you think his change this week, months after his early dismissals, will help him in Nov?

Considering he has been the worst president in modern times, people see he's finally acting somewhat within reason.
he cut travel weeks ago ! you remember dont you ...your side called him a racist for doing so ...and Biden said he wouldnt have stopped flights from China or closed the border .... Biden will have to explain that in Nov and he will also need to explain the thousands of Americans that died from the less lethal less contagious h1n1 when he and Obama were in office ...or perhaps you could enlighten us with your communist brilliance and explain it !
No one called him racist for banning travel.
Wrong, dumbass:

Trump Bashes NBC Reporter For Network Labeling Him ‘Racist’ Over Coronavirus China Travel Ban
You hate the media but you run to the media?
Once again the Dims and the fake news media tried their best to smear Trump, but they failed. Americans have observed for themselves what a bunch of frauds they are. Trump was brilliant for having daily news conferences on this topic and thereby giving all the scumbags the opportunity to haven themselves.

Americans Rejecting Hysterical Criticism of Trump

It seems amazing that the public is ignoring the unhinged criticism and hate directed at the president and are standing behind him in this time of crisis.

The latest evidence for that is a new Morning Consult poll out today that shows a surprising jump in support for Trump's handling of the crisis. Yesterday, Matt Margolis covered similar polls from ABC and Harris.

Given the overwhelmingly negative coverage by the fake news media, complete with blatantly false stories, the fact that Trump’s approval in handling the pandemic is in positive territory is remarkable. One can only imagine what Trump’s numbers would be if Democrats weren’t politicizing the pandemic and he was getting fair coverage from the media.

Today, the morning consult poll shows 53 percent of voters approve of Trump's crisis management, while only 39 percent disapprove. significantly, there was a sizable increase in support from Democrats and independents.

The uptick was largely driven by 8-point bumps in approval among Democrats (from 18 percent to 26 percent) and independents (from 43 percent to 51 percent), while positive sentiment among GOP voters rose from 83 percent to 87 percent.

Obama only had a 2.7% point lead over President Trump, at the same time in their presidency. And he wasn't having to deal with a global pandemic. That's the RCP average of all polls.


RealClearPolitics - President Trump, President Obama Job Approval!

Nope, just a global recession, something Trump still faces.

At this point Obama still had a UE rate above 8% and the markets had not yet recovered all of their losses from the recession.

You have to have faith. Watch the massive bounce in the markets after the Wuhan Virus subsides.

I'm predicting it'll go over 30,000.
Once again the Dims and the fake news media tried their best to smear Trump, but they failed. Americans have observed for themselves what a bunch of frauds they are. Trump was brilliant for having daily news conferences on this topic and thereby giving all the scumbags the opportunity to expose themselves.

Americans Rejecting Hysterical Criticism of Trump

It seems amazing that the public is ignoring the unhinged criticism and hate directed at the president and are standing behind him in this time of crisis.

The latest evidence for that is a new Morning Consult poll out today that shows a surprising jump in support for Trump's handling of the crisis. Yesterday, Matt Margolis covered similar polls from ABC and Harris.

Given the overwhelmingly negative coverage by the fake news media, complete with blatantly false stories, the fact that Trump’s approval in handling the pandemic is in positive territory is remarkable. One can only imagine what Trump’s numbers would be if Democrats weren’t politicizing the pandemic and he was getting fair coverage from the media.

Today, the morning consult poll shows 53 percent of voters approve of Trump's crisis management, while only 39 percent disapprove. significantly, there was a sizable increase in support from Democrats and independents.

The uptick was largely driven by 8-point bumps in approval among Democrats (from 18 percent to 26 percent) and independents (from 43 percent to 51 percent), while positive sentiment among GOP voters rose from 83 percent to 87 percent.
Britpat, the Dems have been in boomerang mode for 4 years.
All of their dirty tricks and hate mongering is backfiring on them.
And you think his change this week, months after his early dismissals, will help him in Nov?

Considering he has been the worst president in modern times, people see he's finally acting somewhat within reason.

President Trump is the best president in history. Whoever dems choose to sacrifice is irrelevant.

Trump's response has been perfect.

Keep drinking that Kremlin Kool Aid, Norman. Trump is a disaster and watching it unfold is eerie. This is where 40 years of Republican economic policies get their come-uppance.
And you think his change this week, months after his early dismissals, will help him in Nov?

