MAGA: A Complete Failure

The only government that you fund with your tax dollars is local and state governments, not the federal government. You pay income taxes to the federal government to maintain the value of the dollar and take money out o the economy. It controls inflation. The federal government, unlike your local and state government, is the issuer of the dollar, hence it doesn't need to receive dollars from anyone to fund itself. You need to study economics because you're quite misinformed.
BWaaaahhaaaaa...It is the central bank that issues dollars not the fucking government you douche bag. When the central bank issues to many dollars that causes inflation. Where did you go to fucking school? You need to get a refund...

A dollar peg is when a country maintains its currency's value at a fixed exchange rate to the U.S. dollar. The country's central bank controls the value of its currency so that it rises and falls along with the dollar. The dollar's value fluctuates because it’s on a floating exchange rate.

Dollar Peg: Definition, How It Works, Why It's Done - The Balance

I have been told that since i fought against it back in the cold war. Obviously you are to stupid to learn what it is all about.

It is widely known that the early Pilgrims came to the New World to escape religious persecution. What is lesser known is that their spiritual adventure was also a commercial enterprise. Today’s self-identified democratic socialists like to claim real socialism has never been tried in America, but they need to brush up on their history.

Socialism Failed Miserably For The American Pilgrims, Just Like I…


Socialism, just as capitalism, has failed for some and has worked for others. Capitalism didn't replace chattel slavery and feudalism over night or in a few years, it took centuries, Likewise, socialism hasn't replaced capitalism in a few days or years, it takes time for the conditions to warrant the adoption of a new mode of production. You cite the American pilgrims' attempt at something that looks like socialism and their failure to properly implement it and I now cite examples where other American communities have successfully applied communism (a system even stricter than socialism):

Act 2:44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common;
Act 2:45 and they sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all, according as any man had need.

Act 4:32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and soul: and not one of them said that aught of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.
Act 4:33 And with great power gave the apostles their witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.
Act 4:34 For neither was there among them any that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold,
Act 4:35 and laid them at the apostles' feet: and distribution was made unto each, according as any one had need.

So the Christian pilgrims failed with their attempt at communism, but other Christians have done quite well with communism. The first Christians did well with communism according to the above Biblical verses, until 72 AD when the Romans burned down Jerusalem. It states in Acts 4:34 "For neither was there among them any that lacked".

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No, that is central governments that murder born and unborn babies while selling their body parts for profits. Shame you were lucky enough to survive your mothers decision....
The Chinese government supposedly harvests organs and the US government starves children to death and starts regime change wars that kill millions of innocent people. So I guess you should try another line of argumentation because capitalism has no moral high ground.

There is no border wall; Manufacturing was not brought back; Americans farmers and manufacturers were made so great again, that one measly, irrelevant eastern European country could destabilize the entire supply chain because we're that dependent on them. All we got from Trump is useless culture war, white identity politics, and more wealth for him and the top 1%. As a woke black conservative, I stood behind many of the goals of maga(not that they were anything new), but facts are facts and he failed.

You just described the Xiden admin., silly sally.
The Chinese government supposedly harvests organs and the US government starves children to death and starts regime change wars that kill millions of innocent people. So I guess you should try another line of argumentation because capitalism has no moral high ground.

When did the US ever starve children? I'll agree with the regime change claim. However, it doesn't kill Americans. The people killed are most our enemies.
When did the US ever starve children? I'll agree with the regime change claim. However, it doesn't kill Americans. The people killed are most our enemies.

Exactly, you'll always justify the US government's genocidal wars, economic sanctions, millions of innocent people dead, displaced, ruined, forced into refugee camps. Whatever economic sanctions or embargoes that the US imposes on developing nations, are always a good idea in your opinion, regardless of how many people die due to lack of resources, clean water, medicine, and healthcare. You could care less, it doesn't matter to you. All good.

I was wrong about Trump He's worse
The WORST president in US history. Massively increased debt prior to COVID hitting. When COVID arrived after he dismantled the epidemic response team, we got a million+ dead Americans based on his utterly incompetent response to COVID. His anti-science gibberish about bleach then horse dewormers.

