Make America Great Again

My brother is a VP of a non union Fortune 500. He started at Ford. I remember we were shocked he was making $500,000 a year. That was about a decade ago. Today he makes $1 million a year. Give or take depending on the stocks. And last year he negotiated a golden parachute for himself. Now when he decides to call it quit they have to pay him a year salary. Which is give or take, $1 million dollars.

He was able to negotiate that for himself. He approves his bosses raises and they approve his. Their BOD approves the raises because they are also CEO's and VP's on other boards and they want their boards to approve their raises. The guys at the top have all the say. All the power. And they are not interested in fixing what's wrong with America.

THIS IS WHATS WRONG WITH AMERICA!!! God damn Republican middle class Trump supporting idiots need to root for the UAW. But they won't. Bush in the 2000's brainwashed them to be anti union. So did Reagan in the 80's. Republicans have waged war on the middle class starting just before Reagan got into office. Look at Jack Welch @ GE.
Unions are singlehandedly responsible for the demise of the steel industry.
America was great until around the time that our dipshit in chief decided to invade Iraq. Neocons suck. Then it took a turn for the worse when Obama brought racism back to America and started this push toward Marxism. Then Trumpy, the great one, came and fixed things for a while only to have it destroyed by our current dope. Biden is a symptom of todays Democrat party. That's why it's so important to purge Democrats. They're all alike.
You're insane. You know what made America worse? Your anti government pro corporation/rich arguments. Sending jobs overseas because the workers make too much. Breaking unions. Lowering wages. Arguing for dollar stores. Protecting illegal employers.

Corporations need to be regulated. And a good government looks out for the citizens. Labor. Especially when your corporations won't give them a seat at the table. Want government out of it? Give labor a seat at the table.

That's quite a post. One gigantic hate-filled lie.
But thanks for proving the premise of the thread.
That America, of John Wayne and Doris Day and the Greatest Generation is gone,

Adults under 50 have no idea who they are, who you are, or even what you are saying,

They want to do it their way, and they will.

They clearly don't want Trump or MAGA at all,

The 1950s is gone forever. The voters are committed to opportunity for women and minority far, far more than worrying about a time they have no emotional connection to you,
You're insane. You know what made America worse? Your anti government pro corporation/rich arguments. Sending jobs overseas because the workers make too much. Breaking unions. Lowering wages. Arguing for dollar stores. Protecting illegal employers.

Corporations need to be regulated. And a good government looks out for the citizens. Labor. Especially when your corporations won't give them a seat at the table. Want government out of it? Give labor a seat at the table.

Corporations have every right to maximize profits as they should and their owners duly compensated. These demands are laughable at best. And a 32 hour week? The fucking UAW must want to cut production badly
Sorry, but businesses exist for one purpose only. And that is profit.
That's is beyond ridiculous
Why? The 90's were maybe the greatest decade ever. Little did we know Reagan already fucked us all in the 80's when he raised the retirement age.

And yes Clinton signed NAFTA. A thing Bush 1 invented. And Bush 2 sent 1 million good paying union jobs overseas. Blamed unions because only 9% of voters are in unions. Those people don't realize unions bring all our wages up. THEY are part of the reason America was great.

Anyways, Reagan started the attack on labor, Bush 2 advanced that war.
As far as the OP's listed items, many of those changed when the 1st oil embargo came along. I'd put it as the most significant event that changed America up until 9/11 in roughly the last 50 years.
Unions are singlehandedly responsible for the demise of the steel industry.
You mean highly paid workers? No doubt. That's not a lie. Can't argue with that.

But every other country protects their vital industries. For example, if airlines is vital to our economy, you don't send Boeing jobs overseas. But I seem to recall American airplane companies did lose out to foreign companies during Bush's watch.

Certain jobs shouldn't be outsourced. And if you do, you pay a tariff to import those products into the country. To make things fair for American companies.

OMG, I just realized Trump tried this and it fucked me. My company sells a machine that's made in China. So it made our machine too expensive. I get it but you don't change the rules and fuck over manufacturers who were just playing by the rules.

