MAGA: A Complete Failure

Hightech Communism creates a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money, because the individual has the ability to produce whatever he or she consumes without anyone else's assistance or contribution. All human relations become 100% voluntary and without exploitation. Socialism is the process that leads to that.

But what if someone doesnt want to work, like you, and decides he wants what you want but doesnt put any effort into it? What if everyone wants the stuff, but doesnt want to work at it?
But what if someone doesnt want to work, like you, and decides he wants what you want but doesnt put any effort into it? What if everyone wants the stuff, but doesnt want to work at it?
  1. Everyone keeps their homes and land properties.
  2. Everyone keeps their firearms, including combat rifles, with access to ammunition (you retain the right to form militias)
  3. Everyone receives the Economic Bill Of Rights, which says every American has a right to food, housing, employment (public sector), healthcare, and an education. We will eliminate homelessness, hunger and poverty in America.
  4. We become energy independent (we'll build MSR-LFTRs Molten Salt Reactors/Liquid Flouride Thorium Reactors, throughout our country, providing abundant, safe, and clean energy to all Americans. These safe nuclear reactors will also generate liquid fuel for all of our vehicles.
  5. We modernize and build our national infrastructure. Highspeed rails, new intelligent highways, new bridges, sewage, electric grid..etc.
  6. All centers of economic power are handed to the people: Banks, Energy Sector (Oil, Gas, Nuclear, Electric Utilities), Mining, All Utilities, Telecom, Mass Transit, Healthcare (private sector remains alongside public healthcare), Pharmaceuticals, and Military Industrial Complex. Profits from those industries are deposited in the public treasury.
  7. Medical Freedom (No need for a prescription from a doctor as it was before the 1930s, a medical license is required to practice medicine).
  8. End of drug-war (drug addiction is decriminalized, narcotics dealing is made a capital crime, and those convicted are subject to the death penalty).
  9. Decriminalization of Cannabis (regulated as alcohol)
  10. The colonization of space (American Space Colonies).
  11. Transsexualism is declared a mental illness and children are protected from being subject to dangerous hormone treatments and surgeries. A woman is defined as an adult human female and a man is defined as an adult human male. There are two sexes and genders, we are a binary species, with respect to sex/gender.
  12. Stop illegal immigration.
  13. Lift all sanctions on foreign states.
  14. Two-year mandatory military service after high school.
  15. Pornography is illegal
  16. Prostitution and Strip Clubs Are Illegal
  17. LGBTQ Pride Parades Are Illegal, due to public nudity and indecency.
  18. Homosexuals can't adopt or groom children.
  19. We are willing to negotiate with social conservatives on the question of abortion and come to terms we can all accept. A woman should be able to abort her pregnancy if she is raped or is facing a possible medical emergency or health problem.
  20. Child sexual abuse is a capital crime.
  21. Religious freedom: The right to practice any religion without government interference.
  22. End of no fault divorce.
  23. Parents have joint custody of their children.
  24. NATO returns to its 1997 borders.
  25. Wars can only be declared through congress. The president has no authority to start a war.
  26. Establish good relations with all nations, unless they directly threaten our national security.
Our plan is much more comprehensive and detailed than the above list, but that's a simple summary of a few of the things we would do to improve the lives of all Americans and increase public health and genuine freedom.
  1. Everyone keeps their homes and land properties.
  2. Everyone keeps their firearms, including combat rifles, with access to ammunition (you retain the right to form militias)
  3. Everyone receives the Economic Bill Of Rights, which says every American has a right to food, housing, employment (public sector), healthcare, and an education. We will eliminate homelessness, hunger and poverty in America.
  4. We become energy independent (we'll build MSR-LFTRs Molten Salt Reactors/Liquid Flouride Thorium Reactors, throughout our country, providing abundant, safe, and clean energy to all Americans. These safe nuclear reactors will also generate liquid fuel for all of our vehicles.
  5. We modernize and build our national infrastructure. Highspeed rails, new intelligent highways, new bridges, sewage, electric grid..etc.
  6. All centers of economic power are handed to the people: Banks, Energy Sector (Oil, Gas, Nuclear, Electric Utilities), Mining, All Utilities, Telecom, Mass Transit, Healthcare (private sector remains alongside public healthcare), Pharmaceuticals, and Military Industrial Complex. Profits from those industries are deposited in the public treasury.
  7. Medical Freedom (No need for a prescription from a doctor as it was before the 1930s, a medical license is required to practice medicine).
  8. End of drug-war (drug addiction is decriminalized, narcotics dealing is made a capital crime, and those convicted are subject to the death penalty).
  9. Decriminalization of Cannabis (regulated as alcohol)
  10. The colonization of space (American Space Colonies).
  11. Transsexualism is declared a mental illness and children are protected from being subject to dangerous hormone treatments and surgeries. A woman is defined as an adult human female and a man is defined as an adult human male. There are two sexes and genders, we are a binary species, with respect to sex/gender.
  12. Stop illegal immigration.
  13. Lift all sanctions on foreign states.
  14. Two-year mandatory military service after high school.
  15. Pornography is illegal
  16. Prostitution and Strip Clubs Are Illegal
  17. LGBTQ Pride Parades Are Illegal, due to public nudity and indecency.
  18. Homosexuals can't adopt or groom children.
  19. We are willing to negotiate with social conservatives on the question of abortion and come to terms we can all accept. A woman should be able to abort her pregnancy if she is raped or is facing a possible medical emergency or health problem.
  20. Child sexual abuse is a capital crime.
  21. Religious freedom: The right to practice any religion without government interference.
  22. End of no fault divorce.
  23. Parents have joint custody of their children.
  24. NATO returns to its 1997 borders.
  25. Wars can only be declared through congress. The president has no authority to start a war.
  26. Establish good relations with all nations, unless they directly threaten our national security.
Our plan is much more comprehensive and detailed than the above list, but that's a simple summary of a few of the things we would do to improve the lives of all Americans and increase public health and genuine freedom.
If everyone can keep what they have, why should they work, why should they get an education, if everything is provided for? Lazy progressive pajama boys just want to sit in their parents basement playing xbox and do nothing to provide for themselves, what happens to people like that?
But what if someone doesnt want to work, like you, and decides he wants what you want but doesnt put any effort into it? What if everyone wants the stuff, but doesnt want to work at it?

