MAGA, Truth Serum

State of Georgia attack dogs sued True the Vote for voter intimidation. They LOST. Big Win. Proves people have the right to question if people have the right to vote there.
I'm not sure who won or who lost by that wording?

Regardless, how does it apply to the allegation that there are 300,000 so-called ineligible ballots?
Obvious deflection.

No need for truth serum, Trump supporters are being truthful about their support for Trump – like Trump they’re authoritarian enemies of democracy, consumed by fear, ignorant, racism, bigotry, and hate.

Purveyors of white grievance politics and racist replacement theory, Trump supporters seek an isolationist, nativist America hostile to – and fearful of – positive, beneficial change, diversity, inclusion, and expressions of individual liberty, facilitated by compelling conformity and punishing dissent.
And chicks with dicks.
MAGA, Truth Serum

Mac1958 Jan2024 Vmtsyz00001 inserts belief of typical MAGA haters general belief that: “America is so far gone” mvcnnnn 240121 Vrmtsyz00001

Mac-7 Jan2024 Smtsyz00099: “The op is not a real quote but rather the usual lib lie •¥• Mac1958 is a bomb thrower •¥¥• mvcn 240121 Smtsyz00099 to gone” Vrmtsyz00001

NotfooledbyW Jan2021 Vmtsy00147: “The OP did not present “a real quote” nor does his point intend or require it to be “a real quote” nfbw 240121 Vmtsyz00147 to Smtsyz00099

Mac-7 Jan2021 Smtsyz00239: “True •¥• After you make up a lie libs can interpret it anyway they please •¥¥• After you make up a lie libs can interpret it anyway they please” •¥¥¥• mvcn 240121 Smtsyz00229 to Vmtsyz00147

But the indisputable truth is that Mac1958 did not make up a lie. He wrote exactly this;

In all seriousness, I think that if hardcore Trump supporters drank some truth serum and you asked them about this, they would respond with something like:​
"I don't care about the law. America is so far gone that the only way to save it is by breaking any laws that need to be broken to save it. Even if we have to ignore the Constitution temporarily. The Left has beaten us, and we can't figure out how to recover. So fuck it. I support Trump & Co. doing whatever it takes, no matter what laws are broken. It's Hail Mary Pass time. This is it".

Fifty million MAGA at least are supportive of the nonviolent but unconstitutional part of J6 where Pence was supposed to not count seven states that Biden won and declare Trump/Pence the winner.

That just does not sound constitutional and within election laws to me. Can you make the argument Saint Mac-7 that it is?

nfbw 24.01.21 Vmtsyz00252
to Vmtsyz00147
They bitch and moan and attack, but they don't actually address the clear point being made. Happens all the time.

To me, it's just confirmation that I nailed it.
Yeah yeah yeah, whatever it takes to own the libs?
I think the cheering on of the cruelty is a reaction to their perceived victimhood. Their orange god attacks and insults -- at a middle school level -- everyone they hate, and they can't bring themselves to say, "okay, this is getting a little silly". They're so full of rage that it's a catharsis for them. He's saying everything they WISH they could say.

They're the children in the playground standing behind the bully as he beats up someone who scares them. It's pathetic, but it's terribly important to them.
It means your OP is full of commie bullshit and your link doesn't support it. The Trump name was the fourth least popular answer in the poll. Plain enough?

Do you understand that is just my opinion? I made that abundantly clear. Did you think I was claiming a fact?

Have you people never understood the difference between a statement of fact and a statement of opinion?

Life isn't a radio talk show. True story.
Do you understand that is just my opinion? I made that abundantly clear. Did you think I was claiming a fact?

Have you people never understood the difference between a statement of fact and a statement of opinion?

Life isn't a radio talk show. True story.

Doesn't alter the fact that poll didn't support your commie bullshit, does it. Trump would have had to been the most popular answer to give your bullshit any credibility at all. Like I said, are your ever going to grow up?

Doesn't alter the fact that poll didn't support your commie bullshit, does it. Trump would have had to been the most popular answer to give your bullshit any credibility at all. Like I said, are your ever going to grow up?

