MAGA voter: ‘It’s getting really old hearing democracy, democracy, democracy’

We live in a Constutional Republic with Democratically elected representatives.

We do not vote at the polls on every issue. That would be a democracy.

We have representatives who REPRESENT THEIR CONSTIUENTS and vote in Congress.

Did we all vote on any of the Biden spending bills? I sure didnt.

Its not a democracy.
what does he prefer? Idi Amin, Idi Amin, Idi Amin?

How about what we REALLY are.... A representative REPUBLIC. or does that hurt your commie views?
what does he prefer? Idi Amin, Idi Amin, Idi Amin?

President for Life, Doctor Idi Amin Dada Rump... yes... their Orange Albatross had said as much in a 2018 speech...

what does he prefer? Idi Amin, Idi Amin, Idi Amin?

Constitutional Republic ? You know what people with more than an ounce of brain matter call the Us
We live in a Constutional Republic with Democratically elected representatives.

We do not vote at the polls on every issue. That would be a democracy.

We have representatives who REPRESENT THEIR CONSTIUENTS and vote in Congress.

Did we all vote on any of the Biden spending bills? I sure didnt.

Its not a democracy.
Damn it's this drivelling BS again? Believe what you want and then believe it.
We live in a Constutional Republic with Democratically elected representatives.

We do not vote at the polls on every issue. That would be a democracy.

We have representatives who REPRESENT THEIR CONSTIUENTS and vote in Congress.

Did we all vote on any of the Biden spending bills? I sure didnt.

Its not a democracy.
There are two types of leftist the smart ones who know the US is a Constitutional Republic and use the fake threat of a lost Democracy to gain more power. Then there is the rest that are stupid enough to believe the bullshit that they are losing something that never was.

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