Man Dressed as Woman Caught Videoing in Women’s Bathroom

sexual crimes are not common???!!!!!!!
go back and read my posts--
again--you are playing Mr Stupid-Sgt Schultz ''I Know Nothing''
...I say again--YOU know perverts want and will go into the bathrooms--YOU KNOW it--don't try to deny it
so--you want to make it LEGAL and EASIER for them???!!!!

this as ALL over the news--the pope and child molestation
priests have been raping/molesting children all over the world for years
‘We showed no care for the little ones’, says pope about church child sex abuse

George Michael arrested over `lewd act'
Larry Craig scandal - Wikipedia
Unreported: 1,500 pedophile arrests made nationally since Trump took office
30 Alarming Statistics That Show The Reality Of Sexual Violence In America | HuffPost
Child Sexual Abuse Statistics
and these are the reported crimes--many go unreported

The subject is transgender people idiot!! What the fuck does any of this have to do with trans people??!!
And any perv can claim to be one and gain access to women and girls in bathrooms etc. Why do you want women and children put at risk, regressivepervert? Do you hate them that much?
Why do you insist on stupidly accusing me of wanting to put women and children at risk? Those pervs are going to do what they do regardless of the policy on transgender bathroom use. You are either not smart enough to see that, or you are dishonestly using as an excuse to punish trans people.
so let's not have any laws
do whatever you want

More moronic horseshit!

This is my final statement on my position regarding the issue of allowing transgender people, particularly trans women to use women’s bathrooms and locker rooms ( For those of you- and that is probably all of you, Transwoman refers to a person who previously lived as a male and who now identifies as a female)

First of all, your allegations that I want to place women and children at risk of sexual assault by perverts is ignorant, hatful and stupid. I spent a career protecting women and girls from abuse and prosecuting the perpetrators who preyed on them.

At the same time, I have a long track record of advocating for minorities, including sexual minorities – and transsexuals are perhaps the most maligned sexual minority of all. The issue of transsexuality is complex, from both a biological and psychosexual perspective. There is much that we don’t understand. However, the dumbfucks who insist that it is just a fad or a trend, and that these people just wake up one day and decide that they want to be another gender, is pure ignorance if you believe it , and born of bigotry if you don’t.

The fact Is that these people believe themselves to be- and identify as the gender that does not correspond to that which was assigned to the at birth. There are many theories and possible reasons for this. While it was thought to be purely psychological, there is now evidence that there are biological and neurological elements – such as intersexuality – that contribute to gender dysphoria.

I’ll stop there before getting into anything more technical because I know that you people have neither the intellectual capacity or the interest to absorb it, and that you are too invested in your to ignorant and bigotry to care.

As far a bathrooms go, the transwomen are in fact WOMEN and are not a threat to women and girls in the bathroom. Yes, there have been a few documented cases of pervert men invading women’s rooms in the guise of a women and claiming to be transgender -claiming that they have a right to be there because of the laws that allow trans people to use the bathroom of the gender that they identify with . However, that is not a reason rob trans people of the right to the dignity and respect that they deserve. The gender dysphoria that they experience is not a choice and is no fault of their own, and they should not be punished for it.

Those perverts who take advantage of the law should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But to discriminate and disparage trans-people is tantamount to blaming the victim. Again, any suggestion that I want to put women and children at risk is stupid and offensive. I really don’t know if you people actually believe you own bullshit -or- if you are really just that stupid. Now shut the fuck up!
LGBTQ [ +???? ] are unstable mentally
Depression affects LGBT people at higher rates than the heterosexual population, and LGBT youths are more likely than heterosexual students to report high levels of drug use and feelings of depression. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suicide is the third leading cause of death among people age 10 to 24 in the United States. Lesbian, gay, and bisexual youths in grades 7-12 are twice as likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers.
Why Are Suicide Rates Higher Among LGBTQ Youth?
Sexual Orientation and Depression: Statistics and Where to Find Help
DNA is the real reality check and not a one of them will ever take a DNA test that reveals they are female

As if they have to, those meat paws, square jaw, adam's apple, 5 O'clock shadow, broad-shouldered, high-hipped bruisers walk around in a dress they ain't fooling anyone. Least of all the 20% of women who are statistical rape victims, in the shower or restroom these deranged men just walked into with the blessing of the LGBT cult and their lawmaker lap dogs.

