Majority of voters blame parents, not Trump administration, for child separation at border: Poll

It appears Trump was actually winning that battle. Snowflakes are fooling themselves if they believe immigration is a winning issue for them:

A majority of voters blame the parents of the separated children at the southwestern border for the current immigration crisis, not the federal government, according to a new poll.

“When families are arrested and separated after attempting to enter the United States illegally, 54 percent of likely U.S. voters say the parents are more to blame for breaking the law,” says a Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday.

Rasmussen found 35 percent believe the federal government is more to blame for enforcing the law, while 11 percent are not sure about the situation.

“A closer look shows that 82 percent of Republicans and 56 percent of voters not affiliated with either major political party feel the parents are more to blame for breaking the law. But 60 percent of Democrats say the government is more to blame for enforcing the law,” the poll said.

Among all voters, 49 percent say the administration is “too aggressive” in its efforts to stop illegal immigration, a view shared by 23 percent of Republicans, 46 percent of independents and 75 percent of Democrats.

Still, a quarter of all voters say those efforts are not aggressive enough, while 21 percent view the administration’s policies as about right.
They blame the parents for wanting to leave all behind , leave horrendous living conditions looking for a better life ?
What kind of animals are those denying these wretches a better life?

No one......there is a legal way to enter the country......these people are breaking the law.

Seeking asylum is a legal way .

Not when they lie about the reasons.
A couple of weeks ago, DOJ raided some warehouse in Ohio and rounded up how many illegals? About 100 I think. A sign they'll be happy to work, and for a lot less than you are.
Why do you think having a cheap alternative labor source is good for American workers who have invested time, money and education into advancing their careers?
That's because the majority of people don't fall for the media daily rant sessions.

Yesterday the media was claiming the increase in forest and wild fire size and intensity over the past 30 years is due to climate change, a big fat lie.

They ignored scientific studies that found the issue is that humans ran around stamping out natural fires nature started for decades. This resulted in decades of dry debris building up, several feet of dry fuel that would otherwise had burned off over multiple low intensity fires.

Natures frequent low intensity fires burn off the debris at a lower temp, kills off pests, and leaves the trees and forest alive and healthy. But because of human intervention now fires burn so hot with all that built up dry fuel it kills the trees and everything in its path. Way to go humans. But this is not a climate change problem.

Anymore anything you read in the MSM is horse shit.
Before the white man caim, the indians used to start massive fires to clear the land so that the grases their game animals ate would spread.
It appears Trump was actually winning that battle. Snowflakes are fooling themselves if they believe immigration is a winning issue for them:

A majority of voters blame the parents of the separated children at the southwestern border for the current immigration crisis, not the federal government, according to a new poll.

“When families are arrested and separated after attempting to enter the United States illegally, 54 percent of likely U.S. voters say the parents are more to blame for breaking the law,” says a Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday.

Rasmussen found 35 percent believe the federal government is more to blame for enforcing the law, while 11 percent are not sure about the situation.

“A closer look shows that 82 percent of Republicans and 56 percent of voters not affiliated with either major political party feel the parents are more to blame for breaking the law. But 60 percent of Democrats say the government is more to blame for enforcing the law,” the poll said.

Among all voters, 49 percent say the administration is “too aggressive” in its efforts to stop illegal immigration, a view shared by 23 percent of Republicans, 46 percent of independents and 75 percent of Democrats.

Still, a quarter of all voters say those efforts are not aggressive enough, while 21 percent view the administration’s policies as about right.
They blame the parents for wanting to leave all behind , leave horrendous living conditions looking for a better life ?
What kind of animals are those denying these wretches a better life?
Improving their lives is not our job. We have immigration laws purely for the benefit of Americans. We have no obligation to improve the lives of foreigners. If we don't benefit from the admission of any foreigner, no matter how pathetic or miserable, we have no reason to admit them. If you want to save these retches than start a charity and got to where they live and help them. Don't tell me it's my obligation to have my country flooded with welfare parasites who take our jobs, clog our roads, and drive up our taxes.
Bripat, these immigrating people are not asking you to improve their lives. They are asking for a chance to do it safety. Stop playing the victim. You have all the, shelter, clothing, healthcare and a hopefully safe un-polluted environment, and you spit out vile malice against anyone who seeks same for themselves and families against far greater odds than you ever faced. You ASSUME the immigrants wont work. A couple of weeks ago, DOJ raided some warehouse in Ohio and rounded up how many illegals? About 100 I think. A sign they'll be happy to work, and for a lot less than you are. BTW, how did that turn out? Did the employer suffer any fines or simply the loss of cheap help?

