Make America Great Again ?

Exactly, so now that you looked up the word, I keep pointing out that you keep criticizing Republicans for what Democrats do. Get it now?
Oh I get it alright but like I've stated before your pub friends shit in a hat and expect dems to wear it Dems have been trying to fix republican disasters for many years imho

yes, you fixing "republican disasters" with the same policies they have. why do you suppose that keeps not working?
btw kaz did we not have 67+ straight months of employment gains, a dow surging , under a DEM president??
while under bush we had the worst recession maybe ever ,,800000 losing jobs in just his last month forget the war gwb started save that for the day they bury him

Sorry, not interested in your partisan drivel. Obama continued W's military and economic policies
continued bushes economic policies??? bush showed obama the way with 800000 losing jobs and that was in just his last month? followed by 67 straight months of employment gains under obama

note you didn't mention an economic policy that obama changed. I can make the same observations you did based on any number of factors. W and Obama have both led to endless economic malaise. Same policies, same results Tax and spend liberals
Oh I get it alright but like I've stated before your pub friends shit in a hat and expect dems to wear it Dems have been trying to fix republican disasters for many years imho

yes, you fixing "republican disasters" with the same policies they have. why do you suppose that keeps not working?
btw kaz did we not have 67+ straight months of employment gains, a dow surging , under a DEM president??
while under bush we had the worst recession maybe ever ,,800000 losing jobs in just his last month forget the war gwb started save that for the day they bury him

Sorry, not interested in your partisan drivel. Obama continued W's military and economic policies
continued bushes economic policies??? bush showed obama the way with 800000 losing jobs and that was in just his last month? followed by 67 straight months of employment gains under obama

note you didn't mention an economic policy that obama changed. I can make the same observations you did based on any number of factors. W and Obama have both led to endless economic malaise. Same policies, same results Tax and spend liberals
if republicans wouldn't leave us in such big holes dems might not have to spend so much getting us back on our feet
Hmmmm. I keep hearing let's make America great again. I'm struggling to understand exactly when that was. Let's see, for the 1st 240 years or so, America legally enslaved other human beings based on the color of their skin. The next 60 years or so America instituted Jim Crow which solidified the underdevelopment and impoverishment of an entire race. Following that the decade of the 60's rolled in with civil unrest resulting from overt racism, climaxing in the death of Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Here we are today many decades after her 1776 official birth; standing at the precipice of political, economic, domestic and international unrest. To be fair, there absolutely have been terrific moments in American history but usually those celebratory moments were enjoyed by only a segment of her citizens... not all. It seems it would be hard to systematically and institutionally neglect a huge part of its citizens and expect them to clearly see her greatness. So I don't know, maybe it's just [my lens] but I'm not sure what time they're referring to. Do you?
Lets see.
the first 240 years
then the next 60 years of Jim Crow
then the 60s rolled around, Its now 2016 so that would be 56 more years
so,, 356 years?
As I said slavery began before America fully incorporated in 1776.
so the colonists got here in 1536? is that what you are trying to make us believe?
or, is it possible that you just made up numbers to try and make something look like it isnt and basically are blowing smoke out your ass while at the same time showing your total lack of historical knowledge?
Without hypocrisy the republican party would be relegated to the dust bowls of history IF you can't admit republicans led by bush wanted the war and pulled the trigger for it then you are worthless

Swish. I'll try to dumb this down for you.

No shit.

My original point was your hypocrisy of criticizing Republicans for doing with Obama what you did with W. Now you're doubling down and criticizing W for a policy Democrats did arm and arm with him.

I'm actually against the wars in the middle east. For you they are just political partisan fodder to win elections. I'd like some help changing US policy. Democrats sure the hell aren't helping, you don't mean it.

The discussion is about your flagrant hypocrisy. Since neither of us is a Republican, the "Republicans" isn't relevant to the discussion
Oh so lets all blame the dems in congress sitting on their hands for going on 8 years and doing so much to help their country not the repubs who don't know the word compromise??

