Majority Of America: Trump Being Treated Fairly And Is Guilty

The key, as always, is independents.

And it hasn't even been 72 hours since the surrender.

Typical republican who would bet his house on something that really is meaningless but your taking it to seriously.
Please link to anywhere I or any republican has bet their house on anything on this board. No wonder you think Trump is guilty. Your comprehension abilities are non existent. I asked you "Would you bet your house on it?" Where did you see me bet -- or even suggest that I would, moron. You only see what some ignorant talking head on television tells you to see. Critical thinking! I would suggest you try it, but like most democrats, it is out of your reach.
Please link to anywhere I or any republican has bet their house on anything on this board. No wonder you think Trump is guilty. Your comprehension abilities are non existent. I asked you "Would you bet your house on it?" Where did you see me bet -- or even suggest that I would, moron. You only see what some ignorant talking head on television tells you to see. Critical thinking! I would suggest you try it, but like most democrats, it is out of your reach.
Post398 by you

You wouldn't want to bet your house on that would you?

My reply to you was - would you bet your house?

So i reversed your question on you . Your response should have been no or yes instead you trying to twist my previous statements and cry foul and go on a rampage on various things that you come from your thoughts.

Typical Republican critical thinking. See something , say something and use the word democrats with no train of thought needed.
Your response should have been no or yes
Who asked the question first moron. You should have followed your own advice ^^. BTW, please state the relevance of your post. As is typical with democrats--its bbbbut, bbbut, bbbbut. Run along, you're an inept moron just like the one you cheer on in the WH.
IF Trump defense is that he won the election and their was voter fraud then he could be found not guilty based on one jurors bias.

IF Trump had accepted their response to his inquires then yes, They responded to his inquires and found that none of his claim were proven to be true.

This is strong evidence

The tape clearly shows they investigated and none of Trumps claims were verified to be True. He was told this but he still refused to accept their findings. This is where he crossed the line

He still insisted that he was right and to this day still claims so. When he specifically stated a number that he needed to win then that is wrong.

The nature of election is that you either win or lose. Accepting defeat graciously is good sportsman ship. Crying like a baby is just annoying and disrespects the winner.

It is possible that there will be a hung jury

If Trump wins one case that is fine as there are others that he has to win. The odds are not in his favor to win all of them.

The June 6 riots is highly probable

The classified documents is a no brainer.

Juror's oath is a statement under oath by a juror that he will do his duty as a juror, that he will well and truly try the issues joined, and a true verdict render according to the law and the evidence.. They will have to remove the biased.

IF a MAGA nut gets on the jury then there will be a hung jury

So it then falls to the people in the election.
The election was stolen
So do you ^^^ That is not against the law. Hilary still says Trumps election was fixed. When are you going to call to have her jailed?
Hillary wasn't guilty of a multi-faceted coup attempt to remain in office even after being voted out.
Trump may be. It is of course up to his jury to decide now.
Are you beginning to see the glaring difference?
Just "saying" something is quite different from the illegal actions that Trump is charged with.
Apples and oranges.
They will try to weed out anyone that may do that in the jury selection. Also jury selection is biased in the prosecutors' favor.

Somehow I just know that. :dunno:

No links, but it's true and something I know.

Maybe cuz I have cousins that are lawyers. :dunno:

Some are prosecutors and some are defense attorneys.
The secret is to act a little anti trump but not to much.
No coup. Trump left the WH and allowed the transfer of power on Jan 20 as it has been done for hundreds of years. You're a moron duck. You know nothing of the US. So, show some intelligence and STFU.

You are a fucking liar. The violence of Jan.6 proves that. Over 140+Law Enforcement Personnel were injured by MAGA MAGGOT Insurrectionists.

You are a fucking liar. P01135809 wanted the violence, he is just pissed it failed.
You are a fucking liar. The violence of Jan.6 proves that. Over 140+Law Enforcement Personnel were injured by MAGA MAGGOT Insurrectionists.

You are a fucking liar. P01135809 wanted the violence, he is just pissed it failed.
Ooooo, another butt hurt democrat howling at the moon because your fantasies aren't true. If an insurrection had happened, don't you think your incompetent democrat machine would have recovered at least ONE weapon? You're a fucking moron and it is evident you weren't much of a grunt either.
Wow. With such obvious guilt, at least as claimed by Soros controlled, leftist clowns pretending to be law enforcement, let's all put on our Che Guevara tee-shirts and decide that Sloppy Joe already won another four year term as Dictator in Charge.
You must be a hit at the rallies.
Hillary wasn't guilty of a multi-faceted coup attempt to remain in office even after being voted out.
Trump may be. It is of course up to his jury to decide now.
Are you beginning to see the glaring difference?
Just "saying" something is quite different from the illegal actions that Trump is charged with.
Apples and oranges.
Hillary instigated the "Russia" bullshit that went on for 2 years of Trump's presidency. He wouldn't hit that no more, I'll guarantee that.

And it was all entirely bullshit.

Here's a little reminder:

Clinton has nothing to do with this.

Most of America believes that Trump is being treated fairly and that he is guilty.

Concerned America would not bet his house on Trump's chance to win next year.

I have never gambled, so I not one to ask. But I think, if he is the GOP candidate, he won't get 42%. If a third party, maybe 35% and an outside possibility to win.

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