Unfortunately, you're not paying attention to what you just read. High-Communism is when you as an individual consumer, personally own the means of production and are able to produce everything that you consume. That takes very advanced technology, which we don't have right now. It might take another 100, maybe 150 years, before we have atomic precision manufacturing machines, the nanotechnology to accomplish that. So until each individual has that power, we form a socialist society with a democratic state, that rationally and centrally plans the economy in cooperation with the worker-cooperatives and private business enterprises in the consumer goods market/private sector. In the first stage of socialism, we will still have a consumer goods market, private business enterprises..etc. As technology advances, wage labor is reduced, the market shrinks, and production becomes more socialized, democratized, and personalized until we reach high communism. A stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money.

Mike doesn't need anyone to produce anything for him, because he has the means of production, all of those nanobots and APMMs (Atomic Precision Manufacturing Machines) in his home, producing everything from food to his glow-in-the-dark pajamas. Everything. Capitalism will undermine your ownership of that technology, whereas socialism encourages it. We're not afraid of the "tech - apocalypse", because our mode of production isn't driven by profits or wage-labor. We allow capitalism to exist until technology eliminates it completely whereas if capitalists were in charge of the economy they would patent all of the advanced technology of production, and create a type of techno-fiefdom. All of the technology of production would be privatized, patented, licensed, expensive royalties would have to be paid..etc, hence this tech would only be in the hands of the rich. Most people will become like serfs, receiving a UBI (Universal Basic Income), due to mass unemployment and we will live under a modern, technologically advanced form of feudalism.

