MAGA extremists are a HUGE threat to America!

Ah, poster Mary, you may be lost in the weeds.
Too much detail is.....well, it is too much.
Don't get bogged down in minutiae.

Rather, think of it as sort of a Forrest Gump definition.
Meaning: MAGA is, as MAGA does.

And because pictures oft-times illustrate complex developments, we offer the following to help you understand MAGA, even, 'Uber-MAGA', or 'Ultra-MAGA' , or Criminal-MAGA'.

View attachment 853374

View attachment 853387
It's amusing when a Trump hater tries to sound intellectual explaining their retarded terminology. :21:
! what cities were burned ?
Ummm, that was the original suggested by prolific poster Mary.
So, lemme ask you poster "yidnar".....which cities "burned down"?
We are not talking about a police cruiser burnt, nor a liquor store.....but whole friggin "city"....or even 'cities'.

Some definitions of 'city' in America is as a minimum of 50,000 citizens.
Another definition is a population of 2,500.
So you got a lot of flexibility here poster 'yidnar'.
You can inform the forum which city of 2,500 burnt to the ground. Or.....
.....or impress the hell outta the forum....and bail poor Mary out of her describing to us the city of 50,000 that burnt to the ground.

Batter up, Skippy.

"It's amusing when a Trump hater tries to sound......"

I suspect, good poster MMike is referencing my poor avatar. Tho neither my avatar nor me recognize ourselves as "Trump Haters'.
Rather, we are connoisseurs of Trump, Trumpism, Trumpian, Trumpzealotry, and stuff such as that.
Don Trump is a font of entertainment, amusement, and satire.
We are gonna miss him when those Big Macs finally catch up to his heart.

So, "hate Don Trump'? Nonsense, we are amused by Don Trump and his cult of MAGA Squeaky Frommes.
What's not to like?

For example, look at this bit of Trumpism on January 6th:

Except for a couple of things: that I don't know how to define "Ultra MAGA" nor can I find any group that was harmed by anyone called ultra, moderate or mildly "MAGA". Help me guys and gals. Did I miss something?
/---/ Ultra MAGA is defined on the same page as Assault Weapon in the Liberal Handbook.
Ummm, that was the original suggested by prolific poster Mary.
So, lemme ask you poster "yidnar".....which cities "burned down"?
We are not talking about a police cruiser burnt, nor a liquor store.....but whole friggin "city"....or even 'cities'.

Some definitions of 'city' in America is as a minimum of 50,000 citizens.
Another definition is a population of 2,500.
So you got a lot of flexibility here poster 'yidnar'.
You can inform the forum which city of 2,500 burnt to the ground. Or.....
.....or impress the hell outta the forum....and bail poor Mary out of her describing to us the city of 50,000 that burnt to the ground.

Batter up, Skippy.


I suspect, good poster MMike is referencing my poor avatar. Tho neither my avatar nor me recognize ourselves as "Trump Haters'.
Rather, we are connoisseurs of Trump, Trumpism, Trumpian, Trumpzealotry, and stuff such as that.
Don Trump is a font of entertainment, amusement, and satire.
We are gonna miss him when those Big Macs finally catch up to his heart.

So, "hate Don Trump'? Nonsense, we are amused by Don Trump and his cult of MAGA Squeaky Frommes.
What's not to like?

For example, look at this bit of Trumpism on January 6th:

View attachment 853602

Ummm, that was the original suggested by prolific poster Mary.
So, lemme ask you poster "yidnar".....which cities "burned down"?
We are not talking about a police cruiser burnt, nor a liquor store.....but whole friggin "city"....or even 'cities'.

Some definitions of 'city' in America is as a minimum of 50,000 citizens.
Another definition is a population of 2,500.
So you got a lot of flexibility here poster 'yidnar'.
You can inform the forum which city of 2,500 burnt to the ground. Or.....
.....or impress the hell outta the forum....and bail poor Mary out of her describing to us the city of 50,000 that burnt to the ground.

Batter up, Skippy.


I suspect, good poster MMike is referencing my poor avatar. Tho neither my avatar nor me recognize ourselves as "Trump Haters'.
Rather, we are connoisseurs of Trump, Trumpism, Trumpian, Trumpzealotry, and stuff such as that.
Don Trump is a font of entertainment, amusement, and satire.
We are gonna miss him when those Big Macs finally catch up to his heart.

