Marco Rubio Speaks Out

Last March Rep. Schiff said there was "little to be gained by putting the country through" the "wrenching experience" of a partisan impeachment.

But then they decided to do it anyway.

The House admitted they didn’t try to enforce testimony of witnesses in court because it would tie them up in litigation for a year. But then spent weeks demanding the Senate do it now. We were never going to play this stupid game with them

The same people to say "how dare Trump disagree with our intelligence professionals" are also the ones doubting the "intelligence professionals" on Soleimani planning an imminent attack.
The poll tested "stealing the election" line was also a joke. Was Trump trying to tamper with voting equipment or something? I wanted to laugh every time they said it but I think laughing was against the Senate impeachment rules

most obnoxious argument was the "I have secret information that's damning,but I can’t divulge it" Total crap. We have access to the same information & you don't have squat. If you did it would be leaked. Just like the mole at NSC illegally leaking portions of Bolton's book.

Bottom line is despite not initially wanting to do it they were bullied into impeachment by radical far left voices they are afraid of. Then they fell in love with the case & the cameras & the adoration of the media & forgot the damage impeachment inflicts on the country.

Marco Rubio ^


So howcome you masters of the universe in the senate didn't allow a motion to dismiss like you did with Clinton? Giving your fake opponents cover. Government is just a big WWE match, both sides taking public $$$.

Two weeks of senate in trial mode is playing the stupid game with them. Of all people, Murkowski had the balls to call the articles out as worthless. Rubio comes out after the fact. Weakling.

I'm glad Trump was acquitted, but the GOP is putting up a half-baked fight.... as it usually does. But at least this time almost all of them stood together....Collins and Romney should have new committee assignments in the COAT ROOM, they are almost as dangerous to the nations health as the toxic DemonRATS!

I take it Rubio put this out to make up for his poorly worded video message he made after the vote for no witnesses.
Bottom line is that DJT has been Impeached and should be removed from office. Bottom line.
The bottom line is that impeachment has an asterisk next to it that says, "Democrat impeachment with bipartisan opposition".

No it wasn't bipartisan opposition, I'm sure Collins and Romney knew Alexander would not vote for more witnesses. And probably Lisa from AK got a call from tramp the night before and bribed her.
You’re “sure”? Then link it.
Bottom line is that DJT has been Impeached and should be removed from office. Bottom line.
Acquitted. Impeached = indicted. Acquitted = Not Guilty

Not proven guilty.
Everyone who is not guilty in our legal system is not “proven” guilty. As the burden of proof lies with the accuser. Thank you for agreeing with me.

Bullshit. I can't agree with you when this "verdict" is the result of a "trial" in which many of the jurors refused to hear any evidence and came into the jury box with their minds already made up, entirely ignoring the oath they took. Looks like these senators may have committed perjury.

The accusers were deprived of any opportunity to present their evidence, including the newly-discovered evidence in the form of a witness who was present during the events in question. They turned this "trial" into a sham worthy of the old Soviet Union. The orange whore is guilty as sin and everybody knows it. But why not trash the Republic?
But for illegal democrat
Most people who had a negative opinion had to be told what Trump was accused of was wrong. A Prog in the same circumstances would never have been impeached. Repubs better do this back to them.

Baseless statements. republicans have acted to keep a criminal in office and to hide what he has done from the American People. How does one have a trial with no witnesses or other evidence being presented. Don't forget that the orange whore deliberately (and illegally) prevented witnesses and documentary evidence from being presented, even though they supposedly would have exonerated him.

Every Senator took the following oath:
"Do you solemnly swear that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of Donald John Trump, president of the United States, now pending, you will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws, so help you god?"
But then did nothing to hide that they entered the Senate chamber with their minds already made up as to how they would vote, in violation of this oath, fidgeting with toys, doing crossword puzzles, reading books. These people have no allegiance to this country or to its constitution. They don't have a shred of integrity.

Why you people think that anyone would want to vote for a republican after this and everything else we have seen is beyond me. This is disgusting, not to mention un-American.
The Senate never prevented the House from calling witnesses

Then explain why there had to be a vote to call witnesses and admit other evidence in the Senate trial.

