Man gets two years probation for confronting foreigner with a Puerto Rican shirt on

Says you, citing yourself.

The actual law contradicts you.

§1402. Persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899
All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899, and prior to January 13, 1941, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, residing on January 13, 1941, in Puerto Rico or other territory over which the United States exercises rights of sovereignty and not citizens of the United States under any other Act, are declared to be citizens of the United States as of January 13, 1941. All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, are citizens of the United States at birth.

(June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title III, ch. 1, §302, 66 Stat. 236 .)

Now why would I or any rational person ignore the ACTUAL law in favor of whatever meaningless nonsense you make up?
So you are okay with American citizens not paying taxes and not being able to vote! Got it.
You seem confused. Puerto Ricans are able to vote and they do pay taxes. Just not for president...and not federal income taxes if they happen to reside in Puerto Rico.

And if you moved to Puerto Rico, neither would you.

And you'd be no less a U.S. Citizen for it.
No, they don’t pay federal income taxes. They should stop leeching off the Taxpayers.

Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Mississippi, Kentucky, Montana.......they all receive more in federal money than they pay.

Should all those Red States stop leeching off the Tax Payers?
So, yes. Go to a flat tax! Stop the bullshit.

Flat taxes don't have a thing to do with a State paying more than it takes in.

Perhaps you're referring to apportionment.....which would be relevant. But also isn't a constitutional requirement for income taxes since the 16th amendment.

Do I really need to spoon feed you your own argument?
'Foreign to you' isn't a legal standard. Its just meaningless pseudo-legal gibbering.

Back in the ACTUAL law, Puerto Ricans are Americans:

§1402. Persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899
All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899, and prior to January 13, 1941, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, residing on January 13, 1941, in Puerto Rico or other territory over which the United States exercises rights of sovereignty and not citizens of the United States under any other Act, are declared to be citizens of the United States as of January 13, 1941. All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, are citizens of the United States at birth.

(June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title III, ch. 1, §302, 66 Stat. 236 .)

Puerto Ricans are undeniably American citizens. Puerto Rico is undeniably part of the United States. Thus, they aren't 'foreigners'. They're Americans.
Yes to bureaucrats and lawmakers not with the people I didn’t get a vote

Of course we do we elect the fucking president you moron

Who are you responding to, exactly? There's nothing about the President in what you're replying to. Try again.

"You're not 'the people'. You're nobody.

And the people don't get to direct vote for federal laws. They never have.

You really need to take a look at the Constitution. As its the Constitution you really have a problem with. Not Puerto Ricans"

This time read for comprehension.
Of course we vote for federal law we vote for the top executive you moron

No, your representatives vote directly for federal law. You don't get a direct vote. You vote for a representative. And the representative votes on your behalf.

Do you genuinely not get how this works?
We Americans that live around Puerto Ricans do not consider them equal to us and we don’t have to

Your personal personal bigotry doesn't change the law in the slighest. Nor does it change anyone's citizenship status. As you're nobody.

While Puerto Rico is definitely part of the United States. And Puerto Ricans are definitely US citizens
My sisters are ricans and no I don’t

Your sisteers being Puerto Ricans doesn't make you immune to bigotry. Or change the laws. Or change anyone's citizenship status.

You keep offering us standards that are meaningless. Meanwhile, the law is clear:

§1402. Persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899
All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899, and prior to January 13, 1941, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, residing on January 13, 1941, in Puerto Rico or other territory over which the United States exercises rights of sovereignty and not citizens of the United States under any other Act, are declared to be citizens of the United States as of January 13, 1941. All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, are citizens of the United States at birth.

(June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title III, ch. 1, §302, 66 Stat. 236 .)

And in any contest between you and the USC, the USC wins.
Except when democrats decide they don’t like laws. Then they gladly ignore them. Hypocrite

I'm not the one ignoring the law on Puerto Rico. I'm the one citing it.

If you believe in the sanctity of the law, then the law is clear:

§1402. Persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899
All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899, and prior to January 13, 1941, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, residing on January 13, 1941, in Puerto Rico or other territory over which the United States exercises rights of sovereignty and not citizens of the United States under any other Act, are declared to be citizens of the United States as of January 13, 1941. All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, are citizens of the United States at birth.