Maybe you should google the definition of the word "hypocrisy" so you understand what we are discussing
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

Exactly, so now that you looked up the word, I keep pointing out that you keep criticizing Republicans for what Democrats do. Get it now?
How can you identity a D hypocrite?


They will readily attack W for his wars, but ignore BO's.
Swish. I'll try to dumb this down for you.

No shit.

My original point was your hypocrisy of criticizing Republicans for doing with Obama what you did with W. Now you're doubling down and criticizing W for a policy Democrats did arm and arm with him.

I'm actually against the wars in the middle east. For you they are just political partisan fodder to win elections. I'd like some help changing US policy. Democrats sure the hell aren't helping, you don't mean it.

The discussion is about your flagrant hypocrisy. Since neither of us is a Republican, the "Republicans" isn't relevant to the discussion
Oh so lets all blame the dems in congress sitting on their hands for going on 8 years and doing so much to help their country not the repubs who don't know the word compromise??

Maybe you should google the definition of the word "hypocrisy" so you understand what we are discussing
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

Exactly, so now that you looked up the word, I keep pointing out that you keep criticizing Republicans for what Democrats do. Get it now?
How can you identity a D hypocrite?


They will readily attack W for his wars, but ignore BO's.
there would be no obama wars if not for the moron gwb starting one in iraq,,,,bush was the cancer that spread into the me
Oh so lets all blame the dems in congress sitting on their hands for going on 8 years and doing so much to help their country not the repubs who don't know the word compromise??

Maybe you should google the definition of the word "hypocrisy" so you understand what we are discussing
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

Exactly, so now that you looked up the word, I keep pointing out that you keep criticizing Republicans for what Democrats do. Get it now?
How can you identity a D hypocrite?


They will readily attack W for his wars, but ignore BO's.
there would be no obama wars if not for the moron gwb starting one in iraq,,,,bush was the cancer that spread into the me
I don't know how to deal with people as dumb as you. Do you really believe that foolishness?
Maybe you should google the definition of the word "hypocrisy" so you understand what we are discussing
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

Exactly, so now that you looked up the word, I keep pointing out that you keep criticizing Republicans for what Democrats do. Get it now?
How can you identity a D hypocrite?


They will readily attack W for his wars, but ignore BO's.
there would be no obama wars if not for the moron gwb starting one in iraq,,,,bush was the cancer that spread into the me
I don't know how to deal with people as dumb as you. Do you really believe that foolishness?
FROM Mr Mertex
Here is what happened: In 2003, the U.S. military, on orders of President Bush, invaded Iraq, and nineteen days later threw out Saddam’s government. A few days after that, President Bush or someone in his Administration decreed the dissolution of the Iraqi Army. This decision didn’t throw “thirty thousand individuals” out of a job, as Ziedrich said—the number was closer to ten times that. Overnight, at least two hundred and fifty thousand Iraqi men—armed, angry, and with military training—were suddenly humiliated and out of work.

This was probably the single most catastrophic decision of the American venture in Iraq. In a stroke, the Administration helped enable the creation of the Iraqi insurgency. Bush Administration officials involved in the decision—like Paul Bremer and Walter Slocombe—argued that they were effectively ratifying the reality that the Iraqi Army had already disintegrated.

This was manifestly not true. I talked to American military commanders who told me that leaders of entire Iraqi divisions (a division has roughly ten thousand troops) had come to them for instructions and expressed a willingness to coöperate. In fact, many American commanders argued vehemently at the time that the Iraqi military should be kept intact—that disbanding it would turn too many angry young men against the United States. But the Bush White House went ahead.

Did George W. Bush Create ISIS? - The New Yorker
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

Exactly, so now that you looked up the word, I keep pointing out that you keep criticizing Republicans for what Democrats do. Get it now?
How can you identity a D hypocrite?