Immigrants fine, illegal immigrants, no.

Companies that hire illegal immigrants need to fined and if it continues prison for those that don’t follow the law.

If illegals come to our work place we run e-verify and if they aren’t legal, they are sent packing. If they can’t get work, they will go home.
It appears Trump was actually winning that battle. Snowflakes are fooling themselves if they believe immigration is a winning issue for them:

A majority of voters blame the parents of the separated children at the southwestern border for the current immigration crisis, not the federal government, according to a new poll.

“When families are arrested and separated after attempting to enter the United States illegally, 54 percent of likely U.S. voters say the parents are more to blame for breaking the law,” says a Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday.

Rasmussen found 35 percent believe the federal government is more to blame for enforcing the law, while 11 percent are not sure about the situation.

“A closer look shows that 82 percent of Republicans and 56 percent of voters not affiliated with either major political party feel the parents are more to blame for breaking the law. But 60 percent of Democrats say the government is more to blame for enforcing the law,” the poll said.

Among all voters, 49 percent say the administration is “too aggressive” in its efforts to stop illegal immigration, a view shared by 23 percent of Republicans, 46 percent of independents and 75 percent of Democrats.

Still, a quarter of all voters say those efforts are not aggressive enough, while 21 percent view the administration’s policies as about right.
They blame the parents for wanting to leave all behind , leave horrendous living conditions looking for a better life ?
What kind of animals are those denying these wretches a better life?

No one......there is a legal way to enter the country......these people are breaking the law.

Seeking asylum is a legal way .

Not after you cross the border need to enter at an official point...
It appears Trump was actually winning that battle. Snowflakes are fooling themselves if they believe immigration is a winning issue for them:

A majority of voters blame the parents of the separated children at the southwestern border for the current immigration crisis, not the federal government, according to a new poll.

“When families are arrested and separated after attempting to enter the United States illegally, 54 percent of likely U.S. voters say the parents are more to blame for breaking the law,” says a Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday.

Rasmussen found 35 percent believe the federal government is more to blame for enforcing the law, while 11 percent are not sure about the situation.

“A closer look shows that 82 percent of Republicans and 56 percent of voters not affiliated with either major political party feel the parents are more to blame for breaking the law. But 60 percent of Democrats say the government is more to blame for enforcing the law,” the poll said.

Among all voters, 49 percent say the administration is “too aggressive” in its efforts to stop illegal immigration, a view shared by 23 percent of Republicans, 46 percent of independents and 75 percent of Democrats.

Still, a quarter of all voters say those efforts are not aggressive enough, while 21 percent view the administration’s policies as about right.
I have been told that immigration laws aren't the same as statutory laws. Minimized as a civil offense. Like that is meaningless or insignificant. So being an illegal alien isn't a "crime". I am also told it violates federal immigration laws, and is a felony. Which IS a crime. It's a crime, it isn't a crime...I have also been told, nobody is above the law...regardless of definition, civil or statutory. That much is certain, that much we all may agree on. Not even Mexicans using their kids as hedges against laws they KNEW they were violating. Shame on them.
It appears Trump was actually winning that battle. Snowflakes are fooling themselves if they believe immigration is a winning issue for them:

A majority of voters blame the parents of the separated children at the southwestern border for the current immigration crisis, not the federal government, according to a new poll.

“When families are arrested and separated after attempting to enter the United States illegally, 54 percent of likely U.S. voters say the parents are more to blame for breaking the law,” says a Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday.

Rasmussen found 35 percent believe the federal government is more to blame for enforcing the law, while 11 percent are not sure about the situation.

“A closer look shows that 82 percent of Republicans and 56 percent of voters not affiliated with either major political party feel the parents are more to blame for breaking the law. But 60 percent of Democrats say the government is more to blame for enforcing the law,” the poll said.

Among all voters, 49 percent say the administration is “too aggressive” in its efforts to stop illegal immigration, a view shared by 23 percent of Republicans, 46 percent of independents and 75 percent of Democrats.

Still, a quarter of all voters say those efforts are not aggressive enough, while 21 percent view the administration’s policies as about right.
I have been told that immigration laws aren't the same as statutory laws. Minimized as a civil offense. Like that is meaningless or insignificant. So being an illegal alien isn't a "crime". I am also told it violates federal immigration laws, and is a felony. Which IS a crime. It's a crime, it isn't a crime...I have also been told, nobody is above the law...regardless of definition, civil or statutory. That much is certain, that much we all may agree on. Not even Mexicans using their kids as hedges against laws they KNEW they were violating. Shame on them.
Where does it say that violating immigration laws is a civil offense?
It appears Trump was actually winning that battle. Snowflakes are fooling themselves if they believe immigration is a winning issue for them:

A majority of voters blame the parents of the separated children at the southwestern border for the current immigration crisis, not the federal government, according to a new poll.

