Man who ran over BLM rioters will NOT face charges

According to your post, Martin sought out Zimmerman - who, per your description, had lost contacts with him - confronted him, and initiated violence with an assault.

They can't separate the two situations.

Situation one: Zimmerman sees Martin, calls the police, Martin runs, Zimmerman chases, and loses Martin in a few seconds.

Situation two: After a minute talking with dispatch, Martin returns, assaults Zimmerman and puts him in a potential life or death situation where Zimmerman uses his firearm to stop the assault.

Zimmerman chasing Martin even if a few seconds was not smart; I certainly wouldn't have done it. He wanted to get too involved to help police. However, that does not give Martin legal rights to return and assault a stranger. Nor does it revoke Zimmerman's right to legally use a firearm to stop the assault.
You fucking moron, when have I ever stated that it is ok to attack anyone.

No it's racist idiots like you who pump the drum for a Race War knowing damn well your punk ass would be somewhere hiding in a closet. You never hear black folks talking about a damn race war that is you right wingers, conservatives, racist and other idiots.

Everytime you refuse to condemn leftist violence against conservatives.
This had nothing to do with foreign terrorism. They are all American citizens with no connection to international enemies which means they have all their constitutional rights.
Well tell that to Bush's corrupt politicians.
You know what. You guys are the ones that fall for these games that are stamped under the name of Patriot. If they call something Patriot, you guys get all gushy about it. Like if Bill Clinton tattooed the word Patriot on his pecker. You all will be the first to say "stick it in me".
George Washington warned the public about these false Patriots that go around waving the flag claiming to come in the name of Patriotism.

These people have been practicing corruption for centuries. That they already orchestrated the fake Jan 6th riot a year ago. Millie Weaver was trying to pre warn others that this Jan 6th rally was a set up.


It was totally justified. He was attacked and feared serious bodily harm or death which by law, warrants him using deadly force.
TM was standing his far does he have to run away?? Zim kept and kept going after him .........let's change TM for a woman, stalked by Zim and she shoots him would think she was justified
Trayvon didn't start off stalking/chasing Zimmerman, now did he? Who put this whole set of events into motion?
....yes, Zim not only initiated it, he exacerbated it--continually --when TM did nothing wrong--not one thing at all
...Zim created a problem when there was none
TM was standing his far does he have to run away?? Zim kept and kept going after him .........let's change TM for a woman, stalked by Zim and she shoots him would think she was justified

He was not standing his ground. Now if while being chased, Martin stopped, that would be a different story. Even if it was a SYG situation, the law does not give that person a right to attack another person.

I'm in a bar and a young punk threatens me and forces me out of the bar. I come back later and shoot him. That is not standing your ground and the law would never cover it. I came back to assault or kill him when I was under no threat. I left the bar, and that ended the confrontation.

Stand your ground includes self-defense and there is a fine line between assault and self-defense. In the bar the guy started to give me a hard time and put his fist back. I hit him and he falls to the ground. I acted in self-defense. The police would come, talk to a few witnesses, perhaps take the attacker to the hospital and then jail. Now if the cops walk in and the guy is unconscious and I'm beating his head against the corner of the bar, that is not self-defense. It turned from self-defense to assault when I didn't stop. I would be arrested and charged with assault.

Zimmerman suffered a broken nose, two black eyes, and several lacerations on the back of his head. If he was not armed and the police pulled up, Martin would have been arrested for felonious assault. What he did not self-defense, it was assault.
Well tell that to Bush's corrupt politicians.
You know what. You guys are the ones that fall for these games that are stamped under the name of Patriot. If they call something Patriot, you guys get all gushy about it. Like if Bill Clinton tattooed the word Patriot on his pecker. You all will be the first to say "stick it in me".
George Washington warned the public about these false Patriots that go around waving the flag claiming to come in the name of Patriotism.

These people have been practicing corruption for centuries. That they already orchestrated the fake Jan 6th riot a year ago. Millie Weaver was trying to pre warn others that this Jan 6th rally was a set up.

You're trying to change the subject and I don't know why. The arrests and unconstitutional holding of these suspects have nothing to do with the Patriot Act. We all were following the story, and as many reports as I've heard and read, nobody mentioned the government using the Patriot Act as a reason to hold these people. in fact some reports show that a few of these people are not only detained indefinitely, but in solitary confinement. They normally only use solitary confinement for mentally disturbed or uncontrollably violent prisoners. These guys sat at Piglosi's desk dressed up for Halloween for crying out loud.

This is Big Brother retaliation.
Are you mentally retarded or something? I just got done explaining it to you.
Your opinion doesn't mean shit unless you performed a autopsy on him which you didn't. Now you claimed he had bruises on his knuckles and the ACTUAL autopsy shows his injuries to be a gunshot wound and a small scratch on his ring finger. NOWHERE does the autopsy state he had bruises to his knuckles that is a lie.
Your opinion doesn't mean shit unless you performed a autopsy on him which you didn't. Now you claimed he had bruises on his knuckles and the ACTUAL autopsy shows his injuries to be a gunshot wound and a small scratch on his ring finger. NOWHERE does the autopsy state he had bruises to his knuckles that is a lie.

Like I pointed out, you or I don't understand all that medical jargon unless you have a medical degree. What you're telling me is every single media outlet is wrong but you're right based on something you couldn't possibly understand.

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