Lynching in America: Confronting the Legacy of Racial Terror

They want to distance themselves from the history so they say they are white democrats, blond, small in stature, bad dentistry and were between the ages of 18-45 in 1930.....See?!?! Not like every white person today at all!!!

First slaveholder in America:

Black. Don't run from history, embrace it.

Embrace this: your link goes to a Wiki page that does not exist.

Wondering where you might have got this idea, I found a site called conservative citing this Anthony Johnson in 1654 --- which completely ignores that five hundred Spaniards landed in what is now South Carolina, bringing with them a hundred African slaves -- in 1526, more than a century earlier. Nor does it account for Ponce de Leon's venture to Florida even before that for the purpose of capturing slaves (Indians) for Hispaniola (a mission generally whitewashed as "looking for the fountain of youth", which is bullshit) -- nor does it mention Indians already being enslaved before that.

Pore baby:

So you click on that, then click on the alternative link in the first paragraph. It's the article that was linked, but for some reason our external redirect is fucking with it.

Another example of the great management strategies of usmb....
External redirect is your friend.

It has something to do with the fact that the last parentheses is not included in the cut and paste of the address.
They want to distance themselves from the history so they say they are white democrats, blond, small in stature, bad dentistry and were between the ages of 18-45 in 1930.....See?!?! Not like every white person today at all!!!

First slaveholder in America:

Black. Don't run from history, embrace it.

Embrace this: your link goes to a Wiki page that does not exist.

Wondering where you might have got this idea, I found a site called conservative citing this Anthony Johnson in 1654 --- which completely ignores that five hundred Spaniards landed in what is now South Carolina, bringing with them a hundred African slaves -- in 1526, more than a century earlier. Nor does it account for Ponce de Leon's venture to Florida even before that for the purpose of capturing slaves (Indians) for Hispaniola (a mission generally whitewashed as "looking for the fountain of youth", which is bullshit) -- nor does it mention Indians already being enslaved before that.

Pore baby:

So you click on that, then click on the alternative link in the first paragraph. It's the article that was linked, but for some reason our external redirect is fucking with it.

Another example of the great management strategies of usmb....

The second parenthesis disappears when the link is clicked.
Here you go...PBS:

"One of the few recorded histories of an African in America that we can glean from early court records is that of "Antonio the negro," as he was named in the 1625 Virginia census. He was brought to the colony in 1621. At this time, English and Colonial law did not define racial slavery; the census calls him not a slave but a "servant." Later, Antonio changed his name to Anthony Johnson, married an African American servant named Mary, and they had four children. Mary and Anthony also became free, and he soon owned land and cattle and even indentured servants of his own. By 1650, Anthony was still one of only 400 Africans in the colony among nearly 19,000 settlers. In Johnson's own county, at least 20 African men and women were free, and 13 owned their own homes.

"In 1640, the year Johnson purchased his first property, three servants fled a Virginia plantation. Caught and returned to their owner, two had their servitude extended four years. However, the third, a black man named John Punch, was sentenced to "serve his said master or his assigns for the time of his natural life." He was made a slave."

Africans in America Part 1 Narrative From Indentured Servitude to Racial Slavery
They want to distance themselves from the history so they say they are white democrats, blond, small in stature, bad dentistry and were between the ages of 18-45 in 1930.....See?!?! Not like every white person today at all!!!

First slaveholder in America:

Black. Don't run from history, embrace it.

Embrace this: your link goes to a Wiki page that does not exist.

Wondering where you might have got this idea, I found a site called conservative citing this Anthony Johnson in 1654 --- which completely ignores that five hundred Spaniards landed in what is now South Carolina, bringing with them a hundred African slaves -- in 1526, more than a century earlier. Nor does it account for Ponce de Leon's venture to Florida even before that for the purpose of capturing slaves (Indians) for Hispaniola (a mission generally whitewashed as "looking for the fountain of youth", which is bullshit) -- nor does it mention Indians already being enslaved before that.

Pore baby:

So you click on that, then click on the alternative link in the first paragraph. It's the article that was linked, but for some reason our external redirect is fucking with it.

Another example of the great management strategies of usmb....

