Mark Levin Calls on Republicans to Boycott State of the Union

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Too funny. You republicans will all listen to Obama so you can negative post the following day. The scary thing you guys need to consider is the lonely lives you'll lead after Obama retires.

Too funny. You republicans will all listen to Obama so you can negative post the following day. The scary thing you guys need to consider is the lonely lives you'll lead after Obama retires.

His stink will live long after he is gone.
Levin is a smart guy but he wants to play a democrat game when the media makes sure the deck is stacked against republicans. The truth is that republicans, unlike democrats, have respect for tradition and the office even if fewer and fewer people respect the amateur former community activist currently in charge.

That may be true. However, the GOP have been stabbed in the back and burned too many times with the establishment republican's insistence on Big Tent and reaching across the aisle.
Every time it's done, the dems just do what they want and flip the bird to the GOP.
It would be a bad move for the GOP and here's why.
This concept comes from the far right camp of the GOP, most people who identify with the GOP aren't far right. The target voter that the GOP needs to attract are Independents or Moderates and huge majority of these people aren't far right. A majority of Americans viewed the GOP has being too extreme in a Pew poll about a year ago. That was probably based on some pretty crazy thing that some Tea Party folks said or did. (FYI, I'm not saying all Tea Party are that nuts, just as not all far left folks are that nuts)
If the GOP is hoping to win big in this years election, they can't afford to look/act extreme.
Now I know that USMB is over represented by the far right when comparing USMB's demographics and the country's demographics. So it may seem like a good idea for a majority of right wing posters here on USMB. But in reality, it'd be a move that'd probably offend a much higher percentage of voters who don't watch cable news (which is a huge majority of Americans).

Too extreme. Well that is the version from the MSM.
THEY planted that seed and made it stick. So much so that ALL conservative thought and speech is viewed as 'extremist'....It's total bullshit.
Instead of a boring band rendition of "Hail to The Chief" THIS "president" will goose-step in to the delightful sound of The Democrat Chorus, Harry Reid conducting.

Is that Al Sharpton second to the left? Imagine the practice session wrestling matches over who would get the most honored, most leftmost, position!
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sets a bad tone and makes us look like petty fools on the world stage. plus, no matter how much we disagree politically, we need to show the world we are united as a country and the SOTU is one such venue. it was not its intended purpose, but the whole world watches it now.

we need to show some unity.
Would they missed?

Seriously, the Republicans have been boycotting the United States for some years now. They barely even bother to show up for "work" any more.
I-pod, head phones ear muff style, and listen to this while the Liar and Chief Speaks.

Perhaps playing tunes like this one.......

[ame=]I Am America - Krista Branch - YouTube[/ame]
Well look on the bright side if someone yells out you lie this year there will be plenty of evidence to support the claim.
No one believes the Liar N Chief anymore................

While tradition shows that you have to show up for the State of the Union, it doesn't say you have to listen to the village idiot.............

How about this tune.....................

[ame=]Krista Branch "Remember Who We Are" Official Video - YouTube[/ame]
And considering the way your pubs are going, that's going to be for a loooooooooooooooooooooong time, huh?

tee hee

Uhm. No. "W" held the office for two full terms. He was replaced by Obumbler who is holding it for two terms, too.

The way Obumbler is fucking everything up, however, he might even make it impossible for Shrillary to get elected. You Dims think you have some special claim to the Executive Branch and the almighty (related) Federal Leviathan BUREAUCRACY.

You don't.

When reality hits you (and it will -- hard) enjoy the smack down.

The Dems have a distinct advantage in the Electoral College even before the first vote is cast

Given the increasing difficulty of Republucans to appeal to moderates and independents it is unlikely they can win the presidency for some time

:lol: :)
:) :lol:
Well look on the bright side if someone yells out you lie this year there will be plenty of evidence to support the claim.

Only in the imagination of the nutters on the right.

Unless you know something that Issa and congress does not?

I can not remember any time in my life time that a POTUS during the State of the Union Address has ever OPENLY ATTACKED SCOTUS, until........................................

Wait for it.............................

Obama did it............In history we know that FDR did basically the same thing...........He so disrespected the Constitution that he attempted a Court Packing Scheme.................

How dare anyone challenge him..............

Another selection for the play list.................

Lying Rs don't yell out, "you lie" from the peanut gallery either.

And, Joe Wilson was lying and he knew it.

I always hope that you ignorant rw's will finally look up what "fascism" really is and finally admit that Obama is anything but.

You wanna find fascists? Look at the R party.

Obama is a LIAR.................

Unless you are a boot licking Liberal..............

Here's some Music for Reid to listen to.............I heard he wants to legalize drugs every where and made a stop in Colorado to pick up some weed................So he can get HIGH and remember the good old days of the 60's.............

A little HEAVY METAL for Reid.............PEACE DUDE......................WOW WHAT A RUSH..........

[ame=]Sammy Hagar - Heavy Metal (With Taarna in Stereo) - YouTube[/ame]
No one believes anything the ONE SAYS................

Except his little sheep....................

[ame=]Don Felder - Take A Ride (remix) Heavy Metal Soundtrack - YouTube[/ame]
Would they missed?

Seriously, the Republicans have been boycotting the United States for some years now. They barely even bother to show up for "work" any more.

It's not like Republucans in Congress do anything anyway
Would they missed?

Seriously, the Republicans have been boycotting the United States for some years now. They barely even bother to show up for "work" any more.

Congress currently doesn't work on Mondays or Fridays. Tuesday they meet with their caucus. That leaves Wednesday and Thursday, just two days out of the week, for working on the nation's business. And lets' not forget that some of that time is spent soliciting for campaign contributions.
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