Looking for people to go protest romney and his family dressed as Obama and Biden.

Someday hopefully they will be brought in front of authorities for the huge waste of time and money!

I guess you don't know about the billion and a half osama has spent between the two elections to buy the Presidency.........why would you, your a 13 year old twat. Why don't you watch The Masters and see just what a 14 year old can actually do if they don't waste their time doing the crap you obviously do.

Do you have shouting skills or what? That 14 year old had better learn to PROTEST the romneys!
Someday hopefully they will be brought in front of authorities for the huge waste of time and money!

You aren't just a perfect example of why I do not oppose abortion, you're a walking poster child for retroactive abortion.

His papa should have rolled over and squirted him out the window when he had the chance?

Do you really wish my shouting skills were never on the earth? What a waste of talent.:cuckoo::clap2::cool::eusa_whistle:
The reason is the trouble they have caused. There was really no need for an election. All the hours and money could have went for better service TO AMERICA!:clap2::clap2:

Personally, I'd like to thank Romney for keeping the GOP out of the White House.

Seriously, by mid-October I was sure that he was just a Sacha Baron Cohen character.
Is the left still protesting Romney?

Sure they are.

If only as a warning to any other republican considering running for president.
A ham sandwich could have beaten ANY president with this economy.

Mitt Romney was a joke, worse than a ham sandwich. BUT he's also a symbol of what has happened to the Republican Party. The GOP got caught in its own web. They can't run a real candidates because they - to win elections - created a voting coalition out of functionally illiterate revanchists. (Don't ask a "talk radio republican" what revanchism means. You'll get a blank stare. Again: these people are illiterate. They vote without knowing anything about the world - they've never studied policy. They get all their information form professional agitators).

After the big spending of George Bush, the GOP tried to re-brand its base by calling it the "Tea Party". But it was the same group of under-educated morons who don't the difference between Marx and Keynes, or Bin Laden and Hussein.

The CBO did a study comparing Bush's Medicare Part D (which gaves the big pharmaceuticals inflated, no-bid contracts for Medicare Drug distribution) to ObamaCare. They discovered that Bush's drug plan was more expensive . . . (FYI: not one Republican Group rose in opposition to the Bush Medicare expansion, which was the greatest increase in entitlement spending since LBJ).

The Tea Party doesn't know any of this, but they're also grossly ignorant of politics in general. [They're the same under-educated people who Goldwater, Wallace and Nixon targeted with the Southern Strategy] For instance, most Tea Party folks don't know that Reagan spent twice as much as Carter - he exploded the deficit in ways that were unheard of at the time. The Tea Party is also ignorant of foreign policy. They've never studied it. For instance, they don't know Reagan's relationship to Iran or the Mujahideen (and how these relationships were crucial to the Cold War chess match against the Soviets). They don't know any of this. They don't know that Reagan removed Hussein's Iraq from the official list of Terrorist nations so the US could support him with weapons and money.

Ask a Tea Party member about how the Shaw assumed power in Iran. Actually, be more specific. Ask them about how and why Mossadegh was removed from power. They will give you a blank stare. Ask them about general Middle East topics like the Suez Crisis or The Six Day War. Again, blank stare. These people have never studied history or policy. They get all their information from fiercely political organizations like FOX News and Rush Limbaugh. They are the "useful idiots" of the special interests which run the Republican Party. They are to be pitied. They were told to support Romney, and they did.

If you don't believe me, try this experiment. Find a Tea Party member and ask them to provide specifics on Bush's Medicare Part D. Blank state. Fucking morons. These people are - without knowing it - the front line soldiors of the special interest groups who own Washington.

Ask them to give an opinion of Free Trade and Globalization, and how it affected Labor policy and Middle Class solvency. Blank stare.

Ask them about anti-trust regulations. Blank stare.

Ask them what happened after Reagan stopped enforcing the Sherman Act. Blank stare.

Ask them about oil currencies, specifically Iran and Iraq's plan in the late 90's to abandon the dollar in favor of the Euro. Ask them how this would have impacted the US Economy

Ask them about the systemic leveraging insanity that preceded the 2008 meltdown.

Ask them why Walmart - one of the largest contributors to the GOP - gets over 50% of its manufacturing from Communist China.

Ask them if they've ever studied the energy policies of Carter and Reagan.

You will discover that they have never analyzed the most important issues of our time, yet they occupy one of the most powerful political movements of our time.
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Someday hopefully they will be brought in front of authorities for the huge waste of time and money!

I guess you don't know about the billion and a half osama has spent between the two elections to buy the Presidency.........why would you, your a 13 year old twat. Why don't you watch The Masters and see just what a 14 year old can actually do if they don't waste their time doing the crap you obviously do.

Do you have shouting skills or what? That 14 year old had better learn to PROTEST the romneys!

Do you have a link to your claim, or what?​
You aren't just a perfect example of why I do not oppose abortion, you're a walking poster child for retroactive abortion.

His papa should have rolled over and squirted him out the window when he had the chance?

Do you really wish my shouting skills were never on the earth? What a waste of talent.:cuckoo::clap2::cool::eusa_whistle:

This parasite "thinks" it has talent, or any valuable traits at all?!?!?!

Even some of the moonbats on this site have called out this astounding vapidity, I can't believe it isn't so ashamed it hasn't cut it's own throat.

THIS is why we need to keep abortion legal folks, and in this case obviously one fell through the cracks. However we can always hope Darwin's Theory will prevail, and we can read about this imbecile before it reproduces.

Darwin Awards. Homo sapiens decline; Neo Sapiens rise! February 2013
Protest a private citizen and his family?


And what a pathetic example of Mob Rule.
Who is with me? You must have good shouting skills

Hatred does strange things to you. Why would you want to harass and protest a civilian who has no political power? Because you hate him? Things are getting downright creepy on the left.

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