(June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title III, ch. 1, §302, 66 Stat. 236 .)

Puerto Ricans are US citizens.
Yes to bureaucrats and lawmakers not with the people I didn’t get a vote

Of course we do we elect the fucking president you moron

Who are you responding to, exactly? There's nothing about the President in what you're replying to. Try again.

"You're not 'the people'. You're nobody.

And the people don't get to direct vote for federal laws. They never have.

You really need to take a look at the Constitution. As its the Constitution you really have a problem with. Not Puerto Ricans"

This time read for comprehension.
Of course we vote for federal law we vote for the top executive you moron

No, your representatives vote directly for federal law. You don't get a direct vote. You vote for a representative. And the representative votes on your behalf.

Do you genuinely not get how this works?
We have questions on the ballot you fuck tard lol
They aren’t citizens
Of course we do we elect the fucking president you moron

Who are you responding to, exactly? There's nothing about the President in what you're replying to. Try again.

"You're not 'the people'. You're nobody.

And the people don't get to direct vote for federal laws. They never have.

You really need to take a look at the Constitution. As its the Constitution you really have a problem with. Not Puerto Ricans"

This time read for comprehension.
Of course we vote for federal law we vote for the top executive you moron

No, your representatives vote directly for federal law. You don't get a direct vote. You vote for a representative. And the representative votes on your behalf.

Do you genuinely not get how this works?
We have questions on the ballot you fuck tard lol
They aren’t citizens

Not for Federal law, you don't. You're very confused. There is no direct vote by the people on federal laws. Those votes are done by the members of congress and signed into law by the president.

Don't take my word for it. Here's the Constitution:

Constitution of the United States - We the People

Article 1 is a good place to start.

As for the citizenship status of Puerto Ricans, the law is crystal clear:

§1402. Persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899
All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899, and prior to January 13, 1941, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, residing on January 13, 1941, in Puerto Rico or other territory over which the United States exercises rights of sovereignty and not citizens of the United States under any other Act, are declared to be citizens of the United States as of January 13, 1941. All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, are citizens of the United States at birth.

(June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title III, ch. 1, §302, 66 Stat. 236 .)

Remember, you don't actually know what you're talking about.
Of course we do we elect the fucking president you moron

Who are you responding to, exactly? There's nothing about the President in what you're replying to. Try again.

"You're not 'the people'. You're nobody.

And the people don't get to direct vote for federal laws. They never have.

You really need to take a look at the Constitution. As its the Constitution you really have a problem with. Not Puerto Ricans"

This time read for comprehension.
Of course we vote for federal law we vote for the top executive you moron

No, your representatives vote directly for federal law. You don't get a direct vote. You vote for a representative. And the representative votes on your behalf.

Do you genuinely not get how this works?
We have questions on the ballot you fuck tard lol
They aren’t citizens

Not for Federal law, you don't. You're very confused. There is no direct vote by the people on federal laws. Those votes are done by the members of congress and signed into law by the president.

Don't take my word for it. Here's the Constitution:

Constitution of the United States - We the People

Article 1 is a good place to start.

As for the citizenship status of Puerto Ricans, the law is crystal clear:

§1402. Persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899
All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899, and prior to January 13, 1941, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, residing on January 13, 1941, in Puerto Rico or other territory over which the United States exercises rights of sovereignty and not citizens of the United States under any other Act, are declared to be citizens of the United States as of January 13, 1941. All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, are citizens of the United States at birth.

(June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title III, ch. 1, §302, 66 Stat. 236 .)

Remember, you don't actually know what you're talking about.
I want a vote in the ballot on the federal election.. let’s see what the people have to say..

Again bureaucrats added this island for some reason and these people can roam freely in my country it needs to stop .. they aren’t a state and have nothing in common with our culture..
Who are you responding to, exactly? There's nothing about the President in what you're replying to. Try again.

"You're not 'the people'. You're nobody.

And the people don't get to direct vote for federal laws. They never have.

You really need to take a look at the Constitution. As its the Constitution you really have a problem with. Not Puerto Ricans"

This time read for comprehension.
Of course we vote for federal law we vote for the top executive you moron

No, your representatives vote directly for federal law. You don't get a direct vote. You vote for a representative. And the representative votes on your behalf.