They will readily attack W for his wars, but ignore BO's.
there would be no obama wars if not for the moron gwb starting one in iraq,,,,bush was the cancer that spread into the me
I don't know how to deal with people as dumb as you. Do you really believe that foolishness?
FROM Mr Mertex
Here is what happened: In 2003, the U.S. military, on orders of President Bush, invaded Iraq, and nineteen days later threw out Saddam’s government. A few days after that, President Bush or someone in his Administration decreed the dissolution of the Iraqi Army. This decision didn’t throw “thirty thousand individuals” out of a job, as Ziedrich said—the number was closer to ten times that. Overnight, at least two hundred and fifty thousand Iraqi men—armed, angry, and with military training—were suddenly humiliated and out of work.

This was probably the single most catastrophic decision of the American venture in Iraq. In a stroke, the Administration helped enable the creation of the Iraqi insurgency. Bush Administration officials involved in the decision—like Paul Bremer and Walter Slocombe—argued that they were effectively ratifying the reality that the Iraqi Army had already disintegrated.

This was manifestly not true. I talked to American military commanders who told me that leaders of entire Iraqi divisions (a division has roughly ten thousand troops) had come to them for instructions and expressed a willingness to coöperate. In fact, many American commanders argued vehemently at the time that the Iraqi military should be kept intact—that disbanding it would turn too many angry young men against the United States. But the Bush White House went ahead.

Did George W. Bush Create ISIS? - The New Yorker
You clearly are uninformed. You must not know of BO's many military interventions. Do a google search and get informed.
Oh so lets all blame the dems in congress sitting on their hands for going on 8 years and doing so much to help their country not the repubs who don't know the word compromise??

Maybe you should google the definition of the word "hypocrisy" so you understand what we are discussing
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

Exactly, so now that you looked up the word, I keep pointing out that you keep criticizing Republicans for what Democrats do. Get it now?
How can you identity a D hypocrite?


They will readily attack W for his wars, but ignore BO's.
there would be no obama wars if not for the moron gwb starting one in iraq,,,,bush was the cancer that spread into the me

Really? W started Libya? Link?
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

Exactly, so now that you looked up the word, I keep pointing out that you keep criticizing Republicans for what Democrats do. Get it now?
How can you identity a D hypocrite?


They will readily attack W for his wars, but ignore BO's.
there would be no obama wars if not for the moron gwb starting one in iraq,,,,bush was the cancer that spread into the me
I don't know how to deal with people as dumb as you. Do you really believe that foolishness?
FROM Mr Mertex
Here is what happened: In 2003, the U.S. military, on orders of President Bush, invaded Iraq, and nineteen days later threw out Saddam’s government. A few days after that, President Bush or someone in his Administration decreed the dissolution of the Iraqi Army. This decision didn’t throw “thirty thousand individuals” out of a job, as Ziedrich said—the number was closer to ten times that. Overnight, at least two hundred and fifty thousand Iraqi men—armed, angry, and with military training—were suddenly humiliated and out of work.

This was probably the single most catastrophic decision of the American venture in Iraq. In a stroke, the Administration helped enable the creation of the Iraqi insurgency. Bush Administration officials involved in the decision—like Paul Bremer and Walter Slocombe—argued that they were effectively ratifying the reality that the Iraqi Army had already disintegrated.

This was manifestly not true. I talked to American military commanders who told me that leaders of entire Iraqi divisions (a division has roughly ten thousand troops) had come to them for instructions and expressed a willingness to coöperate. In fact, many American commanders argued vehemently at the time that the Iraqi military should be kept intact—that disbanding it would turn too many angry young men against the United States. But the Bush White House went ahead.

Did George W. Bush Create ISIS? - The New Yorker

So Obama's lies in Iraq and Afghanistan and Iraq are OK, W did it first. Wow, you are a man of integrity, I stand corrected.


Why does Trump think America is not great?
It must blow your limited mind that 70% of Americans are unhappy with their government.

Blowing big ears every day has twisted your mind.
yeah mr iq most of that 70% are angry at your bs congress but nitwits won't admit that
Oh brother another blind partisan.

When will you learn the two parties are very much alike?

Google the 70% number if you don't believe it or continue to blow Obama. I don't give a shit.
Why does Trump think America is not great?
It must blow your limited mind that 70% of Americans are unhappy with their government.