Sure, we have the lefties saying "they're just as feminine as women" -in extreme stereotypes. But about 99% of them are masculine freaks. They are as convincing as "Susan".. This, ladies, is what you have to look forward to waltzing into your locker rooms:

DNA is the real reality check and not a one of them will ever take a DNA test that reveals they are female

As if they have to, those meat paws, square jaw, adam's apple, 5 O'clock shadow, broad-shouldered, high-hipped bruisers walk around in a dress they ain't fooling anyone. Least of all the 20% of women who are statistical rape victims, in the shower or restroom these deranged men just walked into with the blessing of the LGBT cult and their lawmaker lap dogs.

Sure, we have the lefties saying "they're just as feminine as women" -in extreme stereotypes. But about 99% of them are masculine freaks. They are as convincing as "Susan".. This, ladies, is what you have to look forward to waltzing into your locker rooms:

That thing walks into our daughter's locker room and it will end badly for him

Please explain how baring transgenders From using the bathroom of choice would have prevented this

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
.....making it legal for men/fruitcakes/trannys/WTF ever to go into bathrooms with little girls makes it harder to prosecute the jackasses
....not just trannys--but ALL males!! any male can say he is a tranny/fruitcake/he-she she-he/etc......
....don't play Mr Stupid!!! godamn know for SURE male perverts want to go into girls' bathrooms for sexual gratification
Voyeurism Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
Voyeurism Laws and Offences Explained -

Please explain and document how, where and when this has been an ongoing issue in places that allow trans-people to use the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity. Provide statistics on the number of sexual assaults and voyeurism that have been perpetrated by men pretending to be women.
sexual crimes are not common???!!!!!!!
go back and read my posts--
again--you are playing Mr Stupid-Sgt Schultz ''I Know Nothing''
...I say again--YOU know perverts want and will go into the bathrooms--YOU KNOW it--don't try to deny it
so--you want to make it LEGAL and EASIER for them???!!!!

this as ALL over the news--the pope and child molestation
priests have been raping/molesting children all over the world for years
‘We showed no care for the little ones’, says pope about church child sex abuse

George Michael arrested over `lewd act'
THE singer George Michael was arrested in a Beverly Hills park, after being caught in a "lewd act" in a public lavatory
Larry Craig scandal - Wikipedia
for lewd conductin a men's restroom
Unreported: 1,500 pedophile arrests made nationally since Trump took office
30 Alarming Statistics That Show The Reality Of Sexual Violence In America | HuffPost
Child Sexual Abuse Statistics
and these are the reported crimes--many go unreported

The subject is transgender people idiot!! What the fuck does any of this have to do with trans people??!!

No, the subject is sickos and perverts using your obsession with subjugating women to the demands of transgenders to prey on them (the women, not the transgenders).
.....making it legal for men/fruitcakes/trannys/WTF ever to go into bathrooms with little girls makes it harder to prosecute the jackasses
....not just trannys--but ALL males!! any male can say he is a tranny/fruitcake/he-she she-he/etc......
....don't play Mr Stupid!!! godamn know for SURE male perverts want to go into girls' bathrooms for sexual gratification
Voyeurism Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
Voyeurism Laws and Offences Explained -

Please explain and document how, where and when this has been an ongoing issue in places that allow trans-people to use the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity. Provide statistics on the number of sexual assaults and voyeurism that have been perpetrated by men pretending to be women.
sexual crimes are not common???!!!!!!!
go back and read my posts--
again--you are playing Mr Stupid-Sgt Schultz ''I Know Nothing''
...I say again--YOU know perverts want and will go into the bathrooms--YOU KNOW it--don't try to deny it
so--you want to make it LEGAL and EASIER for them???!!!!

this as ALL over the news--the pope and child molestation
priests have been raping/molesting children all over the world for years
‘We showed no care for the little ones’, says pope about church child sex abuse

George Michael arrested over `lewd act'
THE singer George Michael was arrested in a Beverly Hills park, after being caught in a "lewd act" in a public lavatory
Larry Craig scandal - Wikipedia
for lewd conductin a men's restroom
Unreported: 1,500 pedophile arrests made nationally since Trump took office
30 Alarming Statistics That Show The Reality Of Sexual Violence In America | HuffPost
Child Sexual Abuse Statistics
and these are the reported crimes--many go unreported

