MAGA: A Complete Failure

Keep regurgitating your bullshit.
You still havent taken my advice. Go to Cuba or Venezuela and live your Socialist Utopian Paradise there, where everyone is treated equally and get back to me in a year. Or are you afraid what i have said might be true? I double dog dare you, you Commie prick..
I provided you with much better evidence than you are providing me for the Soviets committing their supposed genocidal crimes.

Madelaine Albright admitting it's worth killing half a million Iraqi children, isn't enough for you? I provided you with testimonials from Scott Ritter, head of the US Weapons Inspection Team in Iraq, I provided you with evidence from a former US attorney general, I provided multiple testimonies from top UN officials that were part of the "Oil For Food Program" in Iraq. I provided you with current testimonies of government officials admitting that we are currently sanctioning Afghanistan and that the Afghan people are suffering as a result. All of these testimonies were found in that one documentary, but I just added more videos. It doesn't matter how much evidence is provided to you, you don't give a shit. So communists shouldn't give a shit either when you start disingenuously complaining about supposed communist crimes and violence against humanity. How about the crimes against humanity committed by the US government? Does that disqualify capitalism as a good economic system? I'm just applying your reasoning.

Yes the United States was justified in invading Afghanistan to kill those terrorists. No doubt. But staying there for twenty years, spending trillions of dollars, not to speak of the thousands of American men and women in uniform that died there, to then have nothing to show for it? That's horrible. Did the people of Afghanistan receive any benefits at all from those trillions of dollars spent durring the twenty year occupation of their country? We could've transformed Afghanistan into a modern democracy, with a well developed infrastructure, with half of the trillions that we spent there. The likelihood of the Afghan people allowing the Taliban to take control of the government again, if they had had a taste of Western life, living in a better developed country, they wouldn't have so easily surrendered to the Taliban. They would've fought tooth and nail to keep their country free of religious extremism and preserve their democracy. We didn't invest in Afghanistan that way, we gave trillions of dollars to the military industrial complex, defense contractors.

You can't argue with me on the basis of economics so you resort to mud-slinging and body counts. That's all you capitalist wannabes have. Ironically the vast majority of you defending capitalism are slaves of capitalist lords, members of the working-class that have been brainwashed by their masters. You supposedly love freedom, but only in politics, not in the workplace. Democracy, representation, elections, mutual accountability and respect, human solidarity, that supposedly should only exist in politics, not in the workplace, where you spend 10 hours, even 16 hours daily working two jobs, six or seven days a week. Not there, just in politics should we accept democracy. You've been brainwashed and conditioned to chase that money to become like your capitalist lords. You want to become a little dictator, exploiting "employeees". You want to become the leech, depending upon human labor (other people's hard work) to fill your pockets with mammon. The capitalists dangle trinkets in your face "Oh look you can have this too, you can be like me, just work harder OK? Maybe you'll be like me one day, yes indeed, just work harder".

you can't argue with me on the basis of economics
Which you have no fucking clue....You cant argue with an insane person who is willing to give up your rights to some Socialist bullshit, because once they are gone, then you end up like this..

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You still havent taken my advice. Go to Cuba or Venezuela and live your Socialist Utopian Paradise there, where everyone is treated equally and get back to me in a year. Or are you afraid what i have said might be true? I double dog dare you, you Commie prick..

How about you leave America? Yes, bye-bye. You leave and all of the communists stay here. That's a better arrangement. All of you capitalist wannabes, move to Haiti or Saudi Arabia, two countries with a capitalist economy, and live there and we communists will stay here. How does that sound? More, why should anyone move to a nation that is being economically sanctioned by the US and even threatened with war? Marco Rubio, Senator of Florida, my fellow Cuban American, was threatening Cuba, with war less than two years ago, when there were CIA orchestrated demonstrations in Cuba. Other members of congress joined him with the threats of violence and rhetoric. Why should an American communist move to a socialist country that is being sanctioned and threatened with war by the US government? American communists are here to stay, whether you like it or not. Come to terms with it and do yourself a favor and become a communist now. It's in your future.

