MAGA: A Complete Failure

You keep criticizing socialist countries for their supposed failures without factoring in the fact that they're being sanctioned economically by the US. You also continue identifying socialist states as "communist", when communism is stateless. There is no state in communism, only in socialism. Socialism is the process that leads to communism. As technology advances and replaces wage labor, increasing unemployment, a new system of production is necessary. That new system is socialism. You want to pretend capitalism is going to survive without wage labor, but you're just confused.
Does a country not survive without the United States? If Socialism is so great, it should support itself, but you and i know that it just wont work, because again, once the government runs out of other peoples money it will collapse, as it has always done.
Does a country not survive without the United States? If Socialism is so great, it should support itself, but you and i know that it just wont work, because again, once the government runs out of other peoples money it will collapse, as it has always done.

Such silly arguments. You have to be smarter than this because supposedly you were repairing multimillion-dollar weapons systems? Hard to believe in view of your shallow arguments. When Venezuela sent tankers to Cuba filled with petroleum, a few years ago, the ships were forced to stop and return to Venezuela by the US Navy. All cargo ships that cross the Panama canal have to declare to the Panamanian authorities that they're going to Cuba or Venezuela, that way they can be registered into a database that prevents them from docking at any American port for six months. If they fail to declare that their destination is Cuba or Venezuela, and are later tracked docking in those two countries, they can't use the canal anymore. All ships are tracked:

That website is a free version of the tracker, that the US government has. That ship goes into the database and can't dock at any American port for half a year. Shipping companies don't want their ships essentially barred from delivering goods to the United States for six months, the largest market in the world. The US is the Empire, with 5% of the world's population and a quarter of its consumption.


Right now Venezuela has nine billion dollars in gold frozen in London by US authorities. When the Empire sanctions you, you're up the creek financially. When Obama lifted many of the sanctions from Cuba, their economy began to do much better. Trump reinstated the sanctions, with full restrictions. Biden isn't doing anything to change that. It's just disengenious of you to pretend that a small socialist Island nation, 90 miles from Florida, in the shadow of a capitalist empire, is not going to be effected when economically strangled. There's no fairness, no goodwill at all in your critique, it all stems from an irrational, rancorous, knee-jerk hatred that you have towards socialism.
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Such silly arguments. You have to be smarter than this because supposedly you were repairing multimillion-dollar weapons systems? Hard to believe in view of your shallow arguments. When Venezuela sent tankers to Cuba filled with petroleum, a few years ago, the ships were forced to stop and return to Venezuela by the US Navy. All cargo ships that cross the Panama canal have to declare to the Panamanian authorities that they're going to Cuba or Venezuela, that way they can be registered into a database that prevents them from docking at any American port for six months. If they fail to declare that their destination is Cuba or Venezuela, and are later tracked docking in those two countries, they can't use the canal anymore. All ships are tracked:

That website is a free version of the tracker, that the US government has. That ship goes into the database and can't dock at any American port for half a year. Shipping companies don't want their ships essentially barred from delivering goods to the United States for six months, the largest market in the world. The US is the Empire, with 5% of the world's population and a quarter of its consumption.