A complete f*cking idiot who couldn't sit through a single security briefing. We've never had a president this stupid who also worked so little. Well, I guess he worked on his golf swing at huge taxpayer expense.

His idea of an intelligence briefing was listening to kooks on the internet and watching "Fox and Friends". His own closest people viewed him as a clear and present threat to the nation. Why trust them when we can trust you?

A destroyed economy and a country on fire because of his racist dog whistles and supporters. Proud Boys anyone? 30k+ confirmed and verified lies. The most disgraceful buffoon to ever sit in the White House.

He attacked our allies and alliances and past promises mercilessly whenever it benefitted him personally. There was a river of corruption of the likes we have never seen in Washington. A revolving door of corrupt clowns in his administration raping the taxpayer at every opportunity.

No dictator was so heinous that he couldn't be a trump buddy. If anything, the more heinous the dictator, the more elicited admiration from trump.

A traitor to this nation. The first President in my life to openly foment insurrection. He still perpetuates the lie that he won an election that he actually lost soundly, despite proven cheating by the GOP. They did their best and he still lost. Just incredible.

Shameless and disgusting and vile. A fat orange liar who has failed at every venture not supported by Russian money and disinformation.

I give him credit, though. He might just be one of the greatest con artists this country has ever seen. Just amazing how the gullible continue to repeat the same gibberish again and again.

I'm waiting for the wall Mexico was going to pay for, the health care plan, draining the swamp, his tax returns and on and on. You name it, he failed at it. Well, I guess being the worst president in US history is a kind of accomplishment.
Blah...blah... blahhh.... Trump.... blah.....blah... Trump....blah.
Repeat the line.
Where is the evidence for that?

Watch the video. Thousands went to the USSR during the great depression. There was no great depression in the USSR, in the 1930s. It was the place to be. Then Russia was invaded by 4 million Germans.
BWaaaahhaaaaa...It is the central bank that issues dollars not the fucking government you douche bag. When the central bank issues to many dollars that causes inflation. Where did you go to fucking school? You need to get a refund...

A dollar peg is when a country maintains its currency's value at a fixed exchange rate to the U.S. dollar. The country's central bank controls the value of its currency so that it rises and falls along with the dollar. The dollar's value fluctuates because it’s on a floating exchange rate.

Dollar Peg: Definition, How It Works, Why It's Done - The Balance


The fed is under the authority of the US Congress and has a charter allowing them to print money for the US government. The US federal government is the exclusive issuer of the dollar and it will never run out of money or go insolvent. As far as inflation, that isn't caused by printing money provided the budget doesn't exceed GDP. Our budget is less than 15% GDP, so we're OK. Tax dollars only fund local and state governments, not the US federal government. More, there are a lot of measures that a government can take to control inflation, that our government refuses to do, due to ideological, and political reasons. We could get out of the current inflation crisis today if Biden would implement those policies.

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Exactly, you'll always justify the US government's genocidal wars, economic sanctions, millions of innocent people dead, displaced, ruined, forced into refugee camps. Whatever economic sanctions or embargoes that the US imposes on developing nations, are always a good idea in your opinion, regardless of how many people die due to lack of resources, clean water, medicine, and healthcare. You could care less, it doesn't matter to you. All good.

You failed to answer the question: when did the U.S government starve children? As for the justification for foreign wars, we can argue about that all day. Clearly, going to war with the Taliban was justified.
Watch the video. Thousands went to the USSR during the great depression. There was no great depression in the USSR, in the 1930s. It was the place to be. Then Russia was invaded by 4 million Germans.

