MAGA: A Complete Failure

You said that, not me. It's an issue with many moving parts, as are most issues.

My point is that capitalism is being poorly applied, motivating people to look at other options.

Maybe capitalism has run its course? It did many good things, even Marx admits that. Capitalism has accomplished great achievements, but like all economic systems that came before it, it must also die and give rise to the next necessary mode of production. Advanced technology eventually reduces and replaces wage labor with technology and when that occurs that is the end of capitalism. The foundation upon which the whole edifice of capitalism rests is wage labor. Capitalists are the ruling class, the pillars of society, and the working-class or wage labor is the foundation upon which the pillars rest. You get rid of wage labor, you eliminate capitalism.


So the capitalists are now offering people a UBI i.e. Universal Basic Income. They see the writing on the wall, so they want to preserve their social status, power, money, by having the government give everyone a UBI. Some are offering as much as $3000 monthly. They want to conjure up, like magick, a synthetic customer base, fake paying consumers and markets. They're going to tax capitalists for the robots and self-driving 18-wheelers, then hand everyone a monthly check from the government. The tax won't cover everything, only a small % of the cost of the UBI. That's keeping capitalism on life support and maintaining the privileged status and power, money, of the capitalists. However, that undermines and delays human progress. UBI will create a techno-fiefdom. The rich will own the technology and people will live on a government check. We need to move on, to a better system of production.

Socialists have a better solution. We take all of that advanced technology and we produce everything that we consume, not for a wage or for profits, but to satisfy our needs. So we can have laws that require everyone to work 20 hours weekly, supervising the robots or in whatever field they want to work in, and everyone has essentially everything. A home, with all of the amenities, entertainment, internet, television, private vehicle/s, and a robust public transit system. Everyone has the best, most advanced healthcare, and education, and we all enjoy a very high standard of living. We have everything, including each other. Family life, social life..etc. Everything. And we are required to work 20 hours weekly, supporting the system that provides us all with a very good life.

We also have a lot of time, to do the things that imbue our lives with meaning and happiness. You can go to school, get a degree, become a scientist, a doctor, working with autonomous robot surgeons. You're there to supervise surgeries. You love doing that, so you do it. You're there saving lives and that provides you with an immense amount of satisfaction. Perhaps you want to explore the solar system? You want to establish space colonies in the asteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter. You want to be a pioneer, contributing to humanity's effort to colonize space and become a spacefaring species. You want your name to be remembered as an explorer and builder of space colonies. All of that is possible in a modern, democratic, socialist state.

All production is rationally, intentionally, centrally planned in cooperation with worker cooperatives. We have the computing power, the robots, artificial intelligence, automated systems, self-driving vehicles and everything else, including millions of motivated comrades ready to create a modern, socialist society that meets and even exceeds everyone's needs and expectations.

Communism is the mode of production that follows socialism. It comes after socialism, when the individual consumer has complete control over the means of production. The consumer produces everything they consume without anyone else's assistance or input. That will require Star Trek level technology, like this:

We don't have that yet, so what we can have is a democratic, socialist state. American socialism would be democratic, because there is no more capitalist United States, threatening socialism with war and imposing crippling economic sanctions..etc. So the source of all of that pain and suffering for socialist countries is gone. America would be in a unique position, to establish a real, genuine, modern, Marxist socialist society.




Communist Front Party - USSA
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Maybe capitalism has run its course? It did many good things, even Marx admits that. Capitalism has accomplished great achievements, but like all economic systems that came before it, it must also die and give rise to the next necessary mode of production. Advanced technology eventually reduces and replaces wage labor with technology and when that occurs that is the end of capitalism. The foundation upon which the whole edifice of capitalism rests is wage labor. Capitalists are the ruling class, the pillars of society, and the working-class or wage labor is the foundation upon which the pillars rest. You get rid of wage labor, you eliminate capitalism.


