Marines’ Benghazi Rescue Platoon Was Kept on Tarmac for Six Hours

...not that Hillary / Obama know that or care about that, xband. They were more concerned with not OFFENDING the terrorists by showing up to a firefight in uniform...

...and this clown is their Commander and Chief and the other one wants to be. Good grief!
...not that Hillary / Obama know that or care about that, xband. They were more concerned with not OFFENDING the terrorists by showing up to a firefight in uniform...

...and this clown is their Commander and Chief and the other one wants to be. Good grief!

How far is Bengasi from the Mediterranean Sea? I have never been there but think that it is not too far. We are not going to finish this mess with special forces and need to bring in the US Army and US Navy and go all out.
...not that Hillary / Obama know that or care about that, xband. They were more concerned with not OFFENDING the terrorists by showing up to a firefight in uniform...

...and this clown is their Commander and Chief and the other one wants to be. Good grief!

How far is Bengasi from the Mediterranean Sea? I have never been there but think that it is not too far. We are not going to finish this mess with special forces and need to bring in the US Army and US Navy and go all out.

Benghazi was too far away from a much-needed 'timely' military response team. Instead of hiring an Al Qaeida-associated militia to guard Ambassador Stephens and Americans, Hillary / Obama should have had marines guarding that compound...or a LOT more American security.

For MONTHS the Commander and Chief and the Secretary of State had known about the threat of attacks on US facilities throughout the Middle East on the anniversary of 9/11/01 AND knew about the call to assassinate Ambassador Stevens from An Al Qaeida leader. For months or more they KNEW Stephens had reported on the growing threat and had asked for additional security HUNDREDS of times. For MONTHS they knew they had no military stationed closed enough to respond in a timely manner to save Americans if those attacks came. For WEEKS they knew about the 2 terrorist attacks on his compound, the last one leaving a 4 foot hole in the compound wall AND his e-mail that clearly stated if there was a 3rd coordinated attack and he did not have additional security HE WOULD DIE.

They DENIED every request for additional security AND stripped 14 members of his security team from Stephens after the 2 terrorist attacks! (All spelled out in the report and investigations)

:wtf: That's not just 'wrong-doing' - that's 'CRIMINAL wrong-doing' stemming from extreme ignorance / stupidity.

In the end, when the fecal matter hit the rotating oscillator they were completely caught un-prepared, had no idea what to do, could not make a decision, and the 1st decision they made while Americans were under attack was to begin crafting a false story to cover their own asses.

This is the ultimate case for why Obama nor Hillary should be Commander and Chief.
'If you like your plan you can keep your plan."
Complain to your insurer - it has nothing to do with Obamacare.
It had everything to do with Obamacare. The law mandated a new minimum amount of govt-defined insurance requiring almost all policies to change. It was a lie. Learn what you're talking about before speaking.
Learn logic, then re-read your first two sentences. And the subject is the rescue team, not your misunderstanding of ACA.
'If you like your plan you can keep your plan."
Complain to your insurer - it has nothing to do with Obamacare.
It had everything to do with Obamacare. The law mandated a new minimum amount of govt-defined insurance requiring almost all policies to change. It was a lie. Learn what you're talking about before speaking.
Learn logic, then re-read your first two sentences. And the subject is the rescue team, not your misunderstanding of ACA.

We have ships in the Med all the time. I am quite sure that there was at least one carrier, LPD, LHD, or LHA that had the resources to send help to Benghazi.

The fact is that Clinton and Obama did not want to acknowledge a terrorist attack 2 months before the election after they both declared that al Qaeda was on the run.

And Romney was too stupid to call Obama on it during the last debate. Corruption and incompetence on all sides.
"I have heard Liberals say you don't send them because you don't know what the situation is on the ground."

I fail to see how liberals created this tactic when it is a military textbook maneuver...
Waiting for information isnt a "military maneuver". Quit trying to sound like you know anything about military operations.
"I have heard Liberals say you don't send them because you don't know what the situation is on the ground."

I fail to see how liberals created this tactic when it is a military textbook maneuver...
Waiting for information isnt a "military maneuver". Quit trying to sound like you know anything about military operations.
Sitting on a runway ready to take off to go to the rescue of a compound under attack and rescue Americans in danger is an 'Operation'...except it WASN'T because they were never allowed to go.
"I have heard Liberals say you don't send them because you don't know what the situation is on the ground."

I fail to see how liberals created this tactic when it is a military textbook maneuver...
Waiting for information isnt a "military maneuver". Quit trying to sound like you know anything about military operations.
I guess pre-planning isn't either..
"I have heard Liberals say you don't send them because you don't know what the situation is on the ground."

I fail to see how liberals created this tactic when it is a military textbook maneuver...
Waiting for information isnt a "military maneuver". Quit trying to sound like you know anything about military operations.
I guess pre-planning isn't either..
Pre-planning for a mission really isn't a 'maneuver' either, if you want to be technical about it.

Changing uniforms 4 times and waiting to decide to bring weapons was "Prep - Work"?

Rapid Deployment Forces: Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, CIA, ...Private TRAIN almost 24/7.

Ask yourself, "Why was there such a large contingent of CIA?"

Ask yourself, "Why was everyone present when they took out Bin Ladin but not even the Sec Def could be found for Benghazi?"

Ask yourself, "The Sec Def gives an order to go in. Why was this order ignored?"
For the deniers.

Our GOP has to win the campaign fair and square. McCain tried and failed a bit. Romney tried smearing and got hammered.

