MAGA: A Complete Failure

I don't believe in Biden. I just believe the Republican party is no good and can't believe a poor or lower middle class person like you would like them if not for social wedge issues.
So Biden is good? Is that what you're saying?
You're nuts. My father made a great living at Ford in the Cafeteria. They were part of the UAW. So collective bargaining gave him a great hourly wage, healthcare and other benefits he still gets today as a retired union member.
As I already stated, unions increased the pay of their members. They decreased the pay of everyone else.

And these jobs brought non union wages up.

That's actually wrong. I told you what brings wages up, and it ain't unions.

Employers had to compete to get the best workers so they had to pay better than they otherwise would if no unions were around.
You're contradicting yourself. Competition is the opposite of what unions do.

That's why as union membership went from 35% of our workforce down to about 9%, wages went down too. No coincidence.

Non union companies also FEAR their employees will unionize. So they pay more than they would if that wasn't an option. Hell, even with this threat employers still pay shitty and treat their employees shitty. Look at Amazon. Even down south they are trying to unionize. Why?

The real reason is importation of low wage labor.
So Biden is good? Is that what you're saying?

He's better​

How Trump’s Attacks on the Fed Have Made Its Job Harder​

The Federal Reserve has moved quickly to combat economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic, but President Trump’s ongoing attacks may have weakened its message.

I hope we run someone else in 2024. Not because I hate Biden, just it would be nice to get a young smart 2 term Liberal in the White House. Someone like Obama.
As I already stated, unions increased the pay of their members. They decreased the pay of everyone else.

That's actually wrong. I told you what brings wages up, and it ain't unions.

You're contradicting yourself. Competition is the opposite of what unions do.

The real reason is importation of low wage labor.
By everyone else do you mean the shareholders, CEO's and Upper Management? That's true they do lower the CEO's pay. And it probably hurts your stocks when the employees are paid better.

Know what else is true? The CEO's who sent the most jobs to Mexico, made the most. That helps the shareholders and your 401K too dummy.

He's better​

Not even close. He's corrupt senile child molester. Name one economic indicator that has improved since he took office.

How Trump’s Attacks on the Fed Have Made Its Job Harder​

The Federal Reserve has moved quickly to combat economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic, but President Trump’s ongoing attacks may have weakened its message.

I hope we run someone else in 2024. Not because I hate Biden, just it would be nice to get a young smart 2 term Liberal in the White House. Someone like Obama.
Still blaming Trump for Biden's failures?
The ones that don't produce are those sitting back watching their workers sweat and labor. The working class rule in socialism and own everything, so your comments are foolish. It's the rich that work less and the laborers that produce everything in this world worth anything.
Why is it only Jeff Bezos developed Amazon, so that way he could employ with many benefits the employees that work there? Why didnt you create that company? Is it because you are too stupid and lazy so you want to punish him for being successful, which is always what Socialism is about? Egad man, you have been brainwashed into thinking that unions are the source of jobs, all they do is come into a company, promise the impossible, then when the company can no longer succeed, because of empty promises, the company goes bankrupt or needs a bailout from someone like the brown turd Obammy. Then if that company like GM gets in trouble again, with more outlandish promises from the union, declares bankruptcy again, to get more money from tax payers who are union workers. Self defeating, and moronic....
You obviously don't know what socialism is.
I have been told that since i fought against it back in the cold war. Obviously you are to stupid to learn what it is all about.

It is widely known that the early Pilgrims came to the New World to escape religious persecution. What is lesser known is that their spiritual adventure was also a commercial enterprise. Today’s self-identified democratic socialists like to claim real socialism has never been tried in America, but they need to brush up on their history.

Socialism Failed Miserably For The American Pilgrims, Just Like I…

You obviously don't know what socialism is.
While being in West Germany, i was about 10 miles from the Berlin Wall, and i never saw anyone trying to climb over to get into East Germany but i did see a bunch of people from the East going over the barb wire and facing machine guns and vicious dogs to get away from Socialism. Again, go to Cuba or Venezuela and live the Socialist Utopian Dream you are talking about, then get back to US in about a year...
Republicans are traitors

Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz brutally slammed by Jon Stewart for fist-bump after killing veterans bill​

During an appearance on MSNBC"s "Morning Joe," TV host and commentator Jon Stewart rained hell on Republicans in the Senate for killing a bill that would supply much-needed help to military veterans facing crippling illnesses due to exposure to burn pits overseas.

Stewart, who has become the country's most prominent advocate for the bill, lashed out at Republicans for killing a bill that they had previously supported in massive numbers and accused them of cynically playing to the extreme rightwing that doesn't want to see President Joe Biden sign the bill.
During his MSNBC appearance, Stewart also focused on the majority of his fury over the betrayal at Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Josh Haley (R-MO) for celebrating after the bill was shot down -- and then accused them of lying about their motivations.
"I want you to fact-check that while I am sitting here," Stewart told host Willie Geist. "Did Ted Cruz and all those other Republicans who voted yes on this bill and then switched their vote to no, was that the provision of how the bill was paid for when they voted yes?"
READ MORE: Voters are feeling 'MAGA hangover' — and it's hurting GOP election hopes: analysis
"Now [Republican Senator Pat] Toomey, on the other hand, he's been against this all along, at least he's been a consistent dick, but that's not -- this is nothing new," he added. "This is how it was paid for: the fix in the House was a tiny constitutional provision. This is the same bill that they passed, and by the way, all that nonsense that Toomey says about $400 billion of a slush fund that opens the door to that possibility. You know who can close that door? The senate and the house because they have the power of appropriation."
"They always have money for the war with no guardrails and no oversight, but all of a sudden they get religion on a healthcare bill for veterans," he continued. "And I'll say this, the most despicable part of this whole thing is watching on the Senate floor Ted Cruz fist-bumping and then patting each other on the back when they blocked this bill. Josh Hawley and Pat Toomey celebrating their victory over veterans with cancer."
'Way to go, guys! You finally handed it to 'big veteran with cancer.' Well done!" he sarcastically added.
Watch the video below or at this link.
Republicans are traitors

Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz brutally slammed by Jon Stewart for fist-bump after killing veterans bill​

During an appearance on MSNBC"s "Morning Joe," TV host and commentator Jon Stewart rained hell on Republicans in the Senate for killing a bill that would supply much-needed help to military veterans facing crippling illnesses due to exposure to burn pits overseas.

