Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror

The real "Legacy of Racial Terror" is the Race-Baiting Profiteering Industry that makes bank by keeping blacks fixated on the past.

Thats silly, remembering something generates no money

What's silly, in truly pathetic way, is that you are blind to how present day blacks are exploited for profit by Race Industry Hustlers who keep them poor, uneducated, and brainwashed.
I guess Jews get exploited for remembering the Holocaust too.

Black Muslims claim the Holocaust never happened.

Embrace history, blackie.
I dont get your point whitey?

I'm saying that blacks maintain the Holocaust never happened.

Not Christian Republicans. Again, your *argument* is a failure.

Just admit you hate white people because of their color, and that it has nothing to do with anything else, except your desire to have a scapegoat to remove all accountability for your wretched history, and present condition, in this country.
Black muslim speaks about the black muslim denial of the holocaust:

"I heard horrifying accounts of some of the people who had survived the terror of Auschwitz and Sobibor. I told my half-sister all this and showed her the pictures in my history book. What she said was as awful as the information in my book.
"With great conviction, my half-sister cried: "It's a lie! Jews have a way of blinding people. They were not killed, gassed or massacred. But I pray to Allah that one day all the Jews in the world will be destroyed."

"She was not saying anything new. ....I remember my teachers, my mom and our neighbors telling us practically on a daily basis that Jews are evil, the sworn enemies of Muslims, and that their only goal was to destroy Islam. We were never informed about the Holocaust.
"Later, as a teenager in Kenya, when Saudi and other Persian Gulf philanthropy reached us, I remember that the building of mosques and donations to hospitals and the poor went hand in hand with the cursing of Jews. Jews were said to be responsible for the deaths of babies and for epidemics such as AIDS, and they were believed to be the cause of wars. They were greedy and would do absolutely anything to kill us Muslims. If we ever wanted to know peace and stability, and if we didn't want to be wiped out, we would have to destroy the Jews. For those of us who were not in a position to take up arms against them, it was enough for us to cup our hands, raise our eyes heavenward and pray to Allah to destroy them."

Why they deny the Holocaust - LA Times
I still dont see the relevance of your post unless you are retarded or think I am a muslim.
Thats silly, remembering something generates no money

What's silly, in truly pathetic way, is that you are blind to how present day blacks are exploited for profit by Race Industry Hustlers who keep them poor, uneducated, and brainwashed.
I guess Jews get exploited for remembering the Holocaust too.

Black Muslims claim the Holocaust never happened.

Embrace history, blackie.
I dont get your point whitey?

I'm saying that blacks maintain the Holocaust never happened.

Not Christian Republicans. Again, your *argument* is a failure.

Just admit you hate white people because of their color, and that it has nothing to do with anything else, except your desire to have a scapegoat to remove all accountability from your wretched history in this country.
Who told you that and why did you believe them? I've met holocaust victims. You do realize that there are a lot of whites that pretend the holocaust never happened right?
What's silly, in truly pathetic way, is that you are blind to how present day blacks are exploited for profit by Race Industry Hustlers who keep them poor, uneducated, and brainwashed.
I guess Jews get exploited for remembering the Holocaust too.

Black Muslims claim the Holocaust never happened.

Embrace history, blackie.
I dont get your point whitey?

I'm saying that blacks maintain the Holocaust never happened.

Not Christian Republicans. Again, your *argument* is a failure.

Just admit you hate white people because of their color, and that it has nothing to do with anything else, except your desire to have a scapegoat to remove all accountability from your wretched history in this country.
Who told you that and why did you believe them? I've met holocaust victims.

Again you show us that you don't read.

Read the article I linked. Then get back to me. It details how blacks are educated in Muslim countries...such as Somalia. That's what the article is about. Your stupid question has already been answered, the information already linked.

If you had even half a brain, this would be more fun.
Koshergirl: Yabut black crayons are all the way in the back. You should be outraged at Crayola!

