Looks Like The Russian Narrative Was A Trap For The Dems

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016

Looks like the only thing The Dems Caught, was themselves.

But they should have known better when they selected Clinton.

And now, you have Farkas saying Obama Spied on President Trump Daily.
And then you have reports coming out that Dr. Jean Camp who has a Phd in Cybersecurity and is a professional hacker, was working with Clinton to create The False Russian Narrative, and even tried to plant evidence on Trump Tower and Alfa Bank Servers (False Beacon Ping).

So my question is this:

What you are going to do Dems when this all comes crashing down and damages your party in a major way?

Are you going to give Our President a chance?

Some of you will, I think.

But the rest of the Trolls will still plot sedition and treason.

I hope what I see is the better character of The Dem party, instead of what we have seen for 9 months.
It's been pretty ugly.

Now is a time for reform.

Win our Trust Back.

Show us that this is Your Country
Show us that this is Your President
And Show Us that You are Our Citizens
Classic liberal fuck up. Beleiving that they are smarter and better than everyone else in the room and that they are untouchable.

With Crowdstrike having to rewrite the fairytale of the Russian hacking papers, this is going to really heat up. YAY!
Classic liberal fuck up. Beleiving that they are smarter and better than everyone else in the room and that they are untouchable.

With Crowdstrike having to rewrite the fairytale of the Russian hacking papers, this is going to really heat up. YAY!
What kills me about Crowdstrike is that their paper is simply absent of any evidence. It is all opinion and innuendo with zero facts.

The 2nd part that should bother everyone is this.

Russian Alfa Bank let The FBI and our Intelligence Community Look at their Servers.
Trump Tower let The FBI and our Intelligence Community Look at their Servers

The DNC REFUSED TO LET The FBI and our Intelligence Community Look at their Servers
did the democrats also plot to have flynn and sessions lie under oath..?? :lol:
Yesterday, documents surfaced showing that former Trump Campaign Chair Paul Manafort had received at least $750,000 in illegal payments from former Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych, who is about to be tried for treason in absentia in Ukraine.

Today, Denis Voronenkov was shot to death in the streets of Kiev in broad daylight, just a few weeks after he said he would testify against Yanukovych and his cohorts — Manafort included.

Star Witness In Treason Trial Involving Trump's Campaign Chair Was Just Shot Dead

So We Find Out FBI Has Been Investigating Trump Since July

Trump impeachment watch thread:

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