Which you have no fucking clue....You cant argue with an insane person who is willing to give up your rights to some Socialist bullshit, because once they are gone, then you end up like this..

All you have is cheap rhetoric and capitalist propaganda.
How about you leave America? Yes, bye-bye. You leave and all of the communists stay here. That's a better arrangement. All of you capitalist wannabes, move to Haiti or Saudi Arabia, two countries with a capitalist economy, and live there and we communists will stay here. How does that sound? More, why should anyone move to a nation that is being economically sanctioned by the US and even threatened with war? Marco Rubio, Senator of Florida, my fellow Cuban American, was threatening Cuba, with war less than two years ago, when there were CIA orchestrated demonstrations in Cuba. Other members of congress joined him with the threats of violence and rhetoric. Why should an American communist move to a socialist country that is being sanctioned and threatened with war by the US government? American communists are here to stay, whether you like it or not. Come to terms with it and do yourself a favor and become a communist now. It's in your future.

I am not the one trying to turn this country into a Socialist shithole. If you love Socialism so much then you should try it now that Cuba has been opened up by the brown turd Obammy and once you see how great it is then come back in a year and let us know your personal feelings about it. You wont because you are afraid of it, because you are a progressive, pussy, pajama boy.
I am not the one trying to turn this country into a Socialist shithole. If you love Socialism so much then you should try it now that Cuba has been opened up by the brown turd Obammy and once you see how great it is then come back in a year and let us know your personal feelings about it. You wont because you are afraid of it, because you are a progressive, pussy, pajama boy.

Trump boy eliminated what Obama did, reinstating the sanctions on Cuba. You're behind with your information, still living in 2014. No one has to turn America into a shithole, because it's already a shithole thanks to people like you. More reason to stay and establish a socialist society, and we're going to do it despite you. It doesn't matter how you feel about it.

giphy (1).gif

Deal with it.
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Trump boy eliminated what Obama did, reinstating the sanctions on Cuba. You're behind with your information, still living in 2014. No one has to turn America into a shithole, because it's already a shithole thanks to people like you. More reason to stay and establish a socialist society, and we're going to do it despite you. It doesn't matter how you feel about it.

View attachment 676219
Deal with it.
America is turning into a shithole thanks to the Democrat party
Society will need communism when technology significantly replaces wage labor.
Communist salesmen say this about everything, no one will we need it/them since, as you say, each home will own its own means of production, there will just be no need for communism

It's good that you own a home and you don't even need to pay a mortgage.
I followed the capitalist game plan.

Tens of millions of Americans work two jobs and can hardly make ends meet, struggling to pay their rent.
they didn't followed the left wing game plan

When technology replaces most menial jobs, including many professional white-collar jobs, that will create a need to adopt another mode of production that's not based on profits or wage labor. There's a name for that, it's called "socialism" and communism.
No its called communist speak, its the communist version of the salesmen who insist you need their product because it will improve your life, even if you don't want it or need it
America is turning into a shithole thanks to the Democrat party
Then I respond "No America is already a shithole due to the Republicans", then you respond "No it's a shithole due to the democrats" and then I respond again "No it's already a shithole", then you say "you're a shithole", then I respond "fuck you, you're a turd hole", then you infinitum.
Then I respond "No America is already a shithole due to the Republicans", then you respond "No it's a shithole due to the democrats" and then I respond again "No it's already a shithole", then you say "you're a shithole", then I respond "fuck you, you're a turd hole", then you infinitum.
You apparently believe I'm dumb enough to play this "I know what you are, but what am I" game with you.
Trump boy eliminated what Obama did, reinstating the sanctions on Cuba.
and now cuba is truly communist

You're behind with your information, still living in 2014. No one has to turn America into a shithole, because it's already a shithole thanks to people like you.
geez, hard to believe no one wants you guys running our country

More reason to stay and establish a socialist society, and we're going to do it despite you.
how else would you do it? thats the communist way and exactly how you do everything

It doesn't matter how you feel about it.
which is the problem and why Americans reject communism.
Communist salesmen say this about everything, no one will we need it/them since, as you say, each home will own its own means of production, there will just be no need for communism