The subject is transgender people idiot!! What the fuck does any of this have to do with trans people??!!
And any perv can claim to be one and gain access to women and girls in bathrooms etc. Why do you want women and children put at risk, regressivepervert? Do you hate them that much?
Why do you insist on stupidly accusing me of wanting to put women and children at risk? Those pervs are going to do what they do regardless of the policy on transgender bathroom use. You are either not smart enough to see that, or you are dishonestly using as an excuse to punish trans people.

Maybe she keeps accusing you of wanting to put women and children at risk because you keep advocating things that put women and children at risk. And don't even try to give us, "They're going to do it anyway, so there's no reason we should stop doing things to make it easier for them."

You are definitely not smart, but even you aren't stupid enough to think that's logical.

Oh, and by the way, your little dig about how denying men in dresses the ability to come into the bathroom with us is "punishment" for them? My heart doesn't bleed. You'll excuse us if we don't agree with you that they have some sort of "right" to invade women's privacy.
Please explain and document how, where and when this has been an ongoing issue in places that allow trans-people to use the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity. Provide statistics on the number of sexual assaults and voyeurism that have been perpetrated by men pretending to be women.
sexual crimes are not common???!!!!!!!
go back and read my posts--
again--you are playing Mr Stupid-Sgt Schultz ''I Know Nothing''
...I say again--YOU know perverts want and will go into the bathrooms--YOU KNOW it--don't try to deny it
so--you want to make it LEGAL and EASIER for them???!!!!

this as ALL over the news--the pope and child molestation
priests have been raping/molesting children all over the world for years
‘We showed no care for the little ones’, says pope about church child sex abuse

George Michael arrested over `lewd act'
THE singer George Michael was arrested in a Beverly Hills park, after being caught in a "lewd act" in a public lavatory
Larry Craig scandal - Wikipedia
for lewd conductin a men's restroom
Unreported: 1,500 pedophile arrests made nationally since Trump took office
30 Alarming Statistics That Show The Reality Of Sexual Violence In America | HuffPost
Child Sexual Abuse Statistics
and these are the reported crimes--many go unreported

The subject is transgender people idiot!! What the fuck does any of this have to do with trans people??!!
And any perv can claim to be one and gain access to women and girls in bathrooms etc. Why do you want women and children put at risk, regressivepervert? Do you hate them that much?
Why do you insist on stupidly accusing me of wanting to put women and children at risk? Those pervs are going to do what they do regardless of the policy on transgender bathroom use. You are either not smart enough to see that, or you are dishonestly using as an excuse to punish trans people.

Maybe she keeps accusing you of wanting to put women and children at risk because you keep advocating things that put women and children at risk. And don't even try to give us, "They're going to do it anyway, so there's no reason we should stop doing things to make it easier for them."

You are definitely not smart, but even you aren't stupid enough to think that's logical.

Oh, and by the way, your little dig about how denying men in dresses the ability to come into the bathroom with us is "punishment" for them? My heart doesn't bleed. You'll excuse us if we don't agree with you that they have some sort of "right" to invade women's privacy.

The Perverted Parrot doesn't realize the policy makes it easier for them to do it. Well he does but to admit to it destroys his fragile defense of it
sexual crimes are not common???!!!!!!!
go back and read my posts--
again--you are playing Mr Stupid-Sgt Schultz ''I Know Nothing''
...I say again--YOU know perverts want and will go into the bathrooms--YOU KNOW it--don't try to deny it
so--you want to make it LEGAL and EASIER for them???!!!!

this as ALL over the news--the pope and child molestation
priests have been raping/molesting children all over the world for years
‘We showed no care for the little ones’, says pope about church child sex abuse

George Michael arrested over `lewd act'
Larry Craig scandal - Wikipedia
Unreported: 1,500 pedophile arrests made nationally since Trump took office
30 Alarming Statistics That Show The Reality Of Sexual Violence In America | HuffPost
Child Sexual Abuse Statistics
and these are the reported crimes--many go unreported

The subject is transgender people idiot!! What the fuck does any of this have to do with trans people??!!
And any perv can claim to be one and gain access to women and girls in bathrooms etc. Why do you want women and children put at risk, regressivepervert? Do you hate them that much?
Why do you insist on stupidly accusing me of wanting to put women and children at risk? Those pervs are going to do what they do regardless of the policy on transgender bathroom use. You are either not smart enough to see that, or you are dishonestly using as an excuse to punish trans people.
so let's not have any laws
do whatever you want

More moronic horseshit!

