Make America Great Again ?

Yeah, ok, I get it. The op is baiting and has no intention to discuss anything. Why don't YOU explain how Obama has transformed America into a better place. I dare you, moron.
if america is not a better place now republicans have no one to blame but themselves they bashed obama from the very start of his presidency and never let up 67 or more straight months of job gains when the repub moron left us losing 800000 a month, a soaring stock market good for all ira's a401 k's auto business going great low interest rates and still nitwits scream and yell??
Then there is the PC cancer that has metastasized in our country which divides and alienates the population, fostering fear, distrust and anger. This is relatively new. Certainly we will not be a great country again until we eradicate PC culture.

Silly teabagger. You think being insulting and crude is somehow opposing being PC. They are not the same, but I guess you'e too dumb to know that.

Hilarious. I always love idiots who whine about 'insults' while insulting in the same post they whined about insults in. Now that's being too dumb
Yeah, ok, I get it. The op is baiting and has no intention to discuss anything. Why don't YOU explain how Obama has transformed America into a better place. I dare you, moron.
if america is not a better place now republicans have no one to blame but themselves they bashed obama from the very start of his presidency and never let up 67 or more straight months of job gains when the repub moron left us losing 800000 a month, a soaring stock market good for all ira's a401 k's auto business going great low interest rates and still nitwits scream and yell??

Yet when Democrats did that to W, that was different, right, Chuckie?
Why is it leftists only see the bad in the history of America and can't or won't see the good?

Are they so easily duped by the elite left?
Hmmmm. I keep hearing let's make America great again. I'm struggling to understand exactly when that was. Let's see, for the 1st 240 years or so, America legally enslaved other human beings based on the color of their skin. so you think slavery ended yesterday The next 60 years next 60? how old do you think America is? or so America instituted Jim Crow which solidified the underdevelopment and impoverishment of an entire race. that's not actually true since there where wealthy blacks and some serving in DC Following that the decade of the 60's 60's? dafuck? are you on crack? did you fail history and math? rolled in with civil unrest resulting from overt racism, climaxing in the death of Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Here we are today many decades after her 1776 official birth; standing at the precipice of political, economic, domestic and international unrest. To be fair, there absolutely have been terrific moments in American history but usually those celebratory moments were enjoyed by only a segment of her citizens... not all. It seems it would be hard to systematically and institutionally neglect a huge part of its citizens and expect them to clearly see her greatness. So I don't know, maybe it's just [my lens] but I'm not sure what time they're referring to. Do you?

ok well, first thing, America is no 350 years old

2nd, the best times where when you leftist left out freedoms alone and people could live in peace.

but leftist wanted war, so our greatness took a hit during Wilson
but we came back
Then it got crushed by fdr, he created a system that enslaved free people to the government, and it's been down hill ever since.

so basically, pre-progressive era, sans the overt racism

but people like you don't understand that b/c you've been told that's what we mean by people who don't know what we mean b/c they hate America and want to end our freedoms
Yeah, ok, I get it. The op is baiting and has no intention to discuss anything. Why don't YOU explain how Obama has transformed America into a better place. I dare you, moron.
if america is not a better place now republicans have no one to blame but themselves they bashed obama from the very start of his presidency and never let up 67 or more straight months of job gains when the repub moron left us losing 800000 a month, a soaring stock market good for all ira's a401 k's auto business going great low interest rates and still nitwits scream and yell??

Yet when Democrats did that to W, that was different, right, Chuckie?
yes vastly different ,,,your moron started a war that was unnecessary costing many lives and billions but I guess you refuse to see the difference
Then there is the PC cancer that has metastasized in our country which divides and alienates the population, fostering fear, distrust and anger. This is relatively new. Certainly we will not be a great country again until we eradicate PC culture.

Poor guy. It must be hard to have your freedom of speech taken away. I imagine that you are prevented from living a free life because of PC. How sad.
Yeah, ok, I get it. The op is baiting and has no intention to discuss anything. Why don't YOU explain how Obama has transformed America into a better place. I dare you, moron.
if america is not a better place now republicans have no one to blame but themselves they bashed obama from the very start of his presidency and never let up 67 or more straight months of job gains when the repub moron left us losing 800000 a month, a soaring stock market good for all ira's a401 k's auto business going great low interest rates and still nitwits scream and yell??