“When families are arrested and separated after attempting to enter the United States illegally, 54 percent of likely U.S. voters say the parents are more to blame for breaking the law,” says a Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday.

Rasmussen found 35 percent believe the federal government is more to blame for enforcing the law, while 11 percent are not sure about the situation.

“A closer look shows that 82 percent of Republicans and 56 percent of voters not affiliated with either major political party feel the parents are more to blame for breaking the law. But 60 percent of Democrats say the government is more to blame for enforcing the law,” the poll said.

Among all voters, 49 percent say the administration is “too aggressive” in its efforts to stop illegal immigration, a view shared by 23 percent of Republicans, 46 percent of independents and 75 percent of Democrats.

Still, a quarter of all voters say those efforts are not aggressive enough, while 21 percent view the administration’s policies as about right.
I have been told that immigration laws aren't the same as statutory laws. Minimized as a civil offense. Like that is meaningless or insignificant. So being an illegal alien isn't a "crime". I am also told it violates federal immigration laws, and is a felony. Which IS a crime. It's a crime, it isn't a crime...I have also been told, nobody is above the law...regardless of definition, civil or statutory. That much is certain, that much we all may agree on. Not even Mexicans using their kids as hedges against laws they KNEW they were violating. Shame on them.
Where does it say that violating immigration laws is a civil offense?
Trust me, it isn't a crime on a state level, it's not a statutory crime, and from there is were the confusion begins, it's federal issue. That much is true. But either way, NOBODY is above violating any law, neither statutory or civil. Federal or local. Mexicans or anyone else doesn't have a "get out of jail free" card regardless.
It appears Trump was actually winning that battle. Snowflakes are fooling themselves if they believe immigration is a winning issue for them:

A majority of voters blame the parents of the separated children at the southwestern border for the current immigration crisis, not the federal government, according to a new poll.

“When families are arrested and separated after attempting to enter the United States illegally, 54 percent of likely U.S. voters say the parents are more to blame for breaking the law,” says a Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday.

Rasmussen found 35 percent believe the federal government is more to blame for enforcing the law, while 11 percent are not sure about the situation.

“A closer look shows that 82 percent of Republicans and 56 percent of voters not affiliated with either major political party feel the parents are more to blame for breaking the law. But 60 percent of Democrats say the government is more to blame for enforcing the law,” the poll said.

Among all voters, 49 percent say the administration is “too aggressive” in its efforts to stop illegal immigration, a view shared by 23 percent of Republicans, 46 percent of independents and 75 percent of Democrats.

Still, a quarter of all voters say those efforts are not aggressive enough, while 21 percent view the administration’s policies as about right.

For sure, only a poor parent would subject their kid to that.

It appears Trump was actually winning that battle. Snowflakes are fooling themselves if they believe immigration is a winning issue for them:

A majority of voters blame the parents of the separated children at the southwestern border for the current immigration crisis, not the federal government, according to a new poll.

“When families are arrested and separated after attempting to enter the United States illegally, 54 percent of likely U.S. voters say the parents are more to blame for breaking the law,” says a Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday.

Rasmussen found 35 percent believe the federal government is more to blame for enforcing the law, while 11 percent are not sure about the situation.

“A closer look shows that 82 percent of Republicans and 56 percent of voters not affiliated with either major political party feel the parents are more to blame for breaking the law. But 60 percent of Democrats say the government is more to blame for enforcing the law,” the poll said.

Among all voters, 49 percent say the administration is “too aggressive” in its efforts to stop illegal immigration, a view shared by 23 percent of Republicans, 46 percent of independents and 75 percent of Democrats.

Still, a quarter of all voters say those efforts are not aggressive enough, while 21 percent view the administration’s policies as about right.
I have been told that immigration laws aren't the same as statutory laws. Minimized as a civil offense. Like that is meaningless or insignificant. So being an illegal alien isn't a "crime". I am also told it violates federal immigration laws, and is a felony. Which IS a crime. It's a crime, it isn't a crime...I have also been told, nobody is above the law...regardless of definition, civil or statutory. That much is certain, that much we all may agree on. Not even Mexicans using their kids as hedges against laws they KNEW they were violating. Shame on them.
Where does it say that violating immigration laws is a civil offense?
Trust me, it isn't a crime on a state level, it's not a statutory crime, and from there is were the confusion begins, it's federal issue. That much is true. But either way, NOBODY is above violating any law, neither statutory or civil. Federal or local. Mexicans or anyone else doesn't have a "get out of jail free" card regardless.
It's a federal crime. You are confused if you believe violating a federal statute isn't a crime.
A couple of weeks ago, DOJ raided some warehouse in Ohio and rounded up how many illegals? About 100 I think. A sign they'll be happy to work, and for a lot less than you are.
Why do you think having a cheap alternative labor source is good for American workers who have invested time, money and education into advancing their careers?
Sorry if I gave the impression of a cheap labor force as good for Americans. As a former part of that labor force with a family to support, I tried my best to make a living wage.