So the capitalists are now offering people a UBI i.e. Universal Basic Income. They see the writing on the wall, so they want to preserve their social status, power, money, by having the government give everyone a UBI. Some are offering as much as $3000 monthly. They want to conjure up, like magick, a synthetic customer base, fake paying consumers and markets. They're going to tax capitalists for the robots and self-driving 18-wheelers, then hand everyone a monthly check from the government. The tax won't cover everything, only a small % of the cost of the UBI. That's keeping capitalism on life support and maintaining the privileged status and power, money, of the capitalists. However, that undermines and delays human progress. We need to move on, to a better system of production.

Socialists have a better solution. We take all of that advanced technology and we produce everything that we consume, not for a wage or for profits, but to satisfy our needs. So we can have laws that require everyone to work 20 hours weekly, supervising the robots or in whatever field they want to work, and everyone has essentially everything. A home, with all of the amenities, entertainment, internet, television, private transport, and robust public transit infrastructure. Everyone has the best, most advanced healthcare, and education, and we all enjoy a very high standard of living. We have everything, including each other. Family life, social life..etc. Everything. And we are required to work 20 hours weekly, supporting the system that provides us all with a very good life.

We also have a lot of time, to do the things that imbue our lives with meaning and happiness. You can go to school, get a degree, become a scientist, a doctor, working with autonomous robot surgeons. You're there to supervise surgeries. You love doing that, so you do it, and people love and honor you for that. You're there saving lives. Perhaps you want to explore the solar system? You want to establish space colonies in the asteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter. You want to be a pioneer, contributing to humanity's effort to colonize space and become a spacefaring species. You want your name to be remembered as an explorer and builder of space colonies. All of that is possible in a modern, democratic, socialist state. Production is rationally, intentionally, centrally planned in cooperation with worker cooperatives. We have the computing power, the robots, artificial intelligence, automated systems, self-driving vehicles and everything else, to easily create a modern, socialist society that meets the needs of consumers.

Communism is the mode of production that follows socialism. It comes after socialism, when the individual consumer has complete control over the means of production. The consumer produces everything they consume without anyone else's assistance or input. That will require Star Trek level technology, like this:

We don't have that yet, so what we can have is a democratic, socialist state. American socialism would be democratic, because there is no more capitalist United States, threatening socialism with war and imposing crippling economic sanctions..etc. So the source of all of that pain and suffering for socialist countries is gone. America would be in a unique position, to establish a real, genuine, modern, Marxist socialist society.

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Communist Front Party - USSA

You'll die before that happens.
You'll die before that happens.
It may happen way before I die, due to how quickly advanced technology is replacing wage labor. Either way, whether the general public wakes up to their need for socialism or not, the communist front has its own communities. When the shit hits the fan in the not-too-distant future, we will be ready.
It may happen way before I die, due to how quickly advanced technology is replacing wage labor. Either way, whether the general public wakes up to their need for socialism or not, the communist front has its own communities. When the shit hits the fan in the not-too-distant future, we will be ready.
Not as ready as real Americans. You poofters have a lot to learn that you never will. You may can pull your shit someplace, but not in America, boy.
It's just about regulating private business? That's the main issue? Supply-side economics, little regulation and allowing the "invisible hand" to guide the economy has proven disastrous for the American working class and for other countries as well. Mass privatization, and unregulated business, only increase inequality, plunging more people into poverty, than when there is a more mixed economy, with a robust social security net for the working class. You also reduce democracy in government and in the workplace, when you deregulate capitalism. Workers are worked even harder, often for lower wages and they're forced to work under worse conditions. A job under capitalism isn't a choice, you need a job to eat and be housed. People don't have the time, energy or money to go to school, when they're working 12, 14, or 16 hours daily (tens of millions of Americans work two full-time jobs). Their lives amount to nothing more than work work work work work, shower, eat, sleep work work work work work work work shower, eat, sleep work work work work....

The Soviet Union regulated business to the point that no one wanted to work, then the gulags showed up FORCING people to work, or being murdered by the Secret Police.