They're put in the back because being in the back allows them to stand over the other colors, and forces those in front to support them.
I guess Jews get exploited for remembering the Holocaust too.

Black Muslims claim the Holocaust never happened.

Embrace history, blackie.
I dont get your point whitey?

I'm saying that blacks maintain the Holocaust never happened.

Not Christian Republicans. Again, your *argument* is a failure.

Just admit you hate white people because of their color, and that it has nothing to do with anything else, except your desire to have a scapegoat to remove all accountability from your wretched history in this country.
Who told you that and why did you believe them? I've met holocaust victims.

Again you show us that you don't read.

Read the article I linked. Then get back to me. It details how blacks are educated in Muslim countries...such as Somalia. That's what the article is about. Your stupid question has already been answered, the information already linked.

If you had even half a brain, this would be more fun.
Why should I read it? I dont live in Somalia nor am I a Muslim. Not every Black person is a muslim. You are ignorant beyond belief and hooked on crack.
Black Muslims claim the Holocaust never happened.

Embrace history, blackie.
I dont get your point whitey?

I'm saying that blacks maintain the Holocaust never happened.

Not Christian Republicans. Again, your *argument* is a failure.

Just admit you hate white people because of their color, and that it has nothing to do with anything else, except your desire to have a scapegoat to remove all accountability from your wretched history in this country.
Who told you that and why did you believe them? I've met holocaust victims.

Again you show us that you don't read.

Read the article I linked. Then get back to me. It details how blacks are educated in Muslim countries...such as Somalia. That's what the article is about. Your stupid question has already been answered, the information already linked.

If you had even half a brain, this would be more fun.
Why should I read it? I dont live in Somalia nor am I a Muslim. Not every Black person is a muslim. You are ignorant beyond belief and hooked on crack.

But you are black, and they are black.

Remember, you said the only thing that matters is the color. That's why it's okay to pretend that Republican Christians present a lynching threat to blacks today. Not because they've ever engaged in it, not because they give any indication that they're going to start engaging in it..but because they're WHITE.

So, naturally, if blacks are claiming that the Holocaust never happened, I naturally assumed that it's a black thing.
I dont get your point whitey?

I'm saying that blacks maintain the Holocaust never happened.

Not Christian Republicans. Again, your *argument* is a failure.

Just admit you hate white people because of their color, and that it has nothing to do with anything else, except your desire to have a scapegoat to remove all accountability from your wretched history in this country.
Who told you that and why did you believe them? I've met holocaust victims.

Again you show us that you don't read.

Read the article I linked. Then get back to me. It details how blacks are educated in Muslim countries...such as Somalia. That's what the article is about. Your stupid question has already been answered, the information already linked.

If you had even half a brain, this would be more fun.
Why should I read it? I dont live in Somalia nor am I a Muslim. Not every Black person is a muslim. You are ignorant beyond belief and hooked on crack.

But you are black, and they are black.

Remember, you said the only thing that matters is the color. That's why it's okay to pretend that Republican Christians present a lynching threat to blacks today. Not because they've ever engaged in it, not because they give any indication that they're going to start engaging in it..but because they're WHITE.

So, naturally, if blacks are claiming that the Holocaust never happened, I naturally assumed that it's a black thing.

Lay off the crack. You are hallucinating. :laugh:

When did I say the only thing that matters is the color? I want quotes and I need you to show your work instead of dreaming up posts full of ignorance barely link-able to the OP.
Religious beliefs are the same as voting choices? I've met plenty of social cons but never came across a muslim christian
I'm saying that blacks maintain the Holocaust never happened.

Not Christian Republicans. Again, your *argument* is a failure.

Just admit you hate white people because of their color, and that it has nothing to do with anything else, except your desire to have a scapegoat to remove all accountability from your wretched history in this country.
Who told you that and why did you believe them? I've met holocaust victims.

Again you show us that you don't read.

