Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman: Account of Trump’s Ukraine Call Omitted Key Details

Check out the UCMJ, then get back to us. How he talks about the president when he's active duty can earn him a court-martial.

You mean like telling Congress the truth under oath? Lt. Col. Vindman swore an oath to the U.S. Constitution - not Trump.

I mean like expressing contempt for the CIC can get him court-martialed. He has to be careful how he expresses himself.

Testifying to his experience is not "expressing contempt", dope.

That's why I said he had to be careful HOW he expresses himself. Perhaps you didn't read what I wrote.

I've read everything you've written and it's all irrelevant.

You could not have come to that conclusion if you had. You looked at what I wrote, substituted your own thoughts, then proceeded to complain about them. Straw man much?
How he says it can get him in trouble. Then, of course, there's always what happens under cross examination, if he's lying.

Same can apply to Trump

Why won’t he testify under oath?
Clinton did

Because he's not on trial. Bubba was.
Won’t be long....

I still don't think Pelosi will let it get that far.
It’s possible

She does not want to overplay her hand. She has been the Democrat opposing going too fast on impeachment up till now.

And the closer to the election it gets, the slower she'll go. She doesn't want Trump to claim exoneration on the campaign trail.
The treasonous army dude got all dressed up with no where to go! It is hilarious that the impeachment hoax exists because democrats neglected to pass a law to make it illegal to investigate Biden's corruption and assorted illegal activities.


To the Trumpettes- it is 'treasonous' to testify in an impeachment hearing of their Orange Messiah- because Trumpettes are loyal to Trump- not to the U.S.

Colonel Vindman shows how a patriotic officer should act.

About half of them are russian bots so they don't give a damn about what's best for America.

They are being paid by putin to post.
You mean like telling Congress the truth under oath? Lt. Col. Vindman swore an oath to the U.S. Constitution - not Trump.

I mean like expressing contempt for the CIC can get him court-martialed. He has to be careful how he expresses himself.

Testifying to his experience is not "expressing contempt", dope.

That's why I said he had to be careful HOW he expresses himself. Perhaps you didn't read what I wrote.

I've read everything you've written and it's all irrelevant.

You could not have come to that conclusion if you had. You looked at what I wrote, substituted your own thoughts, then proceeded to complain about them. Straw man much?

Sure I could. I did.

Like I said, testifying about his experience is not " expressing contempt" for the president. Your idea that he could've somehow been held to account for doing so is just dumb and irrelevant to his testimony.
I mean like expressing contempt for the CIC can get him court-martialed. He has to be careful how he expresses himself.

Testifying to his experience is not "expressing contempt", dope.

That's why I said he had to be careful HOW he expresses himself. Perhaps you didn't read what I wrote.

I've read everything you've written and it's all irrelevant.

You could not have come to that conclusion if you had. You looked at what I wrote, substituted your own thoughts, then proceeded to complain about them. Straw man much?

Sure I could. I did.

Like I said, testifying about his experience is not " expressing contempt" for the president. Your idea that he could've somehow been held to account for doing so is just dumb and irrelevant to his testimony.

And it would be, if that's what I said. I didn't, however, which is why I know you didn't read it. You substituted your own straw man.
NaziCons tried desperately to get Lt. Colonel Vindman to help them learn the identity of the whistleblower - but Adam Schiff quickly nipped that in the bud.
/——-/ Sorry, Cupcake. We now know who he is:
RUSH: This whistleblower… He’s not a whistleblower! This is another thing. This guy’s a leaker! He’s not a whistleblower! His name is Eric Ciaramella. He’s 30-some-odd years old. I’ve got a picture. It looks like the Pajama Boy in the Obama ad that they ran back during, I think, the first term.

“Federal documents reveal that the 33-year-old Ciaramella, a registered Democrat held over from the Obama White House…” Why the hell was he still there? What do you mean, “held over”?

Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, arriving Tuesday on Capitol Hill to testify in the impeachment inquiry.Credit...Erin Schaff/The New York Times

Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, who heard President Trump’s July phone call with Ukraine’s president and was alarmed, testified that he tried and failed to add key details to the rough transcript.

WASHINGTON — Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, told House impeachment investigators on Tuesday that the White House transcript of a July call between President Trump and Ukraine’s president omitted crucial words and phrases, and that his attempts to include them failed, according to three people familiar with the testimony.

The omissions, Colonel Vindman said, included Mr. Trump’s assertion that there were recordings of former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. discussing Ukraine corruption, and an explicit mention by Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelensky, of Burisma Holdings, the energy company whose board employed Mr. Biden’s son Hunter.

More: Account of Trump’s Ukraine Call Omitted Key Details, Official Testifies

I salute Lt. Col. Alexander S. Vindman for his service and patriotism! Someone has to answer for this.

Are you aware Vindman is a Ukrainian immigrant, and he testified that his concern was that Ukraine would stop receiving bi-partisan support if it agreed to reopen the investigation into corruption that Biden had shut down?

Vindman is NOT a Ukrainian last name. It is a Jewish name and his parents probably left Ukraine for the USA.
Draft-dodger Bubba was too. Strange system, but it's what we have.

Draft-dodger Bubba was a Rhodes Scholar. Trump is a road walker. And if you want to get into deferments, let's talk Ashcroft and Cheney shall we? And Bubba didn't denigrate heroes like McCain. I'm no fan of McCain as a politician, but the guy had balls. Two broken arms and getting the shit kicked out of him at the Hanoi Hilton and that fat orange piece of scum said what he said about him. I have no respect for one single veteran who voted for Trump after he said what he said. You betray your fellow servicemen. Say what you like about McCain, good or bad, he doesn't deserve that kind of disrespect from a piece os shit that's scared of his own shadow. And I'm no fan of the Vietnam war either.
NaziCons tried desperately to get Lt. Colonel Vindman to help them learn the identity of the whistleblower - but Adam Schiff quickly nipped that in the bud.
/——-/ Sorry, Cupcake. We now know who he is:
RUSH: This whistleblower… He’s not a whistleblower! This is another thing. This guy’s a leaker! He’s not a whistleblower! His name is Eric Ciaramella. He’s 30-some-odd years old. I’ve got a picture. It looks like the Pajama Boy in the Obama ad that they ran back during, I think, the first term.

“Federal documents reveal that the 33-year-old Ciaramella, a registered Democrat held over from the Obama White House…” Why the hell was he still there? What do you mean, “held over”?

Who cares? Facts and truth are all that matter. The whistleblower has been corroborated and vindicated by multiple sources.
/——-/ From your link: “Mr. Morrison’s testimony is very damaging to the Democrat narrative,” Meadows said. “They’ve all of a sudden gotten quiet today because this particular witness is very credible and has given evidence that suggests some of the other witnesses have been less than candid.”
/——-/ From your link: “Mr. Morrison’s testimony is very damaging to the Democrat narrative,” Meadows said. “They’ve all of a sudden gotten quiet today because this particular witness is very credible and has given evidence that suggests some of the other witnesses have been less than candid.”

Meadows said? That's hilarious! Nice cherry picking.
Podesta Group got Immunity

Clinton Campaign got Immunity.

Joe Biden forgot to turn in his paperwork to Comey.

The treasonous army dude got all dressed up with no where to go! It is hilarious that the impeachment hoax exists because democrats neglected to pass a law to make it illegal to investigate Biden's corruption and assorted illegal activities.
When asked if Trump did anything illegal or unethical in the phone call, Comrade Vindman said NO!

Can’t wait for this circus to go public!

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