The second parenthesis disappears when the link is clicked.

Well follow where the external redirect takes you, and click on the first "did you mean Anthony Johnson" and it takes you there.
Black Muslims claim the Holocaust never happened.

Embrace history, blackie.
I dont get your point whitey?

I'm saying that blacks maintain the Holocaust never happened.

Not Christian Republicans. Again, your *argument* is a failure.

Just admit you hate white people because of their color, and that it has nothing to do with anything else, except your desire to have a scapegoat to remove all accountability from your wretched history in this country.
Who told you that and why did you believe them? I've met holocaust victims.

Again you show us that you don't read.

Read the article I linked. Then get back to me. It details how blacks are educated in Muslim countries...such as Somalia. That's what the article is about. Your stupid question has already been answered, the information already linked.

If you had even half a brain, this would be more fun.
Why should I read it? I dont live in Somalia nor am I a Muslim. Not every Black person is a muslim. You are ignorant beyond belief and hooked on crack.
Yet you would have us believe most whites in America are racist and evil. And with no proof to back your claim.
Again you show us that you don't read.

Read the article I linked. Then get back to me. It details how blacks are educated in Muslim countries...such as Somalia. That's what the article is about. Your stupid question has already been answered, the information already linked.

If you had even half a brain, this would be more fun.
Why should I read it? I dont live in Somalia nor am I a Muslim. Not every Black person is a muslim. You are ignorant beyond belief and hooked on crack.

But you are black, and they are black.

Remember, you said the only thing that matters is the color. That's why it's okay to pretend that Republican Christians present a lynching threat to blacks today. Not because they've ever engaged in it, not because they give any indication that they're going to start engaging in it..but because they're WHITE.

So, naturally, if blacks are claiming that the Holocaust never happened, I naturally assumed that it's a black thing.

Lay off the crack. You are hallucinating. :laugh:

When did I say the only thing that matters is the color? I want quotes and I need you to show your work instead of dreaming up posts full of ignorance barely link-able to the OP.

Silly child, you said it repeatedly. When I asked you to point out how Republican Christians were responsible for lynchings, your response on multiple occasions..."They're white".

Which is patently untrue, btw. There are a lot of black Republican Christians. Just not in your racist neighborhood. They'd be afraid to live there, because of the risk of being attacked and lynched in the street by you and your buddies.
So why cant you quote me saying they are "white" instead of "white conservatives"? You really need to cut down on your crack usage. Its really affecting your ability to read.
So only whites are conservative? You are attempting to claim republican with the use of Conservative, yet you have ZERO facts to back that up with, go ahead list your facts for how many REPUBLICANS have been accused of and convicted of lynching black people.
The lynchings were done by Democrats. And like you said, it wasn't that long ago.

Oh please, like the political affiliation of the people who did this matters at all.

This is just another "But that was the other party, not mine" bullshit that allows this to be ignored.
And yet asslips and closed caption keep claim conservative whites. A not unnoticed attempt to blame Republicans.
They want to distance themselves from the history so they say they are white democrats, blond, small in stature, bad dentistry and were between the ages of 18-45 in 1930.....See?!?! Not like every white person today at all!!!

First slaveholder in America:

Black. Don't run from history, embrace it.

Embrace this: your link goes to a Wiki page that does not exist.

Wondering where you might have got this idea, I found a site called conservative citing this Anthony Johnson in 1654 --- which completely ignores that five hundred Spaniards landed in what is now South Carolina, bringing with them a hundred African slaves -- in 1526, more than a century earlier. Nor does it account for Ponce de Leon's venture to Florida even before that for the purpose of capturing slaves (Indians) for Hispaniola (a mission generally whitewashed as "looking for the fountain of youth", which is bullshit) -- nor does it mention Indians already being enslaved before that.

Pore baby:

So you click on that, then click on the alternative link in the first paragraph. It's the article that was linked, but for some reason our external redirect is fucking with it.

Another example of the great management strategies of usmb....

"A poor workman blames his tools".

Linked page sez:
Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name.

