Madness: Olympics to allow pre-op male-to-female ‘transgenders’ to compete as women

No, transgender athletes should not be allowed to compete in the Olympics (as the gender they associate with) b/c it would present an unfair competitive advantage.
Because....? Here, let me start the sentence and you can finish it per what you just said: "No, transgender athletes should not be allowed to compete in the Olympics (as the gender they associate with) b/c it would present an unfair competitive advantage because they are actually ......"

(see "Hadit's" post above)

I already gave my answer. Don't like it? Tough shit.
The only madness is the fear, ignorance, hate, and bigotry exhibited by the thread premise.
And yet, I'm right.

Not really. The real problem is that Olympics have become too expensive for anyone to hold.

Brazil only just hosted The World Cup, now they've got The Olympics, I'm sure all of this contributing to their economy heading South.
There likely was a reason why the Olympics were never held in all of South America before. Those countries consider Mexico rich.
The only madness is the fear, ignorance, hate, and bigotry exhibited by the thread premise.

You confuse disgust with fear etc., etc. which shows your ignorance.
The democrats will have to explain themselves to the American public and defend their position on allowing transgenders access to the restrooms of choice than that of human biology. Particularly the gender fluid access.

It is indefensible. Obama is a c**ksucking motherf*cker for cheering this on.
No, transgender athletes should not be allowed to compete in the Olympics (as the gender they associate with) b/c it would present an unfair competitive advantage.
Which ultimately brings it full circle back to the true issue. A man who says he is a woman, who puts on a dress and shaves his legs, and who takes hormones to make his boobs grow is still a man in a dress with boobs and smooth legs. I can also guarantee that there will be no transgender men competing with biological men in the Olympics either, at least not in sports where speed, strength and agility matter, which is to say, virtually all of them.
. Is this a non-issue? Maybe the IOC will allow men competing in women's sports, but each of the Sports have their own organizations separate from the IOC. They don't have to comply with that stupid ruling.
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Men already shave their legs and are pretty thin for cycling. I guess that means they can compete with the women now? Anyone who thinks someone born a man should compete with women is in absolute complete denial of facts and lacks any common sense whatsoever.
How about that ribbon twirling competitions?
The only reason I know this b/c I knew a girl whose father was in the Olympics and she showed his participation medal from Montreal.
That participation medal doesn't carry the weight and importance of the gold medal.

Really? That's really good information. Thanks for sharing. We'd never have known that if not for you.
. I enjoy crushing the hearts of liberal ninnies who believe participation medals have meaning.
Men already shave their legs and are pretty thin for cycling. I guess that means they can compete with the women now? Anyone who thinks someone born a man should compete with women is in absolute complete denial of facts and lacks any common sense whatsoever.
How about that ribbon twirling competitions?

Please not the water ballet. There's no sexier sport than several women performing water ballet. It would be like that guy who sued Hooters to be a waiter.
The problem is the IOC can't just schedule them in countries (or groups of countries) that have the infrastructure to handle them, because most of those countries are "1st world" countries, and cries of imperialism/colonialism would begin to be heard.

The US can handle it (we can even bring in Canada as well), Most of Western Europe, and places like Japan, Taiwan and South Korea could handle it as well. Probably also China. Russia could do it if the stuck to European Russia.

Not really. Salt Lake City nearly went broke hosting the 2002 Winter Olympics after the Mormons bribed the OIC so openly they had to change all the rules. It required Mitt Romney to finagle a huge bailout the rest of us paid for on games none of us were really interested in.

2012 was in London and 2020 will be in Tokyo, rich first world countries. And they lost a shitload of money doing it. (Or Tokyo will, anyway.)
Why isn't hormone therapy included in the list of doping drugs? It used to be a joke that the East German woman's tennis team all had three day beards but now it ain't a joke anymore.
The problem is the IOC can't just schedule them in countries (or groups of countries) that have the infrastructure to handle them, because most of those countries are "1st world" countries, and cries of imperialism/colonialism would begin to be heard.

The US can handle it (we can even bring in Canada as well), Most of Western Europe, and places like Japan, Taiwan and South Korea could handle it as well. Probably also China. Russia could do it if the stuck to European Russia.

Not really. Salt Lake City nearly went broke hosting the 2002 Winter Olympics after the Mormons bribed the OIC so openly they had to change all the rules. It required Mitt Romney to finagle a huge bailout the rest of us paid for on games none of us were really interested in.

2012 was in London and 2020 will be in Tokyo, rich first world countries. And they lost a shitload of money doing it. (Or Tokyo will, anyway.)

But the games went off without an issue.

and again with the mormons.......

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