Socialism is the socialization and democratization of production, where we all own the technology and facilities.etc (the means of production) collectively, and develop that production technology as much as we can, to reduce the need for human labor. How? Automated systems, robots, artificial intelligence, self-driving vehicles, powerful computers, atomic precision manufacturing, and a host of other technologies, will reduce the need for human labor. So you can spend more time with your family, or exploring the cosmos, or working on your motorcycle, or writing poetry or whatever. More time to do stuff that imbues your life with meaning, purpose, and happiness. The capitalists know that technology will eliminate wage labor, the paying consumer and hence the markets that they rely on to make money. Technology eventually necessitates the adoption of a new mode of production, that isn't based on profits, money, wage labor, paying consumers, markets..etc. Production has to be socialized, democratized, and personalized. Understand grandpa?
Unfortunately, you're not paying attention to what you just read. High-Communism is when you as an individual consumer, personally own the means of production and are able to produce everything that you consume. That takes very advanced technology, which we don't have right now. It might take another 100, maybe 150 years, before we have atomic precision manufacturing machines, the nanotechnology to accomplish that. So until each individual has that power, we form a socialist society with a democratic state, that rationally and centrally plans the economy in cooperation with the worker-cooperatives and private business enterprises in the consumer goods market/private sector. In the first stage of socialism, we will still have a consumer goods market, private business enterprises..etc. As technology advances, wage labor is reduced, the market shrinks, and production becomes more socialized, democratized, and personalized until we reach high communism. A stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money.

Mike doesn't need anyone to produce anything for him, because he has the means of production, all of those nanobots and APMMs (Atomic Precision Manufacturing Machines) in his home, producing everything from food to his glow-in-the-dark pajamas. Everything. Capitalism will undermine your ownership of that technology, whereas socialism encourages it. We're not afraid of the "tech - apocalypse", because our mode of production isn't driven by profits or wage-labor. We allow capitalism to exist until technology eliminates it completely whereas if capitalists were in charge of the economy they would patent all of the advanced technology of production, and create a type of techno-fiefdom. All of the technology of production would be privatized, patented, licensed, expensive royalties would have to be paid..etc, hence this tech would only be in the hands of the rich. Most people will become like serfs, receiving a UBI (Universal Basic Income), due to mass unemployment and we will live under a modern, technologically advanced form of feudalism.

Socialism is the socialization and democratization of production, where we all own the technology and facilities.etc (the means of production) collectively, and develop that production technology as much as we can, to reduce the need for human labor. How? Automated systems, robots, artificial intelligence, self-driving vehicles, powerful computers, atomic precision manufacturing, and a host of other technologies, will reduce the need for human labor. So you can spend more time with your family, or exploring the cosmos, or working on your motorcycle, or writing poetry or whatever. More time to do stuff that imbues your life with meaning, purpose, and happiness. The capitalists know that technology will eliminate wage labor, the paying consumer and hence the markets that they rely on to make money. Technology eventually necessitates the adoption of a new mode of production, that isn't based on profits, money, wage labor, paying consumers, markets..etc. Production has to be socialized, democratized, and personalized. Understand grandpa?
100 to 150 years from now?

If everyone can keep what they have, why should they work, why should they get an education, if everything is provided for? Lazy progressive pajama boys just want to sit in their parents basement playing xbox and do nothing to provide for themselves, what happens to people like that?

It's not just multimillionaires and billionaires who find meaning, purpose, personal satisfaction, healthy pride, and happiness in working for something that they value and are passionate about. Why do wealthy people work? They could spend the rest of their lives at the beach, but they still work towards building and creating something. Most people aren't satisfied just vegetating, being worthless losers if they have the opportunity to be a hero, a contributor, overcome challenging obstacles, conquer some hills, and experience the euphoria and glory of victory. People need a foundation upon which to build something.

In the beginning, we will still have markets, wage labor, capitalists, and private business enterprises, we will still have all of that, until technology allows us to produce and distribute everything that we consume, without the need for wage labor, or markets. etc. In the future, we will enter a phase of development where people will still work, let's say 20 hours weekly, in order to support the system that provides them with a very high standard of living, but they won't be working for a wage. They will have everything, and if they can work (if their health permits them to work), they will meet the weekly labor requirements established by society, in the field that they choose to work in. Just like we have to appear for jury duty when society calls us, we will also have to work at least 20 hours weekly (for example). Eventually, those hours will become less and less, thanks to technology. The more advanced the technology, the less need there is for human labor. Capitalism needs wage labor, we don't. We're not afraid of technology, we welcome it.
100 to 150 years from now?