Working in a capitalist society people can move around like i did to finally find a job i was very well suited for, and paid for my abilities. A professional athlete is paid very well, for their talent, while in the old Soviet Union they would be paid just like some bread maker. No incentive when government controls the wages..
It may happen way before I die, due to how quickly advanced technology is replacing wage labor. Either way, whether the general public wakes up to their need for socialism or not, the communist front has its own communities. When the shit hits the fan in the not-too-distant future, we will be ready.
So will i...

Maybe capitalism has run its course? It did many good things, even Marx admits that. Capitalism has accomplished great achievements, but like all economic systems that came before it, it must also die and give rise to the next necessary mode of production. Advanced technology eventually reduces and replaces wage labor with technology and when that occurs that is the end of capitalism. The foundation upon which the whole edifice of capitalism rests is wage labor. Capitalists are the ruling class, the pillars of society, and the working-class or wage labor is the foundation upon which the pillars rest. You get rid of wage labor, you eliminate capitalism.


So the capitalists are now offering people a UBI i.e. Universal Basic Income. They see the writing on the wall, so they want to preserve their social status, power, money, by having the government give everyone a UBI. Some are offering as much as $3000 monthly. They want to conjure up, like magick, a synthetic customer base, fake paying consumers and markets. They're going to tax capitalists for the robots and self-driving 18-wheelers, then hand everyone a monthly check from the government. The tax won't cover everything, only a small % of the cost of the UBI. That's keeping capitalism on life support and maintaining the privileged status and power, money, of the capitalists. However, that undermines and delays human progress. UBI will create a techno-fiefdom. The rich will own the technology and people will live on a government check. We need to move on, to a better system of production.

Socialists have a better solution. We take all of that advanced technology and we produce everything that we consume, not for a wage or for profits, but to satisfy our needs. So we can have laws that require everyone to work 20 hours weekly, supervising the robots or in whatever field they want to work in, and everyone has essentially everything. A home, with all of the amenities, entertainment, internet, television, private vehicle/s, and a robust public transit system. Everyone has the best, most advanced healthcare, and education, and we all enjoy a very high standard of living. We have everything, including each other. Family life, social life..etc. Everything. And we are required to work 20 hours weekly, supporting the system that provides us all with a very good life.

We also have a lot of time, to do the things that imbue our lives with meaning and happiness. You can go to school, get a degree, become a scientist, a doctor, working with autonomous robot surgeons. You're there to supervise surgeries. You love doing that, so you do it. You're there saving lives and that provides you with an immense amount of satisfaction. Perhaps you want to explore the solar system? You want to establish space colonies in the asteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter. You want to be a pioneer, contributing to humanity's effort to colonize space and become a spacefaring species. You want your name to be remembered as an explorer and builder of space colonies. All of that is possible in a modern, democratic, socialist state.

All production is rationally, intentionally, centrally planned in cooperation with worker cooperatives. We have the computing power, the robots, artificial intelligence, automated systems, self-driving vehicles and everything else, including millions of motivated comrades ready to create a modern, socialist society that meets and even exceeds everyone's needs and expectations.

Communism is the mode of production that follows socialism. It comes after socialism, when the individual consumer has complete control over the means of production. The consumer produces everything they consume without anyone else's assistance or input. That will require Star Trek level technology, like this:

We don't have that yet, so what we can have is a democratic, socialist state. American socialism would be democratic, because there is no more capitalist United States, threatening socialism with war and imposing crippling economic sanctions..etc. So the source of all of that pain and suffering for socialist countries is gone. America would be in a unique position, to establish a real, genuine, modern, Marxist socialist society.

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Communist Front Party - USSA

I'm aware of the socialist/communist talking points. And I'm aware of the orange ersatz-libertarian talking points.

There is a vast space in between those two extremes that could be explored if America had the capacity to communicate, collaborate and innovate.