Yet when Democrats did that to W, that was different, right, Chuckie?
yes vastly different ,,,your moron started a war that was unnecessary costing many lives and billions but I guess you refuse to see the difference

libertarians started what war?

what a dumb ass

Hypocrisy is hypocrisy, Holmes. Let's start with an honest debate which doesn't start with your double standards for yourself and your foe. We won't get anywhere as long as you think you can criticize for what you do yourself
Then there is the PC cancer that has metastasized in our country which divides and alienates the population, fostering fear, distrust and anger. This is relatively new. Certainly we will not be a great country again until we eradicate PC culture.

Silly teabagger. You think being insulting and crude is somehow opposing being PC. They are not the same, but I guess you'e too dumb to know that.
You are imputing too much forethought into my posts.
Then there is the PC cancer that has metastasized in our country which divides and alienates the population, fostering fear, distrust and anger. This is relatively new. Certainly we will not be a great country again until we eradicate PC culture.

Poor guy. It must be hard to have your freedom of speech taken away. I imagine that you are prevented from living a free life because of PC. How sad.

LL, if you are going to act like a twat then eventually you are going to get fucked like a twat.
Yeah, ok, I get it. The op is baiting and has no intention to discuss anything. Why don't YOU explain how Obama has transformed America into a better place. I dare you, moron.
if america is not a better place now republicans have no one to blame but themselves they bashed obama from the very start of his presidency and never let up 67 or more straight months of job gains when the repub moron left us losing 800000 a month, a soaring stock market good for all ira's a401 k's auto business going great low interest rates and still nitwits scream and yell??

Yet when Democrats did that to W, that was different, right, Chuckie?
yes vastly different ,,,your moron started a war that was unnecessary costing many lives and billions but I guess you refuse to see the difference

libertarians started what war?

what a dumb ass

Hypocrisy is hypocrisy, Holmes. Let's start with an honest debate which doesn't start with your double standards for yourself and your foe. We won't get anywhere as long as you think you can criticize for what you do yourself
Without hypocrisy the republican party would be relegated to the dust bowls of history IF you can't admit republicans led by bush wanted the war and pulled the trigger for it then you are worthless
Yeah, ok, I get it. The op is baiting and has no intention to discuss anything. Why don't YOU explain how Obama has transformed America into a better place. I dare you, moron.
if america is not a better place now republicans have no one to blame but themselves they bashed obama from the very start of his presidency and never let up 67 or more straight months of job gains when the repub moron left us losing 800000 a month, a soaring stock market good for all ira's a401 k's auto business going great low interest rates and still nitwits scream and yell??

Yet when Democrats did that to W, that was different, right, Chuckie?
yes vastly different ,,,your moron started a war that was unnecessary costing many lives and billions but I guess you refuse to see the difference

libertarians started what war?

what a dumb ass

Hypocrisy is hypocrisy, Holmes. Let's start with an honest debate which doesn't start with your double standards for yourself and your foe. We won't get anywhere as long as you think you can criticize for what you do yourself
Without hypocrisy the republican party would be relegated to the dust bowls of history IF you can't admit republicans led by bush wanted the war and pulled the trigger for it then you are worthless

Swish. I'll try to dumb this down for you.

No shit.

My original point was your hypocrisy of criticizing Republicans for doing with Obama what you did with W. Now you're doubling down and criticizing W for a policy Democrats did arm and arm with him.

I'm actually against the wars in the middle east. For you they are just political partisan fodder to win elections. I'd like some help changing US policy. Democrats sure the hell aren't helping, you don't mean it.

The discussion is about your flagrant hypocrisy. Since neither of us is a Republican, the "Republicans" isn't relevant to the discussion
Then there is the PC cancer that has metastasized in our country which divides and alienates the population, fostering fear, distrust and anger. This is relatively new. Certainly we will not be a great country again until we eradicate PC culture.