What "other evidence"?

We were told the House's case was airtight and the evidence was overwhelming and incontrovertible.

The other evidence includes documents and e-mails that were requested or subpoenaed, but were withheld by the executive-branch departments in possession of them. Without witnesses and these other materials, a case could not be presented. The republicans are responsible for not allowing the testimony and evidence that would support an airtight case to be laid out in front of the Senate and the American People, so you can't now ask where the evidence is. How circular.

This reminds me of the old definition of "chutzpah": killing your parents and then throwing yourself on the mercy of the court because you're an orphan.
So you're saying Iran Nan's case should not have been presented for lack of evidence, but she presented it anyway
Bottom line is that DJT has been Impeached and should be removed from office. Bottom line.
The bottom line is that impeachment has an asterisk next to it that says, "Democrat impeachment with bipartisan opposition".

No it wasn't bipartisan opposition, I'm sure Collins and Romney knew Alexander would not vote for more witnesses. And probably Lisa from AK got a call from tramp the night before and bribed her.
You’re “sure”? Then link it.

All under wraps, but I'm 99.9% sure of the above. They will never advertise it, but watch AK in the future.

You have to be 100% innocent to not know this and I doubt you are, that would mean you are an infant.
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But for illegal democrat
Baseless statements. republicans have acted to keep a criminal in office and to hide what he has done from the American People. How does one have a trial with no witnesses or other evidence being presented. Don't forget that the orange whore deliberately (and illegally) prevented witnesses and documentary evidence from being presented, even though they supposedly would have exonerated him.

Every Senator took the following oath:
"Do you solemnly swear that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of Donald John Trump, president of the United States, now pending, you will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws, so help you god?"
But then did nothing to hide that they entered the Senate chamber with their minds already made up as to how they would vote, in violation of this oath, fidgeting with toys, doing crossword puzzles, reading books. These people have no allegiance to this country or to its constitution. They don't have a shred of integrity.

Why you people think that anyone would want to vote for a republican after this and everything else we have seen is beyond me. This is disgusting, not to mention un-American.
The Senate never prevented the House from calling witnesses

Then explain why there had to be a vote to call witnesses and admit other evidence in the Senate trial.

What "other evidence"?

We were told the House's case was airtight and the evidence was overwhelming and incontrovertible.

The other evidence includes documents and e-mails that were requested or subpoenaed, but were withheld by the executive-branch departments in possession of them. Without witnesses and these other materials, a case could not be presented. The republicans are responsible for not allowing the testimony and evidence that would support an airtight case to be laid out in front of the Senate and the American People, so you can't now ask where the evidence is. How circular.

This reminds me of the old definition of "chutzpah": killing your parents and then throwing yourself on the mercy of the court because you're an orphan.
So you're saying Iran Nan's case should not have been presented for lack of evidence, but she presented it anyway

Who in the heck is Iran Nan? If you are talking about Speaker Pelosi, I suggest that you look at the chronology. Certain facts were uncovered during the investigation, without the assistance of many witnesses who failed to appear and many pertinent documents that were illegally withheld (see article II), that were deemed sufficient to write articles of impeachment. These articles were put up to a vote in the House and passed and forwarded to the Senate. This was all done properly.

Don't put ridiculous words in my mouth. There was no lack of evidence. The Senate just refused, in a concerted partisan attack on this country, its constitution, and its institutions, to adhere to the oath each member took and have the evidence presented for its, and our, consideration. Why have the witnesses not appeared in front of the Senate and the withheld documents placed in front of the Senate? Any honest person would insist on this.
"Just because actions meet a standard of impeachment does not mean it is in the best interest of the country to remove a president from office,” Rubio wrote.

Seriously? How could allowing a president to remain in office after committing impeachable offenses be in the best interest of the country? It definitely is not in the best interest of the country to allow a criminal to become a de facto dictator who thumbs his nose at the U.S. Constitution and laws.

This demonstrates why rubio should not be in the Senate, much less be considered as a possible POTUS.
Most people who had a negative opinion had to be told what Trump was accused of was wrong. A Prog in the same circumstances would never have been impeached. Repubs better do this back to them.

