Majority of Voters Say Donald Trump Was a Success, Joe Biden Is a Failure

First, President Trump did NOT "incite a deadly riot."
You Democrats stole the presidency with fraudulent ballots and the criminal intervention of Google in manipulating searches to benefit Democrats everywhere. Sickening but you don't give a damn, as long as your side wins by any means, even illegal ones. This is not much different from you "factory workers" staging strikes and beating others who cross your picket lines. You're followers of Marx.

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Illegal? You mean like attempting to overturn an election by hatching a plot to send fake electors to DC for Mike Pence to sign off on? You say illegal as if Trump isn't under 4 criminal indictments and 88 charges. :auiqs.jpg:
Trump's most lasting impact on the country will be the reshaping of the federal judiciary, however with the overturning of Roe, I'm surprised that a majority today view his presidency as a success.
Maybe it was his creation of the 'Space Force'? :biggrin:

"55 percent said they view the former Republican president's White House term as successful, whereas 61 percent say they view the current Democratic president's tenure as a failure."

This probably has something to do with how long people's memories last for.
I wonder what those 1k americans they polled actually thought Trump was successful at? I guess Trump was successful at inciting a riot, he was successful at cosying it up to dictators and despots, he was successful at alienating all of our allies and trading partners, he was successful at almost starting a war with Iran and ripping up the Iran nuclear deal, he was extremely successful at spreading mass disinformation about covid during a pandemic. This is what voters think is "success?" We really are just a bunch of dumb americans.

I`ve been a retired factory worker for a long time and I'm doing just fine. What problems am I supposed to have? Would they like Biden if he incited a deadly riot in an attempt to steal the presidency?
What deadly riot? The only death was a demonstrator shot by a “police officer” who is so stupid and poorly trained that he left his service weapon unattended in a public restroom. Any other department would have fired him for that and he wouldn’t have been around to be the only Capital Police officer that saw a small woman as a threat so deadly that she had to be shot.
People often feel things about national economy that contradict their actual situation.

2020 was a fucking disaster and we are at a MUCH better place in 2024. Thats an OBJECTIVE FACT no matter what people may feel and say on the fly to a pollster.

All Biden has to do is remind them of that during the election.
Most Americans are not stupid enough to discount the Chinese pandemic which effected everyone socially and economically. Trump is a far better leader and even idiots know it but will vote for Biden anyway.
Most Americans are not stupid enough to discount the Chinese pandemic which affected everyone socially and economically. Trump is a far better leader and even idiots know it but will vote for Biden anyway.
You say that…but then argue they are too stupid to discount world-wide inflation phenomenon that stemmed out of Covid?

It’s the same Heads-I-Win, Tails-You-Loose games you are always playing.

Trump’s leadership during Covid was an undisciplined clown show and Americans know that he failed to rise to the occasion.

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Illegal? You mean like attempting to overturn an election by hatching a plot to send fake electors to DC for Mike Pence to sign off on? You say illegal as if Trump isn't under 4 criminal indictments and 88 charges. :auiqs.jpg:

It was NOT an "election." It was 2,000 mules stuffing ballot boxes with rubber gloves on their hands, in at least five different states.
Laugh that one off, as you laugh off aborting unborn babies, often months in their mothers' wombs. Laugh off you Democrats' support for Hamas as they hide behind and among women and children and point to their casualties which Hamas intended to cause through evil cowardice - the same evil cowardice which promotes abortion butchery.
```6 month old baby aborted.jpg
You say that…but then argue they are too stupid to discount world-wide inflation phenomenon that stemmed out of Covid?

It’s the same Heads-I-Win, Tails-You-Loose games you are always playing.

Trump’s leadership during Covid was an undisciplined clown show and Americans know that he failed to rise to the occasion.

I said nothing about inflation. Don't put words in my mouth.

As it turns out pretty much everybody except De Santis screwed up on the Chinese virus. Biden is losing and you are desperately clutching your pearls instead of coming to grips with a second Trump administration.
Well no other President has been indicted 91 he’s quite successful in that regard.
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It was NOT an "election." It was 2,000 mules stuffing ballot boxes with rubber gloves on their hands, in at least five different states.
Laugh that one off, as you laugh off aborting unborn babies, often months in their mothers' wombs. Laugh off you Democrats' support for Hamas as they hide behind and among women and children and point to their casualties which Hamas intended to cause through evil cowardice - the same evil cowardice which promotes abortion butchery.
View attachment 942363
As it turns out pretty much everybody except De Santis screwed up on the Chinese virus.
Everybody was not the President, Trump was the President. And he was spending his time playing politics, peddling bs and magical thinking instead of giving people the facts and steady leadership.
Smart money is on Satan is directing Dems.
It is funny how in nearly all the movies and end-times literature the antI-Christ is always portrayed as a corrupt businessman. This irony escapes you.
Those are called facts. I am sure the Gaza conflict and skyrocketing inflation were not direct consequences of Biden's failed policies.

Just facts which will have consequences come November.
Exactly - People are too stupid to understand that inflation was a post-Covid global phenomenon and will blame Biden for it in Nov.

Thats what you are saying here, so don’t give me some bullshit about how you’ve never said that.
It’s a fact that people will blame Biden for inflation.

Thats what you are saying here, so don’t give me some bullshit about how you never said that.
Read my post idiot. Stating facts is not blaming.

Look, Trump is going to win so buy loose panties because you don't want them bunched up so often.

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