Ukrainian Genocide

The term Holodomor (death by hunger, in Ukrainian) refers to the starvation of millions of Ukrainians in 1932–33 as a result of Soviet policies. The Holodomor can be seen as the culmination of an assault by the Communist Party and Soviet state on the Ukrainian peasantry, who resisted Soviet policies. This assault occurred in the context of a campaign of intimidation and arrests of Ukrainian intellectuals, writers, artists, religious leaders, and political cadres, who were seen as a threat to Soviet ideological and state-building aspirations.​

In socialism if you dare speak out against the leaders, then you also become like many others who have lived or died under socialism. They dont give a shit about you...
You failed to answer the question: when did the U.S government starve children? As for the justification for foreign wars, we can argue about that all day. Clearly, going to war with the Taliban was justified.
Not to a socialist...They and the Muslims are very much alike.
Employment in computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 13 percent from 2020 to 2030, faster than the average for all occupations. These occupations are projected to add about 667,600 new jobs.
I work in IT... I haven't worked on a client site since 2012...

Since then I have had clients in US, Switzerland, Belgium, UK, Ireland, Japan, Germany, Spain,.....

I do the odd day meetings but mainly work from the office in Ireland...

Mexican IT services company based in Mexico would seem attractive... 15m of them speak English and they are mainly working age and higher educated...

IT is very fluid marketplace... I have run teams of programmer in Mumbai, a lot of Americans working there too.. Idea of Visas and work permits is usually forgotten except in the US and only if you are over 90 days, EU citizens just presume we can work anywhere.. Switzerland does deport EU citizens every now and then but most people just laugh at them
You failed to answer the question: when did the U.S government starve children? As for the justification for foreign wars, we can argue about that all day. Clearly, going to war with the Taliban was justified.
I provided you with much better evidence than you are providing me for the Soviets committing their supposed genocidal crimes.

Madelaine Albright admitting it's worth killing half a million Iraqi children, isn't enough for you? I provided you with testimonials from Scott Ritter, head of the US Weapons Inspection Team in Iraq, I provided you with evidence from a former US attorney general, I provided multiple testimonies from top UN officials that were part of the "Oil For Food Program" in Iraq. I provided you with current testimonies of government officials admitting that we are currently sanctioning Afghanistan and that the Afghan people are suffering as a result. All of these testimonies were found in that one documentary, but I just added more videos. It doesn't matter how much evidence is provided to you, you don't give a shit. So communists shouldn't give a shit either when you start disingenuously complaining about supposed communist crimes and violence against humanity. How about the crimes against humanity committed by the US government? Does that disqualify capitalism as a good economic system? I'm just applying your reasoning.

Yes the United States was justified in invading Afghanistan to kill those terrorists. No doubt. But staying there for twenty years, spending trillions of dollars, not to speak of the thousands of American men and women in uniform that died there, to then have nothing to show for it? That's horrible. Did the people of Afghanistan receive any benefits at all from those trillions of dollars spent durring the twenty year occupation of their country? We could've transformed Afghanistan into a modern democracy, with a well developed infrastructure, with half of the trillions that we spent there. The likelihood of the Afghan people allowing the Taliban to take control of the government again, if they had had a taste of Western life, living in a better developed country, they wouldn't have so easily surrendered to the Taliban. They would've fought tooth and nail to keep their country free of religious extremism and preserve their democracy. We didn't invest in Afghanistan that way, we gave trillions of dollars to the military industrial complex, defense contractors.

You can't argue with me on the basis of economics so you resort to mud-slinging and body counts. That's all you capitalist wannabes have. Ironically the vast majority of you defending capitalism are slaves of capitalist lords, members of the working-class that have been brainwashed by their masters. You supposedly love freedom, but only in politics, not in the workplace. Democracy, representation, elections, mutual accountability and respect, human solidarity, that supposedly should only exist in politics, not in the workplace, where you spend 10 hours, even 16 hours daily working two jobs, six or seven days a week. Not there, just in politics should we accept democracy. You've been brainwashed and conditioned to chase that money to become like your capitalist lords. You want to become a little dictator, exploiting "employeees". You want to become the leech, depending upon human labor (other people's hard work) to fill your pockets with mammon. The capitalists dangle trinkets in your face "Oh look you can have this too, you can be like me, just work harder OK? Maybe you'll be like me one day, yes indeed, just work harder".




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