Maine’s passage of ‘right to food’ amendment stirs celebration, worry

Yeah, we saw how you linked you watching youtube and then claimed to an expert over a person that had 20 years experience. You are a fraud and phony and full of fallacy. I don't consider you a right winger or a left winger, you are just a plain nut job with no ambition and no one backing you, just a lot of unreturned phone calls.
lol. Yeah, I saw how your alleged twenty-year veteran didn't know the difference between cut and cover and boring.
Equal protection of the at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation is more market friendly.

I'm really starting to think you use a giant spin wheel to pick the words you string together for these posts. Either that, or you're suffering from acute schizophasia. You might want to schedule an appointment with a neurologist

yeah, that's a good general description of "at-will" employment...what's your point? I thought you were talking about UE Insurance.

So far you have brought up four totally different things, two of which are state laws, two of which are clauses in the US Constitution....but you have yet to highlight to us how they are connecting in your mind....or really what your arguement is at all
And here's where it gets good. Daniel's explanation of this is priceless. He literally believes he's discovered something that no one, and I mean no one, in the legal community has discovered. He is the only one that knows this and everyone else is wrong. But hey, he watched some YouTube videos!!
I'm really starting to think you use a giant spin wheel to pick the words you string together for these posts. Either that, or you're suffering from acute schizophasia. You might want to schedule an appointment with a neurologist

I am starting to think right-wingers are merely intellectually challenged.
I'm not certain on question 3...

I thought it was the right to farm or raise Food on your OWN land, for your OWN nourishment, on your OWN property?

Not using a neighbors property or state land etc.

I didn't know there were any laws to stop that though? Nothing where I live in rural Maine....? Unless in towns, this was being stopped? For things like chickens in the back yard?

Then I thought maybe Maine land owners wanted to hunt on their own land without needing a hunting licence, maybe? And maybe outside of hunting season? But then the law says grow or raise, not not that?

Honestly, the amendment makes no sense because I personally thought we in Maine could always do, what the amendment is trying to protect?????
And here's where it gets good. Daniel's explanation of this is priceless. He literally believes he's discovered something that no one, and I mean no one, in the legal community has discovered. He is the only one that knows this and everyone else is wrong. But hey, he watched some YouTube videos!!
Not at all. I am trying to find out why it is soo difficult to bear true witness to our own laws.
Will Mainers have the right to take food from others if they think they need it or demand certain religious related food from vendors as a constitutional right? Chalk it up to "be careful what you wish for"?

Read the link, that is answered in it
And here's where it gets good. Daniel's explanation of this is priceless. He literally believes he's discovered something that no one, and I mean no one, in the legal community has discovered. He is the only one that knows this and everyone else is wrong. But hey, he watched some YouTube videos!!
You notice no left wingers will back him, his congressman will no longer return his calls but he claims that right wingers have nothing but fallacy. It seems he can’t get his own to back him so instead of appealing to them, he just accuses right wingers.
He has nothing and he is just to stubborn to let it go. Sad for him because the rest of us moved on long ago.

Now we can get back to the bad broken record that has become Daniel. Lol
You notice no left wingers will back him, his congressman will no longer return his calls but he claims that right wingers have nothing but fallacy. It seems he can’t get his own to back him so instead of appealing to them, he just accuses right wingers.
He has nothing and he is just to stubborn to let it go. Sad for him because the rest of us moved on long ago.

Now we can get back to the bad broken record that has become Daniel. Lol
No. I only notice how right-wingers are nothing but lemmings or parrots who understand Nothing.
Yes, bullshit is all you have, storyteller.

No bullshit. Just 20 years of experience. And your suggestion that power transmisdion
Yes, bullshit is all you have, storyteller.

No, what I did was post accurate information concerning HDD. You are the one who suggested putting power transmission lines underground through a wilderness. I explained why the would not work. Plus it would be prohibitively expensive.
No. I only notice how right-wingers are nothing but lemmings or parrots who understand Nothing.
Don’t know or care too much about left wingers, which your not or right wingers which you are not. Not really my gig lumping people together. Individually you are a liar, manipulator and dishonest, and you think watching YouTube makes you an expert! Lol! How stupid are you and what’s more why would you think people would buy your BS?
No bullshit. Just 20 years of experience. And your suggestion that power transmisdion

No, what I did was post accurate information concerning HDD. You are the one who suggested putting power transmission lines underground through a wilderness. I explained why the would not work. Plus it would be prohibitively expensive.
But, but he watched a YouTube video! He is an expert! Lol! I can’t believe anyone would be stupid enough to think that watching a video would make them an expert.
I hope he doesn’t watch any Marvel shows and become a superhero! That would br scary!

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