It might be earlier, I'm being conservative. Did you see the video? This technology, may not be available to the consumer for another 70, maybe 100+ years:

Eric Drexler states in that interview that if nanotech scientists had the funding, they could build APMMs (Atomic Precision Manufacturing Machines), like the one in the first video above, in about fifteen years. Less than twenty years. I said 100+ years but I wouldn't be surprised if we could do it in much less time. Socialists will fund that technology.​

That's like Star Trek technology. That's what it's going to take to establish high-communism, very advanced tech. However, we can create a very modern, advanced civilization before that, with socialism. Socialism is the process that leads to high communism. It's a process of technological evolution.
It might be earlier, I'm being conservative. Did you see the video? This technology, may not be available to the consumer for another 70, maybe 100+ years:

Eric Drexler states in that interview that if nanotech scientists had the funding, they could build APMMs (Atomic Precision Manufacturing Machines), like the one in the first video above, in about fifteen years. Less than twenty years. I said 100+ years but I wouldn't be surprised if we could do it in much less time. Socialists will fund that technology.​

That's like Star Trek technology. That's what it's going to take to establish high-communism, very advanced tech. However, we can create a very modern, advanced civilization before that, with socialism. Socialism is the process that leads to high communism. It's a process of technological evolution.

Do you know in the Star Trek tech, that there still were leaders who got more than the rest? It is a pipe dream that all people can be content with just a shared value, because people are not ants, that obey what they are told to do, some do more, many do less. Someone has to be the law enforcer, because there will be people who rebel against the system. What happens to them?

It might be earlier, I'm being conservative. Did you see the video? This technology, may not be available to the consumer for another 70, maybe 100+ years:

Eric Drexler states in that interview that if nanotech scientists had the funding, they could build APMMs (Atomic Precision Manufacturing Machines), like the one in the first video above, in about fifteen years. Less than twenty years. I said 100+ years but I wouldn't be surprised if we could do it in much less time. Socialists will fund that technology.​

That's like Star Trek technology. That's what it's going to take to establish high-communism, very advanced tech. However, we can create a very modern, advanced civilization before that, with socialism. Socialism is the process that leads to high communism. It's a process of technological evolution.

From an expert on Communism...

Hightech Communism creates a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money, because the individual has the ability to produce whatever he or she consumes without anyone else's assistance or contribution. All human relations become 100% voluntary and without exploitation. Socialism is the process that leads to that.
And Cuba is the best example of that definition
And Cuba is the best example of that definition

Cuba is an Island in the shadow of a capitalist empire, under a strict economic embargo, with an American military base. The individual consumer in Cuba doesn't have personal control or autonomy over the means of production, he or she relies on the state for the products and services that he or she uses. Cuba is a socialist state with one leg and one arm, one eye, sitting in a wheelchair. That's the consequence of being 90 miles away from the most powerful empire in human history and not complying with its demands. Not toeing the line.

High-Communism according to Marx and Engels is a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. So the idea of a "communist state" is absurd and oxymoronic. Communism is stateless, whether it's primitive communism in hunter-gatherer societies, or high-tech communism/high-communism.

The Socialist State, also known as the "Dictatorship Of The Proletariat", namely, the dictatorship of the working class is the process that leads to high-communism. About 95% of the population belongs to the working class. The people dictate, not big money interests or the wealthy aristocracy, at the expense of the public good. No. It's not "minority rule" or plutocracy (i.e. rule of the rich), it's the rule of the majority, of the public. We call that democracy (rule of the people). Socialism is a process that socializes, democratizes, and eventually, when technology permits, completely personalizes the production and delivery of goods and services to the consumer.

When technology allows it, the individual consumer will be able to produce whatever he or she needs and wants, at home or in a community production center. If the person wants a product that doesn't fit in their home, like a fishing boat or a motorcycle, they can have it made in a community production center, rather than in their home. The technology at home and in the factory is the same, but in the factory, it's at a larger scale. The technology eliminates the consumer's need to depend upon anyone else to produce the products that they use. When everyone has access to this level of production technology, the state becomes superfluous.

