MAGA, Truth Serum

How do you know that the Grand Jury testimony has been lies, GJ testimony is all secret and no transcripts have been released? Are you a clairvoyant????

Clearly Donald Trump stole classified documents none of which are Executive Order, because Executive Order are all PRINTED FOR THE PUBLIC TO READ.

Neither Trump, nor any other President has "total authority", and Trump has admitted in interviews to going through and packing the boxes of classified documents himself - on TV and in interviews.

Not only are the indictments public, but witnesses have been interviewed.

I did not say the classified docs were Executive Orders, but that all classified doc laws are presidential EOs, and explicitly say presidents are totally exempt from all classified doc laws.
That remains true after office, for all classified docs created while in office.

And no, not only did Trump never say he packed any boxes, but clearly he never packed anything in his whole life.
With their special ability, they're able to see things even when they're not there. Plus, they know when someone is lying, or telling the truth.

It's super great to be a Trumpster!

The indictments and interviews are all public.
Even using a grand jury is an admission of prosecutorial misconduct.
And again, I am anti-Trump.
And he's still gonna beat Trump.
What do you think that says about Trump and the people like you who support him????

Oh yeah, not enough of you to get him over the top! :auiqs.jpg:

Does not matter how bad Trump is when clearly Biden is the criminal who should be in jail.
His role in the 2014 coup in the Ukraine is enough proof.
And that does not even count his illegal extortion to get Shokin fired illegally.

That sounds like a pretty empty ethos to me. Ripe for populism.

Lots of Bernie Bros. morphed into magaturds, completely abandoning their principles for... ...something oranger. :rolleyes:

I think you'd be surprised. :rolleyes:

Apparently, you simply cannot see the obvious factual comparison, that Hillary, Obama, and Biden were guilty of as many as a million murders from their illegal "Arab Spring" crimes.
No decent person could support that.
Does not matter how bad Trump is when clearly Biden is the criminal who should be in jail.
His role in the 2014 coup in the Ukraine is enough proof.
And that does not even count his illegal extortion to get Shokin fired illegally.
Yeah, that conspiracy theory has been gone over so many times, it's not even worth responding to.
Put the bong down. :)
The indictments and interviews are all public.
Even using a grand jury is an admission of prosecutorial misconduct.
And again, I am anti-Trump.
Grand juries are illegal. It’s used when a prosecutor doesn’t want a challenge in front of a jury, a hearing!! Unconstitutional
More than 2200 delegates to 1800 delegates witih 2300 delegates to win, isn't even close to a "tie".

Bernie was NEVER a Democrat. He still isn't a Democrat and isn't not a party guy. You need someone who can work well with others to be President, and Bernie is not that guy. But he has worked well since 2016 with the Democrats to help defeat Donald Trump.

“We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”​

Biden "won" 52% of the vote, but only 15% of the counties and only 5% of the Bellwether counties.

Why it's as if someone used a pandemic to dumps in fake ballots into enough places for Biden to "win"

“We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”​

Biden "won" 52% of the vote, but only 15% of the counties and only 5% of the Bellwether counties.

Why it's as if someone used a pandemic to dumps in fake ballots into enough places for Biden to "win"
Too bad you have no evidence. So you sit in the corner with the alien abductees and the spoon benders and get laughed at.
MAGA, Truth Serum

Mac1958 Jan2024 Vmtsyz00001 inserts belief of typical MAGA haters general belief that: “America is so far gone” mvcnnnn 240121 Vrmtsyz00001

Mac-7 Jan2024 Smtsyz00099: “The op is not a real quote but rather the usual lib lie •¥• Mac1958 is a bomb thrower •¥¥• mvcn 240121 Smtsyz00099 to gone” Vrmtsyz00001

NotfooledbyW Jan2021 Vmtsy00147: “The OP did not present “a real quote” nor does his point intend or require it to be “a real quote” nfbw 240121 Vmtsyz00147 to Smtsyz00099

Mac-7 Jan2021 Smtsyz00239: “True •¥• After you make up a lie libs can interpret it anyway they please •¥¥• After you make up a lie libs can interpret it anyway they please” •¥¥¥• mvcn 240121 Smtsyz00229 to Vmtsyz00147

But the indisputable truth is that Mac1958 did not make up a lie. He wrote exactly this;

In all seriousness, I think that if hardcore Trump supporters drank some truth serum and you asked them about this, they would respond with something like:​
"I don't care about the law. America is so far gone that the only way to save it is by breaking any laws that need to be broken to save it. Even if we have to ignore the Constitution temporarily. The Left has beaten us, and we can't figure out how to recover. So fuck it. I support Trump & Co. doing whatever it takes, no matter what laws are broken. It's Hail Mary Pass time. This is it".

Fifty million MAGA at least are supportive of the nonviolent but unconstitutional part of J6 where Pence was supposed to not count seven states that Biden won and declare Trump/Pence the winner.

That just does not sound constitutional and within election laws to me. Can you make the argument Saint Mac-7 that it is?

nfbw 24.01.21 Vmtsyz00252
to Vmtsyz00147
Too bad you have no evidence. So you sit in the corner with the alien abductees and the spoon benders and get laughed at.

Evidence? Do you deny the math? I know math is racist, but how did Biden "win" 52% of the vote, but only 15% of the counties and only 5% of the Bellwether counties.

Why it's as if someone put together the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.
It would be helpful if we could inject some candor into our politics right about now. In all seriousness, I think that if hardcore Trump supporters drank some truth serum and you asked them about this, they would respond with something like:

"I don't care about the law. America is so far gone that the only way to save it is by breaking any laws that need to be broken to save it. Even if we have to ignore the Constitution temporarily. The Left has beaten us, and we can't figure out how to recover. So fuck it. I support Trump & Co. doing whatever it takes, no matter what laws are broken. It's Hail Mary Pass time. This is it".

Y'know what? I could actually respect that. I disagree with it, I think there are better answers, but I can at least respect it. But I can't respect this constant, weaselly spin and deflection and fantasy and paranoia and bullshit.

Yeah yeah yeah, whatever it takes to own the libs?
No evidence.


Take it to court, or sit in the corner with the lying frauds and get laughed at.

Welcome to adulting.
Why is GA. removing their SOS from the SEB? There is all kinds of evidence from swing states proving the election had 0 integrity in those states. The denial does not work. The fraud has become more obvious than it already was.
No evidence.


Take it to court, or sit in the corner with the lying frauds and get laughed at.

Welcome to adulting.

Yes! Let's audit the Biden mail in votes that were retuned before being mailed and mailed and returned on the same date, shall we?
You almost gotta laugh. Lefties dream of political fantasies like "truth serum" while they drink the cool-aid dispensed by the mainstream media every day.

The information available through the mainstream media is fact checked and cross verified before it's published. When factual mistakes are made, corrections are issued.

These are called "accepted journalistic standards", which were adopted by reputable newspapers and sources at the turn of the 20th Century in order to combat the kind of dishonest reporting we see today from right wing billionaire owned media outlets, NONE of which subscribe to "accepted journalistic standards" of fact checking and verifications.

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