Make America Great Again

Why do you have a picture of Ronald Reagan in your rant, asshole. All that you say made America great in the first place, happened LONG before Reagan was elected.

Remember going to the moon?
Yes, I do. It was President Kennedy's idea, and it was accomplished when President Johnson was in office. Both were Democrats.

Remember when housing was affordable?
Yes, in the 1950 and 1960's and up to the point where Nixon left office. Then interest rates started rising and housing prices. Interest rates were over 10% when Reagan was in office, and housing was unaffordable. The 50 years of FDR's New Deal were the most prosperous in human history. The USA became the most powerful economy in the world - all thanks to Democratic policies.

Remember when Detroit ruled the world with its cars?
Yes, Detroit's best year was 1967. When Democrats were in office. Since 1968, American auto manufacturing started to decline, and foreign cars started gaining a foothold in the American market. Detroit was a rusting hulk by the time Reagan was elected.

Remember when you kids could go play safely at the neighborhood park?
I remember when I could play safely in the park in the 1950's and 1960's, but even my oldest children who were born in 1972 and 74, who are now turning 50, could not go to the park alone.

Remember when jobs were plentiful and you could support your family on one?
Yes I do, it was called the 1950's. By the time Reagan was elected, you needed two incomes to support a family. By the early 70's you needed two incomes to have any kind of life.

Remember when the doctor made house calls?
Doctors stopped making house calls in the 1970's.

Remember D-Day and the Liberation of Europe?
Yes, Democrats were in the White House.

Remember the Greatest Generation?
Yes, they were voting for and electing Democrats - FDR was in the White House, and then Truman.

Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate,
My brother is a VP of a non union Fortune 500. He started at Ford. I remember we were shocked he was making $500,000 a year. That was about a decade ago. Today he makes $1 million a year. Give or take depending on the stocks. And last year he negotiated a golden parachute for himself. Now when he decides to call it quit they have to pay him a year salary. Which is give or take, $1 million dollars.

He was able to negotiate that for himself. He approves his bosses raises and they approve his. Their BOD approves the raises because they are also CEO's and VP's on other boards and they want their boards to approve their raises. The guys at the top have all the say. All the power. And they are not interested in fixing what's wrong with America.

THIS IS WHATS WRONG WITH AMERICA!!! God damn Republican middle class Trump supporting idiots need to root for the UAW. But they won't. Bush in the 2000's brainwashed them to be anti union. So did Reagan in the 80's. Republicans have waged war on the middle class starting just before Reagan got into office. Look at Jack Welch @ GE.
Everything We're Told Misses the Point. So Our Future Will Be Pointless

College being work-without-pay turns its graduates running the corporations into GreedHead zombies. It is not a meritocracy; sacrifice has no merit, it only brown-nosing and puts inferior people into superior positions.

Unions died long before Reagan. Union workers weren't union men, and would tell their kids to go to emasculating colleges instead of getting a full-time job at 18 and become strong union men. This was brought out in Wall Street, though of course not being allowed to make this point: that blue-collar Martin Sheen was proud of his boy for betraying his class.
Everything We're Told Misses the Point. So Our Future Will Be Pointless

College being work-without-pay turns its graduates running the corporations into GreedHead zombies. It is not a meritocracy; sacrifice has no merit, it only brown-nosing and puts inferior people into superior positions.

Unions died long before Reagan. Union workers weren't union men, and would tell their kids to go to emasculating colleges instead of getting a full-time job at 18 and become strong union men. This was brought out in Wall Street, though of course not being allowed to make this point: that blue-collar Martin Sheen was proud of his boy for betraying his class.
Wow. The emasculating college
What a retarded question. Giving free money to crybabies who cannot pay their bills? That how you would make a nation great? Go back to your shithole, moron.
Don't blame them for the shitty economy Republicans have created. It started on Reagan's watch but the economy really changed during the Bush 2000's. The rich got lot richer and the middle class got a lot poorer. Why? Because You sent all our best paying jobs overseas. Idiot. And you gave the rich tax breaks. And you allow illegal employers like Trump to hire undocumented workers, so Trump can save taxes. Many ways you ruined the middle class.
Everything We're Told Misses the Point. So Our Future Will Be Pointless

College being work-without-pay turns its graduates running the corporations into GreedHead zombies. It is not a meritocracy; sacrifice has no merit, it only brown-nosing and puts inferior people into superior positions.

Unions died long before Reagan. Union workers weren't union men, and would tell their kids to go to emasculating colleges instead of getting a full-time job at 18 and become strong union men. This was brought out in Wall Street, though of course not being allowed to make this point: that blue-collar Martin Sheen was proud of his boy for betraying his class.
They just called this summer the Summer of Unions. UPS, UAW, Starbucks, Amazon.

You are out of touch if you believe unions died a long time ago. Yes Reagan and Bush tried to kill them but they're back.
Can someone explain to me why people attack the idea of "Make America Great Again" (known as MAGA") ?

Allow me: Because America represents freedom and liberty, and Marxist Leftists hate that.

Agenda47: President Trump’s Ten Principles For Great Schools Leading To Great Jobs​

Unions are singlehandedly responsible for the demise of the steel industry.
So when Trump goes to visit the unions today and he shows his support for them, are you going to realize he's just blowing smoke up their asses to win votes or are you going to not vote for Trump because he sides with the socialists?

Agenda47: President Trump’s Ten Principles For Great Schools Leading To Great Jobs​

Can someone explain to me why people attack the idea of "Make America Great Again" (known as MAGA") ?

  • Remember going to the moon?
  • Remember when housing was affordable?
  • Remember when Detroit ruled the world with its cars?
  • Remember when you kids could go play safely at the neighborhood park?
  • Remember when jobs were plentiful and you could support your family on one?
  • Remember when the doctor made house calls?
  • Remember D-Day and the Liberation of Europe?
  • Remember the Greatest Generation?

Who does not long for the days when America was great? I'll tell you who: DEMOCRATS.

Democrats hate freedom, they hate America, they are promoting socialism, they are the enemy of everything that is good and descent. They promote sodomy and sexualizing children and murdering babies by abortion. From the days of slavery, which democrats fight for, to today, Democrats have been a satanic evil entity.

Real Americans love America and want to "Make America Great Again"

Beware of those who mock the acronym MAGA. They are very likely your mortal enemy.

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I still believe the Dems are going to whip your monkey asses in '24. And you will only have yourselves to blame.

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