So, "hate Don Trump'? Nonsense, we are amused by Don Trump and his cult of MAGA Squeaky Frommes.
What's not to like?

For example, look at this bit of Trumpism on January 6th:

View attachment 853602
"Connoisseurs of Trump", hilarious! You all bawled like babies on election night 2016 and you've been consumed with hate for Trump and his supporters ever since.
You all bawled like babies on election night 2016 and you've been consumed with hate for Trump and his supporters ever since.
(underlining for emphasis, by my avatar)

"You" all?
"you've been consumed with hate"?

Ummm, nope.
You got the wrong "you".

One should be careful when doing all-inclusive complaining.
It makes 'you', poster MMike....well, it makes your avatar look bad.
Makes your avatar look defensive and over-reactive.

Just sayin'.
Yea, having a closed border, lower taxes, unstolen elections, more energy and less welfare is a huuuuuuuge threat to turning America into a Socialist shithole.
Progs keep putting people who do not vote Prog on their haunches. When you need them and you will, they will not help for what you have done. You have ph uked up the nation and moving the world into mass conflict. The conflicts are slowly spreading and are not self-contained.
Ummm, that was the original suggested by prolific poster Mary.
So, lemme ask you poster "yidnar".....which cities "burned down"?
We are not talking about a police cruiser burnt, nor a liquor store.....but whole friggin "city"....or even 'cities'.

Some definitions of 'city' in America is as a minimum of 50,000 citizens.
Another definition is a population of 2,500.
So you got a lot of flexibility here poster 'yidnar'.
You can inform the forum which city of 2,500 burnt to the ground. Or.....
.....or impress the hell outta the forum....and bail poor Mary out of her describing to us the city of 50,000 that burnt to the ground.

Batter up, Skippy.


I suspect, good poster MMike is referencing my poor avatar. Tho neither my avatar nor me recognize ourselves as "Trump Haters'.
Rather, we are connoisseurs of Trump, Trumpism, Trumpian, Trumpzealotry, and stuff such as that.
Don Trump is a font of entertainment, amusement, and satire.
We are gonna miss him when those Big Macs finally catch up to his heart.

So, "hate Don Trump'? Nonsense, we are amused by Don Trump and his cult of MAGA Squeaky Frommes.
What's not to like?

For example, look at this bit of Trumpism on January 6th:

View attachment 853602
entire city blocks were burned moron !
Thanks to ultra left wing radicalism combined with left wing media propaganda, the political slogan "Make America Great Again" has become source of anger and hatred. What does that tell you about today's America?
"....entire city blocks were burned...."

Got it.

So, you and poster Mary have, umm, 're-calibrated' from whole cities being burnt to the ground to now some city "blocks" were burnt.
Good to know.
'Blocks' are better than entire cities, we all can agree.

Now, good poster 'Yidnar'.....I gotta admit, I don't believe you.
I don't believe even your retreat to "blocks".
I don't believe you've done the due diligence to vet your claim about "entire city blocks".

So, let's do this: Inform, with credible vetting, the city blocks and in which cities that were entirely burnt to the ground.
And then, once you have assembled your list of blocks.....tell us how where, and the extent of damage.

And how do those "entire city blocks burnt" fit vis-a-vis the 2,400+ 'protests' in the US; and with only 220 out of the 2,400 that reported violence?

Don't mean to suggest disrespect, but poster 'Yidnar' this is Adult Swim.
Meaning, if you assert gotta prove it.
.....or you will be uniformly disrespected.

Not my rules.

Good luck.
Which city....or cities.....burned down?
And how?


Ah, Mary, that is a sad misread of my response.
Rather, my avatar was merely illustrating the Forrest Gumpian observation that ....."MAGA is what MAGA does," with cut&paste pictures graphically demonstrating what MAGA did.

I regret if the shiny pictures weren't vivid enough.

Here, lemme try again:
I am speechless at the sheer ignorance of this poster. Whatever you say, champ.
Except for a couple of things: that I don't know how to define "Ultra MAGA" nor can I find any group that was harmed by anyone called ultra, moderate or mildly "MAGA". Help me guys and gals. Did I miss something?