Right now Venezuela has nine billion dollars in gold frozen in London by US authorities. When the Empire sanctions you, you're up the creek financially. When Obama lifted many of the sanctions from Cuba, their economy began to do much better. Trump reinstated the sanctions, with full restrictions. Biden isn't doing anything to change that. It's just disengenious of you to pretend that a small socialist Island nation, 90 miles from Florida, in the shadow of a capitalist empire, is not going to be effected when economically strangled. There's no fairness, no goodwill at all in your critique, it all stems from an irrational, rancorous, knee-jerk hatred that you have towards socialism.
So why didnt Venezuela just refine their own oil instead of trying to send it to such a small island? Oh yeah, because the Commies, chased out all the people who knew how to make that oil into usable fuel, and only the commie low intelligent (but i repeat myself) were left who didnt know how to do anything productive, just whine how fucked up their lives were.
  1. Everyone keeps their homes and land properties.
  2. Everyone keeps their firearms, including combat rifles, with access to ammunition (you retain the right to form militias)
  3. Everyone receives the Economic Bill Of Rights, which says every American has a right to food, housing, employment (public sector), healthcare, and an education. We will eliminate homelessness, hunger and poverty in America.
  4. We become energy independent (we'll build MSR-LFTRs Molten Salt Reactors/Liquid Flouride Thorium Reactors, throughout our country, providing abundant, safe, and clean energy to all Americans. These safe nuclear reactors will also generate liquid fuel for all of our vehicles.
  5. We modernize and build our national infrastructure. Highspeed rails, new intelligent highways, new bridges, sewage, electric grid..etc.
  6. All centers of economic power are handed to the people: Banks, Energy Sector (Oil, Gas, Nuclear, Electric Utilities), Mining, All Utilities, Telecom, Mass Transit, Healthcare (private sector remains alongside public healthcare), Pharmaceuticals, and Military Industrial Complex. Profits from those industries are deposited in the public treasury.
  7. Medical Freedom (No need for a prescription from a doctor as it was before the 1930s, a medical license is required to practice medicine).
  8. End of drug-war (drug addiction is decriminalized, narcotics dealing is made a capital crime, and those convicted are subject to the death penalty).
  9. Decriminalization of Cannabis (regulated as alcohol)
  10. The colonization of space (American Space Colonies).
  11. Transsexualism is declared a mental illness and children are protected from being subject to dangerous hormone treatments and surgeries. A woman is defined as an adult human female and a man is defined as an adult human male. There are two sexes and genders, we are a binary species, with respect to sex/gender.
  12. Stop illegal immigration.
  13. Lift all sanctions on foreign states.
  14. Two-year mandatory military service after high school.
  15. Pornography is illegal
  16. Prostitution and Strip Clubs Are Illegal
  17. LGBTQ Pride Parades Are Illegal, due to public nudity and indecency.
  18. Homosexuals can't adopt or groom children.
  19. We are willing to negotiate with social conservatives on the question of abortion and come to terms we can all accept. A woman should be able to abort her pregnancy if she is raped or is facing a possible medical emergency or health problem.
  20. Child sexual abuse is a capital crime.
  21. Religious freedom: The right to practice any religion without government interference.
  22. End of no fault divorce.
  23. Parents have joint custody of their children.
  24. NATO returns to its 1997 borders.
  25. Wars can only be declared through congress. The president has no authority to start a war.
  26. Establish good relations with all nations, unless they directly threaten our national security.
Our plan is much more comprehensive and detailed than the above list, but that's a simple summary of a few of the things we would do to improve the lives of all Americans and increase public health and genuine freedom.
What a giant load of horseshit. The soviet union had a similar list of worthless promises. What did they get instead? Gulags and starvation.
So why didnt Venezuela just refine their own oil instead of trying to send it to such a small island? Oh yeah, because the Commies, chased out all the people who knew how to make that oil into usable fuel, and only the commie low intelligent (but i repeat myself) were left who didnt know how to do anything productive, just whine how fucked up their lives were.

No, they weren't sending it to Cuba because they can't refine it, they were sending oil to Cuba in exchange for Cuban products, like Sugar and other goods. Cuba and Venezuela should be allowed to choose what type of economic system they want for THEIR COUNTRY. The US wants to control Venezuelan oil, hence it sanctions Venezuela, punishing it for not bowing down and giving its precious resources to EXXON. If the US lifts the sanctions and stops freezing Venezuelan assets, that country will flourish. It doesn't do that, because it wants to give people like you the false impression that socialism doesn't work. The American ruling class is afraid that if they allow socialist countries to flourish in the Western hemisphere, it will encourage the American working class to establish socialism here in the US. So they impose sanctions in order to cripple and strangle every little socialist country on the American continent.
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No, they weren't sending it to Cuba because they can't refine it, they were sending oil to Cuba in exchange for Cuban products, like Sugar and other goods. Cuba and Venezuela should be allowed to choose what type of economic system they want for THEIR COUNTRY. The US wants to control Venezuelan oil, hence it sanctions Venezuela, punishing it for not bowing down and giving its precious resources to EXXON. If the US lifts the sanctions and stops freezing Venezuelan assets, that country will flourish. It doesn't do that, because it wants to give people like you the false impression that socialism doesn't work. The American ruling class is afraid that if they allow socialist countries to flourish in the Western hemisphere, it will encourage the American working class to establish socialism here in the US. So they impose sanctions in order to cripple and strangle every little socialist country on the American continent.
At one time before the peasants of Cuba were enslaved to their Communist Dictator, Cuba was like Las Vegas, where all the rich people went and spent their money and those who worked in Cuba did quite well. Then came Castro and the rest is history.

At one time before the peasants of Cuba were enslaved to their Communist Dictator, Cuba was like Las Vegas, where all the rich people went and spent their money and those who worked in Cuba did quite well. Then came Castro and the rest is history.

View attachment 676738

No it's not that easy. Cuba was a colony of the US, with all of its heavy industries owned by American corporations. The US government actually supported Fidel Castro and Che Guevara in their civil war against Batista. They were receiving airdrops from Florida, of arms, food..etc. More, I can create the same type of propaganda by filmiing American slums:

Oh look at America, look at it, see see..That's capitalism. Here look:

Oh wow look at that, that's America. Wow, that's capitalism right there. Capitalism..

Wow, look at that..People sleeping in tents, homeless in capitalist America.

I can play this stupid little game too. Grow up old man.