I followed the capitalist game plan.

they didn't followed the left wing game plan

No its called communist speak, its the communist version of the salesmen who insist you need their product because it will improve your life, even if you don't want it or need it

Communism is a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. That will be achieved when the individual consumer has complete control over the means of production thanks to advanced technology. The individual will be able to produce whatever they need without anyone else's contribution or assistance. You can deny that's communism, that's fine, but nonetheless, that is the definition of high-communism according to Marx and Engels. The way to get there is through a process of socializing and democratizing production, namely, socialism. Socialism is the process that leads to high-communism.
Communism is a stateless society,
I liked the honest assessment communists used to use when they more accurately referred to communism as "classless"

without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. That will be achieved when the individual consumer has complete control over the means of production thanks to advanced technology. The individual will be able to produce whatever they need without anyone else's contribution or assistance
We have already done that for Cuba

You can deny that's communism, that's fine, but nonetheless, that is the definition of high-communism according to Marx and Engels.
yes, whenever the salesman wants to sell you the same old tired product he introduces the new and improved model which proves all his previous claims were lies
The way to get there is through a process of socializing and democratizing production, namely, socialism. Socialism is the process that leads to high-communism.
So communism is no longer the answer, high-communism is.
I liked the honest assessment communists used to use when they more accurately referred to communism as "classless"

We have already done that for Cuba

yes, whenever the salesman wants to sell you the same old tired product he introduces the new and improved model which proves all his previous claims were lies

So communism is no longer the answer, high-communism is.

Primitive Communism:







High = HighTech
There is no border wall; Manufacturing was not brought back; Americans farmers and manufacturers were made so great again, that one measly, irrelevant eastern European country could destabilize the entire supply chain because we're that dependent on them. All we got from Trump is useless culture war, white identity politics, and more wealth for him and the top 1%. As a woke black conservative, I stood behind many of the goals of maga(not that they were anything new), but facts are facts and he failed.
find a doctor with good drugs that will help you get over your insane fear of the Donald...he is just a man...besides you got your good old senile mega racist biden to help lib idiots drive up inflation and crush the working class you hate so dearly
Primitive Communism:

ahhh, "primitive communism" [the original redundant term] [aka true/real communism], :abgg2q.jpg:...
...but as man evolved and grew wiser and wanted more out of life he moved away from this primitive form of living until the 19th century when marx' was to repackage this idea as something new...
...i.e .communism moves forward in its packaging and backwards in its offerings.






High = HighTech
Not for anything but those are soulless, lifeless renderings, they are spot on communist, nothing in them captures the feeling of the human spirit, it is a horrible thing to look at and imagine, so cold and robotic...the first drawing, [true communism] followed by the rest is a perfect example of why one should never forget the past ...
...HIGH = ya gotta be
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ahhh, "primitive communism" [the original redundant term] [aka true/real communism], :abgg2q.jpg:...
...but as man evolved and grew wiser and wanted more out of life he moved away from this primitive form of living until the 19th century when marx' was to repackage this idea as something new...
...i.e .communism moves forward in its packaging and backwards in its offerings.

Not for anything but those are soulless, lifeless renderings, they are spot on communist, nothing in them captures the feeling of the human spirit, it is a horrible thing to look at and imagine, so cold and robotic...the first drawing, [true communism] followed by the rest is a perfect example of why one should never forget the past ...
...HIGH = ya gotta be
Hightech Communism creates a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money, because the individual has the ability to produce whatever he or she consumes without anyone else's assistance or contribution. All human relations become 100% voluntary and without exploitation. Socialism is the process that leads to that.

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Trump boy eliminated what Obama did, reinstating the sanctions on Cuba. You're behind with your information, still living in 2014. No one has to turn America into a shithole, because it's already a shithole thanks to people like you. More reason to stay and establish a socialist society, and we're going to do it despite you. It doesn't matter how you feel about it.

View attachment 676219
Deal with it.
More reason to stay and establish a socialist society, and we're going to do it despite you.
And how are you going to do that?


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