Making America Great Again: Florida Mayoral Candidate Tells Black Crowd To "Go Back To Africa"


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Finally someone with cojones to stick it to these people. Can you imagine what cities like Chicago, Detroit, and Philadelphia would be like without the massive crime and murders being committed by them? They would be nice tranquil places to visit without the fear of being killed. This guy obvious understands who the specific people the founders had in mind to create this country for by reading the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. The Trumpenfuhrer should offer him a position in his administration.

"Mr. Nevel, you and your people talk about reparations. The reparations that you talk about, Mr. Nevel, your people already got your reparations," Congemi said. "Your reparations, your reparations came in the form of a man named Barack Obama. My advice to you, if you don't like it here in America, planes leave every hour from Tampa airport. Go back to Africa. Go back to Africa. Go back!"

Florida Mayoral Candidate Tells Black People To ‘Go Back To Africa’
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They don't want to go back to the jungle, they might be sold into slavery by their own people...again.
He mentions reparations. How many billions have been spent on the war on poverty ?

It is not billions it is trillions and the blacks are worse today than ever....all that money did was to educate them into believing they were victims....that is all they have learned.

The War on Poverty: $15 Trillion and Nothing to Show for It

Wow, did you just claim that whites aren't poor? Or their poor is righteous and others..not so much.
He mentions reparations. How many billions have been spent on the war on poverty ?
How many billions on our war on drugs or terror?

We have the "richest poor" in the Entire World for our "war on poverty". The right wing complains out poor are not poor enough, and should be denied and disparaged, steak and lobster.

The war on drugs is a waste of money and should be abolished in favor of health care.
He mentions reparations. How many billions have been spent on the war on poverty ?

It is not billions it is trillions and the blacks are worse today than ever....all that money did was to educate them into believing they were victims....that is all they have learned.

The War on Poverty: $15 Trillion and Nothing to Show for It

Wow, did you just claim that whites aren't poor? Or their poor is righteous and others..not so much.
hehheh You think like a Negro....well ...probably giving you too much credit there....anyhow.....whut i am saying is that a percentage of our population to be more exact... about 2% of our total population commits a over half of all violent you know what group I refer to? Irregardless.....yes there are poor whites but most of the welfare money goes to minorities....and most of the tax money that pays for these welfare programs comes from the white working class....I do not believe in mistreating negroes or any other minority.....what I believe is that white folk should take care of their own and let the minorities do the same.
le. Can you imagine what cities like Chicago, Detroit, and Philadelphia would be like without the massive crime and murders being committed by them?
We know what Detroit was like before the black plague.

Yes...negroes are a plague or a cancer....they move into a community and everything goes south. When I was a student in St. Louis....I lived in what was referred to as the West end or West one time a area that comprised mostly Jewish folk, with fine big homes ....that is up until the 50's when the Negroes started to move into St.Louis in huge numbers..during and after WWII aka the great black migration.....unscrupulous real estate folk began a practice of what was referred to as 'block busting' they would or get someone that would put up the money for a black family to buy one of these nice homes...on one of the blocks in the west end....then they would go around to the neighbors and tell them the blacks are moving in...and the phenomenon known as 'white flight' began ...white folk started moving to suburbs...and the west end and all those fine homes were taken over by blacks....crime went sky high, the homes were not became a huge ghetto.

Blockbusting - Wikipedia
He mentions reparations. How many billions have been spent on the war on poverty ?
How many billions on our war on drugs or terror?

We have the "richest poor" in the Entire World for our "war on poverty". The right wing complains out poor are not poor enough, and should be denied and disparaged, steak and lobster.

The war on drugs is a waste of money and should be abolished in favor of health care.

Well, the war on drugs is a failure for sure. There is only one society...the chinese...that have ever solved a drug problem. China at one time had a huge drug problem like we do today....opium dens were everywhere...know how the Chinese solved their drug problem?

hint....the worst offenders were executed. How China got rid of opium
Finally someone with cojones to stick it to these people. Can you imagine what cities like Chicago, Detroit, and Philadelphia would be like without the massive crime and murders being committed by them? They would be nice tranquil places to visit without the fear of being killed. This guy obvious understands who the specific people the founders had in mind to create this country for by reading the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. The Trumpenfuhrer should offer him a position in his administration.

"Mr. Nevel, you and your people talk about reparations. The reparations that you talk about, Mr. Nevel, your people already got your reparations," Congemi said. "Your reparations, your reparations came in the form of a man named Barack Obama. My advice to you, if you don't like it here in America, planes leave every hour from Tampa airport. Go back to Africa. Go back to Africa. Go back!"

Florida Mayoral Candidate Tells Black People To ‘Go Back To Africa’

Can't you just go back to Europe?
Find me a former slave and I'll give him a couple of bucks if only to shut you people up.
Find me a former slave and I'll give him a couple of bucks if only to shut you people up.

hehheh....The Federal Government during the great depression of the thirties subsidized writers to go down South and interview former that time there were many still alive...lived to ripe old ages...what does that tell you about slavery. In all the pictures of slaves and a great many were taken...they all appeared healthy, well fed and clothed with adequate housing...only natural since they were very valuable property...what kind of business owner would mistreat valuable property....not even to mention those former slaves interviewed by the Federal writers were quite nostalgic for their ole mastah and the days of slavery...and why shouldnt they be...idyllic times.

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I am quite sure that a lot of white folk would voluntarily contribute to a fund that would help African expatriates return to their homeland. We spend about 80 thousand dollars a year to incarcerate a Negro would be much better to pay them to go back instead of paying to incarcerate them. I am sure most convicts would be willing to go back if a program was set up to enable that. Ghana beckons.
Well, if they really don't like it here, they have a homeland.

A little hard to go back to your homeland, when you've been stripped of your lineage and culture.

Nonsense........African-Americans resettle in Africa | Africa Renewal Online

You still don't get it. Say for example I wanted to go back to Africa. Africa is a large continent with a bunch of different countries. I have no idea where in Africa my ancestors are from.

When slaves were taken they were stripped of identity.
I'm betting that a lot of blacks will have a longer US lineage than him.
I found a picture of Steve looking up racist articles to post on the forum...


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