Man Who Claims He Tricked His Way Into Med School by Pretending to Be Black Thinks SCOTUS Got It Right on Affirmative Action


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Feb 16, 2016

Man Who Claims He Tricked His Way Into Med School by Pretending to Be Black Thinks SCOTUS

Got It Right on Affirmative Action

9 Jul 2023 ~~ By Bob Hoge

Vijay Jojo Chokal Ingam, brother of Hollywood actress Mindy Kaling, claims he pretended to be black to gain acceptance into medical school despite only so-so grades. He released a book in 2016 called “Almost Black: The True Story of How I Got Into Medical School By Pretending to Be Black” describing his winning strategy and the details of how he pulled it off.
On Sunday, he dropped an op-ed for the NY Post saying that he thinks that the Supreme Court got it right with their recent affirmative action decision but colleges and universities will likely try to find a way around it.
First, his backstory:
I know first-hand why Americans should make sure [that the SCOTUS ruling is enforced.]​
Back in 1998, I knew my odds of getting into medical school, as an Indian-American, would be better if I were black.​
So, being dark-skinned, I pretended I was black — and got accepted, despite a mediocre 3.1 GPA.​
He didn’t last long, though:
Once there, though, I found the going rough and dropped out.​
That made me realize that affirmative action really doesn’t really do anyone any favors.​
And it’s unfair to those who are excluded even though they were more deserving than those admitted on the basis of race.​
His last sentence is quite simple, and yet it sums up the whole debate neatly.

Ingam has an interesting story to tell, and he’s right that colleges and universities will fight this tooth and nail and probably come up with some ethically-dubious workarounds. That would be a bad thing because, as he writes, “Americans will be better off when we no longer have to worry about legally sanctioned discrimination — against people of any race.”

Obviously, he was successful in getting into the top prestigious but found it difficult to keep up.
The merit system is the best method of leveling tat playin system and makin it more competitive for all. Also giving black students opportunities they didn't deserve will hurt the black community in the long run as Thomas Sowell has written.
Well at first blush he looks black but most definitely Indian-American.

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