Now we have Trump. Sigh
That is what happens when you have traitors inside the upper ranks of the Administration and generals that are more politicians that soldier.
^^^ This is what happens when you have morons on message boards.
Which is better, having your nose up Obama's ass or Clinton's?
Murdoch's, Adelson's, Moonie's, Koch's....Fox/WSJ, Examiner, Wash. Times, Heritage etc etc. Then you're absolutely clueless...
Last edited:
Two Corinthians walked into a bar in Scotland and asked the bartender why Trump was mad that Warren is an Indian.

Indians run casinos better than Trump.
Hmm, who knows about military operations? The military, or some guy on a message board...

Such a difficult choice.
Yer right as usual. We career military combat veterans don't know shit about military operations. And at times I was an Operations Sergeant but of course we didn't do anything except play pinochle an tell war stories.

What a sgt. did in the military twenty or thirty years ago has no meaning today. You weren't part of the command heirarchy, decision making, or know anything of the strategic or tactical situation in Libya 4 years ago. Being a sailor on a destroyer 20 years ago has no bearing on what decisions the navy makes today, nor does a pilot in a C-130.

Abject lesson in Red Herring over.
My friend, it's no secret that in the Army and Navy, the NCOs and POs, Operations and Intelligence specialists, overseen by junior officers, do the actual intel gathering and operations planning. It doesn't make any difference in 2016 than it did in 1916. Then the senior officers review modify and formulate the plan and then it goes to the CO for final review and a signature. It doesn't matter if it is battalion level, division or corps level. All the people working on the ops plan do what they're trained for, their Military Occupational Specialty. So don't try to bullshit a bullshitter.
Hmm, who knows about military operations? The military, or some guy on a message board...

Such a difficult choice.
Yer right as usual. We career military combat veterans don't know shit about military operations. And at times I was an Operations Sergeant but of course we didn't do anything except play pinochle an tell war stories.

What a sgt. did in the military twenty or thirty years ago has no meaning today. You weren't part of the command heirarchy, decision making, or know anything of the strategic or tactical situation in Libya 4 years ago. Being a sailor on a destroyer 20 years ago has no bearing on what decisions the navy makes today, nor does a pilot in a C-130.

Abject lesson in Red Herring over.
My friend, it's no secret that in the Army and Navy, the NCOs and POs, Operations and Intelligence specialists, overseen by junior officers, do the actual intel gathering and operations planning. It doesn't make any difference in 2016 than it did in 1916. Then the senior officers review modify and formulate the plan and then it goes to the CO for final review and a signature. It doesn't matter if it is battalion level, division or corps level. All the people working on the ops plan do what they're trained for, their Military Occupational Specialty. So don't try to bullshit a bullshitter.

Spin it anyway that suits you. You aren't in the know of what the command structure knew or the decisions they make today. Relax, you don't have to be. You also don't have to pretend you are an 'insider'. You aren't.
Hmm, who knows about military operations? The military, or some guy on a message board...

Such a difficult choice.
Yer right as usual. We career military combat veterans don't know shit about military operations. And at times I was an Operations Sergeant but of course we didn't do anything except play pinochle an tell war stories.

What a sgt. did in the military twenty or thirty years ago has no meaning today. You weren't part of the command heirarchy, decision making, or know anything of the strategic or tactical situation in Libya 4 years ago. Being a sailor on a destroyer 20 years ago has no bearing on what decisions the navy makes today, nor does a pilot in a C-130.

Abject lesson in Red Herring over.
My friend, it's no secret that in the Army and Navy, the NCOs and POs, Operations and Intelligence specialists, overseen by junior officers, do the actual intel gathering and operations planning. It doesn't make any difference in 2016 than it did in 1916. Then the senior officers review modify and formulate the plan and then it goes to the CO for final review and a signature. It doesn't matter if it is battalion level, division or corps level. All the people working on the ops plan do what they're trained for, their Military Occupational Specialty. So don't try to bullshit a bullshitter.

Spin it anyway that suits you. You aren't in the know of what the command structure knew or the decisions they make today. Relax, you don't have to be. You also don't have to pretend you are an 'insider'. You aren't.
Never read a word I said.
Our GOP has to win the campaign fair and square. McCain tried and failed a bit. Romney tried smearing and got hammered.

Now we have Trump. Sigh

Funny how you didn't say the Libs have to win 'fair and square'...not that they could run any campaign that way, as their 2016 primary showed.
'If you like your plan you can keep your plan."
Complain to your insurer - it has nothing to do with Obamacare.
It had everything to do with Obamacare. The law mandated a new minimum amount of govt-defined insurance requiring almost all policies to change. It was a lie. Learn what you're talking about before speaking.
Then why didn't your insurer just modify your existing policy? Your beef is with them.

When Citibank changes their terms of usage on their credit cards, do they cancel your account and make you apply for a new one? No. They send you a Change of Terms Of Service notice, and that's that.
Our GOP has to win the campaign fair and square. McCain tried and failed a bit. Romney tried smearing and got hammered.

Now we have Trump. Sigh

Funny how you didn't say the Libs have to win 'fair and square'...not that they could run any campaign that way, as their 2016 primary showed.
Our GOP includes angry little elephunts like you, easyt. You will be out of power in the party by as early as the convention, certainly after Donald's defeat.

This is where we are at the moment with you phucy phrees, so we will lose some trunk and then stomp your political power into the mud.


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