Baseless statements. republicans have acted to keep a criminal in office and to hide what he has done from the American People. How does one have a trial with no witnesses or other evidence being presented. Don't forget that the orange whore deliberately (and illegally) prevented witnesses and documentary evidence from being presented, even though they supposedly would have exonerated him.

Every Senator took the following oath:
"Do you solemnly swear that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of Donald John Trump, president of the United States, now pending, you will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws, so help you god?"
But then did nothing to hide that they entered the Senate chamber with their minds already made up as to how they would vote, in violation of this oath, fidgeting with toys, doing crossword puzzles, reading books. These people have no allegiance to this country or to its constitution. They don't have a shred of integrity.

Why you people think that anyone would want to vote for a republican after this and everything else we have seen is beyond me. This is disgusting, not to mention un-American.
The Senate never prevented the House from calling witnesses

Is this your story now? During the Senate trial, they certain did. Did you actually read what was voted on for including witnesses? It was all voted down including two for calling Bolton who had already volunteered to testify.

Let's look at the Rump Defense Stategy.

1. Rump is innocent

2. Okay, he's not innocent but he broke no laws

3. Okay, he's guilty but .......(fill in excuse here) The one I like is that the President can't be held accountable like everyone else. Meaning, Rump is above the law.
Bottom line is that DJT has been Impeached and should be removed from office. Bottom line.
Acquitted. Impeached = indicted. Acquitted = Not Guilty

Not proven guilty.
Everyone who is not guilty in our legal system is not “proven” guilty. As the burden of proof lies with the accuser. Thank you for agreeing with me.

Bullshit. I can't agree with you when this "verdict" is the result of a "trial" in which many of the jurors refused to hear any evidence and came into the jury box with their minds already made up, entirely ignoring the oath they took. Looks like these senators may have committed perjury.

The accusers were deprived of any opportunity to present their evidence, including the newly-discovered evidence in the form of a witness who was present during the events in question. They turned this "trial" into a sham worthy of the old Soviet Union. The orange whore is guilty as sin and everybody knows it. But why not trash the Republic?
House said they had more than enough evidence to convict. So why call more witnesses? It was because they rushed their impeachment and that was because this is an election year. They are petrified to let the people decide and that to me is ridiculous. All the info is out there so let the voters decide. People like you just plain and simple suck.
Bottom line is that DJT has been Impeached and should be removed from office. Bottom line.
The bottom line is that impeachment has an asterisk next to it that says, "Democrat impeachment with bipartisan opposition".

No it wasn't bipartisan opposition, I'm sure Collins and Romney knew Alexander would not vote for more witnesses. And probably Lisa from AK got a call from tramp the night before and bribed her.
You’re “sure”? Then link it.

All under wraps, but I'm 99.9% sure of the above. They will never advertise it, but watch AK in the future.

You have to be 100% innocent to not know this and I doubt you are, that would mean you are an infant.
So you lied. Thanks for clarifying. No go back to your Holocaust denial hobby.
"Just because actions meet a standard of impeachment does not mean it is in the best interest of the country to remove a president from office,” Rubio wrote.

Seriously? How could allowing a president to remain in office after committing impeachable offenses be in the best interest of the country? It definitely is not in the best interest of the country to allow a criminal to become a de facto dictator who thumbs his nose at the U.S. Constitution and laws.

This demonstrates why rubio should not be in the Senate, much less be considered as a possible POTUS.
Most people who had a negative opinion had to be told what Trump was accused of was wrong. A Prog in the same circumstances would never have been impeached. Repubs better do this back to them.

Baseless statements. republicans have acted to keep a criminal in office and to hide what he has done from the American People. How does one have a trial with no witnesses or other evidence being presented. Don't forget that the orange whore deliberately (and illegally) prevented witnesses and documentary evidence from being presented, even though they supposedly would have exonerated him.