Sadly, we no longer do.
Yeah, no. It's because you are advocating for fascism.
We were sold a lie that capitalism and competition in the market place would bring down costs, but the opposite has happened. The cost of housing, healthcare, education, food, and energy [all the things we need to survive] have all gone up while our wages have stagnated.
The Soviet Union regulated business to the point that no one wanted to work, then the gulags showed up FORCING people to work, or being murdered by the Secret Police.

Working in a capitalist society people can move around like i did to finally find a job i was very well suited for, and paid for my abilities. A professional athlete is paid very well, for their talent, while in the old Soviet Union they would be paid just like some bread maker. No incentive when government controls the wages..

There was no business in the Soviet Union, until the 1980s. You're so confused and silly.
Not as ready as real Americans. You poofters have a lot to learn that you never will. You may can pull your shit someplace, but not in America, boy.

It will happen in less than two decades when unemployment reaches an all-time high as a result of technology replacing wage labor. There will be no other solution than socialism, which is to produce everything we consume to meet our needs rather than for a profit. It will occur in the not-too-distant future.


You should become a socialist now, that way you'll be prepared.​
We were sold a lie that capitalism and competition in the market place would bring down costs, but the opposite has happened. The cost of housing, healthcare, education, food, and energy [all the things we need to survive] have all gone up while our wages have stagnated.
It isnt capitalism and competition that is ruining this country but the stifling rules and regulations by the Democrats, because intelligent people know that Progressives cant ever be happy even when they force everyone else to be miserable and impoverished.

Are you calling this guy a liar?

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There was no business in the Soviet Union, until the 1980s. You're so confused and silly.
Why was there no business in the Soviet Union until the 1980's. Where did the apartments come from? Who built the TVs and Automobiles that they were using back when the Cold War had first started?
There is no border wall; Manufacturing was not brought back; Americans farmers and manufacturers were made so great again, that one measly, irrelevant eastern European country could destabilize the entire supply chain because we're that dependent on them. All we got from Trump is useless culture war, white identity politics, and more wealth for him and the top 1%. As a woke black conservative, I stood behind many of the goals of maga(not that they were anything new), but facts are facts and he failed.
Yup, biden is worse than a failure and traitors like you should get helicopter rides.
It will happen in less than two decades when unemployment reaches an all-time high as a result of technology replacing wage labor. There will be no other solution than socialism, which is to produce everything we consume to meet our needs rather than for a profit. It will occur in the not-too-distant future.

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You should become a socialist now, that way you'll be prepared.​
Better hope that all the veterans of the cold are dead and buried when you try to run a coup on this country. As for prepping for the future?

Why Are Americans Buying So Many Guns?
Law-abiding Americans are buying guns at a record pace, and most tell us it’s for self-defense. Democrats, however, are far more likely than others to believe it is too easy to buy a gun these days.
How Many Guns are in the US? (Gun Ownership Statistics)
America has more guns than any other nation in the world – and that number continues to grow each year. After fighting for their independence, the founding fathers enshrined Americans’ right to firearms in the Second Amendment. This spirit of personal freedom and liberty has carried down through the years and is evident in America’s gun culture today.
Because of this Constitutionally guaranteed right, Americans own more guns per capita than any other country. So, how many Americans own guns? Let’s take a closer look.

It isnt capitalism and competition that is ruining this country but the stifling rules and regulations by the Democrats, because intelligent people know that Progressives cant ever be happy even when they force everyone else to be miserable and impoverished.

Are you calling this guy a liar?

I know you think D pols are progressives, but they aren’t. Stop being a dupe.

Government regulations in our fascist economy are designed by big business to protect big business. Big business and billionaires control the government. Surely you know this.
Better hope that all the veterans of the cold are dead and buried when you try to run a coup on this country. As for prepping for the future?

Why Are Americans Buying So Many Guns?
How Many Guns are in the US? (Gun Ownership Statistics)

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No coup necessary, once technology replaces 40%+ of jobs within the next 20 years. Up to 80% of jobs in 40 years. Socialism will become the obvious solution. The communist front isn't against firearm ownership, including combat rifles.

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