Considering he has been the worst president in modern times, people see he's finally acting somewhat within reason.
he cut travel weeks ago ! you remember dont you ...your side called him a racist for doing so ...and Biden said he wouldnt have stopped flights from China or closed the border .... Biden will have to explain that in Nov and he will also need to explain the thousands of Americans that died from the less lethal less contagious h1n1 when he and Obama were in office ...or perhaps you could enlighten us with your communist brilliance and explain it !
No one called him racist for banning travel.
Wrong, dumbass:

Trump Bashes NBC Reporter For Network Labeling Him ‘Racist’ Over Coronavirus China Travel Ban
You hate the media but you run to the media?
You're the dumbass who said we should listen to Fauci and then said we shouldn't when he pointed out that Trump wasn't responsible for the delay in test kits.
Once again the Dims and the fake news media tried their best to smear Trump, but they failed. Americans have observed for themselves what a bunch of frauds they are. Trump was brilliant for having daily news conferences on this topic and thereby giving all the scumbags the opportunity to expose themselves.

Americans Rejecting Hysterical Criticism of Trump

It seems amazing that the public is ignoring the unhinged criticism and hate directed at the president and are standing behind him in this time of crisis.

The latest evidence for that is a new Morning Consult poll out today that shows a surprising jump in support for Trump's handling of the crisis. Yesterday, Matt Margolis covered similar polls from ABC and Harris.

Given the overwhelmingly negative coverage by the fake news media, complete with blatantly false stories, the fact that Trump’s approval in handling the pandemic is in positive territory is remarkable. One can only imagine what Trump’s numbers would be if Democrats weren’t politicizing the pandemic and he was getting fair coverage from the media.

Today, the morning consult poll shows 53 percent of voters approve of Trump's crisis management, while only 39 percent disapprove. significantly, there was a sizable increase in support from Democrats and independents.

The uptick was largely driven by 8-point bumps in approval among Democrats (from 18 percent to 26 percent) and independents (from 43 percent to 51 percent), while positive sentiment among GOP voters rose from 83 percent to 87 percent.

Trump started to tell the truth, so people approve of his handling a bit more...what an amazing concept.

I bet the idea of being truthful never occurred to you or him, did it?

Methinks a line of Ku Klux Klan paraders on a rainy December day in Wisconsin would agree with that.

Sorry to disappoint you, but we don't have a local chapter of the Klan here. The closest thing we have to that would be the DNC convention that's going to be in Milwaukee this Summer.

Here's the reference. Fingerboi knows it well, he started it as a thread although it got merged with another Useful Idiot who likewise posted it without vetting.
Once again the Dims and the fake news media tried their best to smear Trump, but they failed. Americans have observed for themselves what a bunch of frauds they are. Trump was brilliant for having daily news conferences on this topic and thereby giving all the scumbags the opportunity to expose themselves.

Americans Rejecting Hysterical Criticism of Trump

It seems amazing that the public is ignoring the unhinged criticism and hate directed at the president and are standing behind him in this time of crisis.

The latest evidence for that is a new Morning Consult poll out today that shows a surprising jump in support for Trump's handling of the crisis. Yesterday, Matt Margolis covered similar polls from ABC and Harris.

Given the overwhelmingly negative coverage by the fake news media, complete with blatantly false stories, the fact that Trump’s approval in handling the pandemic is in positive territory is remarkable. One can only imagine what Trump’s numbers would be if Democrats weren’t politicizing the pandemic and he was getting fair coverage from the media.

Today, the morning consult poll shows 53 percent of voters approve of Trump's crisis management, while only 39 percent disapprove. significantly, there was a sizable increase in support from Democrats and independents.

The uptick was largely driven by 8-point bumps in approval among Democrats (from 18 percent to 26 percent) and independents (from 43 percent to 51 percent), while positive sentiment among GOP voters rose from 83 percent to 87 percent.

Trump started to tell the truth, so people approve of his handling a bit more...what an amazing concept.

I bet the idea of being truthful never occurred to you or him, did it?

I guess that the obvious was difficult to deny as the calamity hit us harder and harder. Trump would look like the fool that he is if he
continued to use the same rhetoric. Maybe if he was more truthful upfront he would have more support. Decent, intelligent people don't like being lied to on a daily basis because after a while it doesn't pass the smell test, no matter what he says.

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