In high communism, human relations or communities are founded on 100%, total consent, and without coercion. The technology is portable and can be taken anywhere, hence if you don't like a community, you get on your boat, submarine, spacecraft, your self-driving RV, and you get the hell out of there. People will establish communities without a state apparatus. There will be rules, but if you don't like the rules, you can change them or if not, leave. Start your own community. Technology will free you from needing others to produce things for you.

Everyone lives in abundance, no more scarcity, no more disease due to those nanobots coursing through your veins, eliminating injury, repairing your body. You have a physician and a surgeon that is better than a human one because artificial intelligence is much more intelligent and capable than a human being. Intelligent, autonomous medical robots and diagnostic technologies will provide you with the best healthcare. No need for the state or a company to provide you with medical care. Technology can free humanity from depending upon others for their material needs. That's high communism. Socialism is the process that leads to all of the above.

The capitalists due to their need for wage-labor, markets, profits, will actually prevent the aformentioned technology from ever being in the hands of the consumer. Their cronies in government, will also do everything they can to stop people from having this power and freedom. The independence that technology will provide, undermines the capitalist's financial interests. Their power is threatened by advanced technology hence they will patent the technology and make it impossible for the average, regular joe, to have access to it. You'll have to be rich, to get that technology and you'll be paying a billionaire regularly for the license to use the tech. The tech will come with tracking devices, to see what you're doing with it. They will keep humanity addicted to an obsolete mode of production called "capitalism". Capitalism is better than chattel slavery and feudalism, but once it runs its course, you need to evolve into a socialized, democratized system of production. Namely socialism and later high-communism.

The capitalists will create a techno-feudalistic society, where they own all of the tech. If you try to use the technology without their permission, without paying for the license and paying them their royalties or you fail to register your machines with the government and the company, allowing them to make sure you're a legitimate, licensed user..etc, you will go to jail without the bail. Techno-Feudalism. They give everyone a "UBI", "Universal Basic Income", a government check, because unemployment will go through the roof thanks to advanced technology. They'll take your medicare and social security away, and they'll just give you $3000 monthly. The billionaires create fake payinig consumers and synthetic markets, completely conjured up like magick, to maintain their power, keeping us hooked on money (money fetishism). An obsolete system of production.

Capitalism at this stage, undermines human progress. It holds humanity back and turns everyone into a modern serf, living in a techno-fiefdom, high-tech feudalism. You won't have freedom, because they will own all of the technology. In contrast, in modern, high-communism, you own the technology, free and clear, and you are truly free. There's no more state, socioeconomic classes or the need for money. Capitalism needs the state, creates socioeconomic classes and needs money. It's pretty clear which system of production we should adopt, and it's not capitalism. Capitalism is the past, socialism and high-communism is the future.
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Cuba is an Island in the shadow of a capitalist empire, under a strict economic embargo, with an American military base. The individual consumer in Cuba doesn't have personal control or autonomy over the means of production, he or she relies on the state for the products and services that he or she uses. Cuba is a socialist state with one leg and one arm, one eye, sitting in a wheelchair. That's the consequence of being 90 miles away from the most powerful empire in human history and not complying with its demands. Not toeing the line.

High-Communism according to Marx and Engels is a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. So the idea of a "communist state" is absurd and oxymoronic. Communism is stateless, whether it's primitive communism in hunter-gatherer societies, or high-tech communism/high-communism. There's the Socialist State, also known as the "Dictatorship Of The Proletariat", namely, the dictatorship of the working class. About 95% of the population belongs to the working class. The people dictate, not big money interests or the wealthy aristocracy, at the expense of the public good. No. It's not "minority rule" or plutocracy (i.e. rule of the rich), it's the rule of the majority, of the public. We call that democracy (rule of the people). Socialism is a process that socializes, democratizes, and eventually, when technology permits, completely personalizes the production and delivery of goods and services to consumers.