I'm not watching your propaganda videos. What claims are they making, that socialism wasn't responsible for the famine in Ukraine? It most definitely was.
You say it was, I say no, you say yes..I say no. Me: No No, You: Yeaah yes infinitum. You yes, Me No no no..
No it's not that easy. Cuba was a colony of the US, with all of its heavy industries owned by American corporations. The US government actually supported Fidel Castro and Che Guevara in their civil war against Batista. They were receiving airdrops from Florida, of arms, food..etc. More, I can create the same type of propaganda by filmiing American slums:

Oh look at America, look at it, see see..That's capitalism. Here look:

Oh wow look at that, that's America. Wow, that's capitalism right there. Capitalism..

Wow, look at that..People sleeping in tents, homeless in capitalist America.

I can play this stupid little game too. Grow up old man.

You are showing pictures of areas run by progressives/socialists/communists, run cities. Why the fuck do i want the rest of this country run that way? Man you really are a product of public indoctrination...
No it's not that easy. Cuba was a colony of the US, with all of its heavy industries owned by American corporations. The US government actually supported Fidel Castro and Che Guevara in their civil war against Batista. They were receiving airdrops from Florida, of arms, food..etc. More, I can create the same type of propaganda by filmiing American slums:

Oh look at America, look at it, see see..That's capitalism. Here look:

Oh wow look at that, that's America. Wow, that's capitalism right there. Capitalism..

Wow, look at that..People sleeping in tents, homeless in capitalist America.

I can play this stupid little game too. Grow up old man.

What "heavy industry? Cuba had three industries: sugar cane, cigars and gambling casinos. None of that was owned by American corporations.

There is no comparison between Cuba and American slums. Cuba doesn't have any cars that are newer than 1957. Cuba was once the richest country in Latin America. Now it's the poorest. There's no way you can blab away the fact tha communism was an utter disaster for the Cuban people. Only suckers like you are willing to swallow that proposition.
You say it was, I say no, you say yes..I say no. Me: No No, You: Yeaah yes infinitum. You yes, Me No no no..
The history books say it was, moron. You're arguing with well established and well documented facts.

It's impossible to believe that anyone can be gullible to swallow the lies you're peddling.
I work in IT... I haven't worked on a client site since 2012...

Since then I have had clients in US, Switzerland, Belgium, UK, Ireland, Japan, Germany, Spain,.....

I do the odd day meetings but mainly work from the office in Ireland...

Mexican IT services company based in Mexico would seem attractive... 15m of them speak English and they are mainly working age and higher educated...

IT is very fluid marketplace... I have run teams of programmer in Mumbai, a lot of Americans working there too.. Idea of Visas and work permits is usually forgotten except in the US and only if you are over 90 days, EU citizens just presume we can work anywhere.. Switzerland does deport EU citizens every now and then but most people just laugh at them
My brother and I were talking about the idiot republicans on this site fighting globalization. It’s like the indians who thought they could stop whites from invading America.
You are showing pictures of areas run by progressives/socialists/communists, run cities. Why the fuck do i want the rest of this country run that way? Man you really are a product of public indoctrination...

The cities that are run by right-wing Republicans kick out the homeless. Hello? Are you listening? They don't deal with homelessness, they don't fix the problem, they just kick people out. They kick them out and they end up in cities where they don't get kicked out. You're not providing solutions and neither are the democraps. Republicans and Democrats are two sides of the same turd.
The Trump Republican Party faces a strategic problem and a constitutional opportunity. The problem is that under Trump, the Republican Party is a minority force in American life. The opportunity is that an ever more unbalanced federal structure can enable a minority party based in many small states to control the majority population that lives in fewer big states. abortion is one area where Republicans can use this opportunity, but that is not an area that especially interests Donald Trump.

The Republican Party has become the Fascist Christian Nationalist White Supremicist Party. Openly. That’s a fact. If you aren’t any of those things, and you’re still calling yourself a Republican, you are in denial.
The history books say it was, moron. You're arguing with well established and well documented facts.

It's impossible to believe that anyone can be gullible to swallow the lies you're peddling.

Those "history books" are written by Western academics that are funded by capitalists or even the US government. They're employed by "think tanks", often funded by billionaire capitalists. It's been that way for over 100 years. Even many Western scholars agree that the so-called "Black Book of Communism" is bullshit, full of exaggerations, half-truths, and outright lies. You don't give a shit about that, because you're not interested in the truth. Truth isn't your concern. There are many American and foreign scholars that agree with my point of view, and their evidence is much better supported by the actual, documented evidence. The verifiable facts.

Grover Furr is an American scholar, who unlike most American scholars of the Cold War and the Soviet Union, is fluent in Russian and has access to the Soviet archives in Moscow:

Michael Parenti, an American, top scholar, basis his arguments on verifiable facts:

You don't give a shit. I can continue giving you examples of the best scholars, both American and Russian who agree with me and whose arguments are based on verifiable proof. Waste of time. You don't care. Here are former CIA agents, admitting that they lied about socialism and the USSR:

They did everything possible to demonize communism. Created false stories against the USSR. Again, you don't care if it's all a lie. I can be here all day posting evidence and you'll just shrug your shoulders, because you're not interested in the truth.


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