MAGA: A Complete Failure

The Trump Republican Party faces a strategic problem and a constitutional opportunity. The problem is that under Trump, the Republican Party is a minority force in American life. The opportunity is that an ever more unbalanced federal structure can enable a minority party based in many small states to control the majority population that lives in fewer big states. abortion is one area where Republicans can use this opportunity, but that is not an area that especially interests Donald Trump.

The Republican Party has become the Fascist Christian Nationalist White Supremicist Party. Openly. That’s a fact. If you aren’t any of those things, and you’re still calling yourself a Republican, you are in denial.

I'm no fan of Hillary, but she did win the popular vote in 2016 by three freaking million votes. How the hell do you dismiss three million more votes for a candidate and have the opposing candidate win? The so-called "electoral college", is nothing more than a farce, designed to undermine the people's power by creating buffers between them and their government. The electoral college is controlled by the wealthy. They have great influence over how the electoral college votes. They have much less influence over the general population, hence their contempt for direct democracy. The majority of people, thank goodness, have enough common sense to know what is good for them and what isn't. The majority of the working-class vote left, left center. We don't have democracy or "rule of the people" in America, we have a plutocracy, an oligarchy.
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What "heavy industry? Cuba had three industries: sugar cane, cigars and gambling casinos. None of that was owned by American corporations.

There is no comparison between Cuba and American slums. Cuba doesn't have any cars that are newer than 1957. Cuba was once the richest country in Latin America. Now it's the poorest. There's no way you can blab away the fact tha communism was an utter disaster for the Cuban people. Only suckers like you are willing to swallow that proposition.

You're so full of shit. How many times do I have to remind you fucking peckerwood morons, that Cuba is being sanctioned and what those sanctions do to Cuba economically? You conveniently ignore that. Lift the sanctions and if Cuba doesn't recover economically, then talk shit. I'll listen then. America lifts the sanctions and Cuba is still screwed up economically, then I will take your arguments seriously, until then, fuck you. As far as Cuba before Castro, I know more about it because I'm Cuban American, born and raised in Miami, Florida by Cubans. My maternal grandfather worked in Cuban mines, owned by American corporations. My family is Gomez Mena Waddington, it was the third wealthiest family in Cuba. Bacardi and Lobos were the wealthiest, and my family, on my father's side, were #3. My paternal grandfather and my father were both groomed and educated in the United States. Most of the sugar was grown and owned by American corporations and my family processed the sugar for them in our mills.

Most Cubans lived in abject poverty, and about 20% lived well. They were the middle class. Millions of Cubans didn't have access to healthcare, education, or modern infrastructure. How do you think a small motley crew of socialist guerillas was able to take the whole Island? Cuba is a pretty big Island, with about 11 million people. They couldn't have won the civil war without the support of the vast majority of Cubans.

Again for the 857th time, all of your rhetoric against socialism in Cuba completely ignores the sanctions. Lift the sanctions and then we'll see if socialism is like you say. Lift it. If Cuba isn't sanctioned and it still remains all screwed up, I will take your rhetoric much more seriously, but until those sanctions are lifted, everything you say against socialism in Cuba amounts to a pile of bullshit. When Obama lifted many of the sanctions, the standard of living for Cubans began to greatly improve. Cuba is in the shadow of a capitalist empire, refusing to toe the line and bow down. It won't go back to being a colony of the United States like Puerto Rico. Cubans don't want that for their country, they want to remain sovereign.

With respect to your comment on Cuban slums vs American slums. You're correct there's no comparison. American slums are much worse due to being extremely dangerous and infested with drugs and disease. At least in Cuba, people have access to both primary and intensive healthcare. Hard drugs are pretty much non-existent in Cuba. Drug dealers get the firing squad and addicts are forced into rehab and if they continue using, they go to the loony bin, indefinitely. Cubans are strict when it comes to dangerous narcotics on their island. The slums in capitalist America are definitely much worse.

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You are showing pictures of areas run by progressives/socialists/communists, run cities. Why the fuck do i want the rest of this country run that way? Man you really are a product of public indoctrination...
Another thing I'd like to add to your retarded comment is that democrats aren't socialists, much less communists. Hello, do you have a brain? Are you that fucking stupid "Mr F15 mechanic"? Surprisingly and apparently, you are that dumb. Socialists and Communists would house the homeless, feed them, provide them with healthcare, mental health counseling, and vocational job training, they would get real help finding a job in the private sector and if they can't get it, they'll get one in the public sector. Ever heard of the "public works dept"? If they can't work, due to a physical or mental illness, at least they're housed in decent housing and provided with food and healthcare. Socialists and Communists eliminate homelessness ASAP, especially in a country with all of the resources we have. So continuing to identify democrats with socialism or communism is just stupid. Dumb.