Blowing big ears every day has twisted your mind.
yeah mr iq most of that 70% are angry at your bs congress but nitwits won't admit that
Oh brother another blind partisan.

When will you learn the two parties are very much alike?

Google the 70% number if you don't believe it or continue to blow Obama. I don't give a shit.
Hey Mr 70%
Friday, February 19, 2016

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama's job performance. Fifty percent (50%) disapprove (see trends).

The latest figures include 27% who Strongly Approve of the way Obama is performing as president and 41% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14.
Why does Trump think America is not great?
It must blow your limited mind that 70% of Americans are unhappy with their government.

Blowing big ears every day has twisted your mind.
yeah mr iq most of that 70% are angry at your bs congress but nitwits won't admit that
Oh brother another blind partisan.

When will you learn the two parties are very much alike?

Google the 70% number if you don't believe it or continue to blow Obama. I don't give a shit.
Hey Mr 70%
Friday, February 19, 2016

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama's job performance. Fifty percent (50%) disapprove (see trends).

The latest figures include 27% who Strongly Approve of the way Obama is performing as president and 41% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14.
You will have to do a better job getting informed or just keep blowing Obama.
Why does Trump think America is not great?
It must blow your limited mind that 70% of Americans are unhappy with their government.

Blowing big ears every day has twisted your mind.
yeah mr iq most of that 70% are angry at your bs congress but nitwits won't admit that
Oh brother another blind partisan.

When will you learn the two parties are very much alike?

Google the 70% number if you don't believe it or continue to blow Obama. I don't give a shit.
Hey Mr 70%
Friday, February 19, 2016

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama's job performance. Fifty percent (50%) disapprove (see trends).

The latest figures include 27% who Strongly Approve of the way Obama is performing as president and 41% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14.
You will have to do a better job getting informed or just keep blowing Obama.
gipper Blow it out of your butt and I mean that in a nice way
Why does Trump think America is not great?
It must blow your limited mind that 70% of Americans are unhappy with their government.

Blowing big ears every day has twisted your mind.
yeah mr iq most of that 70% are angry at your bs congress but nitwits won't admit that
Oh brother another blind partisan.

When will you learn the two parties are very much alike?

Google the 70% number if you don't believe it or continue to blow Obama. I don't give a shit.
Hey Mr 70%
Friday, February 19, 2016

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 49% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama's job performance. Fifty percent (50%) disapprove (see trends).

The latest figures include 27% who Strongly Approve of the way Obama is performing as president and 41% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -14.
Let me help you since you might be incapable, due to brainwashing.

Most Americans say U.S. economic system is unfair, but high-income Republicans disagree
Hmmmm. I keep hearing let's make America great again. I'm struggling to understand exactly when that was. Let's see, for the 1st 240 years or so, America legally enslaved other human beings based on the color of their skin. The next 60 years or so America instituted Jim Crow which solidified the underdevelopment and impoverishment of an entire race. Following that the decade of the 60's rolled in with civil unrest resulting from overt racism, climaxing in the death of Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Here we are today many decades after her 1776 official birth; standing at the precipice of political, economic, domestic and international unrest. To be fair, there absolutely have been terrific moments in American history but usually those celebratory moments were enjoyed by only a segment of her citizens... not all. It seems it would be hard to systematically and institutionally neglect a huge part of its citizens and expect them to clearly see her greatness. So I don't know, maybe it's just [my lens] but I'm not sure what time they're referring to. Do you?

We knew you hated America the second we read the title of this thread.
For me, a great country is one which is a good place to live in.

That means low crime, good education, good healthcare, good infrastructure, a place where the govt treats people equally, and people can be left alone to live their lives.

The US is better than a lot of countries in the world, but I wouldn't call it great. Crime is the biggest issue in the US for why it's not great. Parts of the US are safe, really safe, but other parts simply aren't. Healthcare is something that causes people a lot of worries, mainly if they're going to get it or not, other countries don't have these worries and it leads to a better life.

Patriotism, nationalism and all the invading and bombing that goes with it don't make my life better in any way at all.

No one is stopping you from moving to whatever utopia better than America. I'll pack your bags for you.

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