MAGA: A Complete Failure

You're going to have to TRY to murder over half the population of the United States to achieve your goals.

GO FOR IT!!!!! :dev3:

People are going to run to socialism when they lose their jobs due to technology. The tech apocalypse is coming.
Terminal TDS.^^^^



Terminal Love-of-Country.

Continuing to do one's tiny part in a wave of anti-Rumpian denouncements until such time as his existential threat to America has passed.

Never Again.


The Dems are screwing-the-pooch royally... pick a better candidate next time and I and vast numbers of others may vote alongside you rather than against.

Give us a choice other than an Orange -tinted modern-day Benedict Arnold -like kokksukker who breaks his oath and assaults the Congress and his VP.
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People are going to run to socialism when they lose their jobs due to technology. The tech apocalypse is coming.
Ha ha ha, yeah, right. I've got to start my shift now at my job I've been working for 30 years. No robot can do my job, and no insects like you can either.

Ha ha ha, yeah, right. I've got to start my shift now at my job I've been working for 30 years. No robot can do my job, and no insects like you can either.


When was the last time you participated in an election at work? Do you elect your managers? Do you enjoy working in a dictatorship?
There is no border wall; Manufacturing was not brought back; Americans farmers and manufacturers were made so great again, that one measly, irrelevant eastern European country could destabilize the entire supply chain because we're that dependent on them. All we got from Trump is useless culture war, white identity politics, and more wealth for him and the top 1%. As a woke black conservative, I stood behind many of the goals of maga(not that they were anything new), but facts are facts and he failed.
How can I say this nice? You are full of shit! Look clown Trump hasn't been president for a year and a half So if you want to talk about anything lets talk about that fuck in the White House now, Joe 'there is no recession' Biden. You know the fuck that shut down the wall then bought 2 million illegals plane and pus tickets anyplace they wanted to go, once there gave them housing, medical, food, emergency cash and everything else they wanted and did it on your dime. 50 billion of military equipment to the Taliban left A
There is no border wall; Manufacturing was not brought back; Americans farmers and manufacturers were made so great again, that one measly, irrelevant eastern European country could destabilize the entire supply chain because we're that dependent on them. All we got from Trump is useless culture war, white identity politics, and more wealth for him and the top 1%. As a woke black conservative, I stood behind many of the goals of maga(not that they were anything new), but facts are facts and he failed.
There is no border wall cause Joe shut it down then brought 2 million illegals across the border. He then bought them plane tickets, a house, food. medical care, emergency cash and anything else they wanted and did it on your dime clown. The rest of your 'crazy as joe' bull shit is just what I said. IF YOU WERE TRYING TO SHOW JUST WHAT A STUPID WORTHLESS FUCK YOU ARE WELL DONE BOZO. Now go blow Joe and while you are at it change his pants. Can you believe this idiot? I could almost use a racist rant on this shit that will never turn white or stop stinking.


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OK but until then I get to mock you...hey, will I have a choice in becoming a communist? do I get to keep all my stuff?

In an American socialist state, you will keep your home (if you're paying a mortgage, you will stop paying that and the home will become yours forever). At the beginning of the socialist process, there will still be markets, money, and taxes. So you would pay your property taxes to the state and you would still make money at work or in your business. The industries that are nationalized are the ones vital to our nation's infrastructure. The private sector will remain within the consumer goods market. You won't have to worry about being unemployed, because you'll be given the Economic Bill Of Rights. You have a human right to food, housing, healthcare, education, and employment in the public sector. If you can't find a job in the private sector, you'll have one in the public.

Technology will be advanced, to the point that you or perhaps your children, will one day personally own the means of production. The technology and machinery of production will be in their homes and they won't need anyone to produce anything for them:

Extreme Abundance:

Resource Based Economy/Communism:

The Venus Project denies they're communists, but a Resource Based Economy is essentially high-tech socialism and communism. No difference.​

First phase = socialism. Last stage = communism. When technology permits our mode of production will be fully communist. Everyone will live well, including comrade Franken.
In an American socialist state, you will keep your home (if you're paying a mortgage, you will stop paying that and the home will become yours forever).
I own my home now, dang capitalists took "forever" away from wonder you like this commie stuff, we only get a lifetime out of our government, the commies promise eternity

At the beginning of the socialist process, there will still be markets, money, and taxes.
and at the end of the socialist process there will be just the taxes

So you would pay your property taxes to the state and you would still make money at work or in your business. The industries that are nationalized are the ones vital to our nation's infrastructure. The private sector will remain within the consumer goods market. You won't have to worry about being unemployed, because you'll be given the Economic Bill Of Rights. You have a human right to food, housing, healthcare, education, and employment in the public sector. If you can't find a job in the private sector, you'll have one in the public.
The only thing on that list we do not already have is the taxes
Technology will be advanced, to the point that you or perhaps your children, will one day personally own the means of production. The technology and machinery of production will be in their homes and they won't need anyone to produce anything for them:
which means we do not need communism
I saw behind every supposed good deed. ....

So, no matter what, you knew that secretly his motives were evul or it was doomed to failure.

So, you just oppose no matter what....

That is not Trump being the problem. That is you just assuming the worst of your enemies, to justify your enmity.

