Malaysia MH17 Crash: 10 Questions Russia wants Ukraine to Answer

Mad Scientist

Feels Good!
Sep 15, 2008
People, as well as whole Countries, are allowed to defend themselves against Criminal Accusations are they not? Shouldn't they be allowed to confront their accusers? To have a Public Examination of the Evidence?

Of course they should.
Some Western states and Kiev rushed to find Russian involvement in the MH17 crash having no evidence to back their claims, Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister told RT. He invited Ukraine to answer 10 questions to prove their commitment to an impartial probe.

Speaking to RT, Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov has criticized Western countries for jumping to conclusions just “24 hours after the crash” while there is no evidence.

“They try to show to the whole world that we are responsible for the crash. It is very strange that without any evidence my colleagues from western media would like to find somebody who is responsible for the crash,” Antonov said. “It seems to me that this is part of information warfare which has been started against the Russian Federation and armed forces.”
People, as well as whole Countries, are allowed to defend themselves against Criminal Accusations are they not? Shouldn't they be allowed to confront their accusers? To have a Public Examination of the Evidence?

Of course they should.
Some Western states and Kiev rushed to find Russian involvement in the MH17 crash having no evidence to back their claims, Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister told RT. He invited Ukraine to answer 10 questions to prove their commitment to an impartial probe.

Speaking to RT, Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov has criticized Western countries for jumping to conclusions just “24 hours after the crash” while there is no evidence.

“They try to show to the whole world that we are responsible for the crash. It is very strange that without any evidence my colleagues from western media would like to find somebody who is responsible for the crash,” Antonov said. “It seems to me that this is part of information warfare which has been started against the Russian Federation and armed forces.”

I think we're supposed to just shut up and believe the liberals---either that or leave the country. :lol:
Putin asks Cameron to refrain from reaching hasty conclusion and wait till the probe is done.


MOSCOW, July 20, 22:44 /ITAR-TASS/. In a telephone conversation with British Prime Minister David Cameron, Russian President Vladimir Putin said it was important to refrain from hasty conclusions and politicized statements until the investigation of the Malaysian Boeing-777 crash in eastern Ukraine is over, the Kremlin press service said on Sunday.
“Putin noted that the tragedy was rooted in the Ukrainian confrontation, including in the regions where the crash had taken place. The Russian side expressed its commitment and readiness to continue its assistance in organizing and conducting of a thorough international investigation of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) into all the circumstance of the catastrophe. Until it is over, it is important to refrain from any hasty judgments and politicized statements,” the press service said.
The telephone conversation was initiated by the British side.
Putin offered his condolences to Cameron over the death of British citizens who had been onboard of the ill-fated plane.
“The sides discussed the ongoing acute political crisis in Ukraine and stressed the necessity of its soonest settlement by peaceful means only. It was noted that such peace process should be supported by the international community,” the press service said.
A Boeing-777 of the Malaysian Airlines en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur crashed in July 17 in Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk Region 60 km from the Russian border, in the zone of combat operation between the Donetsk self-defence forces and the Ukrainian army. All the passengers and crewmembers onboard the plane - 298 people - died. Travelling aboard the plane were citizens of ten countries, including 192 Dutchmen and 10 British nationals.
Earlier on Sunday, Putin has a telephone conversation with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who agreed that it was important that all parties to the Ukrainian conflict ensured necessary conditions for the organization of an objective and independent international investigation of the crash.

ITAR-TASS: World - Putin tells Cameron it's vital to refrain from hasty conclusions until crash probe is over
People, as well as whole Countries, are allowed to defend themselves against Criminal Accusations are they not? Shouldn't they be allowed to confront their accusers? To have a Public Examination of the Evidence?

Of course they should.

Why aren't they allowing a public examination of the evidence?
People, as well as whole Countries, are allowed to defend themselves against Criminal Accusations are they not? Shouldn't they be allowed to confront their accusers? To have a Public Examination of the Evidence?

Of course they should.

Why aren't they allowing a public examination of the evidence?

What is a public examination of the evidence? Just curious.
Japan adopts a much softer line on the issue.


Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pledged to continue dialogue with Russian President Vladimir Putin, taking a softer line with Moscow than some Western powers after the shooting down of a passenger jet over Ukraine.

Abe has worked to improve Japan’s relations with resource-rich Russia, a centerpiece of his foreign policy.

“Russia should commit constructively to various international issues as a responsible state. To help that I will continue dialogue with President Putin,” Abe said in a speech carried by Japanese media.

“Any conflict should be solved not by power but by diplomatic means based on international law,” he said.

Ukraine has accused Russia and pro-Moscow rebels of destroying evidence to cover up their guilt in the shooting down of the Malaysia Airlines jet that has intensified a showdown between the Kremlin and Western powers.

Calling it “an outrage of unspeakable proportions,” U.S. President Barack Obama stopped short of directly blaming Russia for the incident but warned that he was prepared to tighten economic sanctions.

Britain said on Sunday it would seek to persuade other European nations at an EU meeting on Tuesday to ratchet up sanctions on Russia.

World leaders have called for a rapid investigation into the shooting down of the airliner which was carrying 298 passengers. The incident could mark a pivotal moment in deteriorating relations between Russia and the West.

The United States and Britain said a surface-to-air missile appeared to have been fired from rebel-held territory.

In his first year in office, Abe met with Putin five times, while failing to secure a summit with the leaders of neighboring China or South Korea.