This is my final statement on my position regarding the issue of allowing transgender people, particularly trans women to use women’s bathrooms and locker rooms ( For those of you- and that is probably all of you, Transwoman refers to a person who previously lived as a male and who now identifies as a female)

First of all, your allegations that I want to place women and children at risk of sexual assault by perverts is ignorant, hatful and stupid. I spent a career protecting women and girls from abuse and prosecuting the perpetrators who preyed on them.

At the same time, I have a long track record of advocating for minorities, including sexual minorities – and transsexuals are perhaps the most maligned sexual minority of all. The issue of transsexuality is complex, from both a biological and psychosexual perspective. There is much that we don’t understand. However, the dumbfucks who insist that it is just a fad or a trend, and that these people just wake up one day and decide that they want to be another gender, is pure ignorance if you believe it , and born of bigotry if you don’t.

The fact Is that these people believe themselves to be- and identify as the gender that does not correspond to that which was assigned to the at birth. There are many theories and possible reasons for this. While it was thought to be purely psychological, there is now evidence that there are biological and neurological elements – such as intersexuality – that contribute to gender dysphoria.

I’ll stop there before getting into anything more technical because I know that you people have neither the intellectual capacity or the interest to absorb it, and that you are too invested in your to ignorant and bigotry to care.

As far a bathrooms go, the transwomen are in fact WOMEN and are not a threat to women and girls in the bathroom. Yes, there have been a few documented cases of pervert men invading women’s rooms in the guise of a women and claiming to be transgender -claiming that they have a right to be there because of the laws that allow trans people to use the bathroom of the gender that they identify with . However, that is not a reason rob trans people of the right to the dignity and respect that they deserve. The gender dysphoria that they experience is not a choice and is no fault of their own, and they should not be punished for it.

Those perverts who take advantage of the law should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But to discriminate and disparage trans-people is tantamount to blaming the victim. Again, any suggestion that I want to put women and children at risk is stupid and offensive. I really don’t know if you people actually believe you own bullshit -or- if you are really just that stupid. Now shut the fuck up!

Got that, everyone? That's his "final statement", very definitive, so THIS time, you have to suddenly change your minds and say, "Oh, okay, I was wrong, I guess it IS a good idea to make women afraid to speak up in their own defense because it might hurt some crazy man's feelings." Forget the 60,000 OTHER times he has told us categorically that it is his position that women need to shut up and do as they're told around the people they're told to do it around and we all thought he was a misogynist moron. THIS is his final statement, so THAT means that this time, we have to agree with him.

Or, alternatively, we can tell him again that he's a woman-abusing piece of shit whose position and feelings don't mean a fart in a windstorm to us, and hope and pray he actually means it when he says this is his "final statement", and actually shuts up.
The subject is transgender people idiot!! What the fuck does any of this have to do with trans people??!!
And any perv can claim to be one and gain access to women and girls in bathrooms etc. Why do you want women and children put at risk, regressivepervert? Do you hate them that much?
Why do you insist on stupidly accusing me of wanting to put women and children at risk? Those pervs are going to do what they do regardless of the policy on transgender bathroom use. You are either not smart enough to see that, or you are dishonestly using as an excuse to punish trans people.
so let's not have any laws
do whatever you want

More moronic horseshit!

This is my final statement on my position regarding the issue of allowing transgender people, particularly trans women to use women’s bathrooms and locker rooms ( For those of you- and that is probably all of you, Transwoman refers to a person who previously lived as a male and who now identifies as a female)

First of all, your allegations that I want to place women and children at risk of sexual assault by perverts is ignorant, hatful and stupid. I spent a career protecting women and girls from abuse and prosecuting the perpetrators who preyed on them.