Do you genuinely not get how this works?
We have questions on the ballot you fuck tard lol
They aren’t citizens

Not for Federal law, you don't. You're very confused. There is no direct vote by the people on federal laws. Those votes are done by the members of congress and signed into law by the president.

Don't take my word for it. Here's the Constitution:

Constitution of the United States - We the People

Article 1 is a good place to start.

As for the citizenship status of Puerto Ricans, the law is crystal clear:

§1402. Persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899
All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899, and prior to January 13, 1941, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, residing on January 13, 1941, in Puerto Rico or other territory over which the United States exercises rights of sovereignty and not citizens of the United States under any other Act, are declared to be citizens of the United States as of January 13, 1941. All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, are citizens of the United States at birth.

(June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title III, ch. 1, §302, 66 Stat. 236 .)

Remember, you don't actually know what you're talking about.
I want a vote in the ballot on the federal election.. let’s see what the people have to say..

The people don't vote directly for any federal law. They never have. What you're demanding is extra-legal and has no constitutional basis.

No thank you.
where did Americans get to vote for that fucking piece of shit land Puerto Rico ?

Your hapless confusion on the very basics of our system of government or how the constitution works is obvious.

No where in the constitution does it say that Americans get to vote directly for federal laws. Instead, the people elect members of the House (and since the 17th amendment, senators) who write and vote on laws. When signed into law by the President these become federal law.

The people don't vote one ANY federal law directly. They never have.

We did it it was decided by a few bureaucrats , we should flip all you liberal Democrats the bill that want to keep this goddamn island .. I bet you would cut and run in a heart beat! And they will never vote for the president of the United States of America ever

And by 'a few bureaucrats' you mean elected members of congress granted authority by the constitution to write such laws? You're literally railing against representative democracy.

You really don't seem to care much for the constitution and its processes, instead being openly hostile to both.
I’d like to think we should get a vote if we are going to add a foreign island to our constitution.. call me crazy they kinda destroyed many inner cities across America

We didn't add 'foreign islands to our constitution'. We added territory to the United States. And the US has always been the States and Territories.
It’s a foreign island lol

Nope. Its a US territory. And everyone in it is an American.

The US is the States and Territories.

You simply don't know what you're talking about.

The boy ain’t right in the head.
Of course we do we elect the fucking president you moron

Who are you responding to, exactly? There's nothing about the President in what you're replying to. Try again.

"You're not 'the people'. You're nobody.

And the people don't get to direct vote for federal laws. They never have.

You really need to take a look at the Constitution. As its the Constitution you really have a problem with. Not Puerto Ricans"

This time read for comprehension.
Of course we vote for federal law we vote for the top executive you moron

No, your representatives vote directly for federal law. You don't get a direct vote. You vote for a representative. And the representative votes on your behalf.

Do you genuinely not get how this works?
We have questions on the ballot you fuck tard lol
They aren’t citizens

Not for Federal law, you don't. You're very confused. There is no direct vote by the people on federal laws. Those votes are done by the members of congress and signed into law by the president.

Don't take my word for it. Here's the Constitution:

Constitution of the United States - We the People

Article 1 is a good place to start.

As for the citizenship status of Puerto Ricans, the law is crystal clear:

§1402. Persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899
All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899, and prior to January 13, 1941, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, residing on January 13, 1941, in Puerto Rico or other territory over which the United States exercises rights of sovereignty and not citizens of the United States under any other Act, are declared to be citizens of the United States as of January 13, 1941. All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, are citizens of the United States at birth.

(June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title III, ch. 1, §302, 66 Stat. 236 .)

Remember, you don't actually know what you're talking about.
By the way we’ve had federal questions on the ballot
Federal constitutional issues on the ballot - Ballotpedia

Get a education
Of course we vote for federal law we vote for the top executive you moron

No, your representatives vote directly for federal law. You don't get a direct vote. You vote for a representative. And the representative votes on your behalf.

Do you genuinely not get how this works?
We have questions on the ballot you fuck tard lol
They aren’t citizens

Not for Federal law, you don't. You're very confused. There is no direct vote by the people on federal laws. Those votes are done by the members of congress and signed into law by the president.

