Mail in voting - Democrats again the party of despotism

Ha, you forgot about the defunding process of the post office by Trump. Mail in will be a disaster if you defund and suppress the vote that way.

It will be a disaster regardless.
Defunding the post office by Trump to suppress the vote is disastrous for voters. That's the only disaster there is.

They lost $2.2 billion in the 2nd quarter, without hundreds of millions of ballots being sent out.
Has nothing to do with it. Trump and the Republicans have been defunding the post office for a long time. And now they will go in over drive with it. They knew a long time ago, that Covid would bring on mail- in -voting. They have to stop it to suppress the vote. There is no legitimate reason to defund an institution that has been successful for decades other than to suppress the vote and feed the corporate elites.

Has nothing to do with it. Trump and the Republicans have been defunding the post office for a long time.

Sneaky how they stopped Clinton and Obama from funding it for 16 years, eh?

They have to stop it to suppress the vote. There is no legitimate reason to defund an institution that has been successful for decades

I know!!! And with a 20% failure rate on recent election mailings, what could go wrong?
how they stopped Clinton and Obama from funding it for 16 years, eh?
The Gov't doesnt fund the USPS at all, dope.
Not a dime of tax money goes there.

The Gov't doesnt fund the USPS at all, dope.
Not a dime of tax money goes there.

Trump and the Republicans have been defunding the post office for a long time.

You should tell that to the stupid twat who posted this ^
Can you point me to any post where I said that?

Yes. It's in the conversation in your quote, actually. Hutch said people can't mail in someone else's ballot when they are dead and you agreed with him
Yes. It's in the conversation in your quote, actually. Hutch said people can't mail in someone else's ballot when they are dead and you agreed with him
I never said that at all, ya fuckin liar.

That's what you said when I said they could do that. You're just stuck in lie your ass off mode
That's what you said when I said they could do that. You're just stuck in lie your ass off mode
Quote it, loser.

Obviously you saw it since it was in this chain and you just cut it when you asked me for the quote. Here you go, liar

They didn't just send out ballots to everyone alive or dead they can imagine.
That's your imagination, dope.

Note, you will not now admit I was right even though I showed you the quote because you're a shemale. A flaming fag with no testicles
Note, you will not now admit I was right even though I showed you the quote because you're a shemale. A flaming fag with no testicles
Good job, loser.
We all lnew you had nothing but more bullshit.

When you were wrong, proven you were wrong, you had the chance to man up and say OK, your bad. Instead you put on a dress and hid under a bed
When you were wrong, proven you were wrong, you had the chance to man up and say OK, your bad. Instead you put on a dress and hid under a bed
You only proved yourself to be a liar and an idiot.
  • Thanks
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It will be a disaster regardless.
Sure. Republicans will see to that. It will be a shitstorm of convoluted and baseless lawsuits and recriminations as the real disaster is that republicans can't win a free and fair election.

Leftists are full wing nut today. Is it a full moon?
Leftists are full wing nut today. Is it a full moon?
Nothing to say yet again? Such a loser.

You just made up a bunch of stupid shit
Ha, you forgot about the defunding process of the post office by Trump. Mail in will be a disaster if you defund and suppress the vote that way.

It will be a disaster regardless.
Defunding the post office by Trump to suppress the vote is disastrous for voters. That's the only disaster there is.

They lost $2.2 billion in the 2nd quarter, without hundreds of millions of ballots being sent out.
Has nothing to do with it. Trump and the Republicans have been defunding the post office for a long time. And now they will go in over drive with it. They knew a long time ago, that Covid would bring on mail- in -voting. They have to stop it to suppress the vote. There is no legitimate reason to defund an institution that has been successful for decades other than to suppress the vote and feed the corporate elites.

Has nothing to do with it. Trump and the Republicans have been defunding the post office for a long time.

Sneaky how they stopped Clinton and Obama from funding it for 16 years, eh?

They have to stop it to suppress the vote. There is no legitimate reason to defund an institution that has been successful for decades

I know!!! And with a 20% failure rate on recent election mailings, what could go wrong?
how they stopped Clinton and Obama from funding it for 16 years, eh?
The Gov't doesnt fund the USPS at all, dope.
Not a dime of tax money goes there.

