Majority of Voters Say Donald Trump Was a Success, Joe Biden Is a Failure


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Trump's most lasting impact on the country will be the reshaping of the federal judiciary, however with the overturning of Roe, I'm surprised that a majority today view his presidency as a success.
Maybe it was his creation of the 'Space Force'? :biggrin:

"55 percent said they view the former Republican president's White House term as successful, whereas 61 percent say they view the current Democratic president's tenure as a failure."

Former President Donald Trump received more good polling news on Sunday, while President Joe Biden appears to struggle to appeal to Americans ahead of the November presidential election.

While Biden has seen improvement in some recent national and state-level polls, overall the Democratic incumbent appears to be fighting an uphill battle against his Republican rival. Trump and Biden are polarizing figures, with many polls showing that they are unpopular with a majority of Americans.


Both Obama and Biden tried to force the US economy by spiking gas prices.

Trump's most lasting impact on the country will be the reshaping of the federal judiciary, however with the overturning of Roe, I'm surprised that a majority today view his presidency as a success.
Maybe it was his creation of the 'Space Force'? :biggrin:
"55 percent said they view the former Republican president's White House term as successful, whereas 61 percent say they view the current Democratic president's tenure as a failure."

Biden had a seven million vote majority, fair and square.​

Trump's most lasting impact on the country will be the reshaping of the federal judiciary, however with the overturning of Roe, I'm surprised that a majority today view his presidency as a success.
Maybe it was his creation of the 'Space Force'? :biggrin:

"55 percent said they view the former Republican president's White House term as successful, whereas 61 percent say they view the current Democratic president's tenure as a failure."

The latest poll from CNN/SSRS?

OMFG! Fake News!
Apparently the other 39% haven't figured out what a monumental failure Biden is because they're living in a van down by the river.

No, many Biden lackeys are well-educated and others are wealthy. However, they are categorically unable to admit that they were wrong and continue to double down on their earlier mistakes and nonsense. Evil is like that. Take Hamas, please. And kill them all.
I`ve been a retired factory worker for a long time and I'm doing just fine. What problems am I supposed to have? Would they like Biden if he incited a deadly riot in an attempt to steal the presidency?

First, President Trump did NOT "incite a deadly riot."
You Democrats stole the presidency with fraudulent ballots and the criminal intervention of Google in manipulating searches to benefit Democrats everywhere. Sickening but you don't give a damn, as long as your side wins by any means, even illegal ones. This is not much different from you "factory workers" staging strikes and beating others who cross your picket lines. You're followers of Marx.

I`ve been a retired factory worker for a long time and I'm doing just fine. What problems am I supposed to have? Would they like Biden if he incited a deadly riot in an attempt to steal the presidency?
First off, you don't speak for the great majority retirees, who have seen the strength of their dollar reduced by approx. 35%, under Xiden.

Second, you lie about Trump inciting a riot, and finally, your misuse of deadly.
I`ve been a retired factory worker for a long time and I'm doing just fine. What problems am I supposed to have?
Maybe ask the people who work on your car, bag your groceries, stock the shelves or cook your know the ones with three kids a car payment and the like.

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