At the same time, I have a long track record of advocating for minorities, including sexual minorities – and transsexuals are perhaps the most maligned sexual minority of all. The issue of transsexuality is complex, from both a biological and psychosexual perspective. There is much that we don’t understand. However, the dumbfucks who insist that it is just a fad or a trend, and that these people just wake up one day and decide that they want to be another gender, is pure ignorance if you believe it , and born of bigotry if you don’t.

The fact Is that these people believe themselves to be- and identify as the gender that does not correspond to that which was assigned to the at birth. There are many theories and possible reasons for this. While it was thought to be purely psychological, there is now evidence that there are biological and neurological elements – such as intersexuality – that contribute to gender dysphoria.

I’ll stop there before getting into anything more technical because I know that you people have neither the intellectual capacity or the interest to absorb it, and that you are too invested in your to ignorant and bigotry to care.

As far a bathrooms go, the transwomen are in fact WOMEN and are not a threat to women and girls in the bathroom. Yes, there have been a few documented cases of pervert men invading women’s rooms in the guise of a women and claiming to be transgender -claiming that they have a right to be there because of the laws that allow trans people to use the bathroom of the gender that they identify with . However, that is not a reason rob trans people of the right to the dignity and respect that they deserve. The gender dysphoria that they experience is not a choice and is no fault of their own, and they should not be punished for it.

Those perverts who take advantage of the law should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But to discriminate and disparage trans-people is tantamount to blaming the victim. Again, any suggestion that I want to put women and children at risk is stupid and offensive. I really don’t know if you people actually believe you own bullshit -or- if you are really just that stupid. Now shut the fuck up!

Got that, everyone? That's his "final statement", very definitive, so THIS time, you have to suddenly change your minds and say, "Oh, okay, I was wrong, I guess it IS a good idea to make women afraid to speak up in their own defense because it might hurt some crazy man's feelings." Forget the 60,000 OTHER times he has told us categorically that it is his position that women need to shut up and do as they're told around the people they're told to do it around and we all thought he was a misogynist moron. THIS is his final statement, so THAT means that this time, we have to agree with him.

Or, alternatively, we can tell him again that he's a woman-abusing piece of shit whose position and feelings don't mean a fart in a windstorm to us, and hope and pray he actually means it when he says this is his "final statement", and actually shuts up.

Yes I did say that was my final word, but this continuing, hysterical, over the top horseshit has to be addressed. I will not allow you to lie and slander me, by portraying me as a hater of women who wants them to shut up. You also lie about my desire to put women and children at risk of sexual assault .

Transgender people are real people who identify as the opposite gender from the one that they were assigned at birth. Gender dysphoria is not a joke but you and others here have neither the intellectual ability, or emotional maturity to have any compassion or empathy for them. A transwoman is NOT a man any longer and anyone who thinks otherwise is just plain stupid. Either that or you are a shameless liar who is just using this bathroom thing to promote bigoted policies.

Transgender people are no more of a treat to others than anyone else, and probably less so. To bar them from using the bathroom of their choice is an affront to their dignity. In addition, to say that they should be banned from doing so because some pervert might use the law to impersonate a woman is like saying that religious institution should not be granted exemptions from laws against discrimination because someone who is just a bigot-claiming to be a church- might take advantage. If you can’t see the analogy, there is something seriously wrong with you. You cannot punish anyone for what others do, or might do. Got that everyone??
I will not allow you to lie and slander me, by portraying me as a hater of women who wants them to shut up. You also lie about my desire to put women and children at risk of sexual assault .
But you must have so little regard for women and young girls if you want to give pervs access to them, and you clearly do.

You also end your posts to the women concerned about this mysoginistic abuse with ‘shut the F***k up’!

Clearly you put the ‘rights’ of perverts over the safety of women and children. That’s pretty damn sick, PeePee.
Last edited:
And any perv can claim to be one and gain access to women and girls in bathrooms etc. Why do you want women and children put at risk, regressivepervert? Do you hate them that much?
Why do you insist on stupidly accusing me of wanting to put women and children at risk? Those pervs are going to do what they do regardless of the policy on transgender bathroom use. You are either not smart enough to see that, or you are dishonestly using as an excuse to punish trans people.
so let's not have any laws
do whatever you want

More moronic horseshit!