When technology allows it, the individual consumer will be able to produce whatever he or she needs and wants, at home or in a community production center. If the person wants a product that doesn't fit in their home, like a fishing boat or a motorcycle, they can have it made in a community production center, rather than in their home. The technology at home and in the factory is the same, but in the factory, it's at a larger scale. The technology eliminates the consumer's need to depend upon anyone else to produce the products that they use. When everyone has access to this level of production technology, the state becomes superfluous.

In high communism, human relations or communities are founded on 100%, total consent, and without coercion. The technology is portable and can be taken anywhere, hence if you don't like a community, you get on your boat, submarine, spacecraft, your self-driving RV, and you get the hell out of there. People will establish communities without a state apparatus. There will be rules, but if you don't like the rules, you can change them or if not, leave. Start your own community. Technology will free you from needing others to produce things for you.

Everyone lives in abundance, no more scarcity, no more disease due to those nanobots coursing through your veins, eliminating injury, repairing your body. You have a physician and a surgeon that is better than a human one because artificial intelligence is much more intelligent and capable than a human being. Intelligent, autonomous medical robots and diagnostic technologies will provide you with the best healthcare. No need for the state or a company to provide you with medical care. Technology can free humanity from depending upon others for their material needs. That's high communism. Socialism is the process that leads to all of the above.

The capitalists due to their need for wage-labor, markets, profits, will actually undermine the aformentioned technology from ever being in the hands of the consumer. Their cronies in government, will also do everything they can to stop people from having this power, of freedom. The independence that technology will provide, undermines the capitalist's financial interests. Their power is threatened by advanced technology hence they will patent the technology and make it impossible for the average, regular joe, to have access to it. You'll have to be rich, to get that technology and you'll be paying a billionaire for the license to use the tech and the royalty fees. The tech will come with tracking devices, to see what you're doing with it. They will keep humanity addicted to an obsolete mode of production called "capitalism". Capitalism is better than chattel slavery and feudalism, but once it runs its course, you need to evolve into a socialized, democratized system of production. Socialism and later high-communism.

The capitalists will create a techno-feudalistic society, where they own all of the tech. If you try to use the technology without their permission, without paying for the license and paying them their royalties or you fail to register your machines with the government and the company, allowing them to make sure you're a legitimate, licensed user..etc, you will go to jail without the bail. Techno-Feudalism. They give everyone a "UBI", "Universal Basic Income", a government check, because unemployment will go through the roof thanks to advanced technology. Capitalism depends upon wage labor, so when technology replaces much of the wage labor, there's mass unemployment and the capitalists convince their cronies in government, to give everyone a monthly check. They'll take your medicare and social security away, and just give everyone $3000 monthly. The billionaires create fake payinig consumers and synthetic markets, completely conjured up like magick, to maintain their power, their money.

Capitalism at this stage, undermines human progress. It holds humanity back and turns everyone into a modern serf, living in a techno-fiefdom, high-tech feudalism. You won't have freedom, because they will own all of the technology. In modern, high-communism, you own the technology, the people own it.
I read a story about this a while ago by Dean Koontz. When the government decided to tamper with those nanobots, people would die on a whim. Yeah, what man creates man can destroy.

I read a story about this a while ago by Dean Koontz. When the government decided to tamper with those nanobots, people would die on a whim. Yeah, what man creates man can destroy.

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Nanobots are a choice, no one is going to force you to have the nanobots. There's no state in communism according to Marx. You keep posting that silly list of supposed atrocities, based upon a book full of lies. They even consider the death of Nazi Germans, who invaded the Soviet Union as part of the "atrocities". Your objections stem from an emotional, irrational, knee jerk hatred for socialism.





Do you know in the Star Trek tech, that there still were leaders who got more than the rest? It is a pipe dream that all people can be content with just a shared value, because people are not ants, that obey what they are told to do, some do more, many do less. Someone has to be the law enforcer, because there will be people who rebel against the system. What happens to them?

A society without a state doesn't equate not having rules or law enforcement. The function of a state arose from a certain class of people needing an organization that would protect its property, be it slaves, lands, livestock..etc. It's a way to protect the class of people who own people and stuff from those who are owned and don't own anything but perhaps a toothbrush. Communism eliminates socioeconomic classes, the situation where some people own others or have all of the material resources and others don't. In a communist society, everyone owns the means of production and resources that they consume. The state apparatus is no longer needed, but that doesn't imply there's no more social order.

