Make no mistake about it - Russia and America are at war.

In Estonia, it was proposed to deprive citizenship for the celebration of May 9.

"Those who take to the streets of Estonian cities to celebrate Victory Day... they pose a threat to the security of the country and are subject to deprivation of a residence permit, citizenship, work," wrote the leader of the EKRE party Martin Helme.
And the one who shouts three times "Heil, Hitler!" automatically receives Estonian citizenship, she added to herself.
In Estonia, it was proposed to deprive citizenship for the celebration of May 9.

"Those who take to the streets of Estonian cities to celebrate Victory Day... they pose a threat to the security of the country and are subject to deprivation of a residence permit, citizenship, work," wrote the leader of the EKRE party Martin Helme.
And the one who shouts three times "Heil, Hitler!" automatically receives Estonian citizenship, she added to herself.
Estonia was one of six countries listed in the Russian Duma document (already posted) requiring denazification.
"In the evening I made a report to the Fuhrer. Unlike the last meeting, I find him somewhat depressed, which is also understandable, given the development of military operations. In addition, he is a little unwell; I notice with horror that the nervous trembling of his left hand has significantly increased."

"There are many women who express a desire to go to the front now, and the Fuhrer believes that since they are going voluntarily, it means they will undoubtedly fight like fanatics. It is necessary to use them at the second turn; then men will lose the desire to retreat from the first"

"Our task now should be to stand up under any circumstances. Although the crisis in the enemy's camp is taking on significant dimensions, it is still a question whether it will come to an explosion while we are able to offer some resistance."

"The Fuhrer is convinced that if any power in the enemy camp wants to enter into negotiations with us first, then under any circumstances it will be the Soviet Union.Stalin is experiencing very great difficulties in his relations with the Anglo-Americans"

"I am reporting to the Fuhrer about my plan to propagandize the exposure of Soviet atrocities and my intention to use Guderian for this. The Fuhrer fully agrees with this plan"

"In general, the Fuhrer again makes a very strong impression on me. He was not at all shaken by the terrible blows to which we are now being subjected again. His resilience is amazing. If anyone can cope with the current crisis, it's only him."

"In any case, we need to be guided now by the principle: under any circumstances, successfully end the war, and if it turns out to be impossible, then fight with honor to the end. We need to be prepared for any outcome and burn bridges behind us."
Diaries of 1945
Joseph Goebbels
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Some will say, but it's just a proxy war.
Yes, that is true, for now.
The difference is the previous proxy wars took place in distant lands, like Vietnam and Afghanistan.
But this time the proxy war is taking place on Russia's door step.
Thus, Russia doesn't see Ukraine as a proxy war, but a tacit declaration of war by the U.S. and EU.
Leaving Russia no choice but to go all out for the win, regardless of the cost.

141 nations of the world are "in war" with Russia and say Russia has to stop this war and to go home. Only 5 nations support Russia - including Russia on its own - except the mayority of all Russians who have to live in fear to be arrested from their tyrant if they say so in public. Even to use the word "war" is forbidden in Russia, because most Russians hate wars and specially this war against their Ukrainian sisters and brothers.
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"In the evening I made a report to the Fuhrer. Unlike the last meeting, I find him somewhat depressed, which is also understandable, given the development of military operations. In addition, he is a little unwell; I notice with horror that the nervous trembling of his left hand has significantly increased."

"There are many women who express a desire to go to the front now, and the Fuhrer believes that since they are going voluntarily, it means they will undoubtedly fight like fanatics. It is necessary to use them at the second turn; then men will lose the desire to retreat from the first"

"Our task now should be to stand up under any circumstances. Although the crisis in the enemy's camp is taking on significant dimensions, it is still a question whether it will come to an explosion while we are able to offer some resistance."

"The Fuhrer is convinced that if any power in the enemy camp wants to enter into negotiations with us first, then under any circumstances it will be the Soviet Union.Stalin is experiencing very great difficulties in his relations with the Anglo-Americans"

"I am reporting to the Fuhrer about my plan to propagandize the exposure of Soviet atrocities and my intention to use Guderian for this. The Fuhrer fully agrees with this plan"

"In general, the Fuhrer again makes a very strong impression on me. He was not at all shaken by the terrible blows to which we are now being subjected again. His resilience is amazing. If anyone can cope with the current crisis, it's only him."

"In any case, we need to be guided now by the principle: under any circumstances, successfully end the war, and if it turns out to be impossible, then fight with honor to the end. We need to be prepared for any outcome and burn bridges behind us."
Diaries of 1945
Joseph Goebbels

Goebbels and his wife murdered their own 6 children and did do suicide because of their absurde weird ways to think. So which cup of deadly poison do you offer here? Who believes anything what convinced Nazis wrote or said is just simple an idiot.
Thank God we have a demented pedophile to lead us!
You lead the USA? Then finish first your greatest psychiatric hospital by making a roof over the USA. Advantage: You can show direction heaven without radioactive raindrops in your mouth.
Who believes anything what convinced Nazis wrote or said is just simple an idiot.
It is established that Goebbels, before making number 2 in the toilet. took off his pants. I hope you're not following this nazi example?
It is established that Goebbels, before making number 2 in the toilet. took off his pants. I hope you're not following this nazi example?

What a luck that I am not a native English speaker - so I have not to understand every nonsense. What Goebbels wrote are not his thoughts - he tries to convonce an invisible person from his extremist bullshit - or whyelse do you think wrote he such an extraordinary stupid bullshit like this what you quoted here? The Nazis knew since 1942 that World War 2 was lost.
"In any case, we need to be guided now by the principle: under any circumstances, successfully end the war, and if it turns out to be impossible, then fight with honor to the end. We need to be prepared for any outcome and burn bridges behind us."
Goebbels, a "loyal" superidiot who sold his whole person including soul to Adolf Hitler instead to be loyal to his own country
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What a luck that I am not a native English speaker

How's your pig latin Zaang?
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