This is my final statement on my position regarding the issue of allowing transgender people, particularly trans women to use women’s bathrooms and locker rooms ( For those of you- and that is probably all of you, Transwoman refers to a person who previously lived as a male and who now identifies as a female)

First of all, your allegations that I want to place women and children at risk of sexual assault by perverts is ignorant, hatful and stupid. I spent a career protecting women and girls from abuse and prosecuting the perpetrators who preyed on them.

At the same time, I have a long track record of advocating for minorities, including sexual minorities – and transsexuals are perhaps the most maligned sexual minority of all. The issue of transsexuality is complex, from both a biological and psychosexual perspective. There is much that we don’t understand. However, the dumbfucks who insist that it is just a fad or a trend, and that these people just wake up one day and decide that they want to be another gender, is pure ignorance if you believe it , and born of bigotry if you don’t.

The fact Is that these people believe themselves to be- and identify as the gender that does not correspond to that which was assigned to the at birth. There are many theories and possible reasons for this. While it was thought to be purely psychological, there is now evidence that there are biological and neurological elements – such as intersexuality – that contribute to gender dysphoria.

I’ll stop there before getting into anything more technical because I know that you people have neither the intellectual capacity or the interest to absorb it, and that you are too invested in your to ignorant and bigotry to care.

As far a bathrooms go, the transwomen are in fact WOMEN and are not a threat to women and girls in the bathroom. Yes, there have been a few documented cases of pervert men invading women’s rooms in the guise of a women and claiming to be transgender -claiming that they have a right to be there because of the laws that allow trans people to use the bathroom of the gender that they identify with . However, that is not a reason rob trans people of the right to the dignity and respect that they deserve. The gender dysphoria that they experience is not a choice and is no fault of their own, and they should not be punished for it.

Those perverts who take advantage of the law should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But to discriminate and disparage trans-people is tantamount to blaming the victim. Again, any suggestion that I want to put women and children at risk is stupid and offensive. I really don’t know if you people actually believe you own bullshit -or- if you are really just that stupid. Now shut the fuck up!

Got that, everyone? That's his "final statement", very definitive, so THIS time, you have to suddenly change your minds and say, "Oh, okay, I was wrong, I guess it IS a good idea to make women afraid to speak up in their own defense because it might hurt some crazy man's feelings." Forget the 60,000 OTHER times he has told us categorically that it is his position that women need to shut up and do as they're told around the people they're told to do it around and we all thought he was a misogynist moron. THIS is his final statement, so THAT means that this time, we have to agree with him.

Or, alternatively, we can tell him again that he's a woman-abusing piece of shit whose position and feelings don't mean a fart in a windstorm to us, and hope and pray he actually means it when he says this is his "final statement", and actually shuts up.

Yes I did say that was my final word, but this continuing, hysterical, over the top horseshit has to be addressed. I will not allow you to lie and slander me, by portraying me as a hater of women who wants them to shut up. You also lie about my desire to put women and children at risk of sexual assault .

Transgender people are real people who identify as the opposite gender from the one that they were assigned at birth. Gender dysphoria is not a joke but you and others here have neither the intellectual ability, or emotional maturity to have any compassion or empathy for them. A transwoman is NOT a man any longer and anyone who thinks otherwise is just plain stupid. Either that or you are a shameless liar who is just using this bathroom thing to promote bigoted policies.

Transgender people are no more of a treat to others than anyone else, and probably less so. To bar them from using the bathroom of their choice is an affront to their dignity. In addition, to say that they should be banned from doing so because some pervert might use the law to impersonate a woman is like saying that religious institution should not be granted exemptions from laws against discrimination because someone who is just a bigot-claiming to be a church- might take advantage. If you can’t see the analogy, there is something seriously wrong with you. You cannot punish anyone for what others do, or might do. Got that everyone??
they are mentally unstable--I linked this before
....FINE--they can be whatever they want to be--man-woman-both-lobster-flashlight-etc----but don't SHOVE it down OUR throats
....we will not let perverts/mentally unstable opposite sexers in with our kids
And any perv can claim to be one and gain access to women and girls in bathrooms etc. Why do you want women and children put at risk, regressivepervert? Do you hate them that much?
Why do you insist on stupidly accusing me of wanting to put women and children at risk? Those pervs are going to do what they do regardless of the policy on transgender bathroom use. You are either not smart enough to see that, or you are dishonestly using as an excuse to punish trans people.
so let's not have any laws
do whatever you want

More moronic horseshit!