Give some examples. What will you be able to do when you "eradicate PC culture" that you're prevented from doing today?
if america is not a better place now republicans have no one to blame but themselves they bashed obama from the very start of his presidency and never let up 67 or more straight months of job gains when the repub moron left us losing 800000 a month, a soaring stock market good for all ira's a401 k's auto business going great low interest rates and still nitwits scream and yell??

Yet when Democrats did that to W, that was different, right, Chuckie?
yes vastly different ,,,your moron started a war that was unnecessary costing many lives and billions but I guess you refuse to see the difference

libertarians started what war?

what a dumb ass

Hypocrisy is hypocrisy, Holmes. Let's start with an honest debate which doesn't start with your double standards for yourself and your foe. We won't get anywhere as long as you think you can criticize for what you do yourself
Without hypocrisy the republican party would be relegated to the dust bowls of history IF you can't admit republicans led by bush wanted the war and pulled the trigger for it then you are worthless

Swish. I'll try to dumb this down for you.

No shit.

My original point was your hypocrisy of criticizing Republicans for doing with Obama what you did with W. Now you're doubling down and criticizing W for a policy Democrats did arm and arm with him.

I'm actually against the wars in the middle east. For you they are just political partisan fodder to win elections. I'd like some help changing US policy. Democrats sure the hell aren't helping, you don't mean it.

The discussion is about your flagrant hypocrisy. Since neither of us is a Republican, the "Republicans" isn't relevant to the discussion
Oh so lets all blame the dems in congress sitting on their hands for going on 8 years and doing so much to help their country not the repubs who don't know the word compromise??
Yet when Democrats did that to W, that was different, right, Chuckie?
yes vastly different ,,,your moron started a war that was unnecessary costing many lives and billions but I guess you refuse to see the difference

libertarians started what war?

what a dumb ass

Hypocrisy is hypocrisy, Holmes. Let's start with an honest debate which doesn't start with your double standards for yourself and your foe. We won't get anywhere as long as you think you can criticize for what you do yourself
Without hypocrisy the republican party would be relegated to the dust bowls of history IF you can't admit republicans led by bush wanted the war and pulled the trigger for it then you are worthless

Swish. I'll try to dumb this down for you.

No shit.

My original point was your hypocrisy of criticizing Republicans for doing with Obama what you did with W. Now you're doubling down and criticizing W for a policy Democrats did arm and arm with him.

I'm actually against the wars in the middle east. For you they are just political partisan fodder to win elections. I'd like some help changing US policy. Democrats sure the hell aren't helping, you don't mean it.

The discussion is about your flagrant hypocrisy. Since neither of us is a Republican, the "Republicans" isn't relevant to the discussion
Oh so lets all blame the dems in congress sitting on their hands for going on 8 years and doing so much to help their country not the repubs who don't know the word compromise??

Maybe you should google the definition of the word "hypocrisy" so you understand what we are discussing
Hmmmm. I keep hearing let's make America great again. I'm struggling to understand exactly when that was. Let's see, for the 1st 240 years or so, America legally enslaved other human beings based on the color of their skin. The next 60 years or so America instituted Jim Crow which solidified the underdevelopment and impoverishment of an entire race. Following that the decade of the 60's rolled in with civil unrest resulting from overt racism, climaxing in the death of Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Here we are today many decades after her 1776 official birth; standing at the precipice of political, economic, domestic and international unrest. To be fair, there absolutely have been terrific moments in American history but usually those celebratory moments were enjoyed by only a segment of her citizens... not all. It seems it would be hard to systematically and institutionally neglect a huge part of its citizens and expect them to clearly see her greatness. So I don't know, maybe it's just [my lens] but I'm not sure what time they're referring to. Do you?

It's your lens. You DO understand that we will never make every single person in this country happy right?

The USA was once great, it would be nice if we could be great again.
yes vastly different ,,,your moron started a war that was unnecessary costing many lives and billions but I guess you refuse to see the difference

libertarians started what war?

what a dumb ass

Hypocrisy is hypocrisy, Holmes. Let's start with an honest debate which doesn't start with your double standards for yourself and your foe. We won't get anywhere as long as you think you can criticize for what you do yourself
Without hypocrisy the republican party would be relegated to the dust bowls of history IF you can't admit republicans led by bush wanted the war and pulled the trigger for it then you are worthless

Swish. I'll try to dumb this down for you.

