Majority of Voters Say Donald Trump Was a Success, Joe Biden Is a Failure

Good luck in Roevember pukes.
Good luck dragging Four More Years *Joe across the finish line after he falls, stumbles, forgets , mumbles, and has about fifty more gaffes between now and November.
How many votes will he lose when he doesn’t debate Trump? You do know he can’t so he won’t right?
First, President Trump did NOT "incite a deadly riot."
You Democrats stole the presidency with fraudulent ballots and the criminal intervention of Google in manipulating searches to benefit Democrats everywhere. Sickening but you don't give a damn, as long as your side wins by any means, even illegal ones. This is not much different from you "factory workers" staging strikes and beating others who cross your picket lines. You're followers of Marx.

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I got no further than the Trump didn`t incite a riot, nuttiness. "If you don`t fight like hell you`re not going to have a country anymore" was said by whom? Chemical engineer? :laughing0301:
I got no further than the Trump didn`t incite a riot, nuttiness. "If you don`t fight like hell you`re not going to have a country anymore" was said by whom? Chemical engineer? :laughing0301:
Yes, you "got no further" because you are a Leftist.
Every politician campaigns for public office by claiming to "fight for you." It is a figure of speech which YOU selectively abuse for your own cynical and reprehensible purposes of supporting criminals at the highest level of Democrat office, in FBI, DOJ and Biden Crime Syndicate. Giggle that, Mister "August".

Trump's most lasting impact on the country will be the reshaping of the federal judiciary, however with the overturning of Roe, I'm surprised that a majority today view his presidency as a success.
Maybe it was his creation of the 'Space Force'? :biggrin:

"55 percent said they view the former Republican president's White House term as successful, whereas 61 percent say they view the current Democratic president's tenure as a failure."

No, the entire US was not asked only around a thousand people.
It's a skewed poll because the Neo-GOP love the Crooked Don and opined overwhelmingly Pro Benedict Donald overwhelmingly anti-Biden, and the radical left is still honest in their ignorance.
Ok, and?
That was almost four years ago, apparently the majority of voters feel differently today.
The polls of the last week indicate that race is within the margin of error, with Biden having more votes but suggesting that Trump has a very slight lead in the battle ground states, which seem to be slipping away from him.

Where the numbers are on June 1 will be very informative.
Good luck dragging Four More Years *Joe across the finish line after he falls, stumbles, forgets , mumbles, and has about fifty more gaffes between now and November.
How many votes will he lose when he doesn’t debate Trump? You do know he can’t so he won’t right?
I don't care if he drops dead on November 6th, Joe Biden would still have been leagues ahead and better than Trump.

Let's see what the American people decide is best.

Something tells me that the Republican's extreme abortion policies will be SOUNDLY rejected by them.

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