This is my final statement on my position regarding the issue of allowing transgender people, particularly trans women to use women’s bathrooms and locker rooms ( For those of you- and that is probably all of you, Transwoman refers to a person who previously lived as a male and who now identifies as a female)

First of all, your allegations that I want to place women and children at risk of sexual assault by perverts is ignorant, hatful and stupid. I spent a career protecting women and girls from abuse and prosecuting the perpetrators who preyed on them.

At the same time, I have a long track record of advocating for minorities, including sexual minorities – and transsexuals are perhaps the most maligned sexual minority of all. The issue of transsexuality is complex, from both a biological and psychosexual perspective. There is much that we don’t understand. However, the dumbfucks who insist that it is just a fad or a trend, and that these people just wake up one day and decide that they want to be another gender, is pure ignorance if you believe it , and born of bigotry if you don’t.

The fact Is that these people believe themselves to be- and identify as the gender that does not correspond to that which was assigned to the at birth. There are many theories and possible reasons for this. While it was thought to be purely psychological, there is now evidence that there are biological and neurological elements – such as intersexuality – that contribute to gender dysphoria.

I’ll stop there before getting into anything more technical because I know that you people have neither the intellectual capacity or the interest to absorb it, and that you are too invested in your to ignorant and bigotry to care.

As far a bathrooms go, the transwomen are in fact WOMEN and are not a threat to women and girls in the bathroom. Yes, there have been a few documented cases of pervert men invading women’s rooms in the guise of a women and claiming to be transgender -claiming that they have a right to be there because of the laws that allow trans people to use the bathroom of the gender that they identify with . However, that is not a reason rob trans people of the right to the dignity and respect that they deserve. The gender dysphoria that they experience is not a choice and is no fault of their own, and they should not be punished for it.

Those perverts who take advantage of the law should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But to discriminate and disparage trans-people is tantamount to blaming the victim. Again, any suggestion that I want to put women and children at risk is stupid and offensive. I really don’t know if you people actually believe you own bullshit -or- if you are really just that stupid. Now shut the fuck up!

Got that, everyone? That's his "final statement", very definitive, so THIS time, you have to suddenly change your minds and say, "Oh, okay, I was wrong, I guess it IS a good idea to make women afraid to speak up in their own defense because it might hurt some crazy man's feelings." Forget the 60,000 OTHER times he has told us categorically that it is his position that women need to shut up and do as they're told around the people they're told to do it around and we all thought he was a misogynist moron. THIS is his final statement, so THAT means that this time, we have to agree with him.

Or, alternatively, we can tell him again that he's a woman-abusing piece of shit whose position and feelings don't mean a fart in a windstorm to us, and hope and pray he actually means it when he says this is his "final statement", and actually shuts up.

Yes I did say that was my final word, but this continuing, hysterical, over the top horseshit has to be addressed. I will not allow you to lie and slander me, by portraying me as a hater of women who wants them to shut up. You also lie about my desire to put women and children at risk of sexual assault .

Transgender people are real people who identify as the opposite gender from the one that they were assigned at birth. Gender dysphoria is not a joke but you and others here have neither the intellectual ability, or emotional maturity to have any compassion or empathy for them. A transwoman is NOT a man any longer and anyone who thinks otherwise is just plain stupid. Either that or you are a shameless liar who is just using this bathroom thing to promote bigoted policies.

Transgender people are no more of a treat to others than anyone else, and probably less so. To bar them from using the bathroom of their choice is an affront to their dignity. In addition, to say that they should be banned from doing so because some pervert might use the law to impersonate a woman is like saying that religious institution should not be granted exemptions from laws against discrimination because someone who is just a bigot-claiming to be a church- might take advantage. If you can’t see the analogy, there is something seriously wrong with you. You cannot punish anyone for what others do, or might do. Got that everyone??
...Shut the fuck up
I see unisex bathrooms
That’s nice.

