Majority Of America: Trump Being Treated Fairly And Is Guilty

Cry me a river and thank you for again showing your true colors. It is clear you do not wish to follow the constitution and the tenet that you are innocent until PROVEN guilty. Feel free to emigrate to Russia, China or N. Korea where the political beliefs are more in line with yours.
Typical ad hominem response … only your “Trumpty Dumpty” suggested “terminating” our laws and the Constitution … to keep himself in power illegally.
Had the Republican leadership done it’s simple duty
Had the democrat leadership not engaged in the political assassinations that they practiced every day of the Trump admin, none of the tremendous waste of taxpayer $$$ and lack of progress in this country over the past seven years would have occurred. There I fixed it for you. Democrats are NOT Americans. They are thinly veiled globalists attempting the overthrow of the US and our constitution.
MAGA is not a patriotic front.

Anyone who attempts an "unitary executive" and the end of the Constitution will at the very least end up in prison until he or she dies.


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Ted Kennedy even wrote a letter to the head of the Soviet KGB in 1984 asking him for help defeating Ronald Reagan in the presidential election and offering help in return. Kennedy was seeking quid pro quo with the KGB to interfere in our elections.
No such letter has ever been produced, either in the USSR archives or in the U.S. The Kennedy advisor who supposedly passed it on says this is all absolute bullshit and never happened.
Had the democrat leadership not engaged in the political assassinations that they practiced every day of the Trump admin, none of the tremendous waste of taxpayer $$$ and lack of progress in this country over the past seven years would have occurred. There I fixed it for you. Democrats are NOT Americans. They are thinly veiled globalists attempting the overthrow of the US and our constitution.

Your tin foil hat is on to tight.
Ted Kennedy even wrote a letter to the head of the Soviet KGB in 1984 asking him for help defeating Ronald Reagan in the presidential election and offering help in return. Kennedy was seeking quid pro quo with the KGB to interfere in our elections.

There is no physical evidence to support this tin foil hat conspiracy. HRC never wanted to go to war with Russia.

Your conspiracy theories are getting more and more unbelievable.
What part of the Russians attempting to influence EVERY election since WWII and the cold war don't you understand. The Russians always have and always will attempt to put the most inept candidate into the WH. Sadly, until the advent of social media, they haven't been successful. Since social media, they have had tremendous success as the elections of Bush, Obama and Biden clearly show.
You are projecting here.
The only person the Russians ever put in The White House was inmate #P01135809.
Their also was Russian interference directed at Clinton and favored Trump.

Define irony

2011 Putin was facing mass protest by the Russian people. Putin claim that this was Hillary's fault when she was the secretary of state for Obama.

Putin was accused of rigging elections.

“She said they were dishonest and unfair,” Putin fumed in public remarks, saying that Clinton gave “a signal” to demonstrators working “with the support of the U.S. State Department” to undermine his power. “We need to safeguard ourselves from this interference in our internal affairs,” Putin declared.

When Clinton ran for president their was Russian interference as payback. Providing Trump supports with ammunition that they wanted to hear and gave Trump a win. That is why Trump really loves Putin and they are just the best of friends that get along well.

Trump is even jealous of how Putin stays in power which provided him with the notion to come up with stolen elections. I guess rigging elections was already taken.

I'm sure you believe that shit Russia's always the scapegoat when the democrats get caught flat footed
Judge Says Trump's Georgia Trial Will Be Livestreamed, Televised.

Court proceedings in the election interference case against former President Trump and 18 co-defendants in Fulton County, Ga., will be televised and livestreamed, a judge ruled Thursday.

Judge Scott McAfee, the judge overseeing the case, said all hearings and trials will be broadcast on the Fulton County Court YouTube channel, according to multiple outlets. He also said pool coverage for broadcast news media will be allowed.

Trump and his co-defendants are charged in a sprawling racketeering case related to efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election in Georgia.

Oh this is must see TV of the best sort.
As a patriot, I have confidence in our jury system, as well as in our democratic elections.

Trump is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and juries of his peers in several venues will assess the documented evidence and sworn testimony of dozens of Republican witnesses against him, impartially assess it all, listen to his attorneys efforts to refute the evidence and discredit the witnesses, deliberate, and reach a consensus.

That system has been a source of pride for the nation since its founding, as had the peaceful transfers of power that respected the will of the People until January 6, 2021.
Only problem you got with all that, and of course you don't mention it, is that charges being brought to interfere in an election should be outed for what they are, and that process should happen before any interference takes place, and before any of our tax money is used by an alleged seriously corrupt administration to rigg the election by weaponizing government in order to keep power. Patriot my jackass. You've proven how much that you aren't a patriot, so don't try to hide behind that Noble title now.

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