MAGA: Make America great again by achieving a strong, free, secure, prosperous America with liberty, choices, options, opportunity for all. So in this case a "MAGA" would be a person supporting that vision.

An 'ultra MAGA' is anybody they haven't been able to threaten, coerce, bribe, or intimidate into shutting up. Moderate MAGAs don't worry them because they express no opinions and don't make any waves. Mildly MAGA are those who vote Democrat but every once in awhile tentatively support a Republican position.

That's about it. And no I don't have any links to back it up so you numbnuts don't even ask.
I am speechless at the sheer ignorance of this poster.

Oh, you needn't be inhibited and retreat, MaryL.
Simply inform the assembled forum on the vetting for your claim that entire cities burned to the ground during the police-brutality protests.

So, saddle-up, mi amiga.
Don' be a retiring shrinking little flower.
Or go.
"When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.."

MAGA: Make America great again by achieving a strong, free, secure, prosperous America with liberty, choices, options, opportunity for all. So in this case a "MAGA" would be a person supporting that vision.

An 'ultra MAGA' is anybody they haven't been able to threaten, coerce, bribe, or intimidate into shutting up. Moderate MAGAs don't worry them because they express no opinions and don't make any waves. Mildly MAGA are those who vote Democrat but every once in awhile tentatively support a Republican position.

That's about it. And no I don't have any links to back it up so you numbnuts don't even ask.

Oh, you needn't be inhibited and retreat, MaryL.
Simply inform the assembled forum on the vetting for your claim that entire cities burned to the ground during the police-brutality protests.

So, saddle-up, mi amiga.
Don' be a retiring shrinking little flower.
Or go.

Oh, you needn't be inhibited and retreat, MaryL.
Simply inform the assembled forum on the vetting for your claim that entire cities burned to the ground during the police-brutality protests.

So, saddle-up, mi amiga.
Don' be a retiring shrinking little flower.
Or go.
What? I stopped debating with idiots anymore. It's a waste of time.
"I stopped debating with idiots anymore."
It appears, good poster Mary, ---and I mean no disrespect ---but your avatar's debating skills, even against your so-called 'idiots' sadly pretty weak.
Even they spank you consistently and decisively.
Hence, your avatar come across as flighty, indecisive, and lacking confidence.
Not to mention misinformed and uninformed.

You can be better.
This forum expects you to be better.
We want your avatar to be a better poster than what has been demonstrated to date.

Except for a couple of things: that I don't know how to define "Ultra MAGA" nor can I find any group that was harmed by anyone called ultra, moderate or mildly "MAGA". Help me guys and gals. Did I miss something?
Yes. Example the only spike in violence the FBI has seen is right wingers attacking blacks gays trans Asians Browns Muslims Etcetera Etcetera. And the number more than doubles when Trump has a rally in an area.... Also there's the purely anti-american conspiracy theories they have on everything including election fraud, all without any evidence worth calling it so. If they had real evidence they would go to court DUHHH!!
Got it.

So, you and poster Mary have, umm, 're-calibrated' from whole cities being burnt to the ground to now some city "blocks" were burnt.
Good to know.
'Blocks' are better than entire cities, we all can agree.

Now, good poster 'Yidnar'.....I gotta admit, I don't believe you.
I don't believe even your retreat to "blocks".
I don't believe you've done the due diligence to vet your claim about "entire city blocks".

So, let's do this: Inform, with credible vetting, the city blocks and in which cities that were entirely burnt to the ground.
And then, once you have assembled your list of blocks.....tell us how where, and the extent of damage.

And how do those "entire city blocks burnt" fit vis-a-vis the 2,400+ 'protests' in the US; and with only 220 out of the 2,400 that reported violence?

Don't mean to suggest disrespect, but poster 'Yidnar' this is Adult Swim.
Meaning, if you assert gotta prove it.
.....or you will be uniformly disrespected.

Not my rules.

Good luck.
lol ! listen to the smug moron try to twist words and minimize the violence committed by his fellow during the months of the 2020 riots ! FOLKS THERE WERE ONLY A MINUSCULE 220 RIOTS IN 2020 ! we all saw the footage of dozens of buildings looted and burned in many of the cities where the lefts so called protests occurred .. and yes city blocks were set on fire and the commies even ciezed city blocks in Seattle and set up their own commie nation called CHOP !
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