OTOH, I'm Irish, and my fore-bearers were the Mexicans/Central Americans of yesteryear. I'm sure you've heard of the NINA signs in the windows of businesses. Of course, in those days there was no visa requirements for entry, but hatred of the newcomers was the same, even using the same old reasons we hear today. Mainly that they are dirty, uneducated, thieves and murderers, and breed like rabbits. And I remember the same for blacks/Haitians/Cubans. I don''t know about others...Italians, pogrom-fleeing Jews.etc. So this anti-immigrant hysteria isn't new, just a new phase screeched out by the last group that got bashed but then made it thru to mainstream..
It appears Trump was actually winning that battle. Snowflakes are fooling themselves if they believe immigration is a winning issue for them:

A majority of voters blame the parents of the separated children at the southwestern border for the current immigration crisis, not the federal government, according to a new poll.

“When families are arrested and separated after attempting to enter the United States illegally, 54 percent of likely U.S. voters say the parents are more to blame for breaking the law,” says a Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday.

Rasmussen found 35 percent believe the federal government is more to blame for enforcing the law, while 11 percent are not sure about the situation.

“A closer look shows that 82 percent of Republicans and 56 percent of voters not affiliated with either major political party feel the parents are more to blame for breaking the law. But 60 percent of Democrats say the government is more to blame for enforcing the law,” the poll said.

Among all voters, 49 percent say the administration is “too aggressive” in its efforts to stop illegal immigration, a view shared by 23 percent of Republicans, 46 percent of independents and 75 percent of Democrats.

Still, a quarter of all voters say those efforts are not aggressive enough, while 21 percent view the administration’s policies as about right.
Seems reasonable.
A couple of weeks ago, DOJ raided some warehouse in Ohio and rounded up how many illegals? About 100 I think. A sign they'll be happy to work, and for a lot less than you are.
Why do you think having a cheap alternative labor source is good for American workers who have invested time, money and education into advancing their careers?
Sorry if I gave the impression of a cheap labor force as good for Americans. As a former part of that labor force with a family to support, I tried my best to make a living wage.

OTOH, I'm Irish, and my fore-bearers were the Mexicans/Central Americans of yesteryear. I'm sure you've heard of the NINA signs in the windows of businesses. Of course, in those days there was no visa requirements for entry, but hatred of the newcomers was the same, even using the same old reasons we hear today. Mainly that they are dirty, uneducated, thieves and murderers, and breed like rabbits. And I remember the same for blacks/Haitians/Cubans. I don''t know about others...Italians, pogrom-fleeing Jews.etc. So this anti-immigrant hysteria isn't new, just a new phase screeched out by the last group that got bashed but then made it thru to mainstream..
the claims about the Irish were true. They were all alcoholic who had a fondness for brawling. Just read the book "Angela's Ashes" if you think the Irish were unjustly characterized as big drinkers. They also had many children.

BTW. My heritage is Irish, and I have 6 brothers and sisters. My father was an alcoholic.
A couple of weeks ago, DOJ raided some warehouse in Ohio and rounded up how many illegals? About 100 I think. A sign they'll be happy to work, and for a lot less than you are.
Why do you think having a cheap alternative labor source is good for American workers who have invested time, money and education into advancing their careers?
Sorry if I gave the impression of a cheap labor force as good for Americans. As a former part of that labor force with a family to support, I tried my best to make a living wage.

OTOH, I'm Irish, and my fore-bearers were the Mexicans/Central Americans of yesteryear. I'm sure you've heard of the NINA signs in the windows of businesses. Of course, in those days there was no visa requirements for entry, but hatred of the newcomers was the same, even using the same old reasons we hear today. Mainly that they are dirty, uneducated, thieves and murderers, and breed like rabbits. And I remember the same for blacks/Haitians/Cubans. I don''t know about others...Italians, pogrom-fleeing Jews.etc. So this anti-immigrant hysteria isn't new, just a new phase screeched out by the last group that got bashed but then made it thru to mainstream..
the claims about the Irish were true. They were all alcoholic who had a fondness for brawling. Just read the book "Angela's Ashes" if you think the Irish were unjustly characterized as big drinkers. They also had many children.