No shit.

My original point was your hypocrisy of criticizing Republicans for doing with Obama what you did with W. Now you're doubling down and criticizing W for a policy Democrats did arm and arm with him.

I'm actually against the wars in the middle east. For you they are just political partisan fodder to win elections. I'd like some help changing US policy. Democrats sure the hell aren't helping, you don't mean it.

The discussion is about your flagrant hypocrisy. Since neither of us is a Republican, the "Republicans" isn't relevant to the discussion
Oh so lets all blame the dems in congress sitting on their hands for going on 8 years and doing so much to help their country not the repubs who don't know the word compromise??

Maybe you should google the definition of the word "hypocrisy" so you understand what we are discussing
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
Hmmmm. I keep hearing let's make America great again. I'm struggling to understand exactly when that was. Let's see, for the 1st 240 years or so, America legally enslaved other human beings based on the color of their skin. The next 60 years or so America instituted Jim Crow which solidified the underdevelopment and impoverishment of an entire race. Following that the decade of the 60's rolled in with civil unrest resulting from overt racism, climaxing in the death of Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Here we are today many decades after her 1776 official birth; standing at the precipice of political, economic, domestic and international unrest. To be fair, there absolutely have been terrific moments in American history but usually those celebratory moments were enjoyed by only a segment of her citizens... not all. It seems it would be hard to systematically and institutionally neglect a huge part of its citizens and expect them to clearly see her greatness. So I don't know, maybe it's just [my lens] but I'm not sure what time they're referring to. Do you?

It's your lens. You DO understand that we will never make every single person in this country happy right?

The USA was once great, it would be nice if we could be great again.
still the greatest ,,even with republicans ,,for parties sake trying their best to tear it down
libertarians started what war?

what a dumb ass

Hypocrisy is hypocrisy, Holmes. Let's start with an honest debate which doesn't start with your double standards for yourself and your foe. We won't get anywhere as long as you think you can criticize for what you do yourself
Without hypocrisy the republican party would be relegated to the dust bowls of history IF you can't admit republicans led by bush wanted the war and pulled the trigger for it then you are worthless

Swish. I'll try to dumb this down for you.

No shit.

My original point was your hypocrisy of criticizing Republicans for doing with Obama what you did with W. Now you're doubling down and criticizing W for a policy Democrats did arm and arm with him.

I'm actually against the wars in the middle east. For you they are just political partisan fodder to win elections. I'd like some help changing US policy. Democrats sure the hell aren't helping, you don't mean it.

The discussion is about your flagrant hypocrisy. Since neither of us is a Republican, the "Republicans" isn't relevant to the discussion
Oh so lets all blame the dems in congress sitting on their hands for going on 8 years and doing so much to help their country not the repubs who don't know the word compromise??

Maybe you should google the definition of the word "hypocrisy" so you understand what we are discussing
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

Exactly, so now that you looked up the word, I keep pointing out that you keep criticizing Republicans for what Democrats do. Get it now?
Hmmmm. I keep hearing let's make America great again. I'm struggling to understand exactly when that was. Let's see, for the 1st 240 years or so, America legally enslaved other human beings based on the color of their skin. The next 60 years or so America instituted Jim Crow which solidified the underdevelopment and impoverishment of an entire race. Following that the decade of the 60's rolled in with civil unrest resulting from overt racism, climaxing in the death of Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Here we are today many decades after her 1776 official birth; standing at the precipice of political, economic, domestic and international unrest. To be fair, there absolutely have been terrific moments in American history but usually those celebratory moments were enjoyed by only a segment of her citizens... not all. It seems it would be hard to systematically and institutionally neglect a huge part of its citizens and expect them to clearly see her greatness. So I don't know, maybe it's just [my lens] but I'm not sure what time they're referring to. Do you?

It's your lens. You DO understand that we will never make every single person in this country happy right?

The USA was once great, it would be nice if we could be great again.
still the greatest ,,even with democrats ,,for parties sake trying their best to tear it down

There, I corrected your spelling.

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