Don't take my word for it. Here's the Constitution:

Constitution of the United States - We the People

Article 1 is a good place to start.

As for the citizenship status of Puerto Ricans, the law is crystal clear:

§1402. Persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899
All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899, and prior to January 13, 1941, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, residing on January 13, 1941, in Puerto Rico or other territory over which the United States exercises rights of sovereignty and not citizens of the United States under any other Act, are declared to be citizens of the United States as of January 13, 1941. All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, are citizens of the United States at birth.

(June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title III, ch. 1, §302, 66 Stat. 236 .)

Remember, you don't actually know what you're talking about.
I want a vote in the ballot on the federal election.. let’s see what the people have to say..

The people don't vote directly for any federal law. They never have. What you're demanding is extra-legal and has no constitutional basis.

No thank you.
Federal constitutional issues on the ballot - Ballotpedia

You are wrong bitch
Yes to bureaucrats and lawmakers not with the people I didn’t get a vote

Of course we do we elect the fucking president you moron

Who are you responding to, exactly? There's nothing about the President in what you're replying to. Try again.

"You're not 'the people'. You're nobody.

And the people don't get to direct vote for federal laws. They never have.

You really need to take a look at the Constitution. As its the Constitution you really have a problem with. Not Puerto Ricans"

This time read for comprehension.
Of course we vote for federal law we vote for the top executive you moron

No, your representatives vote directly for federal law. You don't get a direct vote. You vote for a representative. And the representative votes on your behalf.

Do you genuinely not get how this works?

He genuinely doesn’t know his ass from his elbow.
By leader of the movement in Boston I’m going to mandate that this question about Puerto Rico be on the next ballot
Who are you responding to, exactly? There's nothing about the President in what you're replying to. Try again.

"You're not 'the people'. You're nobody.

And the people don't get to direct vote for federal laws. They never have.

You really need to take a look at the Constitution. As its the Constitution you really have a problem with. Not Puerto Ricans"

This time read for comprehension.
Of course we vote for federal law we vote for the top executive you moron

No, your representatives vote directly for federal law. You don't get a direct vote. You vote for a representative. And the representative votes on your behalf.

Do you genuinely not get how this works?
We have questions on the ballot you fuck tard lol
They aren’t citizens

Not for Federal law, you don't. You're very confused. There is no direct vote by the people on federal laws. Those votes are done by the members of congress and signed into law by the president.

Don't take my word for it. Here's the Constitution:

Constitution of the United States - We the People

Article 1 is a good place to start.

As for the citizenship status of Puerto Ricans, the law is crystal clear:

§1402. Persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899
All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899, and prior to January 13, 1941, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, residing on January 13, 1941, in Puerto Rico or other territory over which the United States exercises rights of sovereignty and not citizens of the United States under any other Act, are declared to be citizens of the United States as of January 13, 1941. All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, are citizens of the United States at birth.

(June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title III, ch. 1, §302, 66 Stat. 236 .)

Remember, you don't actually know what you're talking about.
By the way we’ve had federal questions on the ballot
Federal constitutional issues on the ballot - Ballotpedia

Get a education

Again, you're confused. What you just cited were STATE initiatives to amend the constitution.

Not direct votes for US federal law.

You genuinely lack a sufficient basis of knowledge to discuss this topic intelligently.
By leader of the movement in Boston I’m going to mandate that this question about Puerto Rico be on the next ballot

There is no 'federal ballot' allowing the people to vote directly for federal laws.

Again, you're horribly confused. You're citing STATE initiatives.

Do you not get the difference between State and Federal?
Of course we do we elect the fucking president you moron

Who are you responding to, exactly? There's nothing about the President in what you're replying to. Try again.

"You're not 'the people'. You're nobody.

And the people don't get to direct vote for federal laws. They never have.

You really need to take a look at the Constitution. As its the Constitution you really have a problem with. Not Puerto Ricans"

This time read for comprehension.
Of course we vote for federal law we vote for the top executive you moron

No, your representatives vote directly for federal law. You don't get a direct vote. You vote for a representative. And the representative votes on your behalf.

Do you genuinely not get how this works?

He genuinely doesn’t know his ass from his elbow.

Oh, that I get. I'm just getting a read on how little.

At this point, it doesn't seem he can tell the difference between federal laws.....and STATE initiatives to amend the constitution.