Technology will give you the ability to produce everything you consume without relying on others and socialism and later communism will allow you to own that technology. Capitalism, on the other hand, will have the technology privately patented and licensed to wealthy capitalists, making it practically impossible for the working class to benefit from it, much less own it. Only the rich will have access to the means of production, similar to the situation today.

In the above video, it states at the end that communism is a society without a government or police, that's not what Marx said, but the video has a lot of good information so I embedded it. It also claims that all workers or members of the working class become poor as a result of capitalism. That's also an exaggeration. Most workers are exploited, especially those who live in the countries that are consumed by capitalist imperialists. The workers of the exploiting country, live better because they're the primary paying consumer the capitalists rely on to make their profits. The American working class was the aristocracy of labor for about forty years, until the 1980s. Now the American working class is in a very precarious situation because we're not that far away from mass unemployment due to advanced technology. The American working class has been gutted and juiced dry to a pulp. We have to adopt a socialized, democratized mode of production, transcending capitlaism. Namely, Socialism and eventually, when technology permits, Communism.
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A society without a state doesn't equate not having rules or law enforcement. The function of a state arose from a certain class of people needing an organization that would protect its property, be it slaves, lands, livestock..etc. It's a way to protect the class of people who own people and stuff from those who are owned and don't own anything but perhaps a toothbrush. Communism eliminates socioeconomic classes, the situation where some people own others or have all of the material resources and others don't. In a communist society, everyone owns the means of production and resources that they consume. The state apparatus is no longer needed, but that doesn't imply there's no more social order.

Technology will give you the ability to produce everything you consume without relying on others and socialism and later communism will allow you to own that technology. Capitalism, on the other hand, will have the technology privately patented and licensed to wealthy capitalists, making it practically impossible for the working class to benefit from it, much less own it. Only the rich will have access to the means of production, similar to the situation today.

In the above video, it states at the end that communism is a society without a government or police, that's not what Marx said, but the video has a lot of good information so I embedded it. It also claims that all workers or members of the working class become poor as a result of capitalism. That's also an exaggeration. Most workers are exploited, especially those who live in the countries that are consumed by capitalist imperialists. The workers of the exploiting country, live better because they're the primary paying consumer the capitalists rely on to make their profits. The American working class was the aristocracy of labor for about forty years, until the 1980s. Now the American working class is in a very precarious situation because we're not that far away from mass unemployment due to advanced technology. The American working class has been gutted and juiced dry to a pulp. We have to adopt a socialized, democratized mode of production, transcending capitlaism. Namely, Socialism and eventually, when technology permits, Communism.

Yet you still wont go to Venezuela or Cuba, the Socialist Utopian Paradise that you so want this country to turn into. Why is that?
Yet you still wont go to Venezuela or Cuba, the Socialist Utopian Paradise that you so want this country to turn into. Why is that?

If the sanctions are lifted I will go there on vacation, to visit. Why would I go there to stay? I'm an American, this is my home. You're not making any sense.
If the sanctions are lifted I will go there on vacation, to visit. Why would I go there to stay? I'm an American, this is my home. You're not making any sense.
You think you are making sense willingly going to give up your freedoms for a communist utopia? Once they are gone, they are gone for ever. As see in these videos of countries that were once free, now under Communism.

Oh yeah, not your Communism...Got it.


iirc, the left applauded Chavez's socialist model back in the day.......little did they know how insidiously it all festered , eh?

You think you are making sense willingly going to give up your freedoms for a communist utopia? Once they are gone, they are gone for ever. As see in these videos of countries that were once free, now under Communism.

Oh yeah, not your Communism...Got it.

You keep criticizing socialist countries for their supposed failures without factoring in the fact that they're being sanctioned economically by the US. You also continue identifying socialist states as "communist", when communism is stateless. There is no state in communism, only in socialism. Socialism is the process that leads to communism. As technology advances and replaces wage labor, increasing unemployment, a new system of production is necessary. That new system is socialism. You want to pretend capitalism is going to survive without wage labor, but you're just confused.

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