Marco Rubio

Sarah G

When Nothing Goes Right, Go Left
Mar 4, 2009
NW Ohio
I just saw him on The Tonight Show and Jimmy asked him if he would consider the VP slot. He said no but he'd love NFL Commissioner. Why? Because you can suspend people. He seems to think a commissioner has a lot of power when in reality, they work for the owners.

That guy doesn't know any more about the NFL than he does politics.

Don't trust Rubio, he is owned by the Jewish Lobby.
He also has a Napoleon complex. Little man, big ego.
I may not agree with some of Rubio's politics, but I've never minded him. He does have a certain likability about him. He just comes across as a pretty boy pandering to his base. He's probably never watched an NFL game in his life. :lol:
I just saw him on The Tonight Show and Jimmy asked him if he would consider the VP slot. He said no but he'd love NFL Commissioner. Why? Because you can suspend people. He seems to think a commissioner has a lot of power when in reality, they work for the owners.

That guy doesn't know any more about the NFL than he does politics.

Rubio is your typical TPM nitwit: ignorant, vacuous, naïve, simplistic, and sophomoric, an advocate of failed, wrongheaded rightist fiscal dogma; he's also a social conservative hostile to the privacy rights of women and the equal protection rights of gay Americans.

He's wholly unqualified to be president.
I can't believe there are some liberals who actually think Rubio was being serious with that but then again many of them thought Tina Fey's I can see Russia from my backyard SNL skit was based on fact so it's not totally surprising.
He was being serious, he said and a lot of people think this is true that the commissioner's job is as powerful as the president's. He was serious.
Here's a fascinating quiz I just took. I've been a Trump supporter all along and will continue to be. According to the quiz, I favor Rubio's platform which is moderate right. Within 5 percentage points my next 3 are Huckabee, Carson and Trump. I will take anyone of those 4.

2016 Presidential Election Quiz
I can't believe there are some liberals who actually think Rubio was being serious with that but then again many of them thought Tina Fey's I can see Russia from my backyard SNL skit was based on fact so it's not totally surprising.
He was being serious, he said and a lot of people think this is true that the commissioner's job is as powerful as the president's. He was serious.
Yeah sure he was and if Hillary said something like that and the right was claiming she was serious you and the rest of the left would be here claiming she was making a joke. Same old Partisan bullshit different day.
Here's a fascinating quiz I just took. I've been a Trump supporter all along and will continue to be. According to the quiz, I favor Rubio's platform which is moderate right. Within 5 percentage points my next 3 are Huckabee, Carson and Trump. I will take anyone of those 4.

2016 Presidential Election Quiz
I side with Bernie Sanders on 95% of issues in the 2016 Presidential election

I side with Hillary Clinton on 95% of issues in the 2016 Presidential election

Here's a fascinating quiz I just took. I've been a Trump supporter all along and will continue to be. According to the quiz, I favor Rubio's platform which is moderate right. Within 5 percentage points my next 3 are Huckabee, Carson and Trump. I will take anyone of those 4.

2016 Presidential Election Quiz
I side with Bernie Sanders on 95% of issues in the 2016 Presidential election

I side with Hillary Clinton on 95% of issues in the 2016 Presidential election

I didn't realize you were a Commie, Sarah G.
You sir, need to do your homework before calling anyone names.
Rubio is bought and paid for by AIPAC, Remember Google is your friend.

Here's Trump mocking you.

Don't trust Rubio, he is owned by the Jewish Lobby.
He also has a Napoleon complex. Little man, big ego.
Someone deleted a thread suggesting Marco Rubio is gay. They had pictures posted that look very suspect. You can find it if you search but it's been closed. That's bullshit because there might be some truth to it.

I love how the GOP said Clinton smoked pot but then elect Bush who did cocaine. They said Obama wasn't an American citizen and want to elect Ted Cruz, who is NOT AN AMERICAN.

Republicans say they are anti gay but really they are closeted gays.

Marco Rubio's Childhood Friend Tied to Miami's Most Infamous Gay Porn Case
Sure I experimented with homosexuality in college but who didn't, right?

Marco Rubio’s first year of college at a small school in Missouri ended badly. His grades were awful. A neck injury dashed any hopes of achieving greatness on the football field. He was hurting for money.
He resolved to go back to Florida and get his life on a path to success. Instead the 18-year-old added to his troubles after returning to Miami for summer break: He was arrested one night in May 1990 for being in a crime-plagued public park known for having gays in it after closing time.

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