The difference between State and Federal is a pretty basic piece of knowledge one must have to discuss these topics.
By leader of the movement in Boston I’m going to mandate that this question about Puerto Rico be on the next ballot

There is no 'federal ballot' allowing the people to vote directly for federal laws.

Again, you're horribly confused. You're citing STATE initiatives.

Do you not get the difference between State and Federal?
Yes and each state can vote on the question TO CHANGE FEDERAL LAW. Like it’s been done before..

WE THE PEOPLE,, not we the Bureaucrats
We Americans that live around Puerto Ricans do not consider them equal to us and we don’t have to

Your personal personal bigotry doesn't change the law in the slighest. Nor does it change anyone's citizenship status. As you're nobody.

While Puerto Rico is definitely part of the United States. And Puerto Ricans are definitely US citizens
My sisters are ricans and no I don’t

Your sisteers being Puerto Ricans doesn't make you immune to bigotry. Or change the laws. Or change anyone's citizenship status.

You keep offering us standards that are meaningless. Meanwhile, the law is clear:

§1402. Persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899
All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899, and prior to January 13, 1941, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, residing on January 13, 1941, in Puerto Rico or other territory over which the United States exercises rights of sovereignty and not citizens of the United States under any other Act, are declared to be citizens of the United States as of January 13, 1941. All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, are citizens of the United States at birth.

(June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title III, ch. 1, §302, 66 Stat. 236 .)

And in any contest between you and the USC, the USC wins.
Except when democrats decide they don’t like laws. Then they gladly ignore them. Hypocrite

I'm not the one ignoring the law on Puerto Rico. I'm the one citing it.

If you believe in the sanctity of the law, then the law is clear:

§1402. Persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899
All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after April 11, 1899, and prior to January 13, 1941, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, residing on January 13, 1941, in Puerto Rico or other territory over which the United States exercises rights of sovereignty and not citizens of the United States under any other Act, are declared to be citizens of the United States as of January 13, 1941. All persons born in Puerto Rico on or after January 13, 1941, and subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, are citizens of the United States at birth.

(June 27, 1952, ch. 477, title III, ch. 1, §302, 66 Stat. 236 .)

Puerto Ricans are US citizens.
And as such should pay federal income tax.
By leader of the movement in Boston I’m going to mandate that this question about Puerto Rico be on the next ballot

There is no 'federal ballot' allowing the people to vote directly for federal laws.

Again, you're horribly confused. You're citing STATE initiatives.

Do you not get the difference between State and Federal?
Yes and each state can vote on the question TO CHANGE FEDERAL LAW. Like it’s been done before..

No, they can't. The people have no direct say in the creation of federal laws.

What you're talking about is an amendment to the US constitution. It and it doesn't require any direct participation from the people either. Its all about the State Legislatures and what they will *allow*.

Your state might ALLOW you to vote on whether or not your state will support an amendment. But they don't have to. There's no constitutional requirement that they do. And even then, you're not voting to change federal law. You're voting in a STATE initiative that the State legislature has chosen to determine if the your State legislature will back an amendment.

There are layers of representative democracy between you and any change at the federal level.

WE THE PEOPLE,, not we the Bureaucrats

Alas, you are not 'the people'.

You simply have no idea what you're talking about.
So you are okay with American citizens not paying taxes and not being able to vote! Got it.
You seem confused. Puerto Ricans are able to vote and they do pay taxes. Just not for president...and not federal income taxes if they happen to reside in Puerto Rico.

And if you moved to Puerto Rico, neither would you.

And you'd be no less a U.S. Citizen for it.
No, they don’t pay federal income taxes. They should stop leeching off the Taxpayers.

Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Mississippi, Kentucky, Montana.......they all receive more in federal money than they pay.

Should all those Red States stop leeching off the Tax Payers?
So, yes. Go to a flat tax! Stop the bullshit.

Flat taxes don't have a thing to do with a State paying more than it takes in.

Perhaps you're referring to apportionment.....which would be relevant. But also isn't a constitutional requirement for income taxes since the 16th amendment.

Do I really need to spoon feed you your own argument?
A flat tax ends the bickering of who pays more. No exceptions, no excuses. No exemptions.

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