I guess you don't realize that I can see you avoiding what I said and trying to put me on the defensive.

That's okay. It's all you're equipped to do. I'm certainly used to that here.
I guess you don't realize that I can see you avoiding what I said and trying to put me on the defensive.

That's okay. It's all you're equipped to do. I'm certainly used to that here.

What you don't realize I've addressed what you said in every post. Should I have included ROFLMFAO?


Trump evangelical supporters (Photo by Jim Watson for AFP)

A leading religious scholar said Tuesday he was using his father to halt the "manifest surrender" of American Christians to Trump — and the fascism he expects him to bring. Read the full interview here

Joy Reid condemns Trumps Iowa supporters​

OKTexas Jan2024 Sjrcti00076: That race baiter is a few fries short of a happy meal. According to her, whites are the reason for all ills in the world. vktvxvs 240117 Sjrcti00076

MAGA, Truth Serum​

Saint Oktexas is MAGA and MAGANS are nothing close to being a viable political party without churchgoing white Christian nationalists and their infatuation with their “idol and savior” Donald J Trump.

Joy Reid does not not ever convey an attitude that “whites are the reason for all ills in the world.” Joe Biden is a white churchgoing Christian with the distinction that President Biden however is not a white Christian who believes America is in some kind of supernatural covenant with the God of Israel and locked into the Final Armageddon Battle against the darkest forces of EVIL known to mankind as progressive liberal pluralism which must be vanquished by the light. Ashley Babbitt died fir the fucked up Qanon version of that where TRUMP is the “ONE”

Saint OKtexas needs the white Christian nationalist Republican voters to get his way for things on the chart that he cares about.

Joy Reid to MAGA is evil so it’s ok to lie about what she actually is saying about churchgoing white Christian nationalists in IOWA who are 2/3 of all Caucus going Republicans in a state that does not represent our national demographics.

nfbw 240122 Vmtsyz00292 to Sjrcti00076
Last edited:
Truth Serum induced memo from former Trump’s Billionaire Backers fears Trump is a loser

Koch network memo warns Trump is a 2024 loser January 21, 2024


With Ron DeSantis dropping out of the 2024 presidential race, the political conversations are turning to the state of the race.

Donald Trump was always expected to be the Republican nominee, but the Iowa caucus revealed Trump could barely capture 50 percent of the vote

Americans for Prosperity Action, the anti-tax group that has pushed Nikki Haley, and they published a memo about the raw numbers looking at Trump's chances. They're grim.

Puck News reporter Teddy Schleifer posted a screen capture of the memo sent out, touting Haley as the only chance of defeating Biden.

"We've been clear from the beginning that we disagree with former president Trump's plans for the country," the memo says. "As president, he added more to the national debt than any previous president (second only to the current president). He has consistently said he would remove core constitutional protections if elected to a second term. And his current economic plan leads with a promise to raise taxes by 10 percent on all Americans."

It continued saying that Trump has lost the last three elections and he's on track to lose again in 2024.

"Despite what some media outlets report, our polling consistently shows Donald Trump loses to Joe Biden in the states that will decide the election in November. And if he is convicted in one of his many criminal trials, polling indicates his loss will be even more severe," the memo explains.
Koch network memo warns Trump is a 2024 loser
No you haven’t:

Last October, 41 percent of pro-Trump Americans agreed with the statement that “because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.” (That view was shared by 22 percent of independents and 13 percent of Democrats.) Trumpâs Brownshirts: How violence has become inherent to Trumpian politics
It's always fascinating to see them get angry over a point made that was taken from their own words and sentiments.

I don't know if it indicates they know what they're doing is wrong, or if it's just a kneejerk reaction at someone they hate.
I'm not sure who won or who lost by that wording?

Regardless, how does it apply to the allegation that there are 300,000 so-called ineligible ballots?
Change of address to another state. That was the challenge.

Fair Fight challenged it. That is Stacey Abrams org. Then her sister a Judge ruled against it.

They then filed BS charges against True the Vote of voter suporession.

They Lost after a few years. Ruling was people have the right to challenge voter rolls and elligibility PERIOD.

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