Doesn't matter anyway; I already gave you several pre-existing exceptions.
Here you go...PBS:

"One of the few recorded histories of an African in America that we can glean from early court records is that of "Antonio the negro," as he was named in the 1625 Virginia census. He was brought to the colony in 1621. At this time, English and Colonial law did not define racial slavery; the census calls him not a slave but a "servant." Later, Antonio changed his name to Anthony Johnson, married an African American servant named Mary, and they had four children. Mary and Anthony also became free, and he soon owned land and cattle and even indentured servants of his own. By 1650, Anthony was still one of only 400 Africans in the colony among nearly 19,000 settlers. In Johnson's own county, at least 20 African men and women were free, and 13 owned their own homes.

"In 1640, the year Johnson purchased his first property, three servants fled a Virginia plantation. Caught and returned to their owner, two had their servitude extended four years. However, the third, a black man named John Punch, was sentenced to "serve his said master or his assigns for the time of his natural life." He was made a slave."

Africans in America Part 1 Narrative From Indentured Servitude to Racial Slavery

1526 is still before even 1621.
So is 1513 when Ponce de Leon came looking for the "fountain of youth". Weird euphemism that is.
The lynchings were done by Democrats. And like you said, it wasn't that long ago.

Oh please, like the political affiliation of the people who did this matters at all.

This is just another "But that was the other party, not mine" bullshit that allows this to be ignored.
And yet asslips and closed caption keep claim conservative whites. A not unnoticed attempt to blame Republicans.

"Republican" is not synonymous with "conservative". A conservative need not be political at all. And as several oblique references have dropped already, Southern racists used to be Democrats -- because everyone in the South was a Democrat, racist or not. They were obviously conservatives too.

Moreover neither of these posters brought in this bullshit of political parties. That started in post 6, soon after the thread started. That was in fact the post that Winterborn was setting straight. When I came back this morning that circus was going full force.
That's okay, I understand your reluctance to be proven an ignoramus.

To make things easier, I also provide a PBS link that says the same thing.
That's okay, I understand your reluctance to be proven an ignoramus.

To make things easier, I also provide a PBS link that says the same thing.
The lynchings were done by Democrats. And like you said, it wasn't that long ago.

Oh please, like the political affiliation of the people who did this matters at all.

This is just another "But that was the other party, not mine" bullshit that allows this to be ignored.
Funny how when the left is exposed for their racist history, suddenly political affiliation doesn't matter. :laugh:
The lynchings were done by Democrats. And like you said, it wasn't that long ago.

Oh please, like the political affiliation of the people who did this matters at all.

This is just another "But that was the other party, not mine" bullshit that allows this to be ignored.
And yet asslips and closed caption keep claim conservative whites. A not unnoticed attempt to blame Republicans.

You only think its Republicans because your ass is illiterate. Any party can be conservative. It just depends on what way the wind is blowing at the time.
The lynchings were done by Democrats. And like you said, it wasn't that long ago.

Oh please, like the political affiliation of the people who did this matters at all.

This is just another "But that was the other party, not mine" bullshit that allows this to be ignored.
Funny how when the left is exposed for their racist history, suddenly political affiliation doesn't matter. :laugh:

Show me where I have claimed party affiliation matters?

And please explain how the political party affiliation of the men who lynched 3,900 black men would matter one iota.
I dont get your point whitey?

I'm saying that blacks maintain the Holocaust never happened.

Not Christian Republicans. Again, your *argument* is a failure.

Just admit you hate white people because of their color, and that it has nothing to do with anything else, except your desire to have a scapegoat to remove all accountability from your wretched history in this country.
Who told you that and why did you believe them? I've met holocaust victims.

Again you show us that you don't read.

Read the article I linked. Then get back to me. It details how blacks are educated in Muslim countries...such as Somalia. That's what the article is about. Your stupid question has already been answered, the information already linked.

If you had even half a brain, this would be more fun.
Why should I read it? I dont live in Somalia nor am I a Muslim. Not every Black person is a muslim. You are ignorant beyond belief and hooked on crack.
Yet you would have us believe most whites in America are racist and evil. And with no proof to back your claim.
Where are the quotes to prove your grossly misguided perception of what I said? Even if that were true you think the same of Blacks with no proof to back your claim idiot.

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