BTW. My heritage is Irish, and I have 6 brothers and sisters. My father was an alcoholic.
My family missed that gene. Sorry about yours!
A couple of weeks ago, DOJ raided some warehouse in Ohio and rounded up how many illegals? About 100 I think. A sign they'll be happy to work, and for a lot less than you are.
Why do you think having a cheap alternative labor source is good for American workers who have invested time, money and education into advancing their careers?
Sorry if I gave the impression of a cheap labor force as good for Americans. As a former part of that labor force with a family to support, I tried my best to make a living wage.

OTOH, I'm Irish, and my fore-bearers were the Mexicans/Central Americans of yesteryear. I'm sure you've heard of the NINA signs in the windows of businesses. Of course, in those days there was no visa requirements for entry, but hatred of the newcomers was the same, even using the same old reasons we hear today. Mainly that they are dirty, uneducated, thieves and murderers, and breed like rabbits. And I remember the same for blacks/Haitians/Cubans. I don''t know about others...Italians, pogrom-fleeing Jews.etc. So this anti-immigrant hysteria isn't new, just a new phase screeched out by the last group that got bashed but then made it thru to mainstream..
the claims about the Irish were true. They were all alcoholic who had a fondness for brawling. Just read the book "Angela's Ashes" if you think the Irish were unjustly characterized as big drinkers. They also had many children.

BTW. My heritage is Irish, and I have 6 brothers and sisters. My father was an alcoholic.
My family missed that gene. Sorry about yours!
The point is that your belief that common characterizations of the Irish at the time aren't justified is patently false. They were true well into the 50s and 60s.
Where does it say that violating immigration laws is a civil offense?
I've read that overstaying one's visa is a violation of civil law not a violation of the criminal code. The following is from a message board where people can ask questions of attorneys

The only penalty while in USA for overstaying is deportation. If the ICE finds and arrests you, the Immigration Court may decide to keep you in detention (immigration prison) if they think you are likely to flee. However, if you have a family and the court thinks you can be trusted to return for subsequent proceedings, then it may let you wait outside detention.

8 U.S.C. 1227 (a)(1)(C)(i)

Nonimmigrant status violators.-Any alien who was admitted as a nonimmigrant and who has failed to maintain the nonimmigrant status in which the alien was admitted or to which it was changed under section 248 , or to comply with the conditions of any such status, is deportable.


If you overstay and leave after 180 days, you are barred (prohibited) from entering USA for 3 years. If you overstay for more than one year, the bar is 10 years. This is based on 8 U.S.C. 1182 (a)(9)(B).


If you return after being deported, then you are committing an offense punishable by fine and at least 2 years in prison. For certain categories the penalty starts at 20 years in prison, according to 8 U.S.C. 1326.

It appears Trump was actually winning that battle. Snowflakes are fooling themselves if they believe immigration is a winning issue for them:

A majority of voters blame the parents of the separated children at the southwestern border for the current immigration crisis, not the federal government, according to a new poll.

“When families are arrested and separated after attempting to enter the United States illegally, 54 percent of likely U.S. voters say the parents are more to blame for breaking the law,” says a Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday.

Rasmussen found 35 percent believe the federal government is more to blame for enforcing the law, while 11 percent are not sure about the situation.

“A closer look shows that 82 percent of Republicans and 56 percent of voters not affiliated with either major political party feel the parents are more to blame for breaking the law. But 60 percent of Democrats say the government is more to blame for enforcing the law,” the poll said.

Among all voters, 49 percent say the administration is “too aggressive” in its efforts to stop illegal immigration, a view shared by 23 percent of Republicans, 46 percent of independents and 75 percent of Democrats.

Still, a quarter of all voters say those efforts are not aggressive enough, while 21 percent view the administration’s policies as about right.
They blame the parents for wanting to leave all behind , leave horrendous living conditions looking for a better life ?
What kind of animals are those denying these wretches a better life?
They left it all behind, one chicken, one mule "old" one Plywood house with running water outside the door. Here they have have free housing welfare free school membership in the M13 gang, cheap drugs.
That is are some other polls.

Multiple polls showing 2/3 of Americans oppose the policy.
Separating Families At The Border Is Really Unpopular

Red state Texas....UT/TT Poll: Most Texas voters oppose family separation at the border, with greater support among men and Republicans

Rass is only polling "likely voters" which may skew it and it tends to consistently skew right. Given the preponderance of other polls indicating a dislike of the policy I think it is an outlier.

It is sad none the less that any one supports this.

Eat shit.

I totally support it.

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