The Gov't doesnt fund the USPS at all, dope.
Not a dime of tax money goes there.

Trump and the Republicans have been defunding the post office for a long time.

You should tell that to the stupid twat who posted this ^
You should tell that to the stupid twat who posted this ^
I understand quite clearly what that poster meant. Why don't you?
Because you, like most Trumpians, are incompetent.

It will be a disaster regardless.
Sure. Republicans will see to that. It will be a shitstorm of convoluted and baseless lawsuits and recriminations as the real disaster is that republicans can't win a free and fair election.

Leftists are full wing nut today. Is it a full moon?
Leftists are full wing nut today. Is it a full moon?
Nothing to say yet again? Such a loser.

You just made up a bunch of stupid shit
You just made up a bunch of stupid shit
That's your play, loser.
This thread is not about whether or not government mailing ballots all over the place without being prompted is a good idea or not. I think it's not, but that's for another thread.

The parties of course are competing with each other. And realistically, there are only two parties that win any substantial number of elections. Fair play in all competitions is that rules are agreed on before the competition by the contestants.

That Democrats are ramming a new system down everyone's throats is in itself wrong and despotic. The parties should agree to changing the system of deciding who wins those competitions before the competition. One party should not be able to unilaterally change the rules themselves on their own.

Democrats keep saying we're a "democracy." Well, when one side is deciding how we determine the winner, it's not. Democrats are more and more like any despotic government that decides how elections will be run and who will win.

If mail in ballots are better, then we need to take the time and figure out how to make it work so both sides are comfortable.

So the question to address in the thread: Should one party be able to unilaterally be able to change the basic rules of the game over the objections of the other party?

I say no. Republicans should not be able to do it either
Last I checked, this was a REPUBLIC, not a democracy. And democrats live to ram stuff down other people's throats, too bad most GOP haven't the backbone to stand up to it.
Ha, you forgot about the defunding process of the post office by Trump. Mail in will be a disaster if you defund and suppress the vote that way.

It will be a disaster regardless.
Defunding the post office by Trump to suppress the vote is disastrous for voters. That's the only disaster there is.

They lost $2.2 billion in the 2nd quarter, without hundreds of millions of ballots being sent out.
Has nothing to do with it. Trump and the Republicans have been defunding the post office for a long time. And now they will go in over drive with it. They knew a long time ago, that Covid would bring on mail- in -voting. They have to stop it to suppress the vote. There is no legitimate reason to defund an institution that has been successful for decades other than to suppress the vote and feed the corporate elites.

Has nothing to do with it. Trump and the Republicans have been defunding the post office for a long time.

Sneaky how they stopped Clinton and Obama from funding it for 16 years, eh?

They have to stop it to suppress the vote. There is no legitimate reason to defund an institution that has been successful for decades

I know!!! And with a 20% failure rate on recent election mailings, what could go wrong?
how they stopped Clinton and Obama from funding it for 16 years, eh?
The Gov't doesnt fund the USPS at all, dope.
Not a dime of tax money goes there.

The Gov't doesnt fund the USPS at all, dope.
Not a dime of tax money goes there.

Trump and the Republicans have been defunding the post office for a long time.

You should tell that to the stupid twat who posted this ^
You should tell that to the stupid twat who posted this ^
I understand quite clearly what that poster meant. Why don't you?
Because you, like most Trumpians, are incompetent.


I understand quite clearly what that poster meant. Why don't you?

You said no tax dollars go there. Were you lying, or was the twat?
Last edited:
Have you clowns figured out why the Democrats picked the specific - very late - date they did for the 1st debate?

The 1st debate is scheduled for AFTER mail-in voting starts. So Biden can stumble, stutter, forget where he is, declare he hates all blacks and honestly declare Dems only pretend to like Latinos for their votes, and the ballots already cast can't be changed.

The Right has no skin in this game talking about mail-in-voting. Try again.
This thread is not about whether or not government mailing ballots all over the place without being prompted is a good idea or not. I think it's not, but that's for another thread.

The parties of course are competing with each other. And realistically, there are only two parties that win any substantial number of elections. Fair play in all competitions is that rules are agreed on before the competition by the contestants.