Read the article I linked. Then get back to me. It details how blacks are educated in Muslim countries...such as Somalia. That's what the article is about. Your stupid question has already been answered, the information already linked.

If you had even half a brain, this would be more fun.
Why should I read it? I dont live in Somalia nor am I a Muslim. Not every Black person is a muslim. You are ignorant beyond belief and hooked on crack.

But you are black, and they are black.

Remember, you said the only thing that matters is the color. That's why it's okay to pretend that Republican Christians present a lynching threat to blacks today. Not because they've ever engaged in it, not because they give any indication that they're going to start engaging in it..but because they're WHITE.

So, naturally, if blacks are claiming that the Holocaust never happened, I naturally assumed that it's a black thing.

Lay off the crack. You are hallucinating. :laugh:

When did I say the only thing that matters is the color? I want quotes and I need you to show your work instead of dreaming up posts full of ignorance barely link-able to the OP.

Silly child, you said it repeatedly. When I asked you to point out how Republican Christians were responsible for lynchings, your response on multiple occasions..."They're white".

Which is patently untrue, btw. There are a lot of black Republican Christians. Just not in your racist neighborhood. They'd be afraid to live there, because of the risk of being attacked and lynched in the street by you and your buddies.
Who told you that and why did you believe them? I've met holocaust victims.

Again you show us that you don't read.

Read the article I linked. Then get back to me. It details how blacks are educated in Muslim countries...such as Somalia. That's what the article is about. Your stupid question has already been answered, the information already linked.

If you had even half a brain, this would be more fun.
Why should I read it? I dont live in Somalia nor am I a Muslim. Not every Black person is a muslim. You are ignorant beyond belief and hooked on crack.

But you are black, and they are black.

Remember, you said the only thing that matters is the color. That's why it's okay to pretend that Republican Christians present a lynching threat to blacks today. Not because they've ever engaged in it, not because they give any indication that they're going to start engaging in it..but because they're WHITE.

So, naturally, if blacks are claiming that the Holocaust never happened, I naturally assumed that it's a black thing.

Lay off the crack. You are hallucinating. :laugh:

When did I say the only thing that matters is the color? I want quotes and I need you to show your work instead of dreaming up posts full of ignorance barely link-able to the OP.

Silly child, you said it repeatedly. When I asked you to point out how Republican Christians were responsible for lynchings, your response on multiple occasions..."They're white".

Which is patently untrue, btw. There are a lot of black Republican Christians. Just not in your racist neighborhood. They'd be afraid to live there, because of the risk of being attacked and lynched in the street by you and your buddies.
So why cant you quote me saying they are "white" instead of "white conservatives"? You really need to cut down on your crack usage. Its really affecting your ability to read.
I've asked Kosher before if I can state my opinion but she prefers to tell others what she thinks they believe as a debating tactic.
Black people were lynched by white conservatives. Thats not imaginary. Please quote me saying otherwise if you can.

Nazis aren't conservatives, you moron. Nazis lynched the last guy that was lynched in this country in 1981. White Christian republicans arrested their ass and prosecuted the shit out of them, applying laws that were put into place by white Christian Republicans.

Try, try again.
Who said Nazis were conservatives you moron?

White conservatives lynched Black people.

Michael Donald - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Michael Donald (July 24, 1961 – March 21, 1981) was a young African American man who was murdered by two Ku Klux Klan members in Mobile, Alabama, in 1981."

White Democrats. Everyone was a conservative back in the 1800s, compared to anyone today.

Oh for shit's fucking sake people, drop this juvenile political football game that pretends a political party always stands for the same thing in every time and place -- that's unmitigated bullshit. And I'm here to mitigate.

The article from WaPo about the 2011 lynching above contains a historical reference at the top to a lynching event, and an anti-lynching bill, from 1937, mentioning two Senators fighting over filibustering it. One was from Texas, the other from Missouri. The Texan of course was the one trying to stop the bill.

Both of them were Democrats.