Anyways, I'm torn on this one. So should you be.
Unions are singlehandedly responsible for the demise of the steel industry.

These people aren't unionized

Boeing plans to cut about 2,000 white-collar jobs in finance and human resources, and it will be shifting some of that work to an outside contractor in India.
Unions are singlehandedly responsible for the demise of the steel industry.

The competition between Airbus and Boeing has been characterized as a duopoly in the large jet airliner market since the 1990s.[1]

This resulted from a series of mergers within the global aerospace industry, with Airbusbeginning as a pan-European consortium while the American Boeing absorbed its former arch-rival, McDonnell Douglas, in 1997. Other manufacturers, such as Lockheed Martinand Convair in the United States, and British Aerospace (now BAE Systems) and Fokker in Europe, were no longer able to compete and effectively withdrew from this market.

In the 10 years from 2007 to 2016, Airbus received orders for 9,985 aircraft and delivered 5,644, while Boeing received orders for 8,978 aircraft and delivered 5,718. During their period of intense competition, both companies regularly accused each other of receiving unfair state aid from their respective governments.

In 2019, Airbus displaced Boeing as the largest aerospace company by revenue due to the Boeing 737 MAX groundings, pulling in revenues of US$78.9 billion and US$76 billion, respectively. Boeing recorded $2 billion in operating losses, down from $12 billion profits the previous year, while Airbus profits dropped from $6 billion to $1.5 billion.[2]

I'm a Boeing man I bet you are pro Airbus

HeadquartersCrystal City, Arlington, Virginia
U.S. Boing

Airbus HQ Netherland
I left behind my former life

The competition between Airbus and Boeing has been characterized as a duopoly in the large jet airliner market since the 1990s.[1]

This resulted from a series of mergers within the global aerospace industry, with Airbusbeginning as a pan-European consortium while the American Boeing absorbed its former arch-rival, McDonnell Douglas, in 1997. Other manufacturers, such as Lockheed Martinand Convair in the United States, and British Aerospace (now BAE Systems) and Fokker in Europe, were no longer able to compete and effectively withdrew from this market.

In the 10 years from 2007 to 2016, Airbus received orders for 9,985 aircraft and delivered 5,644, while Boeing received orders for 8,978 aircraft and delivered 5,718. During their period of intense competition, both companies regularly accused each other of receiving unfair state aid from their respective governments.

In 2019, Airbus displaced Boeing as the largest aerospace company by revenue due to the Boeing 737 MAX groundings, pulling in revenues of US$78.9 billion and US$76 billion, respectively. Boeing recorded $2 billion in operating losses, down from $12 billion profits the previous year, while Airbus profits dropped from $6 billion to $1.5 billion.[2]

I'm a Boeing man I bet you are pro Airbus

HeadquartersCrystal City, Arlington, Virginia
U.S. Boing

Airbus HQ Netherland
Embraer uber alles!
unions bring all our wages up. THEY are part of the reason America was great.

Anyways, Reagan started the attack on labor, Bush 2 advanced that war.
Don't forget Romney. His Bain Capital transformed corporate capitalism into legalized theft in the name of private equity and venture capital. Few got rich buying and gutting good companies like Toys-R-Us before Romney.
Certain jobs shouldn't be outsourced. And if you do, you pay a tariff to import those products into the country. To make things fair for American companies.

OMG, I just realized Trump tried this and it fucked me.
:auiqs.jpg:But do you think Trump and his sycophants have begun to understand that yet?
Corporations have every right to maximize profits as they should and their owners duly compensated. These demands are laughable at best. And a 32 hour week? The fucking UAW must want to cut production badly
Sorry, but businesses exist for one purpose only. And that is profit.
Well said.
Did Trump make college more affordable or forgive student loans?

What a retarded question. Giving free money to crybabies who cannot pay their bills? That how you would make a nation great? Go back to your shithole, moron.
What a retarded question. Giving free money to crybabies who cannot pay their bills? That how you would make a nation great? Go back to your shithole, moron.
Indeed, why invest any more in the already born? Fetuses don't cry. Send them to college.

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