Every Senator took the following oath:
"Do you solemnly swear that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of Donald John Trump, president of the United States, now pending, you will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws, so help you god?"
But then did nothing to hide that they entered the Senate chamber with their minds already made up as to how they would vote, in violation of this oath, fidgeting with toys, doing crossword puzzles, reading books. These people have no allegiance to this country or to its constitution. They don't have a shred of integrity.

Why you people think that anyone would want to vote for a republican after this and everything else we have seen is beyond me. This is disgusting, not to mention un-American.
The Senate never prevented the House from calling witnesses

Is this your story now? During the Senate trial, they certain did. Did you actually read what was voted on for including witnesses? It was all voted down including two for calling Bolton who had already volunteered to testify.

Let's look at the Rump Defense Stategy.

1. Rump is innocent

2. Okay, he's not innocent but he broke no laws

3. Okay, he's guilty but .......(fill in excuse here) The one I like is that the President can't be held accountable like everyone else. Meaning, Rump is above the law.
He did not commit an offense that would be so awful that he should be removed from office. There is no excuse for you as you’re an idiot.
Bottom line is that DJT has been Impeached and should be removed from office. Bottom line.

"Bottom line" is that DJT should have never BEEN impeached and Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler all know it but did so anyways for political reasons...not because they had a case against him! What you've just witnessed was political theatre at it's sleaziest.
Both Rubio and Lamar Alexander admitted that Trump is guilty as charged. They just don't care

What they "admitted" was that they thought Trump was wrong to ask for the investigation into Biden...what they both were quite clear about was that they didn't think what Trump did even came close to being a reason to impeach a sitting President!

The "bottom line" as your fellow liberal just called that the left impeached Donald Trump because they're scared to death that they can't defeat him AGAIN in an election and they didn't know what else to do OTHER than go through this farce!
Last March Rep. Schiff said there was "little to be gained by putting the country through" the "wrenching experience" of a partisan impeachment.

But then they decided to do it anyway.

The House admitted they didn’t try to enforce testimony of witnesses in court because it would tie them up in litigation for a year. But then spent weeks demanding the Senate do it now. We were never going to play this stupid game with them

The same people to say "how dare Trump disagree with our intelligence professionals" are also the ones doubting the "intelligence professionals" on Soleimani planning an imminent attack.
The poll tested "stealing the election" line was also a joke. Was Trump trying to tamper with voting equipment or something? I wanted to laugh every time they said it but I think laughing was against the Senate impeachment rules

most obnoxious argument was the "I have secret information that's damning,but I can’t divulge it" Total crap. We have access to the same information & you don't have squat. If you did it would be leaked. Just like the mole at NSC illegally leaking portions of Bolton's book.

Bottom line is despite not initially wanting to do it they were bullied into impeachment by radical far left voices they are afraid of. Then they fell in love with the case & the cameras & the adoration of the media & forgot the damage impeachment inflicts on the country.

Marco Rubio ^


So howcome you masters of the universe in the senate didn't allow a motion to dismiss like you did with Clinton? Giving your fake opponents cover. Government is just a big WWE match, both sides taking public $$$.

Two weeks of senate in trial mode is playing the stupid game with them. Of all people, Murkowski had the balls to call the articles out as worthless. Rubio comes out after the fact. Weakling.

I'm glad Trump was acquitted, but the GOP is putting up a half-baked fight.... as it usually does. But at least this time almost all of them stood together....Collins and Romney should have new committee assignments in the COAT ROOM, they are almost as dangerous to the nations health as the toxic DemonRATS!

So Rubio agrees he committed impeachable acts?

Just because actions meet a standard of impeachment does not mean it is in the best interest of the country to remove a President from office," Rubio wrote in a Medium post.

Rubio: Impeachable actions don't necessarily mean a president should be removed
Both Rubio and Lamar Alexander admitted that Trump is guilty as charged. They just don't care

What they "admitted" was that they thought Trump was wrong to ask for the investigation into Biden...what they both were quite clear about was that they didn't think what Trump did even came close to being a reason to impeach a sitting President!

The "bottom line" as your fellow liberal just called that the left impeached Donald Trump because they're scared to death that they can't defeat him AGAIN in an election and they didn't know what else to do OTHER than go through this farce!