Texas is also the site of the 1998 lynching of James Byrd who was tied to the back of a pickup (alive) and dragged three miles over asphalt, during which time his arm and head were severed, and what was left of his torso dumped. Again, three young people did this, not crusty old ones.

Texas in 1937 -- all Democratic
Texas in 1998 -- all Republican.

Conclusion to be drawn about political parties: NONE.

Once again, this is not a political act and it's not a religious act; this is a manifestation of socio-cultural training. Political parties change or are irrelevant; religions change or is not present; but the culture is always there throughout.

Grow the fuck up.
James Byrd was not lynched. And can you prove the political ideological beliefs of his assailants was Republican?


We keep getting this bs about Tea Party members shooting people yet on closer look it's a Democrat, an Atheist, or a college student leftist.

Of course not, nor is it relevant. What I just did was turn the tables using your own logic. You after all personally declared lynchers were "Democrats", giving no basis whatsoever. So I used the same benchmark you did. See where it leads?
Nazis aren't conservatives, you moron. Nazis lynched the last guy that was lynched in this country in 1981. White Christian republicans arrested their ass and prosecuted the shit out of them, applying laws that were put into place by white Christian Republicans.

Try, try again.
Who said Nazis were conservatives you moron?

White conservatives lynched Black people.

Michael Donald - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"Michael Donald (July 24, 1961 – March 21, 1981) was a young African American man who was murdered by two Ku Klux Klan members in Mobile, Alabama, in 1981."

White Democrats. Everyone was a conservative back in the 1800s, compared to anyone today.

Oh for shit's fucking sake people, drop this juvenile political football game that pretends a political party always stands for the same thing in every time and place -- that's unmitigated bullshit. And I'm here to mitigate.

The article from WaPo about the 2011 lynching above contains a historical reference at the top to a lynching event, and an anti-lynching bill, from 1937, mentioning two Senators fighting over filibustering it. One was from Texas, the other from Missouri. The Texan of course was the one trying to stop the bill.

Both of them were Democrats.

Texas is also the site of the 1998 lynching of James Byrd who was tied to the back of a pickup (alive) and dragged three miles over asphalt, during which time his arm and head were severed, and what was left of his torso dumped. Again, three young people did this, not crusty old ones.

Texas in 1937 -- all Democratic
Texas in 1998 -- all Republican.

Conclusion to be drawn about political parties: NONE.

Once again, this is not a political act and it's not a religious act; this is a manifestation of socio-cultural training. Political parties change or are irrelevant; religions change or is not present; but the culture is always there throughout.

Grow the fuck up.
James Byrd was not lynched. And can you prove the political ideological beliefs of his assailants was Republican?


We keep getting this bs about Tea Party members shooting people yet on closer look it's a Democrat, an Atheist, or a college student leftist.

Of course not, nor is it relevant. What I just did was turn the tables using your own logic. You after all personally declared lynchers were "Democrats", giving no basis whatsoever. So I used the same benchmark you did. See where it leads?

The lynchings were done by Democrats. And like you said, it wasn't that long ago.

Oh please, like the political affiliation of the people who did this matters at all.

This is just another "But that was the other party, not mine" bullshit that allows this to be ignored.
They want to distance themselves from the history so they say they are white democrats, blond, small in stature, bad dentistry and were between the ages of 18-45 in 1930.....See?!?! Not like every white person today at all!!!

First slaveholder in America:

Black. Don't run from history, embrace it.

Embrace this: your link goes to a Wiki page that does not exist.

Wondering where you might have got this idea, I found a site called conservative citing this Anthony Johnson in 1654 --- which completely ignores that five hundred Spaniards landed in what is now South Carolina, bringing with them a hundred African slaves -- in 1526, more than a century earlier. Nor does it account for Ponce de Leon's venture to Florida even before that for the purpose of capturing slaves (Indians) for Hispaniola (a mission generally whitewashed as "looking for the fountain of youth", which is bullshit) -- nor does it mention Indians already being enslaved before that.
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