Very circular of you.
I own my home now, dang capitalists took "forever" away from wonder you like this commie stuff, we only get a lifetime out of our government, the commies promise eternity

and at the end of the socialist process there will be just the taxes

The only thing on that list we do not already have is the taxes

which means we do not need communism

Society will need communism when technology significantly replaces wage labor. It's good that you own a home and you don't even need to pay a mortgage. Tens of millions of Americans work two jobs and can hardly make ends meet, struggling to pay their rent. When technology replaces most menial jobs, including many professional white-collar jobs, that will create a need to adopt another mode of production that's not based on profits or wage labor. There's a name for that, it's called "socialism" and communism.
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Unio9ns did not increase wages for the average worker. They only increased wages forf union members at the expense of all other workers. Entreprenuers improved wage with new technology and increasing the amount of capital per workers. Unions did not invent the steam locomotive, the automobile, the telephone or the computer. Entrepreneurs did. that's what increased the wages of the American worker.

Henry Ford created the 8 hr day, not unions.
You're nuts. My father made a great living at Ford in the Cafeteria. They were part of the UAW. So collective bargaining gave him a great hourly wage, healthcare and other benefits he still gets today as a retired union member.

And these jobs brought non union wages up. Employers had to compete to get the best workers so they had to pay better than they otherwise would if no unions were around. That's why as union membership went from 35% of our workforce down to about 9%, wages went down too. No coincidence.

Non union companies also FEAR their employees will unionize. So they pay more than they would if that wasn't an option. Hell, even with this threat employers still pay shitty and treat their employees shitty. Look at Amazon. Even down south they are trying to unionize. Why?
I was wrong about Trump He's worse
The WORST president in US history. Massively increased debt prior to COVID hitting. When COVID arrived after he dismantled the epidemic response team, we got a million+ dead Americans based on his utterly incompetent response to COVID. His anti-science gibberish about bleach then horse dewormers.

A complete f*cking idiot who couldn't sit through a single security briefing. We've never had a president this stupid who also worked so little. Well, I guess he worked on his golf swing at huge taxpayer expense.

His idea of an intelligence briefing was listening to kooks on the internet and watching "Fox and Friends". His own closest people viewed him as a clear and present threat to the nation. Why trust them when we can trust you?

A destroyed economy and a country on fire because of his racist dog whistles and supporters. Proud Boys anyone? 30k+ confirmed and verified lies. The most disgraceful buffoon to ever sit in the White House.

He attacked our allies and alliances and past promises mercilessly whenever it benefitted him personally. There was a river of corruption of the likes we have never seen in Washington. A revolving door of corrupt clowns in his administration raping the taxpayer at every opportunity.

No dictator was so heinous that he couldn't be a trump buddy. If anything, the more heinous the dictator, the more elicited admiration from trump.

A traitor to this nation. The first President in my life to openly foment insurrection. He still perpetuates the lie that he won an election that he actually lost soundly, despite proven cheating by the GOP. They did their best and he still lost. Just incredible.

Shameless and disgusting and vile. A fat orange liar who has failed at every venture not supported by Russian money and disinformation.

I give him credit, though. He might just be one of the greatest con artists this country has ever seen. Just amazing how the gullible continue to repeat the same gibberish again and again.

I'm waiting for the wall Mexico was going to pay for, the health care plan, draining the swamp, his tax returns and on and on. You name it, he failed at it. Well, I guess being the worst president in US history is a kind of accomplishment.
I was wrong about Trump He's worse
The WORST president in US history. Massively increased debt prior to COVID hitting. When COVID arrived after he dismantled the epidemic response team, we got a million+ dead Americans based on his utterly incompetent response to COVID. His anti-science gibberish about bleach then horse dewormers.

A complete f*cking idiot who couldn't sit through a single security briefing. We've never had a president this stupid who also worked so little. Well, I guess he worked on his golf swing at huge taxpayer expense.

His idea of an intelligence briefing was listening to kooks on the internet and watching "Fox and Friends". His own closest people viewed him as a clear and present threat to the nation. Why trust them when we can trust you?

A destroyed economy and a country on fire because of his racist dog whistles and supporters. Proud Boys anyone? 30k+ confirmed and verified lies. The most disgraceful buffoon to ever sit in the White House.

He attacked our allies and alliances and past promises mercilessly whenever it benefitted him personally. There was a river of corruption of the likes we have never seen in Washington. A revolving door of corrupt clowns in his administration raping the taxpayer at every opportunity.

No dictator was so heinous that he couldn't be a trump buddy. If anything, the more heinous the dictator, the more elicited admiration from trump.

A traitor to this nation. The first President in my life to openly foment insurrection. He still perpetuates the lie that he won an election that he actually lost soundly, despite proven cheating by the GOP. They did their best and he still lost. Just incredible.

Shameless and disgusting and vile. A fat orange liar who has failed at every venture not supported by Russian money and disinformation.

I give him credit, though. He might just be one of the greatest con artists this country has ever seen. Just amazing how the gullible continue to repeat the same gibberish again and again.

I'm waiting for the wall Mexico was going to pay for, the health care plan, draining the swamp, his tax returns and on and on. You name it, he failed at it. Well, I guess being the worst president in US history is a kind of accomplishment.
There is no question Trump was a fiasco. So it's funny when Republicans say he was great.

Oh, and consider this. If Trump was president right now, would Republicans be voting for Biden in 2024 because of inflation? No way. They would be saying it's out of his control.

Oh, and good job Biden

The Dow Jones Industrial Average jumped 332.04 points, or 1%, to 32,529.63. The blue-chip index added more than 400 points in the previous session. The S&P 500 rose 1.2% to 4,072.43, and the Nasdaq Composite added nearly 1.1% to 12,162.59. All of the major averages are on pace for a winning week as well as their best month of 2022.

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