Is he guilty? yes. Is it an impeachable offense? yes. Is it enough to have him removed from office? No. Is it illegal to do such actions if you are President? It is now.
Both Rubio and Lamar Alexander admitted that Trump is guilty as charged. They just don't care

What they "admitted" was that they thought Trump was wrong to ask for the investigation into Biden...what they both were quite clear about was that they didn't think what Trump did even came close to being a reason to impeach a sitting President!

The "bottom line" as your fellow liberal just called that the left impeached Donald Trump because they're scared to death that they can't defeat him AGAIN in an election and they didn't know what else to do OTHER than go through this farce!

Is he guilty? yes. Is it an impeachable offense? yes. Is it enough to have him removed from office? No. Is it illegal to do such actions if you are President? It is now.

Get serious, Daryl! This was never an impeachable offense! I'm sorry but it wasn't. Asking for an investigation into what the Biden's were doing in the Ukraine should have been done by someone because let's be honest here for might not be illegal...but it sure as hell was corrupt! Trump probably would have been better served to let someone at Justice handle that so he could claim it was nothing he knew know...Barry's favorite ploy? That isn't Trump's style though. After getting smeared by the left for the better part of four years he probably relished giving them a little of their own in return by exposing what the Biden's had been up to in the Ukraine. That doesn't make asking for favors in return for foreign aid anymore "illegal" than it was before! All Presidents have done it. All Presidents will continue to do it!
Both Rubio and Lamar Alexander admitted that Trump is guilty as charged. They just don't care

What they "admitted" was that they thought Trump was wrong to ask for the investigation into Biden...what they both were quite clear about was that they didn't think what Trump did even came close to being a reason to impeach a sitting President!

The "bottom line" as your fellow liberal just called that the left impeached Donald Trump because they're scared to death that they can't defeat him AGAIN in an election and they didn't know what else to do OTHER than go through this farce!

Is he guilty? yes. Is it an impeachable offense? yes. Is it enough to have him removed from office? No. Is it illegal to do such actions if you are President? It is now.

Get serious, Daryl! This was never an impeachable offense! I'm sorry but it wasn't. Asking for an investigation into what the Biden's were doing in the Ukraine should have been done by someone because let's be honest here for might not be illegal...but it sure as hell was corrupt! Trump probably would have been better served to let someone at Justice handle that so he could claim it was nothing he knew know...Barry's favorite ploy? That isn't Trump's style though. After getting smeared by the left for the better part of four years he probably relished giving them a little of their own in return by exposing what the Biden's had been up to in the Ukraine. That doesn't make asking for favors in return for foreign aid anymore "illegal" than it was before! All Presidents have done it. All Presidents will continue to do it!

Rump didn't have to ask. He could order it at any time. And the Justice Department would have headed the investigation. But that would have meant transparency and he would have to explain why. And it wouldn't have been linked to the Ukrainian Funds at all unless Rump went before congress and congress agreed to suspend those funds or at least delay those funds. He couldn't allow congress or the public to know about his actions since they were definitely for his own personal gains. So he did it behind close doors and tried to keep it within Rudy and the Executive Branch without involving the AG or the Justice Department. Since he did not have a legitimate reason other than damaging Biden in the up and coming elections, even Bolton bailed on him.

The big difference is (and it's an impeachable offense) is that Rump tried to get a favor for his own personal gain in the 2020 election from a foreign power by using withholding funds that that country badly needed to defend itself from Rumps Uncle Vlad. The other Presidents did ask for favors but it was for things for America, not for their own personal gain. You left out that part in your response. But as of tuesday, it's going to be legal for any president to do whatever the hell he wants to do. No President will be held accountable for any action no matter how damaging to the Nation and the National Security it is.

The Senate could have easily done a Censure on Rump and gotten good results. They still can. But once they vote Tuesday, it's too late. You think Rump has been a bad boy up to now? Here, hold my beer.
TRUMP ACQUITED IS THE NEW HEADLINE TO BE INCLUDED IN ALL HISTORY BOOKS IN THE FUTURE.....Perhaps they will refer to the MANY great books like Garetts for the truth!

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