That Democrats are ramming a new system down everyone's throats is in itself wrong and despotic. The parties should agree to changing the system of deciding who wins those competitions before the competition. One party should not be able to unilaterally change the rules themselves on their own.

Democrats keep saying we're a "democracy." Well, when one side is deciding how we determine the winner, it's not. Democrats are more and more like any despotic government that decides how elections will be run and who will win.

If mail in ballots are better, then we need to take the time and figure out how to make it work so both sides are comfortable.

So the question to address in the thread: Should one party be able to unilaterally be able to change the basic rules of the game over the objections of the other party?

I say no. Republicans should not be able to do it either
Last I checked, this was a REPUBLIC, not a democracy. And democrats live to ram stuff down other people's throats, too bad most GOP haven't the backbone to stand up to it.
To be specific, we are actually a Democratic Republic, which combines the two. But ha, call it what you will; Democratic republic - Wikipedia.
So now Trump's toadie in the US Post Office is actively trying to destroy it
Yes! Just in time to suppress the vote and cheat people out of a free and fair election. Republicans cannot win by the numbers and they know it.
Pivoting back to the State of Nevada; Nevada employs ONE state employee to investigate voter fraud!

It's no wonder why we have no voter fraud here /(sarc.). :auiqs.jpg:
So the question to address in the thread: Should one party be able to unilaterally be able to change the basic rules of the game over the objections of the other party?

Yes, within reason. Voting is a matter controlled by the state within guidelines set by the U.S. Constitution. If both governor and legislature of the state are controlled by one political party then of course they have leeway to some extent on voting procedures. However, the judicial branch of government is there to act upon any objection based on injustice.

For example, I'm sure the Democrats would follow through with a lawsuit if the GOP here in Arizona had passed a law this past Spring requiring mail-in voting as the only means to vote in yesterday's primary and this November's general election. I'm pretty sure the court would agree that it disenfranchises a good number of Native-American voters living on reservations on roads with no names where mail delivery is problematic at best.

Thank you! One of the few people who made an actual attempt to answer the question.

My question doesn't really specify the Federal level. I wanted to point that out. I don't think new rules should be rammed down either party's throat against their objections at the State or Federal level.

If Democrats really believed in democracy, this is the last thing they would do. Think about it. Democracy relies on that when you lose, you accept the results because the process was fair.

Doesn't that bother you? That ballots are being mailed all the hell over and half the country thinks that's not a valid way to determine who won an election? It is just part of ending belief in the American system

Again these are not new rules. Nevada has had absentee balloting in place for a long time. Mail in balloting has been in place for some time. Worth noting that many stateas run by Republicans have refused to allow voters to even vote absentee without excuses. You are not concerned about the fact that Republicans are ignoring Democrats.

There is no evidence that ballots are beingt mailed willy nilly. A big majority support mail in balloting. You are in the clear minority.

OK, so just to be clear. Your standard is that if any Democrat anywhere agrees to something, that is binding on you that you agreed to it. That's what you're arguing. That's just stupid

You are stupid. Your whole argument is stupid. Nevada has had absentee balloting for some time. Mail in balloting is not that much different. They certainly have safeguards in place to prevent fraud.

You're an imbecile. The issue is not absentee ballots. The issue is mailing out unsolicited ballots.

Listen you stupid schmuck. You write one post after another that misses the point and doesn't address anything I said. If you're going to dump your bile allover the board, at least FOLLOW THE DISCUSSION.

I've only ever put one person on ignore for pure stupidity and having a complete and utter inability to follow a discussion or address anything that I actually said. That was DanielPalos on this board. You're becoming a candidate to be number two.

Write your stupid, moronic, leftist bile and I'll respond. But again, ADDRESS WHAT I SAID
Your issue is "unsolicited ballots" you say right? What is your remedy? And by the way, that is more clerical, which has nothing to do with suppression. And why is that more of a concern than illegal voter purges and poll closings for in person voting? Those concerns are where real voter suppression occurs. The stats back me up on that.

Mailing out unsolicited ballots doesn't even touch the concern of voter suppression through purges and poll closings. There were 868 poll closings in the south in minority areas during the 2016 election, and your concern is unsolicited ballots? Do you have any idea how may millions lost their right to vote over those poll closings? Your concern is one of bias. Has nothing to do with real concerns of right and wrong.
Pivoting back to the State of Nevada; Nevada employs ONE state employee to investigate voter fraud!