Stewart, who has become the country's most prominent advocate for the bill, lashed out at Republicans for killing a bill that they had previously supported in massive numbers and accused them of cynically playing to the extreme rightwing that doesn't want to see President Joe Biden sign the bill.
During his MSNBC appearance, Stewart also focused on the majority of his fury over the betrayal at Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Josh Haley (R-MO) for celebrating after the bill was shot down -- and then accused them of lying about their motivations.
"I want you to fact-check that while I am sitting here," Stewart told host Willie Geist. "Did Ted Cruz and all those other Republicans who voted yes on this bill and then switched their vote to no, was that the provision of how the bill was paid for when they voted yes?"
READ MORE: Voters are feeling 'MAGA hangover' — and it's hurting GOP election hopes: analysis
"Now [Republican Senator Pat] Toomey, on the other hand, he's been against this all along, at least he's been a consistent dick, but that's not -- this is nothing new," he added. "This is how it was paid for: the fix in the House was a tiny constitutional provision. This is the same bill that they passed, and by the way, all that nonsense that Toomey says about $400 billion of a slush fund that opens the door to that possibility. You know who can close that door? The senate and the house because they have the power of appropriation."
"They always have money for the war with no guardrails and no oversight, but all of a sudden they get religion on a healthcare bill for veterans," he continued. "And I'll say this, the most despicable part of this whole thing is watching on the Senate floor Ted Cruz fist-bumping and then patting each other on the back when they blocked this bill. Josh Hawley and Pat Toomey celebrating their victory over veterans with cancer."
'Way to go, guys! You finally handed it to 'big veteran with cancer.' Well done!" he sarcastically added.
Watch the video below or at this link.
What always amazes me, is that when the government fails at doing its job, the fix is to spend more of our tax dollars.

Under Clinton the deficit spending was around 3 trillion dollars while bringing in 2 trillion dollars of taxes. Today we take in over 4 trillion dollars but spend just at 6 trillion dollars. Maybe if we actually put a signature on receipt of those funds to make those spending the dollars accountable, then the government might actually do its job. Until then, just more FRAUD, WASTE and ABUSE.
While being in West Germany, i was about 10 miles from the Berlin Wall, and i never saw anyone trying to climb over to get into East Germany but i did see a bunch of people from the East going over the barb wire and facing machine guns and vicious dogs to get away from Socialism. Again, go to Cuba or Venezuela and live the Socialist Utopian Dream you are talking about, then get back to US in about a year...
Those stories are just in your mind. A lot of people defected to the Soviet Union from the West:

Defectors from socialist countries that lie to get money and become famous:

You continue regurgitating the same cheap rhetoric against socialist countries without factoring in the difficulties caused by sanctions and wars imposed upon them by the United States and its allies. Nonetheless, despite all of the silly virtue signaling and pathetic polemics that you consistently throw at socialism, it is still the inevitable system of production that is going to replace capitalism in the near future, when technology replaces wage labor. You might as well come to terms with it now because socialism is in your future, whether you like it or not.
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What always amazes me, is that when the government fails at doing its job, the fix is to spend more of our tax dollars.

Under Clinton the deficit spending was around 3 trillion dollars while bringing in 2 trillion dollars of taxes. Today we take in over 4 trillion dollars but spend just at 6 trillion dollars. Maybe if we actually put a signature on receipt of those funds to make those spending the dollars accountable, then the government might actually do its job. Until then, just more FRAUD, WASTE and ABUSE.
The only government that you fund with your tax dollars is local and state governments, not the federal government. You pay income taxes to the federal government to maintain the value of the dollar and take money out o the economy. It controls inflation. The federal government, unlike your local and state government, is the issuer of the dollar, hence it doesn't need to receive dollars from anyone to fund itself. You need to study economics because you're quite misinformed.
Those stories are just in your mind. A lot of people defected to the Soviet Union from the West:

Defectors from socialist countries that lie to get money and become famous:

You continue regurgitating the same cheap rhetoric against socialist countries without factoring in the difficulties caused by sanctions and wars imposed upon them by the United States and its allies. Nonetheless, despite all of the silly virtue signaling and pathetic polemics that you consistently throw at socialism, it is still the inevitable system of production that is going to replace capitalism in the near future, when technology replaces wage labor. You might as well come to terms with it now because socialism is in your future, whether you like it or not.

ROFL! How many, 5?
Those stories are just in your mind. A lot of people defected to the Soviet Union from the West:

Defectors from socialist countries that lie to get money and become famous:

You continue regurgitating the same cheap rhetoric against socialist countries without factoring in the difficulties caused by sanctions and wars imposed upon them by the United States and its allies. Nonetheless, despite all of the silly virtue signaling and pathetic polemics that you consistently throw at socialism, it is still the inevitable system of production that is going to replace capitalism in the near future, when technology replaces wage labor. You might as well come to terms with it now because socialism is in your future, whether you like it or not.

My mind, while i was there, just even though i saw what was happening, i am supposed to believe you. Did you know that a gun shot to the head that blows your brains out the back, is usually a fatal shot, but i guess in your world, it just wont happen even if i see it happen....Fuck you are stupid as shit.


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