And any perv can claim to be one and gain access to women and girls in bathrooms etc. Why do you want women and children put at risk, regressivepervert? Do you hate them that much?
Why do you insist on stupidly accusing me of wanting to put women and children at risk? Those pervs are going to do what they do regardless of the policy on transgender bathroom use. You are either not smart enough to see that, or you are dishonestly using as an excuse to punish trans people.
so let's not have any laws
do whatever you want

More moronic horseshit!

This is my final statement on my position regarding the issue of allowing transgender people, particularly trans women to use women’s bathrooms and locker rooms ( For those of you- and that is probably all of you, Transwoman refers to a person who previously lived as a male and who now identifies as a female)

First of all, your allegations that I want to place women and children at risk of sexual assault by perverts is ignorant, hatful and stupid. I spent a career protecting women and girls from abuse and prosecuting the perpetrators who preyed on them.

At the same time, I have a long track record of advocating for minorities, including sexual minorities – and transsexuals are perhaps the most maligned sexual minority of all. The issue of transsexuality is complex, from both a biological and psychosexual perspective. There is much that we don’t understand. However, the dumbfucks who insist that it is just a fad or a trend, and that these people just wake up one day and decide that they want to be another gender, is pure ignorance if you believe it , and born of bigotry if you don’t.

The fact Is that these people believe themselves to be- and identify as the gender that does not correspond to that which was assigned to the at birth. There are many theories and possible reasons for this. While it was thought to be purely psychological, there is now evidence that there are biological and neurological elements – such as intersexuality – that contribute to gender dysphoria.

I’ll stop there before getting into anything more technical because I know that you people have neither the intellectual capacity or the interest to absorb it, and that you are too invested in your to ignorant and bigotry to care.

As far a bathrooms go, the transwomen are in fact WOMEN and are not a threat to women and girls in the bathroom. Yes, there have been a few documented cases of pervert men invading women’s rooms in the guise of a women and claiming to be transgender -claiming that they have a right to be there because of the laws that allow trans people to use the bathroom of the gender that they identify with . However, that is not a reason rob trans people of the right to the dignity and respect that they deserve. The gender dysphoria that they experience is not a choice and is no fault of their own, and they should not be punished for it.

Those perverts who take advantage of the law should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. But to discriminate and disparage trans-people is tantamount to blaming the victim. Again, any suggestion that I want to put women and children at risk is stupid and offensive. I really don’t know if you people actually believe you own bullshit -or- if you are really just that stupid. Now shut the fuck up!

Got that, everyone? That's his "final statement", very definitive, so THIS time, you have to suddenly change your minds and say, "Oh, okay, I was wrong, I guess it IS a good idea to make women afraid to speak up in their own defense because it might hurt some crazy man's feelings." Forget the 60,000 OTHER times he has told us categorically that it is his position that women need to shut up and do as they're told around the people they're told to do it around and we all thought he was a misogynist moron. THIS is his final statement, so THAT means that this time, we have to agree with him.

Or, alternatively, we can tell him again that he's a woman-abusing piece of shit whose position and feelings don't mean a fart in a windstorm to us, and hope and pray he actually means it when he says this is his "final statement", and actually shuts up.

Yes I did say that was my final word, but this continuing, hysterical, over the top horseshit has to be addressed. I will not allow you to lie and slander me, by portraying me as a hater of women who wants them to shut up. You also lie about my desire to put women and children at risk of sexual assault .

Transgender people are real people who identify as the opposite gender from the one that they were assigned at birth. Gender dysphoria is not a joke but you and others here have neither the intellectual ability, or emotional maturity to have any compassion or empathy for them. A transwoman is NOT a man any longer and anyone who thinks otherwise is just plain stupid. Either that or you are a shameless liar who is just using this bathroom thing to promote bigoted policies.

Transgender people are no more of a treat to others than anyone else, and probably less so. To bar them from using the bathroom of their choice is an affront to their dignity. In addition, to say that they should be banned from doing so because some pervert might use the law to impersonate a woman is like saying that religious institution should not be granted exemptions from laws against discrimination because someone who is just a bigot-claiming to be a church- might take advantage. If you can’t see the analogy, there is something seriously wrong with you. You cannot punish anyone for what others do, or might do. Got that everyone??


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