It's no wonder why we have no voter fraud here /(sarc.). :auiqs.jpg:
One employee is adequate for any state, since fraud is such an irrelevant issue in voting. On the other hand, illegal voter purges and poll closings is where the real cheating occurs.
Pivoting back to the State of Nevada; Nevada employs ONE state employee to investigate voter fraud!

It's no wonder why we have no voter fraud here /(sarc.). :auiqs.jpg:
One employee is adequate for any state, since fraud is such an irrelevant issue in voting. On the other hand, illegal voter purges and poll closings is where the real cheating occurs.

You run with that, cooter.
Illegal aliens register to vote all the time. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:According to you, illegal aliens vote all the time. A guy voted in 1990? One guy? Thirty years ago? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Do you have any idea how hilarious that is? You still got caught lying. Give it up. You are a loser and a liar. Thirty years ago one guy registered and they do it all the time. Fuck, what a fool and a liar.

And here's the best part, he didn't even participate, so he didn't vote.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Thirty years ago and this is what you've got? I'm embarrassed.
One guy? Thirty years ago?

He was the only one? Ever? Cool!

And here's the best part, he didn't even participate, so he didn't vote.

Yeah, because he assasinated that guy. Durr......

Thirty years ago one guy registered and they do it all the time.

Since 1995, federal law has required states to offer people a chance to register to vote when they visit a local motor vehicle office.

But it turns out that Pennsylvania, like some other states, was asking that question of everyone who applied for a driver's license or state ID card — even those showing green cards or other documents identifying them as noncitizens.


Yea, it is "cool", because it's a stupid counter argument based on nothing. The guy didn't even vote. Lol!

Your answer to this is classic. "He didn't vote because he assassinated this guy", but "illegal aliens register to vote all the time." Talk about lying out of your ass. Son, it's flowing out of that ass. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Pivoting back to the State of Nevada; Nevada employs ONE state employee to investigate voter fraud!

It's no wonder why we have no voter fraud here /(sarc.). :auiqs.jpg:
One employee is adequate for any state, since fraud is such an irrelevant issue in voting. On the other hand, illegal voter purges and poll closings is where the real cheating occurs.

You run with that, cooter.
I will and I have, because no argument you have can change the reality and truth of what I said. Thanks for the advise loser.
Ha, you forgot about the defunding process of the post office by Trump. Mail in will be a disaster if you defund and suppress the vote that way.

It will be a disaster regardless.
Defunding the post office by Trump to suppress the vote is disastrous for voters. That's the only disaster there is.

They lost $2.2 billion in the 2nd quarter, without hundreds of millions of ballots being sent out.
Has nothing to do with it. Trump and the Republicans have been defunding the post office for a long time. And now they will go in over drive with it. They knew a long time ago, that Covid would bring on mail- in -voting. They have to stop it to suppress the vote. There is no legitimate reason to defund an institution that has been successful for decades other than to suppress the vote and feed the corporate elites.

Has nothing to do with it. Trump and the Republicans have been defunding the post office for a long time.

Sneaky how they stopped Clinton and Obama from funding it for 16 years, eh?

They have to stop it to suppress the vote. There is no legitimate reason to defund an institution that has been successful for decades

I know!!! And with a 20% failure rate on recent election mailings, what could go wrong?
how they stopped Clinton and Obama from funding it for 16 years, eh?
The Gov't doesnt fund the USPS at all, dope.
Not a dime of tax money goes there.

The Gov't doesnt fund the USPS at all, dope.
Not a dime of tax money goes there.

Trump and the Republicans have been defunding the post office for a long time.

You should tell that to the stupid twat who posted this ^
You should tell that to the stupid twat who posted this ^
I understand quite clearly what that poster meant. Why don't you?
Because you, like most Trumpians, are incompetent.


I understand quite clearly what that poster meant. Why don't you?

You said no tax dollars go there. Were you lying, or was the twat?
You said no tax dollars go there. Were you lying, or was the twat?
Your incompetence has left you adrift yet again.
I gave you the answer, dope.
Ha, you forgot about the defunding process of the post office by Trump. Mail in will be a disaster if you defund and suppress the vote that way.