Closer ties between Tokyo and Moscow, despite a territorial dispute dating from the end of World War II, are driven by mutual energy interests, as Russia plans to at least double oil and gas flows to Asia in the next 20 years.

Japan has been forced to import huge volumes of fuel to replace lost energy from its nuclear power industry, shut down after the 2011 Fukushima disaster.

Abe also wants to advance talks on the dispute over islands north of Hokkaido, which Moscow says are part of the southern Kurils but Tokyo claims as the Northern Territories.

Abe vows dialogue with Putin, taking softer line than West over Ukraine jet | The Japan Times
People, as well as whole Countries, are allowed to defend themselves against Criminal Accusations are they not? Shouldn't they be allowed to confront their accusers? To have a Public Examination of the Evidence?
Of course they should.
Why aren't they allowing a public examination of the evidence?
What is a public examination of the evidence? Just curious.
When (and if) you get accused of something don't you ask to see the evidence? Don't you get to actually SEE the evidence before you get convicted? Either in Court or the Court of Public Opinion?

I'm not taking Russia's side. I'm not taking Putins' side.

But if any person or country has evidence that Russia did it or Putin ordered it then lets see it. Let the whole world see it.

But that's not happening. What we get are crazy people like John McCain popping off about how "There will be Hell to Pay if Russia linked to crash!".

From the article:
6. Why did Ukrainian air traffic controllers allow the plane to deviate from the regular route to the north, towards “the anti-terrorist operation zone”?
Ukraine during all 23 years of its "independence" was only capable blame Russia for everything that went wrong. Everything about Ukraine is fake including its "independence".
Some people open mouths and insert foots, it's a character trait of many in all sectors of the community..
US Dept. of State: Russian implication in the shoot down based on "Social Media":

Daily Press Briefing - July 21, 2014
MS. HARF: Well, a couple points. You saw the Secretary yesterday speak very clearly about our assessment that this was an SA-11 fired from Russian-backed, separatist-controlled territory; that we know – we saw in social media afterwards, we saw videos, we saw photos of the pro-Russian separatists bragging about shooting down an aircraft that then they then – they then – they then – excuse me – took down once it became clear that it may have been a passenger airline.

Hey Kids! Lets go to war with Russia based evidence gleaned from a YouTube Video! :uhoh3:
What sort of equipment does it take to shoot down a plain flying at about thirty thousand feet. Even if it has dropped its altitude - its not a simple RPG that would have taken it down.

It's already proven that Ukrainian military did not shoot down the plain, so that leaves only the rebels. Now, where would they get this sort of weapons from? Anything that powerful would be no less then eighty thousand dollars (that's a very conservative estimate). And what rebel force could afford that? Hmmm, I wonder.
People, as well as whole Countries, are allowed to defend themselves against Criminal Accusations are they not? Shouldn't they be allowed to confront their accusers? To have a Public Examination of the Evidence?

Of course they should.

Why aren't they allowing a public examination of the evidence?

That is some of the circumstantial evidence that points to the Russian backed rebels and Russian invaders. Why did they refuse to allow anyone to inspect and examine the evidence even after experts from around the world insisted on the importance of examining and collecting it before the weather, time and nature degraded it and looters contaminated it and took key items. The fact that they allowed the bodies to rot in the sun and be partially eaten by wildlife indicates the guilt of the Russians and the extreme measures they went to to cover up their crime. That is some pretty strong evidence of quilt.
The fact that they allowed the bodies to rot in the sun and be partially eaten by wildlife indicates the guilt of the Russians and the extreme measures they went to to cover up their crime. That is some pretty strong evidence of quilt.
More like extremely weak evidence. The missile hit the plane not the bodies.

But still, it's stronger evidence than the US State Department used: Tweets and YouTube videos.
You aren't a scientist at all. Not even a Mad one or even a stupid one.
They wouldn't let the inspector near the site because they didn't want them to see the evidence before they had a chance to pick it up and remove it. Forget about the shrapnel and residue evidence that would identify the type explosive and hence missile used. Hell, they might have found the parts of the missile with the Russian writing and markings that fell away after the explosive warhead exploded. Describing scientific evidence with you would be a waste of time if you can't understand shrapnel and residue evidence or missile parts with writing and engravings on them.
And Youtube pictures, presented by USA, are very strong evidence. Where are their pictures from US satellite ?? Where is the tape with negotiations between Ukrainian dispatcher and Malaysian pilot? So, who doesn't want to present evidence. And how did you know who did not let the experts to work? OSCE and Malaysian experts were there and confirmed that Donbass Territorial army were protecting them from Ukrainians who were shooting from Grads 2 days in a row. And if you believe the "news" delivered by spokes persons of State Department, it's the same like believing Hollywood.
And Youtube pictures, presented by USA, are very strong evidence. Where are their pictures from US satellite ?? Where is the tape with negotiations between Ukrainian dispatcher and Malaysian pilot? So, who doesn't want to present evidence. And how did you know who did not let the experts to work? OSCE and Malaysian experts were there and confirmed that Donbass Territorial army were protecting them from Ukrainians who were shooting from Grads 2 days in a row. And if you believe the "news" delivered by spokes persons of State Department, it's the same like believing Hollywood.

You want people to believe Ukraine was firing these into and onto crash site and at inspectors for two days?

[ame=]???? ??-21. ???????? ??? ?????? - YouTube[/ame]
They have been firing with this as close as 7 km to the area where the experts were working. And it's not the first time, they constantly use this against civilians (look at recent OSCE reports).

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