Read this:

Did you read it? No, I know you didn't. You right-wing Republican shitheads got rid of the housing first program in Utah, which was getting rid of homelessness. It was improving everyone's life, including the Republicans. You're all a bunch of pathetic scumbags. Stupid. Homelessness is much more expensive. You pay more. Crime, court costs, healthcare costs, property damage, having homeless people sleeping on the sidewalk, in front of your business, scaring customers away. Harassing, even assaulting your customers. That's much more expensive than a housing program for the homeless. Wake the fuck up! Democrats, despite all of the shit I say about them, at least care more for the homeless. They don't do enough, but they do more than the Republicans who just kick them out of their cities, and the homeless end up in democrat cities, because that's where they have access to more social services. Democrats need to go all of the way, not half-ass. They need to eliminate homelessness in the same way Utah was doing it.
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Correction: Cuba now has 11.4 million people, in 1959 it had 7.1 million people.
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I'm no fan of Hillary, but she did win the popular vote in 2016 by three freaking million votes. How the hell do you dismiss three million more votes for a candidate and have the opposing candidate win? The so-called "electoral college", is nothing more than a farce, designed to undermine the people's power by creating buffers between them and their government. The electoral college is controlled by the wealthy. They have great influence over how the electoral college votes. They have much less influence over the general population, hence their contempt for direct democracy. The majority of people, thank goodness, have enough common sense to know what is good for them and what isn't. The majority of the working-class vote left, left center. We don't have democracy or "rule of the people" in America, we have a plutocracy, an oligarchy.
The Electoral College is a circuit breaker. One of the Checks and Balances left that was not removed by the traitors and then globalists a century or so ago.
The Electoral College is a circuit breaker. One of the Checks and Balances left that was not removed by the traitors and then globalists a century or so ago.

People are waking up. You know if it was up to the public to determine who our president is, we wouldn't have had any Republican presidents since 1991. Bush senior would've been the last Republican president. We wouldn't have spent 20 years in Afghanistan, all of those lives wouldn't have been lost and we wouldn't have spent trillions, nor would we have invaded Iraq in 2003. look at this:

Bush and his neocon Republican administration was criminal.
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People are waking up. You know if it was up to the public to determine who our president is, we wouldn't have had any Republican presidents since 1991. Bush senior would've been the last Republican president. We wouldn't have spent 20 years in Afghanistan, all of those lives wouldn't have been lost and we wouldn't have spent trillions, nor would we have invaded Iraq in 2003. look at this:

Bush and his neocon Republican administration was criminal.

I agree with much of what you’ve posted, I can’t agree on this. The Ds are just as warlike as the Rs. Obama proved this. He took W’s two wars and added five more. He dropped more bombs than W.

Old dumb Joe hasn’t met a war he doesn’t like in the last 50 years.

The MIC has complete control of both parties.
I agree with much of what you’ve posted, I can’t agree on this. The Ds are just as warlike as the Rs. Obama proved this. He took W’s two wars and added five more. He dropped more bombs than W.

Old dumb Joe hasn’t met a war he doesn’t like in the last 50 years.

The MIC has complete control of both parties.

Yeah, I agree. Both parties are completely under the control of the MIC. At least the Republicans are more open about their warmongering. Democrats are a bit more sophisticated and duplicitous with their imperialistic foreign policy. Just as destructive as the Republicans.
There is no border wall; Manufacturing was not brought back; Americans farmers and manufacturers were made so great again, that one measly, irrelevant eastern European country could destabilize the entire supply chain because we're that dependent on them. All we got from Trump is useless culture war, white identity politics, and more wealth for him and the top 1%. As a woke black conservative, I stood behind many of the goals of maga(not that they were anything new), but facts are facts and he failed.
The cities that are run by right-wing Republicans kick out the homeless. Hello? Are you listening? They don't deal with homelessness, they don't fix the problem, they just kick people out. They kick them out and they end up in cities where they don't get kicked out. You're not providing solutions and neither are the democraps. Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same turd.
You are desperate in your attempts now to try to make Communism an attracted way of life, by showing blue cities that have been ruined by communist ways of giving out free stuff to make people stay. Of course those people are miserable because the working class and rich have decided to move out of those cities because of the poverty and misery that Communism forces upon every one.
Understanding, unlike anything we see today on the Right, that proper, thoughtful and efficient regulation is not the bane of capitalism, but an absolutely required component of capitalism.
Why does that sound to me like you're advocating for fascism, brah?
Understanding, unlike anything we see today on the Right, that proper, thoughtful and efficient regulation is not the bane of capitalism, but an absolutely required component of capitalism.

It's just about regulating private business? That's the main issue? Supply-side economics, little regulation and allowing the "invisible hand" to guide the economy has proven disastrous for the American working class and for other countries as well. Mass privatization, and unregulated business, only increase inequality, plunging more people into poverty, than when there is a more mixed economy, with a robust social security net for the working class. You also reduce democracy in government and in the workplace, when you deregulate capitalism. Workers are worked even harder, often for lower wages and they're forced to work under worse conditions. A job under capitalism isn't a choice, you need a job to eat and be housed. People don't have the time, energy or money to go to school, when they're working 12, 14, or 16 hours daily (tens of millions of Americans work two full-time jobs). Their lives amount to nothing more than work work work work work, shower, eat, sleep work work work work work work work shower, eat, sleep work work work work....

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