It will be a disaster regardless.
Defunding the post office by Trump to suppress the vote is disastrous for voters. That's the only disaster there is.

They lost $2.2 billion in the 2nd quarter, without hundreds of millions of ballots being sent out.
Has nothing to do with it. Trump and the Republicans have been defunding the post office for a long time. And now they will go in over drive with it. They knew a long time ago, that Covid would bring on mail- in -voting. They have to stop it to suppress the vote. There is no legitimate reason to defund an institution that has been successful for decades other than to suppress the vote and feed the corporate elites.

Has nothing to do with it. Trump and the Republicans have been defunding the post office for a long time.

Sneaky how they stopped Clinton and Obama from funding it for 16 years, eh?

They have to stop it to suppress the vote. There is no legitimate reason to defund an institution that has been successful for decades

I know!!! And with a 20% failure rate on recent election mailings, what could go wrong?
how they stopped Clinton and Obama from funding it for 16 years, eh?
The Gov't doesnt fund the USPS at all, dope.
Not a dime of tax money goes there.

The Gov't doesnt fund the USPS at all, dope.
Not a dime of tax money goes there.

Trump and the Republicans have been defunding the post office for a long time.

You should tell that to the stupid twat who posted this ^
You should tell that to the stupid twat who posted this ^
I understand quite clearly what that poster meant. Why don't you?
Because you, like most Trumpians, are incompetent.


I understand quite clearly what that poster meant. Why don't you?

You said no tax dollars go there. Were you lying, or was the twat?
You said no tax dollars go there. Were you lying, or was the twat?
Your incompetence has left you adrift yet again.
I gave you the answer, dope.

If no taxpayer dollars fund them, Republicans can't defund them.

Don't tell the twat.
Ha, you forgot about the defunding process of the post office by Trump. Mail in will be a disaster if you defund and suppress the vote that way.

It will be a disaster regardless.
Defunding the post office by Trump to suppress the vote is disastrous for voters. That's the only disaster there is.

They lost $2.2 billion in the 2nd quarter, without hundreds of millions of ballots being sent out.
Has nothing to do with it. Trump and the Republicans have been defunding the post office for a long time. And now they will go in over drive with it. They knew a long time ago, that Covid would bring on mail- in -voting. They have to stop it to suppress the vote. There is no legitimate reason to defund an institution that has been successful for decades other than to suppress the vote and feed the corporate elites.

Has nothing to do with it. Trump and the Republicans have been defunding the post office for a long time.

Sneaky how they stopped Clinton and Obama from funding it for 16 years, eh?

They have to stop it to suppress the vote. There is no legitimate reason to defund an institution that has been successful for decades

I know!!! And with a 20% failure rate on recent election mailings, what could go wrong?
how they stopped Clinton and Obama from funding it for 16 years, eh?
The Gov't doesnt fund the USPS at all, dope.
Not a dime of tax money goes there.

The Gov't doesnt fund the USPS at all, dope.
Not a dime of tax money goes there.

Trump and the Republicans have been defunding the post office for a long time.

You should tell that to the stupid twat who posted this ^
Do you ever get a fucking clue? ind-us60-test

Donald Trump is destroying the Post Office

Ryan Cooper

President Trump.

The United States Postal Service has long been the most popular government agency. The last Gallup poll on the question found 74 percent of Americans rated it as excellent or good — as compared to 60 percent for NASA or 50 percent for the IRS. Despite years of cash trouble (mainly the fault of Congress), most people like their good old mail carrier. Indeed, as I have written, this country could not function without the USPS.So it should come as no surprise that President Trump is taking the agency apart. Jacob Bogage reports at The Washington Postthat the USPS is facing huge problems under Louis DeJoy, a big Trump donor who was recently appointed postmaster general. DeJoy supposedly wants it to run more like a business, and has implemented structural changes that have fouled up deliveries. It's yet another example of how Trump's authoritarian rot is dissolving the American state — and raising the possibility of interference with the 2020 election.

