Manchin: I am not a roadblock


Platinum Member
Sep 11, 2017
The GOP should be grateful for Manchin and Arizona Senator Sinema.

They understand how this is supposed to work.

And the government terrorists like AOC can take buckshot in the a$$ for all I care.

May the GOP never speak of nuking the filibuster.

"The House was designed to be hot as a fire cracker. We were designed to cool it off, and that's the Founding Fathers. It was a brilliant strategy they looked at, so why can't we try to make this work?" Manchin continued.

That is what stands between us and the power grab by the left.

If D.C. becomes a state. We will petition to cut Utah into 4 states.
The filibuster has benefitted both sides of the aisle when needed.
As for trying to make D.C. a state, I'm pretty sure that, that is unconstitutional. All they have to do, is make it part of Maryland.
I don't believe that their push to have Puerto Rico become a state, will be successful. I could be wrong. However, every time that Puerto Rico has put forth a vote on statehood, it is turned down. The Puerto Ricans don't mind their local taxes, but don't want to be burdened with federal taxes, so they vote no on statehood every time.
The GOP had better wake up to the mess they have on their hands.

The losses in Georgia were devastating.

Manchin and Sinema are blue dog types and are heros in my book.
Sen Manchin is an opportunist more interested in what benefits he can get West Virginia. He is quite aware of his position as power broker in the Senate.
Sen Manchin is an opportunist more interested in what benefits he can get West Virginia. He is quite aware of his position as power broker in the Senate.

On this one, I will disagree.

The same with Sinema. She is a huge advocate of LGBT issues, but she does not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Manchin knows his role.

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