Madness: Olympics to allow pre-op male-to-female ‘transgenders’ to compete as women

They will have to give supporters some kind of recompense, especially since the 'sports' aren't rewarding.
What I find interesting in this whole debacle is this:

Athletes are strictly monitored to prevent them from using certain drugs, hormones, artificial enhancers, etc. Yet in this case, we are ENCOURAGING athletes to take hormones and drugs while training and competing. Why encouraging? Think about it. An Olympic gold medal represents the ultimate reward for many athletes, and many devote their entire existence to winning one. How hard is it to see a mediocre male athlete decide that claiming to be a woman and taking drugs, etc is worth it just for an opportunity to compete against weaker opponents?
What I find interesting in this whole debacle is this:

Athletes are strictly monitored to prevent them from using certain drugs, hormones, artificial enhancers, etc. Yet in this case, we are ENCOURAGING athletes to take hormones and drugs while training and competing. Why encouraging? Think about it. An Olympic gold medal represents the ultimate reward for many athletes, and many devote their entire existence to winning one. How hard is it to see a mediocre male athlete decide that claiming to be a woman and taking drugs, etc is worth it just for an opportunity to compete against weaker opponents?
Just think of how many metals K. Jenner could had won.
The only madness is the fear, ignorance, hate, and bigotry exhibited by the thread premise.
Shut up you one-trick pony. You're not going to shut down the voices of opposition and free speech with your singsong anymore. That blade has become quite dull with repetition of use.

Men competing in women's class in sports is a serious matter. As it was pointed out, women will no longer be able to meet the cut if all the tryouts and training include men in their class.

It's true, "game over" for women's sports...
The only madness is the fear, ignorance, hate, and bigotry exhibited by the thread premise.
Shut up you one-trick pony. You're not going to shut down the voices of opposition and free speech with your singsong anymore. That blade has become quite dull with repetition of use.

Men competing in women's class in sports is a serious matter. As it was pointed out, women will no longer be able to meet the cut if all the tryouts and training include men in their class.

It's true, "game over" for women's sports...
And women who complain will be haters and bigots.
We can still have the Olympics.....but only the men will be bringing home any medals.
I'm sure they will start giving out participation medals soon

They already do and have done so since the reemergence of the Olympics in 1896.

Participation Medals | Olympic Artifacts

The only reason I know this b/c I knew a girl whose father was in the Olympics and she showed his participation medal from Montreal.
Which is a strawman because the actual topic is the patent unfairness of requiring women to compete against men; who outclass them physically on all levels; regardless of how many layers of makeup it takes to de-accentuate their square jaw, adam's apple and jutting brow ridge..

Don't worry gals, you may not have competitive sports anymore, but you can still technically try to compete and get "participation medals". See? All that hard work does pay off!
Which is a strawman because the actual topic is the patent unfairness of requiring women to compete against men; who outclass them physically on all levels; regardless of how many layers of makeup it takes to de-accentuate their square jaw, adam's apple and jutting brow ridge..

Don't worry gals, you may not have competitive sports anymore, but you can still technically try to compete and get "participation medals". See? All that hard work does pay off!

Quit whining. I was just clarifying that the Olympics does give out participation medallions for Olympians already.

Funny that you whine about strawmen and then introduce one yourself in the very same post. lol
So, to be clear mdk, what is your position on men participating in women's olympics?
No, transgender athletes should not be allowed to compete in the Olympics (as the gender they associate with) b/c it would present an unfair competitive advantage.
No, transgender athletes should not be allowed to compete in the Olympics (as the gender they associate with) b/c it would present an unfair competitive advantage.
Which ultimately brings it full circle back to the true issue. A man who says he is a woman, who puts on a dress and shaves his legs, and who takes hormones to make his boobs grow is still a man in a dress with boobs and smooth legs. I can also guarantee that there will be no transgender men competing with biological men in the Olympics either, at least not in sports where speed, strength and agility matter, which is to say, virtually all of them.
No, transgender athletes should not be allowed to compete in the Olympics (as the gender they associate with) b/c it would present an unfair competitive advantage.
Because....? Here, let me start the sentence and you can finish it per what you just said: "No, transgender athletes should not be allowed to compete in the Olympics (as the gender they associate with) b/c it would present an unfair competitive advantage because they are actually ......"

(see "Hadit's" post above)
Men already shave their legs and are pretty thin for cycling. I guess that means they can compete with the women now? Anyone who thinks someone born a man should compete with women is in absolute complete denial of facts and lacks any common sense whatsoever.

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