Let me start with some background. As noted, the USPS has struggled since 2006, when Congress and President Bush imposed absurd retirement benefit funding requirements in the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act. As my colleague Jeff Spross writes, this required the agency to pre-fund its retiree health benefits over the next 75 years, and immediately knocked its budget into the red. As I have argued before, fully pre-funding even normal pensions is absurd for a permanent government agency, but this is even worse — requiring the USPS to sock money away for future employees who aren't even born yet.As a result, the collapse in ordinary mail volume thanks to the coronavirus pandemic landed on an agency that was already struggling to keep its head above water. More than half of its mail trucks are outdated Grumman Long Life Vehicle models, kept in service long past their planned retirement dates, and have an alarming habit of catching on fire. They also have no air conditioning — as a result, hundreds of mail carriers have suffered heat exhaustion over the last few years, and some have even died of heatstroke.Now, as the Post reports, the USPS has also seen a huge spike in demand for package delivery as people shop more online under quarantine, which has cushioned the blow somewhat. But the agency is still reeling, and now the Trump administration is making the problems worse. Congress authorized USPS to borrow $10 billion as part of a coronavirus relief package, but Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is refusing to hand over the money until it turns over much of its operations to him. (This was not remotely stipulated in the law and is probably illegal.)Meanwhile, DeJoy is pushing a lot of business consultant mumbo-jumbo on the agency. He has limited overtime, instructed mail carriers to leave mail behind that will slow down their delivery routes, and required that they park no more than four times along their delivery routes. Trump, meanwhile, has demanded the USPS quadruple its rates on packages.MORE PERSPECTIVES

This betrays an alarming lack of understanding about what makes the USPS work. Its primary advantage is daily, inexpensive service to almost every house and business in the country. Efficiency is important, but reliability is even more so. People will not turn to it if their mail is randomly delayed or lost, which is liable to happen if it is left behind, much less if it costs four times what it currently does. Indeed, several cities are reporting severe problems with mail service of late. And limiting parking along the delivery route is simply bizarre — it could easily make the route take longer by forcing mail carriers to walk longer distances. (It sounds very much like the plutocrat knee-jerk belief that the way to improve efficiency is to abuse one's employees.)

It is hard to explain what is going on here. Part of it is surely the Republican hatred of public services of any kind. GOP dogma holds that government is bad by definition, and if there is a popular and successful agency, by God they will ruin it out of spite. Part of it is just the general

malicious incompetence that saturates every part of the Trump administration. Part of it probably has to do with Trump's feud with Jeff Bezos — he seems to think that by punishing the USPS he can hurt Amazon.

But it's also impossible not to notice that Trump has been screeching paranoid lies about voting by mail for the last few months, falsely portraying it as some kind of Democratic conspiracy to commit voter fraud. The pandemic will surely still be raging come November, and people will therefore want to vote by mail if they can. Indeed, the USPS is already warning people to submit their ballots early. Trump or his toadies may be calculating that Democrats are more likely to vote by mail, therefore ruining mail delivery might mean enough ballots are lost or unable to be delivered in time to tip the election to Trump.

If that were to happen, it would be straight-up election theft. However, it might actually boomerang on Trump and other Republican candidates, which have historically relied on mail-in ballots to drive turnout among their elderly voters. Trump's own campaign has a large absentee ballot operation, but Trump's howling has apparently made his crackpot base leery of mail-in voting themselves — missing the intended message that mail-in voting is fraud only when Democrats do it. And if the pandemic is bad enough, many older Republicans may not vote at all for fear of catching COVID-19.

Whatever the reason, it's just one more potential accelerating catastrophe to add to the pile caused by Trump's disastrous misrule. The U.S. could not possibly have become a rich country without the connective social tissue of efficient mail service. But it seems the president is determined to cause as much destruction on his way down as he can.

This is taking a simple and accurate method and turning it into an agenda fulfilling nightmare.
“Expert analysis of each signature” would take many many months.
Libs don’t want results from this election because they fear the result.
So what you're saying is that absentee balloting (which Republicans have used for years) is not valid?
That method has always been for a tiny minority and not the total voting public.
A tiny minority? Entire states vote exclusively by mail and have for years. In 2016 over 20% of all votes were cast by mail.

223K Clark County NV Mail Ballots Went to Wrong Addresses in 2020 Primary

County Returns: 17% of Clark County Voter Roll Shows Wrong Addresses

That is not evidence of fraud.
It is if they were votes

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